use of util.StubClob in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class SerialClobTests method test13.
* Validate calling setString() after calling free() throws an
* SerialException
@Test(expectedExceptions = SerialException.class)
public void test13() throws Exception {
SerialClob sc = new SerialClob(new StubClob());;
sc.setString(1, "hello", 0, 5);
use of util.StubClob in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class BaseRowSetTests method testAdvancedParameters.
* DataProvider used to set advanced parameters for types that are supported
@DataProvider(name = "testAdvancedParameters")
private Object[][] testAdvancedParameters() throws SQLException {
byte[] bytes = new byte[10];
Ref aRef = new SerialRef(new StubRef("INTEGER", query));
Array aArray = new SerialArray(new StubArray("INTEGER", new Object[1]));
Blob aBlob = new SerialBlob(new StubBlob());
Clob aClob = new SerialClob(new StubClob());
Reader rdr = new StringReader(query);
InputStream is = new StringBufferInputStream(query);
brs = new StubBaseRowSet();
brs.setBytes(1, bytes);
brs.setAsciiStream(2, is, query.length());
brs.setRef(3, aRef);
brs.setArray(4, aArray);
brs.setBlob(5, aBlob);
brs.setClob(6, aClob);
brs.setBinaryStream(7, is, query.length());
brs.setUnicodeStream(8, is, query.length());
brs.setCharacterStream(9, rdr, query.length());
return new Object[][] { { 1, bytes }, { 2, is }, { 3, aRef }, { 4, aArray }, { 5, aBlob }, { 6, aClob }, { 7, is }, { 8, is }, { 9, rdr } };
use of util.StubClob in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class SQLOutputImplTests method test06.
* Validate a Clob can be written and returned
@Test(enabled = true)
public void test06() throws Exception {
Clob c = new StubClob();
SerialClob sc = (SerialClob) results.get(0);
assertTrue(c.getSubString(1, (int) c.length()).equals(sc.getSubString(1, (int) sc.length())));
use of util.StubClob in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class SQLInputImplTests method test08.
* Validate a Clob can be read
@Test(enabled = true)
public void test08() throws Exception {
Clob c = new StubClob();
Object[] values = { c };
SQLInputImpl sqli = new SQLInputImpl(values, map);
Clob c2 = sqli.readClob();
assertTrue(c.getSubString(1, (int) c.length()).equals(c2.getSubString(1, (int) c2.length())));
use of util.StubClob in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class SerialClobTests method test30.
* Validate that position() returns the correct value when a SerialClob is
* used for the search argument
public void test30() throws Exception {
long expectedPos = 17;
String expected = "012";
SerialClob sc = new SerialClob(expected.toCharArray());
SerialClob sc1 = new SerialClob(new StubClob());
long pos = sc1.position(sc, 1);
assertEquals(expectedPos, pos);