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the class FederatedOperationChainHandler method doOperation.
public CloseableIterable<O_ITEM> doOperation(final FederatedOperationChain<I, O_ITEM> operation, final Context context, final Store store) throws OperationException {
final Collection<Graph> graphs = ((FederatedStore) store).getGraphs(context.getUser(), operation.getOption(KEY_OPERATION_OPTIONS_GRAPH_IDS), operation);
final List<Object> results = new ArrayList<>(graphs.size());
for (final Graph graph : graphs) {
final OperationChain opChain = operation.getOperationChain();
OperationHandlerUtil.updateOperationInput(opChain, operation.getInput());
final OperationChain updatedOp = FederatedStoreUtil.updateOperationForGraph(opChain, graph);
if (null != updatedOp) {
Object result = null;
try {
result = graph.execute(updatedOp, context);
} catch (final Exception e) {
if (!Boolean.valueOf(updatedOp.getOption(KEY_SKIP_FAILED_FEDERATED_STORE_EXECUTE))) {
throw new OperationException(FederatedStoreUtil.createOperationErrorMsg(operation, graph.getGraphId(), e), e);
if (null != result) {
return mergeResults(results, operation, context, store);
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the class FederatedOperationChainValidator method validateAllGraphsIdViews.
* If the given view is valid for at least 1 of the graphIds, then view is valid and exit.
* Else none are valid, return all the errors within the validation result.
* @param op The operation with view to test
* @param user The requesting user
* @param store The current store
* @param validationResult The result of validation
* @param graphIdsCSV The graphs to test the view against
private void validateAllGraphsIdViews(final Operation op, final User user, final Store store, final ValidationResult validationResult, final String graphIdsCSV) {
ValidationResult savedResult = new ValidationResult();
ValidationResult currentResult = null;
final Operation clonedOp = shallowCloneWithDeepOptions(op);
Collection<Graph> graphs = ((FederatedStore) store).getGraphs(user, graphIdsCSV, clonedOp);
for (final Graph graph : graphs) {
String graphId = graph.getGraphId();
final boolean graphIdValid = ((FederatedStore) store).getAllGraphIds(user).contains(graphId);
// If graphId is not valid, then there is no schema to validate a view against.
if (graphIdValid) {
currentResult = new ValidationResult();
clonedOp.addOption(FederatedStoreConstants.KEY_OPERATION_OPTIONS_GRAPH_IDS, graphId);
if (!graph.hasTrait(StoreTrait.DYNAMIC_SCHEMA)) {
super.validateViews(clonedOp, user, store, currentResult);
if (currentResult.isValid()) {
// If any graph has a valid View, break with valid current result
} else {
ValidationResult prependGraphId = new ValidationResult();
currentResult.getErrors().forEach(s -> prependGraphId.addError(String.format("(graphId: %s) %s", graphId, s)));
// What state did the for loop exit with?
if (currentResult != null && !currentResult.isValid()) {
validationResult.addError("View is not valid for graphIds:" + getGraphIds(op, user, (FederatedStore) store).stream().collect(Collectors.joining(",", "[", "]")));
// If invalid, no graphs views where valid, so add all saved errors.
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class FederatedAddGraphHandlerParent method doOperation.
public Void doOperation(final OP operation, final Context context, final Store store) throws OperationException {
final User user = context.getUser();
boolean isLimitedToLibraryProperties = ((FederatedStore) store).isLimitedToLibraryProperties(user);
if (isLimitedToLibraryProperties && null != operation.getStoreProperties()) {
throw new OperationException(String.format(USER_IS_LIMITED_TO_ONLY_USING_PARENT_PROPERTIES_ID_FROM_GRAPHLIBRARY_BUT_FOUND_STORE_PROPERTIES_S, operation.getProperties().toString()));
final GraphSerialisable graphSerialisable;
try {
graphSerialisable = _makeGraph(operation, store);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new OperationException(String.format(ERROR_BUILDING_GRAPH_GRAPH_ID_S, operation.getGraphId()), e);
try {
((FederatedStore) store).addGraphs(operation.getGraphAuths(), context.getUser().getUserId(), operation.getIsPublic(), operation.isDisabledByDefault(), operation.getReadAccessPredicate(), operation.getWriteAccessPredicate(), graphSerialisable);
} catch (final StorageException e) {
throw new OperationException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new OperationException(String.format(ERROR_ADDING_GRAPH_GRAPH_ID_S, operation.getGraphId()), e);
addGenericHandler((FederatedStore) store, graphSerialisable.getGraph());
return null;
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the class FederatedOperationHandlerTest method shouldMergeResultsFromFieldObjects.
public final void shouldMergeResultsFromFieldObjects() throws Exception {
// Given
final Operation op = mock(Operation.class);
final Operation opClone = mock(Operation.class);
final OperationChain<?> opChainClone = OperationChain.wrap(opClone);
Schema unusedSchema = new Schema.Builder().build();
StoreProperties storeProperties = new StoreProperties();
Store mockStore1 = getMockStore(unusedSchema, storeProperties);
Store mockStore2 = getMockStore(unusedSchema, storeProperties);
Store mockStore3 = getMockStore(unusedSchema, storeProperties);
Store mockStore4 = getMockStore(unusedSchema, storeProperties);
Graph graph1 = getGraphWithMockStore(mockStore1);
Graph graph2 = getGraphWithMockStore(mockStore2);
Graph graph3 = getGraphWithMockStore(mockStore3);
Graph graph4 = getGraphWithMockStore(mockStore4);
FederatedStore mockStore = mock(FederatedStore.class);
LinkedHashSet<Graph> linkedGraphs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
when(mockStore.getGraphs(user, null, op)).thenReturn(linkedGraphs);
// When
new FederatedOperationHandler().doOperation(op, context, mockStore);
verify(mockStore1).execute(eq(opChainClone), any(Context.class));
verify(mockStore2).execute(eq(opChainClone), any(Context.class));
verify(mockStore3).execute(eq(opChainClone), any(Context.class));
verify(mockStore4).execute(eq(opChainClone), any(Context.class));
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the class FederatedAddGraphHandlerTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
CacheServiceLoader.shutdown(); = new FederatedStore();
federatedStoreProperties = new FederatedStoreProperties();
testUser = testUser();
authUser = authUser();
blankUser = blankUser();
ignore = new IgnoreOptions();