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Example 86 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class WhileHandlerTest method shouldThrowExceptionWhenPredicateCannotAcceptInputType.

public void shouldThrowExceptionWhenPredicateCannotAcceptInputType() throws OperationException {
    // Given
    final Predicate predicate = new IsFalse();
    final Object input = new EntitySeed();
    final Conditional conditional = new Conditional(predicate);
    final Context context = mock(Context.class);
    final Store store = mock(Store.class);
    final While operation = new While.Builder<>().input(input).conditional(conditional).operation(new GetElements()).build();
    final WhileHandler handler = new WhileHandler();
    // When / Then
    try {
        handler.doOperation(operation, context, store);
        fail("Exception expected");
    } catch (final OperationException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The predicate '" + predicate.getClass().getSimpleName() + "' cannot accept an input of type '" + input.getClass().getSimpleName() + "'"));
Also used : Context( IsFalse( EntitySeed( Store( GetElements( Conditional( While( OperationException( Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 87 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class WhileHandlerTest method shouldFailPredicateTestAndNotExecuteDelegateOperation.

public void shouldFailPredicateTestAndNotExecuteDelegateOperation() throws OperationException {
    // Given
    final Edge input = new Edge.Builder().group("testEdge").source("src").dest("dest").directed(true).property("count", 3).build();
    final Map<Element, Object> transform = new Map.Builder<Element>().first(new ExtractProperty("count")).build();
    final Predicate predicate = new IsMoreThan(5);
    final Conditional conditional = new Conditional(predicate, transform);
    final Context context = mock(Context.class);
    final Store store = mock(Store.class);
    final GetElements getElements = mock(GetElements.class);
    final While operation = new While.Builder<>().input(input).maxRepeats(1).conditional(conditional).operation(getElements).build();
    final WhileHandler handler = new WhileHandler();
    // When
    handler.doOperation(operation, context, store);
    // Then
    verify(store, never()).execute((Output) getElements, context);
Also used : Context( Element( Store( GetElements( Conditional( While( Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) ExtractProperty( IsMoreThan( Edge( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 88 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class ScoreOperationChainHandlerTest method shouldExecuteScoreChainOperation.

public void shouldExecuteScoreChainOperation() throws OperationException {
    // Given
    final ScoreOperationChainHandler operationHandler = new ScoreOperationChainHandler();
    final Context context = mock(Context.class);
    final Store store = mock(Store.class);
    final User user = mock(User.class);
    final ScoreOperationChain scoreOperationChain = mock(ScoreOperationChain.class);
    StoreProperties storeProperties = new StoreProperties();
    final GetAdjacentIds op1 = mock(GetAdjacentIds.class);
    final GetElements op2 = mock(GetElements.class);
    final OperationChain opChain = new OperationChain(Arrays.asList(op1, op2));
    final Integer expectedResult = 2;
    Set<String> opAuths = new HashSet<>();
    // When
    final Object result = operationHandler.doOperation(new ScoreOperationChain.Builder().operationChain(opChain).build(), context, store);
    // Then
    assertSame(expectedResult, result);
Also used : Context( User( GetAdjacentIds( Store( GetElements( ScoreOperationChain( OperationChain( ScoreOperationChain( StoreProperties( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 89 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class ScoreOperationChainHandlerTest method shouldExecuteScoreChainOperationForNestedOperationChain.

public void shouldExecuteScoreChainOperationForNestedOperationChain() throws OperationException {
    // Given
    final ScoreOperationChainHandler operationHandler = new ScoreOperationChainHandler();
    final Context context = mock(Context.class);
    final Store store = mock(Store.class);
    final User user = mock(User.class);
    final ScoreOperationChain scoreOperationChain = mock(ScoreOperationChain.class);
    StoreProperties storeProperties = new StoreProperties();
    final GetAdjacentIds op1 = mock(GetAdjacentIds.class);
    final GetElements op2 = mock(GetElements.class);
    final Limit op3 = mock(Limit.class);
    final OperationChain opChain1 = new OperationChain(Arrays.asList(op1, op2));
    final OperationChain opChain = new OperationChain(Arrays.asList(opChain1, op3));
    final Integer expectedResult = 3;
    Set<String> opAuths = new HashSet<>();
    // When
    final Object result = operationHandler.doOperation(new ScoreOperationChain.Builder().operationChain(opChain).build(), context, store);
    // Then
    assertSame(expectedResult, result);
Also used : Context( User( GetAdjacentIds( Store( GetElements( ScoreOperationChain( OperationChain( ScoreOperationChain( Limit( StoreProperties( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 90 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class GetWalksHandlerTest method shouldHandleNullInput.

public void shouldHandleNullInput() throws Exception {
    // Given
    final GetElements getElements = new GetElements.Builder().view(new View.Builder().edge(TestGroups.EDGE).build()).build();
    final GetWalks operation = new GetWalks.Builder().operations(getElements).build();
    final GetWalksHandler handler = new GetWalksHandler();
    // When
    final Iterable<Walk> result = handler.doOperation(operation, null, null);
    // Then
Also used : Walk( GetWalks( GetElements( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


GetElements ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)153 EntitySeed ( User ( Element ( View ( OperationChain ( AddElements ( Context ( Test (org.junit.Test)56 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)52 Graph ( ViewElementDefinition ( Entity ( ElementFilter ( Operation ( EdgeSeed ( GetAdjacentIds ( Edge ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)31