use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class FiltersToOperationConverter method getFunctionsFromFilter.
* Converts a Spark {@link Filter} to a map from group to a list of Gaffer {@link TupleAdaptedPredicate}s.
* <p>
* Note that Spark also applies all the filters provided to the {@code buildScan(String[], Filter[])} method
* so not implementing some of the provided {@link Filter}s in Gaffer will not cause errors. However, as many as
* possible should be implemented so that as much filtering as possible happens in iterators running in Accumulo's
* tablet servers (this avoids unnecessary data transfer from Accumulo to Spark).
* @param filter The {@link Filter} to transform.
* @return A map from {@link String} to {@link TupleAdaptedPredicate}s implementing the provided {@link Filter}.
private Map<String, List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>>> getFunctionsFromFilter(final Filter filter) {
final Map<String, List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>>> map = new HashMap<>();
if (filter instanceof EqualTo) {
// Not dealt with as requires a Predicate<?> that returns null if either the controlValue or the
// test value is null - the API of Predicate<?> doesn't permit this.
} else if (filter instanceof EqualNullSafe) {
final EqualNullSafe equalNullSafe = (EqualNullSafe) filter;
final Predicate<?> isEqual = new IsEqual(equalNullSafe.value());
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(isEqual, new String[] { equalNullSafe.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to IsEqual ({})", filter, equalNullSafe.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof GreaterThan) {
final GreaterThan greaterThan = (GreaterThan) filter;
final Predicate<?> isMoreThan = new IsMoreThan((Comparable<?>) greaterThan.value(), false);
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(isMoreThan, new String[] { greaterThan.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to isMoreThan ({})", filter, greaterThan.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof GreaterThanOrEqual) {
final GreaterThanOrEqual greaterThan = (GreaterThanOrEqual) filter;
final Predicate<?> isMoreThan = new IsMoreThan((Comparable<?>) greaterThan.value(), true);
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(isMoreThan, new String[] { greaterThan.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to IsMoreThan ({})", filter, greaterThan.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof LessThan) {
final LessThan lessThan = (LessThan) filter;
final Predicate<?> isLessThan = new IsLessThan((Comparable<?>) lessThan.value(), false);
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(isLessThan, new String[] { lessThan.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to IsLessThan ({})", filter, lessThan.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof LessThanOrEqual) {
final LessThanOrEqual lessThan = (LessThanOrEqual) filter;
final Predicate<?> isLessThan = new IsLessThan((Comparable<?>) lessThan.value(), true);
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(isLessThan, new String[] { lessThan.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to LessThanOrEqual ({})", filter, lessThan.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof In) {
final In in = (In) filter;
final Predicate<?> isIn = new IsIn(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(in.values())));
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(isIn, new String[] { in.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to IsIn ({})", filter, in.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof IsNull) {
final IsNull isNull = (IsNull) filter;
final Predicate<?> doesntExist = new Not<>(new Exists());
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(doesntExist, new String[] { isNull.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to Not(Exists) ({})", filter, isNull.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof IsNotNull) {
final IsNotNull isNotNull = (IsNotNull) filter;
final Predicate<?> exists = new Exists();
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
map.get(group).add(new TupleAdaptedPredicate<>(exists, new String[] { isNotNull.attribute() }));
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to Exists ({})", filter, isNotNull.attribute());
} else if (filter instanceof And) {
final And and = (And) filter;
final Map<String, List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>>> left = getFunctionsFromFilter(and.left());
final Map<String, List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>>> right = getFunctionsFromFilter(and.right());
final Set<String> relevantGroups = getGroupsFromFilter(filter);
if (null != relevantGroups) {
for (final String group : relevantGroups) {
final List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>> concatFilters = new ArrayList<>();
if (null != left.get(group)) {
if (null != right.get(group)) {
if (!map.containsKey(group)) {
map.put(group, new ArrayList<>());
LOGGER.debug("Converted {} to list of filters ({})", filter, StringUtils.join(map.entrySet(), ','));
return map;
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class ViewElementDefinitionTest method shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise.
public void shouldJsonSerialiseAndDeserialise() throws SerialisationException {
// Given
final ViewElementDefinition elementDef = new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().transientProperty(TestPropertyNames.PROP_1, String.class).transientProperty(TestPropertyNames.PROP_2, String.class).properties(TestPropertyNames.COUNT, TestPropertyNames.DATE).preAggregationFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select(TestPropertyNames.COUNT).execute(new IsMoreThan(5)).build()).aggregator(new ElementAggregator.Builder().select(TestPropertyNames.COUNT).execute(new Max()).build()).postAggregationFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select(TestPropertyNames.COUNT).execute(new IsLessThan(10)).build()).transformer(new ElementTransformer.Builder().select(TestPropertyNames.COUNT).execute(new TestTransform()).project(TestPropertyNames.PROP_1).build()).postTransformFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select(TestPropertyNames.PROP_1).execute(new IsEqual("9")).build()).build();
// When
final byte[] json = JSONSerialiser.serialise(elementDef, true);
final ViewElementDefinition deserialisedElementDef = JSONSerialiser.deserialise(json, ViewElementDefinition.class);
assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(TestPropertyNames.COUNT, TestPropertyNames.DATE), deserialisedElementDef.getProperties());
final List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>> preFilterComponents = deserialisedElementDef.getPreAggregationFilter().getComponents();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { TestPropertyNames.COUNT }, preFilterComponents.get(0).getSelection());
assertEquals(new IsMoreThan(5), preFilterComponents.get(0).getPredicate());
final List<TupleAdaptedBinaryOperator<String, ?>> aggComponents = deserialisedElementDef.getAggregator().getComponents();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { TestPropertyNames.COUNT }, aggComponents.get(0).getSelection());
assertEquals(new Max(), aggComponents.get(0).getBinaryOperator());
final List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>> postFilterComponents = deserialisedElementDef.getPostAggregationFilter().getComponents();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { TestPropertyNames.COUNT }, postFilterComponents.get(0).getSelection());
assertEquals(new IsLessThan(10), postFilterComponents.get(0).getPredicate());
final List<TupleAdaptedFunction<String, ?, ?>> transformComponents = deserialisedElementDef.getTransformer().getComponents();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { TestPropertyNames.COUNT }, transformComponents.get(0).getSelection());
assertEquals(new TestTransform(), transformComponents.get(0).getFunction());
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { TestPropertyNames.PROP_1 }, transformComponents.get(0).getProjection());
final List<TupleAdaptedPredicate<String, ?>> postTransformFilterComponents = deserialisedElementDef.getPostTransformFilter().getComponents();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { TestPropertyNames.PROP_1 }, postTransformFilterComponents.get(0).getSelection());
assertEquals(new IsEqual("9"), postTransformFilterComponents.get(0).getPredicate());
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class FilteringIT method testFilteringProperties.
public void testFilteringProperties() throws OperationException {
// Given
final List<ElementId> seeds = Arrays.asList(new EntitySeed("A3"), new EdgeSeed("A5", "B5", false));
final GetElements getElementsWithoutFiltering = new GetElements.Builder().input(seeds).build();
final GetElements getElementsWithFiltering = new GetElements.Builder().input(seeds).view(new View.Builder().entity(TestGroups.ENTITY, new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().preAggregationFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select( IsEqual("A5")).build()).build()).edge(TestGroups.EDGE, new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().preAggregationFilter(new ElementFilter.Builder().select(TestPropertyNames.INT).execute(new IsLessThan(2)).build()).build()).build()).build();
// When - without filtering
final List<Element> resultsWithoutFiltering = Lists.newArrayList(graph.execute(getElementsWithoutFiltering, getUser()));
// When - with filtering
final List<Element> resultsWithFiltering = Lists.newArrayList(graph.execute(getElementsWithFiltering, getUser()));
// Then - without filtering
List<Element> expectedResults = Arrays.asList(getEdge("A3", "A3", false), getEdge("A3", "B3", false), getEdge("A3", "C3", false), getEdge("A3", "D3", false), getEdge("A5", "B5", false), getEdge("A3", "A3", true), getEdge("A3", "B3", true), getEdge("A3", "C3", true), getEdge("A3", "D3", true), getEntity("A3"), getEntity("A5"), getEntity("B5"));
ElementUtil.assertElementEquals(expectedResults, resultsWithoutFiltering);
// Then - with filtering
List<Element> expectedFilteredResults = Arrays.asList(getEdge("A3", "A3", false), getEdge("A3", "B3", false), getEdge("A3", "D3", false), getEdge("A3", "C3", false), getEdge("A5", "B5", false), getEdge("A3", "A3", true), getEdge("A3", "B3", true), getEdge("A3", "C3", true), getEdge("A3", "D3", true), getEntity("A5"));
ElementUtil.assertElementEquals(expectedFilteredResults, resultsWithFiltering);
use of in project gaffer-doc by gchq.
the class OrExample method isLessThan2EqualTo5OrIsMoreThan10.
public void isLessThan2EqualTo5OrIsMoreThan10() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Or function = new Or<>(new IsLessThan(2), new IsEqual(5), new IsMoreThan(10));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
runExample(function, "When using an Or predicate with a single selected value you can just use the constructor new Or(predicates))'", 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 1L, 3L, 5L);
use of in project gaffer-doc by gchq.
the class OrExample method firstItemIsLessThan2OrSecondItemIsMoreThan10.
public void firstItemIsLessThan2OrSecondItemIsMoreThan10() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Or function = new Or.Builder().select(0).execute(new IsLessThan(2)).select(1).execute(new IsMoreThan(10)).build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
runExample(function, "When using an Or predicate with multiple selected values, you need to use the Or.Builder to build your Or predicate, using .select() then .execute(). " + "When selecting values in the Or.Builder you need to refer to the position in the input array. I.e to use the first value use position 0 - select(0)." + "You can select multiple values to give to a predicate like isXLessThanY, this is achieved by passing 2 positions to the select method - select(0, 1)", new Tuple2<>(1, 15), new Tuple2<>(1, 1), new Tuple2<>(15, 15), new Tuple2<>(15, 1), new Tuple2<>(1L, 15L), new Tuple1<>(1));