use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class ProductTest method shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise.
public void shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise() throws SerialisationException {
// Given
final Product aggregator = new Product();
// When 1
final String json = new String(new JSONSerialiser().serialise(aggregator, true));
// Then 1
JsonUtil.assertEquals(String.format("{%n" + " \"class\" : \"\",%n" + " \"mode\" : \"AUTO\"%n" + "}"), json);
// When 2
final Product deserialisedAggregator = new JSONSerialiser().deserialise(json.getBytes(), Product.class);
// Then 2
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class SetAggregatorTest method shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise.
public void shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise() throws SerialisationException {
// Given
SetAggregator<String> aggregator = new SetAggregator<>();
// When 1
final String json = new String(new JSONSerialiser().serialise(aggregator, true));
// Then 1
JsonUtil.assertEquals(String.format("{%n" + " \"class\" : \"\"%n" + "}"), json);
// When 2
SetAggregator<String> deserialisedAggregator = new JSONSerialiser().deserialise(json.getBytes(), getFunctionClass());
// Then 2
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class IsEqualTest method shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise.
public void shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise() throws SerialisationException {
// Given
final IsEqual filter = new IsEqual("test");
// When
final String json = new String(new JSONSerialiser().serialise(filter, true));
// Then
JsonUtil.assertEquals(String.format("{%n" + " \"class\" : \"\",%n" + " \"value\" : \"test\"%n" + "}"), json);
// When 2
final IsEqual deserialisedFilter = new JSONSerialiser().deserialise(json.getBytes(), IsEqual.class);
// Then 2