use of voldemort.server.VoldemortServer in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class RestServerProtocolTests method oneTimeSetUp.
* TODO REST-Server: Hard coded storeName and urlStr. They must be retrieved
* from config
public static void oneTimeSetUp() {
storeNameStr = "test";
urlStr = "http://localhost:8085/";
config = VoldemortConfig.loadFromVoldemortHome("config/single_node_rest_server/");
key1 = "The longest key ";
vectorClock = new VectorClock();
vectorClock.incrementVersion(config.getNodeId(), System.currentTimeMillis());
eTag = RestUtils.getSerializedVectorClock(vectorClock);
value1 = "The longest value";
timeOut = 10000L;
contentType = "text";
routingType = 2;
server = new VoldemortServer(config);
if (!server.isStarted())
System.out.println("********************Starting REST Server********************");
use of voldemort.server.VoldemortServer in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class NioStatsJmxTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
String storesXmlfile = "test/common/voldemort/config/single-store.xml";
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig().setMaxConnectionsPerNode(1).setMaxThreads(1);
SocketStoreFactory socketStoreFactory = new ClientRequestExecutorPool(clientConfig.getSelectors(), clientConfig.getMaxConnectionsPerNode(), clientConfig.getConnectionTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), clientConfig.getSocketTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), clientConfig.getSocketBufferSize(), clientConfig.getSocketKeepAlive());
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("jmx.enable", "true");
int numServers = 1;
VoldemortServer[] servers = new VoldemortServer[numServers];
Cluster cluster = ServerTestUtils.startVoldemortCluster(numServers, servers, null, socketStoreFactory, true, null, storesXmlfile, props);
server = servers[0];
for (Node node : cluster.getNodes()) {
socketStore = ServerTestUtils.getSocketStore(socketStoreFactory, "test", node.getSocketPort(), clientConfig.getRequestFormatType());
use of voldemort.server.VoldemortServer in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AbstractZonedRebalanceTest method testProxyPutDuringRebalancing.
@Test(timeout = 600000)
public void testProxyPutDuringRebalancing() throws Exception {"Starting testProxyPutDuringRebalancing");
try {
Cluster currentCluster = ServerTestUtils.getLocalZonedCluster(6, 2, new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, new int[][] { { 0 }, { 1, 6 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, { 4, 7 }, { 5 } });
Cluster finalCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(currentCluster, 2, Lists.newArrayList(7));
finalCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(finalCluster, 5, Lists.newArrayList(6));
* Original partition map
* [s0 : p0] [s1 : p1, p6] [s2 : p2]
* [s3 : p3] [s4 : p4, p7] [s5 : p5]
* final server partition ownership
* [s0 : p0] [s1 : p1] [s2 : p2, p7]
* [s3 : p3] [s4 : p4] [s5 : p5, p6]
* Note that rwStoreDefFileWithReplication is a "2/1/1" store def.
* Original server n-ary partition ownership
* [s0 : p0, p3-7] [s1 : p0-p7] [s2 : p1-2]
* [s3 : p0-3, p6-7] [s4 : p0-p7] [s5 : p4-5]
* final server n-ary partition ownership
* [s0 : p0, p2-7] [s1 : p0-1] [s2 : p1-p7]
* [s3 : p0-3, p5-7] [s4 : p0-4, p7] [s5 : p4-6]
List<Integer> serverList = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Map<String, String> configProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
configProps.put("admin.max.threads", "5");
final Cluster updatedCurrentCluster = startServers(currentCluster, rwStoreDefFileWithReplication, serverList, configProps);
ExecutorService executors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
final AtomicBoolean rebalancingComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final List<Exception> exceptions = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Exception>());
// Its is imperative that we test in a single shot since multiple
// batches would mean the proxy bridges being torn down and
// established multiple times and we cannot test against the source
// cluster topology then. getRebalanceKit uses batch size of
// infinite, so this should be fine.
String bootstrapUrl = getBootstrapUrl(updatedCurrentCluster, 0);
int maxParallel = 2;
final ClusterTestUtils.RebalanceKit rebalanceKit = ClusterTestUtils.getRebalanceKit(bootstrapUrl, maxParallel, finalCluster);
populateData(currentCluster, rwStoreDefWithReplication);
final AdminClient adminClient = rebalanceKit.controller.getAdminClient();
// the plan would cause these partitions to move:
// Partition : Donor -> stealer
// p2 (Z-SEC) : s1 -> s0
// p3-6 (Z-PRI) : s1 -> s2
// p7 (Z-PRI) : s0 -> s2
// p5 (Z-SEC): s4 -> s3
// p6 (Z-PRI): s4 -> s5
// :. rebalancing will run on servers 0, 2, 3, & 5
final List<ByteArray> movingKeysList = sampleKeysFromPartition(adminClient, 1, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), Arrays.asList(6), 20);
assertTrue("Empty list of moving keys...", movingKeysList.size() > 0);
final AtomicBoolean rebalancingStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final AtomicBoolean proxyWritesDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final HashMap<String, String> baselineTuples = new HashMap<String, String>(testEntries);
final HashMap<String, VectorClock> baselineVersions = new HashMap<String, VectorClock>();
for (String key : baselineTuples.keySet()) {
baselineVersions.put(key, new VectorClock());
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2);
// start get operation.
executors.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
SocketStoreClientFactory factory = null;
try {
// wait for the rebalancing to begin
List<VoldemortServer> serverList = Lists.newArrayList(serverMap.get(0), serverMap.get(2), serverMap.get(3), serverMap.get(5));
while (!rebalancingComplete.get()) {
Iterator<VoldemortServer> serverIterator = serverList.iterator();
while (serverIterator.hasNext()) {
VoldemortServer server =;
if (ByteUtils.getString(server.getMetadataStore().get(MetadataStore.SERVER_STATE_KEY, null).get(0).getValue(), "UTF-8").compareTo(VoldemortState.REBALANCING_MASTER_SERVER.toString()) == 0) {"Server " + server.getIdentityNode().getId() + " transitioned into REBALANCING MODE");
if (serverList.size() == 0) {
if (rebalancingStarted.get()) {
factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(getBootstrapUrl(updatedCurrentCluster, 0)).setEnableLazy(false).setSocketTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS).setClientZoneId(1));
final StoreClient<String, String> storeClientRW = new DefaultStoreClient<String, String>(testStoreNameRW, null, factory, 3);
// now with zero vector clock
for (ByteArray movingKey : movingKeysList) {
try {
String keyStr = ByteUtils.getString(movingKey.get(), "UTF-8");
String valStr = "proxy_write";
storeClientRW.put(keyStr, valStr);
baselineTuples.put(keyStr, valStr);
// all these keys will have [5:1] vector
// clock is node 5 is the new pseudo master
baselineVersions.get(keyStr).incrementVersion(5, System.currentTimeMillis());
if (rebalancingComplete.get()) {
} catch (InvalidMetadataException e) {
// let this go
logger.error("Encountered an invalid metadata exception.. ", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception in proxy write thread..", e);
} finally {
if (factory != null)
executors.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in rebalancing... ", e);
} finally {
executors.awaitTermination(300, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals("Client did not see all server transition into rebalancing state", rebalancingStarted.get(), true);
assertEquals("Not enough time to begin proxy writing", proxyWritesDone.get(), true);
checkEntriesPostRebalance(updatedCurrentCluster, finalCluster, Lists.newArrayList(rwStoreDefWithReplication), Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), baselineTuples, baselineVersions);
checkConsistentMetadata(finalCluster, serverList);
// check No Exception
if (exceptions.size() > 0) {
for (Exception e : exceptions) {
fail("Should not see any exceptions.");
// check that the proxy writes were made to the original donor, node
// 1
List<ClockEntry> clockEntries = new ArrayList<ClockEntry>(serverList.size());
for (Integer nodeid : serverList) clockEntries.add(new ClockEntry(nodeid.shortValue(), System.currentTimeMillis()));
VectorClock clusterXmlClock = new VectorClock(clockEntries, System.currentTimeMillis());
for (Integer nodeid : serverList) adminClient.metadataMgmtOps.updateRemoteCluster(nodeid, currentCluster, clusterXmlClock);
checkForTupleEquivalence(adminClient, 1, testStoreNameRW, movingKeysList, baselineTuples, baselineVersions);
// stop servers
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (AssertionError ae) {
logger.error("Assertion broken in testProxyPutDuringRebalancing ", ae);
throw ae;
use of voldemort.server.VoldemortServer in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AdminRebalanceTest method testRebalanceNodeRW2.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testRebalanceNodeRW2() throws IOException {
try {
// Start another node for only this unit test
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> entrySet = ServerTestUtils.createRandomKeyValuePairs(TEST_SIZE);
SocketStoreClientFactory factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(Lists.newArrayList("tcp://" + currentCluster.getNodeById(0).getHost() + ":" + currentCluster.getNodeById(0).getSocketPort())));
StoreClient<Object, Object> storeClient1 = factory.getStoreClient("test"), storeClient2 = factory.getStoreClient("test2");
List<Integer> primaryPartitionsMoved = Lists.newArrayList(0);
List<Integer> secondaryPartitionsMoved = Lists.newArrayList(8, 9, 10, 11);
List<Integer> tertiaryPartitionsMoved = Lists.newArrayList(4, 5, 6, 7);
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> primaryEntriesMoved = Maps.newHashMap();
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> secondaryEntriesMoved = Maps.newHashMap();
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> tertiaryEntriesMoved = Maps.newHashMap();
RoutingStrategy strategy = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDef2, currentCluster);
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
storeClient1.put(new String(entry.getKey().get()), new String(entry.getValue()));
storeClient2.put(new String(entry.getKey().get()), new String(entry.getValue()));
List<Integer> pList = strategy.getPartitionList(entry.getKey().get());
if (primaryPartitionsMoved.contains(pList.get(0))) {
primaryEntriesMoved.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else if (secondaryPartitionsMoved.contains(pList.get(0))) {
secondaryEntriesMoved.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else if (tertiaryPartitionsMoved.contains(pList.get(0))) {
tertiaryEntriesMoved.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// Set into rebalancing state
for (RebalanceTaskInfo partitionPlan : plans) {
getServer(partitionPlan.getStealerId()).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.SERVER_STATE_KEY, MetadataStore.VoldemortState.REBALANCING_MASTER_SERVER);
getServer(partitionPlan.getStealerId()).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO, new RebalancerState(Lists.newArrayList(RebalanceTaskInfo.create(partitionPlan.toJsonString()))));
getServer(partitionPlan.getStealerId()).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.REBALANCING_SOURCE_CLUSTER_XML, partitionPlan.getInitialCluster());
// Update the cluster metadata on all three nodes
for (VoldemortServer server : servers) {
server.getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.CLUSTER_KEY, finalCluster);
// Actually run it
try {
for (RebalanceTaskInfo currentPlan : plans) {
int asyncId = adminClient.rebalanceOps.rebalanceNode(currentPlan);
assertNotSame("Got a valid rebalanceAsyncId", -1, asyncId);
getAdminClient().rpcOps.waitForCompletion(currentPlan.getStealerId(), asyncId, 300, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Test that plan has been removed from the list
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Should not throw any exceptions");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest0 = getStore(0, "test2");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest1 = getStore(1, "test2");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest3 = getStore(3, "test2");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest00 = getStore(0, "test");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest30 = getStore(3, "test");
// Primary
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : primaryEntriesMoved.entrySet()) {
// Test 2
// Present on Node 0
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest0.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest0.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Present on Node 1
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest1.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest1.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Present on Node 3
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest3.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest3.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Test
// Present on Node 0
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest00.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest00.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Present on Node 3
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest30.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest30.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Secondary
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : secondaryEntriesMoved.entrySet()) {
// Test 2
// Present on Node 0
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest0.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest0.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Present on Node 3
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest3.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest3.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Test
// Present on Node 3
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest30.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest30.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Tertiary
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : tertiaryEntriesMoved.entrySet()) {
// Test 2
// Present on Node 3
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest3.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest3.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// All servers should be back to normal state
for (VoldemortServer server : servers) {
assertEquals(server.getMetadataStore().getRebalancerState(), new RebalancerState(new ArrayList<RebalanceTaskInfo>()));
assertEquals(server.getMetadataStore().getServerStateUnlocked(), MetadataStore.VoldemortState.NORMAL_SERVER);
} finally {
use of voldemort.server.VoldemortServer in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class AdminRebalanceTest method testRebalanceNodeRW.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testRebalanceNodeRW() throws IOException {
try {
// Start another node for only this unit test
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> entrySet = ServerTestUtils.createRandomKeyValuePairs(TEST_SIZE);
SocketStoreClientFactory factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(Lists.newArrayList("tcp://" + currentCluster.getNodeById(0).getHost() + ":" + currentCluster.getNodeById(0).getSocketPort())));
StoreClient<Object, Object> storeClient1 = factory.getStoreClient("test"), storeClient2 = factory.getStoreClient("test2");
List<Integer> primaryPartitionsMoved = Lists.newArrayList(0);
List<Integer> secondaryPartitionsMoved = Lists.newArrayList(4, 5, 6, 7);
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> primaryEntriesMoved = Maps.newHashMap();
HashMap<ByteArray, byte[]> secondaryEntriesMoved = Maps.newHashMap();
RoutingStrategy strategy = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDef2, currentCluster);
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : entrySet.entrySet()) {
storeClient1.put(new String(entry.getKey().get()), new String(entry.getValue()));
storeClient2.put(new String(entry.getKey().get()), new String(entry.getValue()));
List<Integer> pList = strategy.getPartitionList(entry.getKey().get());
if (primaryPartitionsMoved.contains(pList.get(0))) {
primaryEntriesMoved.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else if (secondaryPartitionsMoved.contains(pList.get(0))) {
secondaryEntriesMoved.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
try {
fail("Should have thrown an exception since not in rebalancing state");
} catch (VoldemortException e) {
// Set into rebalancing state
for (RebalanceTaskInfo partitionPlan : plans) {
getServer(partitionPlan.getStealerId()).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.SERVER_STATE_KEY, MetadataStore.VoldemortState.REBALANCING_MASTER_SERVER);
getServer(partitionPlan.getStealerId()).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.REBALANCING_SOURCE_CLUSTER_XML, partitionPlan.getInitialCluster());
try {
fail("Should have thrown an exception since no steal info");
} catch (VoldemortException e) {
// Put a plan different from the plan that we actually want to
// execute
int incorrectStealerId = (plans.get(0).getStealerId() + 1) % 3;
getServer(plans.get(0).getStealerId()).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO, new RebalancerState(Lists.newArrayList(new RebalanceTaskInfo(incorrectStealerId, plans.get(0).getDonorId(), plans.get(0).getStoreToPartitionIds(), plans.get(0).getInitialCluster()))));
try {
fail("Should have thrown an exception since the two plans eventhough have the same donor are different");
} catch (VoldemortException e) {
// Set the rebalance info on the stealer node
for (RebalanceTaskInfo partitionPlan : plans) {
getServer(partitionPlan.getStealerId()).getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.REBALANCING_STEAL_INFO, new RebalancerState(Lists.newArrayList(RebalanceTaskInfo.create(partitionPlan.toJsonString()))));
// Update the cluster metadata on all three nodes
for (VoldemortServer server : servers) {
server.getMetadataStore().put(MetadataStore.CLUSTER_KEY, finalCluster);
// Actually run it
try {
for (RebalanceTaskInfo currentPlan : plans) {
int asyncId = adminClient.rebalanceOps.rebalanceNode(currentPlan);
// AlreadyRebalancingException
try {
fail("Should have thrown an exception since it is already rebalancing");
} catch (AlreadyRebalancingException e) {
assertNotSame("Got a valid rebalanceAsyncId", -1, asyncId);
getAdminClient().rpcOps.waitForCompletion(currentPlan.getStealerId(), asyncId, 300, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Test that plan has been removed from the list
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Should not throw any exceptions");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest0 = getStore(0, "test2");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest2 = getStore(2, "test2");
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> storeTest20 = getStore(2, "test");
// Primary is on Node 0 and not on Node 1
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : primaryEntriesMoved.entrySet()) {
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest0.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest0.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Check in other store
assertSame("entry should be present in store test2 ", 1, storeTest20.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest20.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// Secondary is on Node 2 and not on Node 0
for (Entry<ByteArray, byte[]> entry : secondaryEntriesMoved.entrySet()) {
assertSame("entry should be present at store", 1, storeTest2.get(entry.getKey(), null).size());
assertEquals("entry value should match", new String(entry.getValue()), new String(storeTest2.get(entry.getKey(), null).get(0).getValue()));
// All servers should be back to normal state
for (VoldemortServer server : servers) {
assertEquals(server.getMetadataStore().getRebalancerState(), new RebalancerState(new ArrayList<RebalanceTaskInfo>()));
assertEquals(server.getMetadataStore().getServerStateUnlocked(), MetadataStore.VoldemortState.NORMAL_SERVER);
} finally {