use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class GetAllJobDetailsHandlerTest method shouldThrowExceptionIfJobTrackerIsNotConfigured.
public void shouldThrowExceptionIfJobTrackerIsNotConfigured() {
// Given
final GetAllJobDetailsHandler handler = new GetAllJobDetailsHandler();
final GetAllJobDetails operation = mock(GetAllJobDetails.class);
final Store store = mock(Store.class);
final User user = mock(User.class);
// When / Then
assertThatExceptionOfType(OperationException.class).isThrownBy(() -> handler.doOperation(operation, new Context(user), store)).extracting("message").isNotNull();
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class GetAllJobDetailsHandlerTest method shouldGetAllJobDetailsByDelegatingToJobTracker.
public void shouldGetAllJobDetailsByDelegatingToJobTracker() throws OperationException {
// Given
final GetAllJobDetailsHandler handler = new GetAllJobDetailsHandler();
final GetAllJobDetails operation = mock(GetAllJobDetails.class);
final Store store = mock(Store.class);
final JobTracker jobTracker = mock(JobTracker.class);
final User user = mock(User.class);
final CloseableIterable<JobDetail> jobsDetails = mock(CloseableIterable.class);
// When
final CloseableIterable<JobDetail> results = handler.doOperation(operation, new Context(user), store);
// Then
assertSame(jobsDetails, results);
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class AddNamedOperationHandlerTest method shouldAddNamedOperationFieldsToNamedOperationDetailCorrectly.
public void shouldAddNamedOperationFieldsToNamedOperationDetailCorrectly() throws OperationException, CacheOperationFailedException {
final List<String> readAuths = asList("readAuth1", "readAuth2");
final List<String> writeAuths = asList("writeAuth1", "writeAuth2");
OperationChain opChain = new OperationChain.Builder().first(new AddElements()).build();
addNamedOperation.setLabels(asList("test label"));
handler.doOperation(addNamedOperation, context, store);
final NamedOperationDetail result = mockCache.getNamedOperation("testOp", new User(), EMPTY_ADMIN_AUTH);
assert cacheContains("testOp");
assertTrue(result.getScore() == 2);
assertEquals(asList("test label"), result.getLabels());
final AccessPredicate expectedReadAccessPredicate = new AccessPredicate(context.getUser(), readAuths);
assertEquals(expectedReadAccessPredicate, result.getOrDefaultReadAccessPredicate());
final AccessPredicate expectedWriteAccessPredicate = new AccessPredicate(context.getUser(), writeAuths);
assertEquals(expectedWriteAccessPredicate, result.getOrDefaultWriteAccessPredicate());
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class RowToElementGeneratorTest method getGraph.
private Graph getGraph(final String elementsSchema, final List<Element> elements) throws OperationException {
final Graph graph = new Graph.Builder().config(new GraphConfig.Builder().graphId("graphId").build()).addSchema(getClass().getResourceAsStream(elementsSchema)).addSchema(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/schema-GraphFrame/types.json")).storeProperties(PROPERTIES).build();
graph.execute(new AddElements.Builder().input(elements).build(), new User());
return graph;
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class AccumuloIDBetweenSetsRetrieverTest method shouldDealWithFalsePositives.
private void shouldDealWithFalsePositives(final boolean loadIntoMemory, final AccumuloStore store) throws StoreException {
final Set<EntityId> seeds = new HashSet<>();
// positive sensible.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
seeds.add(new EntitySeed("abc" + i));
// Need to make sure that the Bloom filter we create has the same size and the same number of hashes as the
// one that GraphElementsWithStatisticsWithinSetRetriever creates.
final int numItemsToBeAdded = loadIntoMemory ? seeds.size() : 20;
if (!loadIntoMemory) {
// Find something that will give a false positive
// Need to repeat the logic used in the getGraphElementsWithStatisticsWithinSet() method.
// Calculate sensible size of filter, aiming for false positive rate of 1 in 10000, with a maximum size of
// maxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator bytes.
int size = (int) (-numItemsToBeAdded * Math.log(0.0001) / Math.pow(Math.log(2.0), 2.0));
size = Math.min(size, store.getProperties().getMaxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator());
// Work out optimal number of hashes to use in Bloom filter based on size of set - optimal number of hashes is
// (m/n)ln 2 where m is the size of the filter in bits and n is the number of items that will be added to the set.
final int numHashes = Math.max(1, (int) ((size / numItemsToBeAdded) * Math.log(2)));
// Create Bloom filter and add seeds to it
final BloomFilter filter = new BloomFilter(size, numHashes, Hash.MURMUR_HASH);
for (final EntityId seed : seeds) {
filter.add(new Key(store.getKeyPackage().getKeyConverter().serialiseVertex(seed.getVertex())));
// Test random items against it - should only have to shouldRetrieveElementsInRangeBetweenSeeds MAX_SIZE_BLOOM_FILTER / 2 on average before find a
// false positive (but impose an arbitrary limit to avoid an infinite loop if there's a problem).
int count = 0;
int maxNumberOfTries = 50 * store.getProperties().getMaxBloomFilterToPassToAnIterator();
while (count < maxNumberOfTries) {
if (filter.membershipTest(new Key(("" + count).getBytes()))) {
if (count == maxNumberOfTries) {
fail("Didn't find a false positive");
// False positive is "" + count so create an edge from seeds to that
final Edge edge = new Edge.Builder().group(TestGroups.EDGE).source("A0").dest("" + count).directed(true).build();
edge.putProperty(AccumuloPropertyNames.COUNT, 1000000);
Set<Element> data = new HashSet<>();
final User user = new User();
addElements(data, store, user);
// Now query for all edges in set - shouldn't get the false positive
GetElementsBetweenSets op = new GetElementsBetweenSets.Builder().input(AccumuloTestData.SEED_A0_SET).inputB(seeds).view(defaultView).build();
final Set<Element> results = returnElementsFromOperation(store, op, new User(), loadIntoMemory);
// Check results are as expected
assertThat(results).hasSize(2).contains(AccumuloTestData.EDGE_A0_A23, AccumuloTestData.A0_ENTITY);