use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class PlacesFile method createRegion.
Region createRegion(Country country, String name, String abbr) {
String s = abbr != null ? name + (char) 0x1d + abbr : name;
String uniqueRegionName = s.toUpperCase() + "_C" + country.getLabel().getOffset();
Region r = regions.get(uniqueRegionName);
if (r == null) {
r = new Region(country);
Label l = lblFile.newLabel(s);
regions.put(uniqueRegionName, r);
return r;
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class Map method addCopyright.
* Add a copyright message to the map.
* @param str the copyright message. The second (last?) one set
* gets shown when the device starts (sometimes?).
public void addCopyright(String str) {
Label cpy = lblFile.newLabel(str);
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class MDRFile method addStreet.
public void addStreet(RoadDef street, Mdr5Record mdrCity) {
// Add a separate record for each name
for (Label lab : street.getLabels()) {
if (lab == null)
if (lab.getOffset() == 0)
String name = lab.getText();
if (!mdr7Del.isEmpty()) {
String[] parts = name.split(" ");
int pos = parts.length;
for (int i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!mdr7Del.contains(parts[i])) {
pos = i;
if (pos == 0)
if (pos < parts.length) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < pos; i++) {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append(parts[pos - 1]);
// XXX maybe add -intern()
name = sb.toString();
int strOff = createString(name);
// We sort on the dirty name (ie with the Garmin shield codes) although those codes do not
// affect the sort order. The string for mdr15 does not include the shield codes.
mdr7.addStreet(currentMap, name, lab.getOffset(), strOff, mdrCity);
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class RoadDef method writeLabels.
private void writeLabels(ImgFileWriter writer) {
for (int i = 0; i < numlabels; i++) {
Label l = labels[i];
int ptr = l.getOffset();
if (i == (numlabels - 1))
ptr |= 0x800000;
use of in project mkgmap by openstreetmap.
the class NETFile method sortRoads.
* Sort the roads by name and remove duplicates.
* We want a list of roads such that every entry in the list is a different road. Since in osm
* roads are frequently chopped into small pieces we have to remove the duplicates.
* This doesn't have to be perfect, it needs to be useful when searching for roads.
* So we have a separate entry if the road is in a different city. This would probably be enough
* except that associating streets with cities is not always very good in OSM. So I also create an
* extra entry for each subdivision. Finally there a search for disconnected roads within the subdivision
* with the same name.
* Performance note: The previous implementation was very, very slow when there were a large number
* of roads with the same name. Although this was an unusual situation, when it happened it appears
* that mkgmap has hung. This implementation takes a fraction of a second even for large numbers of
* same named roads.
* @return A sorted list of road labels that identify all the different roads.
private List<LabeledRoadDef> sortRoads() {
List<SortKey<LabeledRoadDef>> sortKeys = new ArrayList<>(roads.size());
Map<Label, byte[]> cache = new HashMap<>();
for (RoadDef rd : roads) {
Label[] labels = rd.getLabels();
for (int i = 0; i < labels.length && labels[i] != null; ++i) {
Label label = labels[i];
if (label.getLength() == 0)
// Sort by name, city, region/country and subdivision number.
LabeledRoadDef lrd = new LabeledRoadDef(label, rd);
SortKey<LabeledRoadDef> nameKey = new IntegerSortKey<NETFile.LabeledRoadDef>(lrd, label.getOffset(), 0);
// If there is a city add it to the sort.
// what if we more than one?
City city = (rd.getCities().isEmpty() ? null : rd.getCities().get(0));
SortKey<LabeledRoadDef> cityKey;
if (city != null) {
int region = city.getRegionNumber();
int country = city.getCountryNumber();
cityKey = sort.createSortKey(null, city.getLabel(), (region & 0xffff) << 16 | (country & 0xffff), cache);
} else {
cityKey = sort.createSortKey(null, Label.NULL_OUT_LABEL, 0, cache);
SortKey<LabeledRoadDef> sortKey = new MultiSortKey<>(nameKey, cityKey, new IntegerSortKey<LabeledRoadDef>(null, rd.getStartSubdivNumber(), 0));
List<LabeledRoadDef> out = new ArrayList<>(sortKeys.size());
Label lastName = null;
City lastCity = null;
List<LabeledRoadDef> dupes = new ArrayList<>();
// The duplicates are saved to the dupes list.
for (SortKey<LabeledRoadDef> key : sortKeys) {
LabeledRoadDef lrd = key.getObject();
Label name = lrd.label;
RoadDef road = lrd.roadDef;
// what if we more than one?
City city = (road.getCities().isEmpty() ? null : road.getCities().get(0));
if (road.hasHouseNumbers() || !name.equals(lastName) || city != lastCity) {
// process any previously collected duplicate road names and reset.
addDisconnected(dupes, out);
dupes = new ArrayList<>();
lastName = name;
lastCity = city;
// Finish off the final set of duplicates.
addDisconnected(dupes, out);
return out;