use of voldemort.client.protocol.admin.AdminClient in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AbstractZonedRebalanceTest method testRebalanceCleanPrimarySecondary.
@Test(timeout = 600000)
public void testRebalanceCleanPrimarySecondary() throws Exception {"Starting testRebalanceCleanPrimary");
try {
Cluster currentCluster = ServerTestUtils.getLocalZonedCluster(6, 2, new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, new int[][] { { 0 }, { 1, 6 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, { 4, 7 }, { 5 } });
Cluster finalCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(currentCluster, 2, Lists.newArrayList(7));
finalCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(finalCluster, 5, Lists.newArrayList(6));
* original server partition ownership
* [s0 : p0,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7] [s1 : p1-p7] [s2 : p1,p2] [s3 :
* p0,p1,p2,p3,p6,p7] [s4 : p1-p7] [s5 : p4,p5]
* final server partition ownership
* [s0 : p0,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7] [s1 : p0,p1] [s2 : p1-p7] [s3 :
* p0.p1,p2,p3,p5,p6,p7] [s4 : p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p7] [s5 : p4,p5,p6]
// start servers
List<Integer> serverList = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Map<String, String> configProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
configProps.put("", "true");
currentCluster = startServers(currentCluster, rwStoreDefFileWithReplication, serverList, configProps);
String bootstrapUrl = getBootstrapUrl(currentCluster, 0);
ClusterTestUtils.RebalanceKit rebalanceKit = ClusterTestUtils.getRebalanceKit(bootstrapUrl, finalCluster);
try {
populateData(currentCluster, rwStoreDefWithReplication);
AdminClient admin = rebalanceKit.controller.getAdminClient();
List<ByteArray> p6KeySamples = sampleKeysFromPartition(admin, 1, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), Arrays.asList(6), 20);
List<ByteArray> p1KeySamples = sampleKeysFromPartition(admin, 1, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), Arrays.asList(1), 20);
List<ByteArray> p3KeySamples = sampleKeysFromPartition(admin, 0, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), Arrays.asList(3), 20);
List<ByteArray> p2KeySamples = sampleKeysFromPartition(admin, 1, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), Arrays.asList(2), 20);
List<ByteArray> p7KeySamples = sampleKeysFromPartition(admin, 4, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), Arrays.asList(7), 20);
rebalanceAndCheck(rebalanceKit.plan, rebalanceKit.controller, Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3));
checkConsistentMetadata(finalCluster, serverList);
// Do the cleanup operation
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// wait for the repairs to complete
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
ServerTestUtils.waitForAsyncOperationOnServer(serverMap.get(i), "Repair", 5000);
// confirm a primary movement in zone 0 : P6 : s1 -> S2. The
// zone 0
// primary changes when p6 moves cross zone
// check for existence of p6 in server 2,
checkForKeyExistence(admin, 2, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), p6KeySamples);
// confirm a secondary movement in zone 0.. p2 : s1 -> s0
// check for its existence in server 0
checkForKeyExistence(admin, 0, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), p2KeySamples);
// check for its absernce in server 1
// also check that p1 is stable in server 1 [primary stability]
checkForKeyExistence(admin, 1, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), p1KeySamples);
// check that p3 is stable in server 0 [Secondary stability]
checkForKeyExistence(admin, 0, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), p3KeySamples);
// finally, test for server 4 which now became the secondary for
// p7
// from being a primary before
checkForKeyExistence(admin, 4, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), p7KeySamples);
} finally {
// stop servers
} catch (AssertionError ae) {
logger.error("Assertion broken in testRebalanceCleanPrimarySecondary ", ae);
throw ae;
use of voldemort.client.protocol.admin.AdminClient in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AdminServiceBasicTest method testQuotaOpsForNode.
public void testQuotaOpsForNode(QuotaType quotaType) throws InterruptedException {
AdminClient client = getAdminClient();
String storeName = storeDefs.get(0).getName();
Integer nodeId = 0;
Long quota = 1000L;
// test set quota
client.quotaMgmtOps.setQuotaForNode(storeName, quotaType, nodeId, quota);
Long getQuota = Long.parseLong(client.quotaMgmtOps.getQuotaForNode(storeName, quotaType, nodeId).getValue());
assertEquals(quota, getQuota);
// Sometimes the former set and the newer set are execute in same
// millisecond which causes the later set to fail with
// ObsoleteVersionException. Add 5ms sleep.
// test reset quota
quota = 10L;
client.quotaMgmtOps.setQuotaForNode(storeName, quotaType, nodeId, quota);
getQuota = Long.parseLong(client.quotaMgmtOps.getQuotaForNode(storeName, quotaType, nodeId).getValue());
assertEquals(quota, getQuota);
// test delete quota
assertTrue(client.quotaMgmtOps.deleteQuotaForNode(storeName, quotaType, nodeId));
Versioned<String> quotaVal = client.quotaMgmtOps.getQuotaForNode(storeName, quotaType, nodeId);
assertEquals(null, quotaVal);
use of voldemort.client.protocol.admin.AdminClient in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AdminServiceBasicTest method testUpdateSingleStore.
public void testUpdateSingleStore() {
AdminClient client = getAdminClient();
List<StoreDefinition> originalStoreDefinitions = client.metadataMgmtOps.getRemoteStoreDefList(0).getValue();
StoreDefinition oldStore = getStoreDefinitionFromList(originalStoreDefinitions, "test-replication-memory");
// Create a store definition for an existing store with different owners
List<StoreDefinition> storesToBeUpdatedList = new ArrayList<StoreDefinition>();
String storeName = "test-replication-memory";
StoreDefinition definitionNew = new StoreDefinitionBuilder().setName(storeName).setType(InMemoryStorageConfiguration.TYPE_NAME).setKeySerializer(oldStore.getKeySerializer()).setValueSerializer(oldStore.getValueSerializer()).setRoutingPolicy(RoutingTier.CLIENT).setRoutingStrategyType(RoutingStrategyType.CONSISTENT_STRATEGY).setReplicationFactor(1).setPreferredReads(1).setRequiredReads(1).setPreferredWrites(1).setRequiredWrites(1).setOwners(Collections.singletonList("alice")).build();
use of voldemort.client.protocol.admin.AdminClient in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AdminServiceBasicTest method validateQuota.
private void validateQuota(String storeName) {
AdminClient adminClient = getAdminClient();
Versioned<String> value = adminClient.quotaMgmtOps.getQuota(storeName, QuotaType.STORAGE_SPACE);
assertEquals("Default storage quota does not match", Long.toString(defaultStoreQuota), value.getValue());
use of voldemort.client.protocol.admin.AdminClient in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AdminServiceBasicTest method testFetchAndUpdateRW.
* Tests the basic RW fetch and update
public void testFetchAndUpdateRW() {
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> entrySet = ServerTestUtils.createRandomKeyValuePairs(TEST_STREAM_KEYS_SIZE);
List<Integer> primaryMoved = Arrays.asList(0, 2);
List<Integer> secondaryMoved = Arrays.asList(1, 4);
List<Integer> combinedLists = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 4);
Cluster targetCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(cluster, 1, primaryMoved);
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> keysMovedWith0AsSecondary = Maps.newHashMap();
// insert it into server-0 store
RoutingStrategy strategy = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(StoreDefinitionUtils.getStoreDefinitionWithName(storeDefs, "test-recovery-data"), cluster);
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> store0 = getStore(0, "test-recovery-data");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> store1 = getStore(1, "test-recovery-data");
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
store0.put(entry.getKey(), new Versioned<byte[]>(entry.getValue()), null);
List<Integer> partitions = strategy.getPartitionList(entry.getKey().get());
if (primaryMoved.contains(partitions.get(0)) || (secondaryMoved.contains(partitions.get(0)) && cluster.getNodeById(0).getPartitionIds().contains(partitions.get(1)))) {
keysMovedWith0AsSecondary.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// Assert that server1 is empty.
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) assertEquals("server1 should be empty at start.", 0, store1.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
// Set some other metadata, so as to pick the right up later
getServer(0).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.CLUSTER_KEY, targetCluster);
// Migrate the partition
AdminClient client = getAdminClient();
int id = client.storeMntOps.migratePartitions(0, 1, "test-recovery-data", combinedLists, null, cluster);
client.rpcOps.waitForCompletion(1, id, 120, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Check the values
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : keysMovedWith0AsSecondary.entrySet()) {
assertEquals("server1 store should contain fetchAndupdated partitions.", 1, store1.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(store1.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));