use of in project openolat by klemens.
the class HotspotInteractionStatisticsController method getMultipleChoice.
private Series getMultipleChoice(StatisticsItem itemStats, List<HotspotChoiceStatistics> statisticResponses) {
BarSeries d1 = new BarSeries("bar_green", "green", translate("answer.correct"));
BarSeries d2 = new BarSeries("bar_red", "red", translate("answer.false"));
BarSeries d3 = new BarSeries("bar_grey", "grey", translate("answer.noanswer"));
boolean survey = QTIType.survey.equals(resourceResult.getType());
int numOfParticipants = resourceResult.getQTIStatisticAssessment().getNumOfParticipants();
int notAnswered = numOfParticipants - (itemStats == null ? 0 : itemStats.getNumOfResults());
List<Identifier> correctAnswers = getCorrectResponses();
int i = 0;
List<ResponseInfos> responseInfos = new ArrayList<>();
for (HotspotChoiceStatistics statisticResponse : statisticResponses) {
HotspotChoice choice = statisticResponse.getChoice();
String text = getAnswerText(choice);
boolean correct = correctAnswers.contains(choice.getIdentifier());
double answersPerAnswerOption = statisticResponse.getCount();
double rightA;
double wrongA;
if (survey) {
rightA = answersPerAnswerOption;
wrongA = 0d;
} else if (correct) {
rightA = answersPerAnswerOption;
wrongA = numOfParticipants - notAnswered - answersPerAnswerOption;
} else {
// minus negative points are not answered right?
rightA = numOfParticipants - notAnswered - answersPerAnswerOption;
wrongA = answersPerAnswerOption;
String label = Integer.toString(++i);
d1.add(rightA, label);
d2.add(wrongA, label);
d3.add(notAnswered, label);
Float pointsObj = survey ? null : (correct ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
responseInfos.add(new ResponseInfos(label, text, pointsObj, correct, survey, false));
List<BarSeries> serieList = new ArrayList<>(3);
if (!survey) {
Series series = new Series(serieList, responseInfos, numOfParticipants, !survey);
series.setChartType(survey ? SeriesFactory.BAR_ANSWERED : SeriesFactory.BAR_CORRECT_WRONG_NOT);
return series;