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Example 31 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class GetElementsHandlerTest method shouldReturnHBaseRetrieverWithoutIncludeMatchdxVertex.

public void shouldReturnHBaseRetrieverWithoutIncludeMatchdxVertex() throws OperationException, StoreException {
    // Given
    final Iterable<EntityId> ids = mock(Iterable.class);
    final Context context = mock(Context.class);
    final User user = mock(User.class);
    final HBaseStore store = mock(HBaseStore.class);
    final HBaseRetriever<GetElements> hbaseRetriever = mock(HBaseRetriever.class);
    final GetElementsHandler handler = new GetElementsHandler();
    final GetElements getElements = new GetElements.Builder().inputIds(ids).seedMatching(SeedMatching.SeedMatchingType.EQUAL).build();
    given(store.createRetriever(getElements, user, ids, false)).willReturn(hbaseRetriever);
    // When
    final HBaseRetriever<GetElements> result = (HBaseRetriever<GetElements>) handler.doOperation(getElements, context, store);
    // Then
    assertSame(hbaseRetriever, result);
Also used : EntityId( Context( User( HBaseStore( GetElements( HBaseRetriever( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 32 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class GetElementsHandlerTest method shouldReturnHBaseRetrieverWithIncludeMatchedVertex.

public void shouldReturnHBaseRetrieverWithIncludeMatchedVertex() throws OperationException, StoreException {
    // Given
    final Iterable<EntityId> ids = mock(Iterable.class);
    final Context context = mock(Context.class);
    final User user = mock(User.class);
    final HBaseStore store = mock(HBaseStore.class);
    final HBaseRetriever<GetElements> hbaseRetriever = mock(HBaseRetriever.class);
    final GetElementsHandler handler = new GetElementsHandler();
    final GetElements getElements = new GetElements.Builder().inputIds(ids).seedMatching(SeedMatching.SeedMatchingType.RELATED).build();
    given(store.createRetriever(getElements, user, ids, true)).willReturn(hbaseRetriever);
    // When
    final HBaseRetriever<GetElements> result = (HBaseRetriever<GetElements>) handler.doOperation(getElements, context, store);
    // Then
    assertSame(hbaseRetriever, result);
Also used : EntityId( Context( User( HBaseStore( GetElements( HBaseRetriever( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 33 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class IfTest method shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialiseWithSingleValue.

public void shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialiseWithSingleValue() {
    // Given
    final If op = new If.Builder<>().input(new EntitySeed("1")).condition(true).then(new GetElements()).otherwise(new GetAllElements()).build();
    // When
    final byte[] json = toJson(op);
    JsonAssert.assertEquals(String.format("{%n" + "  \"class\" : \"\",%n" + "  \"input\" :  {%n" + "    \"class\" : \"\",%n" + "    \"class\" : \"\",%n" + "    \"vertex\" : \"1\"%n" + "  }, %n" + "  \"condition\" : true,%n" + "  \"then\" : {%n" + "    \"class\" : \"\"%n" + "  },%n" + "  \"otherwise\" : {%n" + "    \"class\" : \"\"%n" + "  }%n" + "}"), StringUtil.toString(json));
    final If deserialisedObj = fromJson(json);
    // Then
    assertEquals(new EntitySeed("1"), deserialisedObj.getInput());
Also used : EntitySeed( GetAllElements( GetElements( OperationTest( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 34 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class IfTest method shouldThrowErrorForTryingToUpdateOperationsWithTooFewOps.

public void shouldThrowErrorForTryingToUpdateOperationsWithTooFewOps() {
    // Given
    final GetElements getElements = new GetElements.Builder().input(new EntitySeed("1")).build();
    final If<Object, Object> ifOp = new If.Builder<>().condition(false).build();
    final Collection<Operation> opList = Lists.newArrayList(getElements);
    // When / Then
    assertThatIllegalArgumentException().isThrownBy(() -> ifOp.updateOperations(opList)).withMessage("Unable to update operations - exactly 3 operations are required. Received 1 operations");
Also used : EntitySeed( GetElements( Operation( OperationTest( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 35 with GetElements

use of in project Gaffer by gchq.

the class IfTest method shouldThrowErrorForTryingToUpdateOperationsWithTooManyOps.

public void shouldThrowErrorForTryingToUpdateOperationsWithTooManyOps() {
    // Given
    final GetElements getElements = new GetElements.Builder().input(new EntitySeed("2")).build();
    final GetAllElements getAllElements = new GetAllElements();
    final Limit limit = new Limit(5);
    final If<Object, Object> ifOp = new If.Builder<>().build();
    final Collection<Operation> opList = Lists.newArrayList(getElements, getAllElements, limit, limit);
    // When / Then
    assertThatIllegalArgumentException().isThrownBy(() -> ifOp.updateOperations(opList)).withMessage("Unable to update operations - exactly 3 operations are required. Received 4 operations");
Also used : EntitySeed( GetAllElements( GetElements( Operation( OperationTest( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


GetElements ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)153 EntitySeed ( User ( Element ( View ( OperationChain ( AddElements ( Context ( Test (org.junit.Test)56 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)52 Graph ( ViewElementDefinition ( Entity ( ElementFilter ( Operation ( EdgeSeed ( GetAdjacentIds ( Edge ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)31