use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class IsMoreThanExample method isMoreThanAString.
public void isMoreThanAString() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final IsMoreThan function = new IsMoreThan("B");
// ---------------------------------------------------------
runExample(function, 1, "A", "B", "C");
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class MapFilterExample method freqMapIsMoreThanOrEqualTo2.
public void freqMapIsMoreThanOrEqualTo2() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final MapFilter function = new MapFilter("key1", new IsMoreThan(2L, true));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final FreqMap map1 = new FreqMap();
map1.put("key1", 1L);
final FreqMap map2 = new FreqMap();
map2.put("key1", 2L);
final FreqMap map3 = new FreqMap();
map3.put("key1", 3L);
final FreqMap map4 = new FreqMap();
map4.put("key1", 3L);
map4.put("key2", 0L);
final FreqMap map5 = new FreqMap();
map5.put("key2", 3L);
runExample(function, map1, map2, map3, map4, map5);
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class LoadAndQuery3 method run.
public CloseableIterable<Edge> run() throws OperationException {
// [user] Create a user
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final User user = new User("user01");
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [generate] create some edges from the data file using our data generator class
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<>();
final DataGenerator3 dataGenerator = new DataGenerator3();
for (final String s : DataUtils.loadData(getData())) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("Elements generated from the data file.");
for (final Element element : elements) {
log("GENERATED_EDGES", element.toString());
// [graph] create a graph using our schema and store properties
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Graph graph = new Graph.Builder().addSchemas(getSchemas()).storeProperties(getStoreProperties()).build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [add] add the edges to the graph
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final AddElements addElements = new AddElements.Builder().elements(elements).build();
graph.execute(addElements, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("The elements have been added.\n");
log("\nAll edges containing the vertex 1. The counts have been aggregated\n");
// [get simple] get all the edges that contain the vertex "1"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final GetEdges<EntitySeed> getRelatedEdges = new GetEdges.Builder<EntitySeed>().addSeed(new EntitySeed("1")).build();
final CloseableIterable<Edge> results = graph.execute(getRelatedEdges, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
for (final Element e : results) {
log("GET_RELATED_EDGES_RESULT", e.toString());
// [get] rerun previous query with a filter to return only edges with a count more than 3
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final View view = new View.Builder().edge("data", new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().preAggregationFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select("count").execute(new IsMoreThan(3)).build()).build()).build();
final GetEdges<EntitySeed> getRelatedEdgesWithCountMoreThan3 = new GetEdges.Builder<EntitySeed>().addSeed(new EntitySeed("1")).view(view).build();
final CloseableIterable<Edge> filteredResults = graph.execute(getRelatedEdgesWithCountMoreThan3, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nAll edges containing the vertex 1 with an aggregated count more than than 3\n");
for (final Element e : filteredResults) {
return filteredResults;
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class LoadAndQuery7 method run.
public Iterable<Edge> run() throws OperationException {
// [user] Create a user
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final User user = new User("user01");
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [graph] create a graph using our schema and store properties
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Graph graph = new Graph.Builder().addSchemas(getSchemas()).storeProperties(getStoreProperties()).build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [add] add the edges to the graph using an operation chain consisting of:
// generateElements - generating edges from the data (note these are directed edges)
// addElements - add the edges to the graph
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final OperationChain addOpChain = new OperationChain.Builder().first(new GenerateElements.Builder<String>().generator(new DataGenerator7()).objects(DataUtils.loadData(getData())).build()).then(new AddElements()).build();
graph.execute(addOpChain, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Create some starting seeds for the sub graph.
final Iterable<EntitySeed> seeds = Lists.newArrayList(new EntitySeed("1"));
// Create a view to return only edges that have a count more than 1
// Note we could have used a different view for each hop in order to
// specify the edges we wish to hop down or to attempt to prevent caching
// duplicate edges.
final View view = new View.Builder().edge("data", new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().preAggregationFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select("count").execute(new IsMoreThan(1)).build()).build()).build();
// [extractor] Create a generator that will extract entity seeds
// This generator will extract just the destination vertices from edges
// and skip any entities.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final EntitySeedExtractor destVerticesExtractor = new EntitySeedExtractor(new IsEdgeValidator(), new AlwaysValid<>(), true, IdentifierType.DESTINATION);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [get] Create a sub graph
// Start getting related edges with the given seeds.
// Then update the export with the results
// Between each hop we need to extract the destination vertices of the
// previous edges.
// Finally finish off by returning all the edges in the export.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final OperationChain opChain = new OperationChain.Builder().first(new GetEdges.Builder<EntitySeed>().seeds(seeds).inOutType(IncludeIncomingOutgoingType.OUTGOING).view(view).build()).then(new ExportToSet()).then(new GenerateObjects<Edge, EntitySeed>(destVerticesExtractor)).then(new GetEdges.Builder<EntitySeed>().inOutType(IncludeIncomingOutgoingType.OUTGOING).view(view).build()).then(new ExportToSet()).then(new GetSetExport()).build();
final Iterable<Edge> subGraph = (Iterable<Edge>) graph.execute(opChain, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nSub graph:");
for (final Edge edge : subGraph) {
log("SUB_GRAPH", edge.toString());
return subGraph;
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class LoadAndQuery8 method run.
public Iterable<Edge> run() throws OperationException {
// [user] Create a user who can see public and private data
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final User user = new User.Builder().userId("user").dataAuths("public", "private").build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [graph] create a graph using our schema and store properties
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Graph graph = new Graph.Builder().addSchemas(getSchemas()).storeProperties(getStoreProperties()).build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [add] add the edges to the graph
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final OperationChain addOpChain = new OperationChain.Builder().first(new GenerateElements.Builder<String>().generator(new DataGenerator8()).objects(DataUtils.loadData(getData())).build()).then(new AddElements()).build();
graph.execute(addOpChain, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [get] Get all edges
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final GetAllEdges allEdgesOperation = new GetAllEdges();
final Iterable<Edge> edges = graph.execute(allEdgesOperation, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nAll edges in daily time buckets:");
for (final Edge edge : edges) {
log("GET_ALL_EDGES_RESULT", edge.toString());
// [get all edges summarised] Get all edges summarised (merge all time windows together)
// This is achieved by overriding the 'groupBy' start and end time properties.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final GetAllEdges edgesSummarisedOperation = new GetAllEdges.Builder().view(new View.Builder().edge("data", new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().groupBy().build()).build()).build();
final Iterable<Edge> edgesSummarised = graph.execute(edgesSummarisedOperation, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nAll edges summarised:");
for (final Edge edge : edgesSummarised) {
log("GET_ALL_EDGES_SUMMARISED_RESULT", edge.toString());
// [get all edges summarised in time window] Get all edges summarised over a provided 2 day time period
// This is achieved by overriding the 'groupBy' start and end time properties
// and providing a filter.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final GetAllEdges edgesSummarisedInTimeWindowOperation = new GetAllEdges.Builder().view(new View.Builder().edge("data", new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().preAggregationFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select("startDate").execute(new IsMoreThan(JAN_01_16, true)).select("endDate").execute(new IsLessThan(JAN_02_16, true)).build()).groupBy().build()).build()).build();
final Iterable<Edge> edgesSummarisedInTimeWindow = graph.execute(edgesSummarisedInTimeWindowOperation, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nEdges in 2 day time window:");
for (final Edge edge : edgesSummarisedInTimeWindow) {
// Repeat with a public user and you will see the private edges are not part of the summarised edges
final User publicUser = new User.Builder().userId("public user").dataAuths("public").build();
final Iterable<Edge> publicEdgesSummarisedInTimeWindow = graph.execute(edgesSummarisedInTimeWindowOperation, publicUser);
log("\nPublic edges in 2 day time window:");
for (final Edge edge : publicEdgesSummarisedInTimeWindow) {
return publicEdgesSummarisedInTimeWindow;