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Example 6 with ElementSeed

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class AccumuloSingleIDRetrieverTest method testEntitySeedQueryEdgesAndEntities.

private void testEntitySeedQueryEdgesAndEntities(final AccumuloStore store) throws AccumuloException, StoreException {
    setupGraph(store, numEntries);
    final User user = new User();
    // Create set to query for
    final Set<ElementSeed> ids = new HashSet<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        ids.add(new EntitySeed("" + i));
    final View view = new View.Builder().edge(TestGroups.EDGE).entity(TestGroups.ENTITY).build();
    final GetElements<ElementSeed, ?> operation = new GetElements<>(view, ids);
    try {
        final AccumuloSingleIDRetriever retriever = new AccumuloSingleIDRetriever(store, operation, new User());
        assertEquals(numEntries * 3, Iterables.size(retriever));
    } catch (IteratorSettingException e) {
        fail("Unable to construct SingleID Retriever");
//Should find both i-B and i-C edges and entities i
Also used : User( EntitySeed( ElementSeed( GetElements( IteratorSettingException( View( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 7 with ElementSeed

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class AccumuloSingleIDRetrieverTest method testEntitySeedQueryOutgoingEdgesOnly.

private void testEntitySeedQueryOutgoingEdgesOnly(final AccumuloStore store) throws AccumuloException, StoreException {
    setupGraph(store, numEntries);
    final User user = new User();
    // Create set to query for
    Set<ElementSeed> ids = new HashSet<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        ids.add(new EntitySeed("" + i));
    final View view = new View.Builder().edge(TestGroups.EDGE).entity(TestGroups.ENTITY).build();
    AccumuloSingleIDRetriever retriever = null;
    GetElements<ElementSeed, ?> operation = new GetElements<>(view, ids);
    try {
        retriever = new AccumuloSingleIDRetriever(store, operation, user);
    } catch (IteratorSettingException e) {
    int count = 0;
    for (final Element element : retriever) {
        assertEquals(TestGroups.EDGE, element.getGroup());
    //Should find both i-B and i-C edges.
    assertEquals(numEntries * 2, count);
Also used : User( Element( GetElements( IteratorSettingException( View( EntitySeed( ElementSeed( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 8 with ElementSeed

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class GetElementsinRangesHandlerTest method shouldReturnNothingWhenNoEdgesSet.

private void shouldReturnNothingWhenNoEdgesSet(final AccumuloStore store) throws OperationException {
    // Create set to query for
    final Set<Pair<ElementSeed>> simpleEntityRanges = new HashSet<>();
    //get Everything between 0 and 1 (Note we are using strings and string serialisers, with this ordering 0999 is before 1)
    simpleEntityRanges.add(new Pair<ElementSeed>(new EntitySeed("0"), new EntitySeed("1")));
    final View view = new View.Builder(defaultView).entity(TestGroups.ENTITY, new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().groupBy().build()).edge(TestGroups.EDGE, new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().groupBy().build()).build();
    final GetElementsInRanges<Pair<ElementSeed>, Element> operation = new GetElementsInRanges<>(view, simpleEntityRanges);
    //All Edges stored should be outgoing from our provided seeds.
    final GetElementsInRangesHandler handler = new GetElementsInRangesHandler();
    final CloseableIterable<Element> elements = handler.doOperation(operation, user, store);
    final int count = Iterables.size(elements);
    //There should be no incoming edges to the provided range
    assertEquals(0, count);
Also used : GetElementsInRanges( Element( ViewElementDefinition( View( EntitySeed( ElementSeed( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Pair(

Example 9 with ElementSeed

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class GetElementsinRangesHandlerTest method shouldHaveNoIncomingEdges.

private void shouldHaveNoIncomingEdges(final AccumuloStore store) throws OperationException {
    // Create set to query for
    final Set<Pair<ElementSeed>> simpleEntityRanges = new HashSet<>();
    final User user = new User();
    //get Everything between 0 and 1 (Note we are using strings and string serialisers, with this ordering 0999 is before 1)
    simpleEntityRanges.add(new Pair<ElementSeed>(new EntitySeed("0"), new EntitySeed("1")));
    final View view = new View.Builder(defaultView).entity(TestGroups.ENTITY, new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().groupBy().build()).edge(TestGroups.EDGE, new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().groupBy().build()).build();
    final GetElementsInRanges<Pair<ElementSeed>, Element> operation = new GetElementsInRanges<>(view, simpleEntityRanges);
    //All Edges stored should be outgoing from our provided seeds.
    final GetElementsInRangesHandler handler = new GetElementsInRangesHandler();
    final CloseableIterable<Element> elements = handler.doOperation(operation, user, store);
    final int count = Iterables.size(elements);
    //There should be no incoming edges to the provided range
    assertEquals(0, count);
Also used : User( GetElementsInRanges( Element( ViewElementDefinition( View( EntitySeed( ElementSeed( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Pair(

Example 10 with ElementSeed

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class GetElementsTest method shouldSerialiseAndDeserialiseOperationWithElementSeeds.

private void shouldSerialiseAndDeserialiseOperationWithElementSeeds() throws SerialisationException {
    // Given
    final ElementSeed elementSeed1 = new EntitySeed("identifier");
    final ElementSeed elementSeed2 = new EdgeSeed("source2", "destination2", true);
    final GetElements op = new GetElements(Arrays.asList(elementSeed1, elementSeed2));
    // When
    byte[] json = serialiser.serialise(op, true);
    final GetElements deserialisedOp = serialiser.deserialise(json, GetElements.class);
    // Then
    final Iterator itr = deserialisedOp.getSeeds().iterator();
Also used : EdgeSeed( EntitySeed( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ElementSeed(


ElementSeed ( Element ( EntitySeed ( View ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)13 User ( Test (org.junit.Test)12 GetElements ( IteratorSettingException ( EdgeSeed ( Edge ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 GetElementsInRanges ( Pair ( ViewElementDefinition ( Entity ( Range ( TraitRequirement ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 ByteSequence (