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Example 6 with InsufficientZoneResponsesException

use of in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class RoutedStoreTest method testBasicOperationsFailureZZZMultiThreadedWithDelays.

 * Test to ensure that the basic operations fail, in the presence of some
 * sleepy nodes and zone count reads and writes = 2 in a 3 zone cluster.
 * @throws Exception
public void testBasicOperationsFailureZZZMultiThreadedWithDelays() throws Exception {
    cluster = VoldemortTestConstants.getNineNodeClusterWith3Zones();
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> zoneReplicationFactor = Maps.newHashMap();
    zoneReplicationFactor.put(0, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0));
    zoneReplicationFactor.put(1, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0));
    zoneReplicationFactor.put(2, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0));
    // PR = RR = #nodes in a zone - 1
    // PW = RW = #nodes in a zone - 1
    // Zone Reads = # Zones - 1
    // Zone Writes = # Zones - 1
    // Sleepy nodes = 1 from each zone
    // Threads = 4
    RoutedStore routedStore = getStore(cluster, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0) - 1, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0) - 1, cluster.getNumberOfZones() - 1, cluster.getNumberOfZones() - 1, 4, null, Sets.newHashSet(2, 4, 8), zoneReplicationFactor, RoutingStrategyType.ZONE_STRATEGY, SLEEPY_TIME, OPERATION_TIMEOUT, new VoldemortException());
    try {
        testBasicOperations(cluster.getNumberOfNodes(), cluster.getNumberOfNodes(), 3, 0, routedStore, 1000);
        fail("Too few successful zone responses. Should've failed.");
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException ize) {
    // Expected
Also used : InsufficientZoneResponsesException( VoldemortException(voldemort.VoldemortException) AbstractByteArrayStoreTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 7 with InsufficientZoneResponsesException

use of in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class PerformSerialRequests method execute.

public void execute(Pipeline pipeline) {
    List<Node> nodes = pipelineData.getNodes();
    // reads to make up for these.
    while (pipelineData.getSuccesses() < preferred && pipelineData.getNodeIndex() < nodes.size()) {
        Node node = nodes.get(pipelineData.getNodeIndex());
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        try {
            Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> store = stores.get(node.getId());
            V result = storeRequest.request(store);
            Response<ByteArray, V> response = new Response<ByteArray, V>(node, key, result, ((System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug(pipeline.getOperation().getSimpleName() + " for key " + ByteUtils.toHexString(key.get()) + " successes: " + pipelineData.getSuccesses() + " preferred: " + preferred + " required: " + required + " new " + pipeline.getOperation().getSimpleName() + " success on node " + node.getId());
            failureDetector.recordSuccess(response.getNode(), response.getRequestTime());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            long requestTime = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
            if (handleResponseError(e, node, requestTime, pipeline, failureDetector))
        // break out if we have satisfied everything
        if (isSatisfied())
    if (pipelineData.getSuccesses() < required) {
        if (insufficientSuccessesEvent != null) {
        } else {
            pipelineData.setFatalError(new InsufficientOperationalNodesException(required + " " + pipeline.getOperation().getSimpleName() + "s required, but only " + pipelineData.getSuccesses() + " succeeded", pipelineData.getReplicationSet(), pipelineData.getNodes(), pipelineData.getFailedNodes(), pipelineData.getFailures()));
    } else {
        if (pipelineData.getZonesRequired() != null) {
            int zonesSatisfied = pipelineData.getZoneResponses().size();
            if (zonesSatisfied >= (pipelineData.getZonesRequired() + 1)) {
            } else {
                // if you run with zoneCountReads > 0, we could frequently
                // run into this exception since our preference list for
                // zone routing is laid out thus : <a node from each of
                // 'zoneCountReads' zones>, <nodes from local zone>, <nodes
                // from remote zone1>, <nodes from remote zone2>,...
                // #preferred number of reads may not be able to satisfy
                // zoneCountReads, if the original read to a remote node
                // fails in the parallel stage
                pipelineData.setFatalError(new InsufficientZoneResponsesException((pipelineData.getZonesRequired() + 1) + " " + pipeline.getOperation().getSimpleName() + "s required zone, but only " + zonesSatisfied + " succeeded"));
        } else {
Also used : Response( InsufficientZoneResponsesException( Node(voldemort.cluster.Node) InsufficientOperationalNodesException( ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray) InsufficientOperationalNodesException( InsufficientZoneResponsesException(

Example 8 with InsufficientZoneResponsesException

use of in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class RoutedStoreTest method testZoneRouting.

public void testZoneRouting() throws Exception {
    cluster = VoldemortTestConstants.getEightNodeClusterWithZones();
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> zoneReplicationFactor = Maps.newHashMap();
    zoneReplicationFactor.put(0, 2);
    zoneReplicationFactor.put(1, 2);
    long start;
    Versioned<byte[]> versioned = new Versioned<byte[]>(new byte[] { 1 });
    // Basic put with zone read = 0, zone write = 0 and timeout < cross-zone
    // latency
    Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> s1 = getStore(cluster, 1, 1, 0, 0, 8, null, Sets.newHashSet(4, 5, 6, 7), zoneReplicationFactor, RoutingStrategyType.ZONE_STRATEGY, SLEEPY_TIME, OPERATION_TIMEOUT, new VoldemortException());
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        s1.put(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), versioned, null);
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    // Putting extra key to test getAll
    s1.put(new ByteArray("test2".getBytes()), versioned, null);
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        s1.get(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), null);
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        List<Version> versions = s1.getVersions(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()));
        for (Version version : versions) {
            assertEquals(, Occurred.BEFORE);
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        s1.delete(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), versioned.getVersion());
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    // make sure sleepy stores processed the delete before checking,
    // otherwise, we might be bailing
    // out of the test too early for the delete to be processed.
    Thread.sleep(SLEEPY_TIME * 2);
    List<ByteArray> keys = Lists.newArrayList(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), new ByteArray("test2".getBytes()));
    Map<ByteArray, List<Versioned<byte[]>>> values = s1.getAll(keys, null);
    assertFalse("'test' did not get deleted.", values.containsKey(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()))); ByteArray("test2".getBytes())).get(0).getValue(), new byte[] { 1 });
    // Basic put with zone read = 1, zone write = 1
    Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> s2 = getStore(cluster, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, null, Sets.newHashSet(4, 5, 6, 7), zoneReplicationFactor, RoutingStrategyType.ZONE_STRATEGY, SLEEPY_TIME, BANNAGE_PERIOD, new VoldemortException());
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        s2.put(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), versioned, null);
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " > " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed >= SLEEPY_TIME);
    s2.put(new ByteArray("test2".getBytes()), versioned, null);
    try {
        s2.get(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), null);
        fail("Should have shown exception");
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException e) {
             * Why would you want responses from two zones and wait for only one
             * response...
    try {
        s2.getVersions(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()));
        fail("Should have shown exception");
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException e) {
             * Why would you want responses from two zones and wait for only one
             * response...
    try {
        s2.delete(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), null);
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException e) {
             * Why would you want responses from two zones and wait for only one
             * response...
    values = s2.getAll(keys, null);
    assertFalse("'test' did not get deleted.", values.containsKey(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()))); ByteArray("test2".getBytes())).get(0).getValue(), new byte[] { 1 });
    // Basic put with zone read = 0, zone write = 0 and failures in other
    // dc, but should still work
    Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> s3 = getStore(cluster, 1, 1, 0, 0, 8, Sets.newHashSet(4, 5, 6, 7), null, zoneReplicationFactor, RoutingStrategyType.ZONE_STRATEGY, SLEEPY_TIME, BANNAGE_PERIOD, new VoldemortException());
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        s3.put(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), versioned, null);
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    // Putting extra key to test getAll
    s3.put(new ByteArray("test2".getBytes()), versioned, null);
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        List<Version> versions = s3.getVersions(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()));
        for (Version version : versions) {
            assertEquals(, Occurred.BEFORE);
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        s3.get(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), null);
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    start = System.nanoTime();
    try {
        s3.delete(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), versioned.getVersion());
    } finally {
        long elapsed = (System.nanoTime() - start) / Time.NS_PER_MS;
        assertTrue(elapsed + " < " + SLEEPY_TIME, elapsed < SLEEPY_TIME);
    // Basic put with zone read = 1, zone write = 1 and failures in other
    // dc, should not work
    Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> s4 = getStore(cluster, 2, 2, 1, 1, 8, Sets.newHashSet(4, 5, 6, 7), null, zoneReplicationFactor, RoutingStrategyType.ZONE_STRATEGY, SLEEPY_TIME, BANNAGE_PERIOD, new VoldemortException());
    try {
        s4.put(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), new Versioned<byte[]>(new byte[] { 1 }), null);
        fail("Should have shown exception");
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException e) {
             * The other zone is down and you expect a result from both zones
    try {
        s4.getVersions(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()));
        fail("Should have shown exception");
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException e) {
             * The other zone is down and you expect a result from both zones
    try {
        s4.get(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), null);
        fail("Should have shown exception");
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException e) {
             * The other zone is down and you expect a result from both zones
    try {
        s4.delete(new ByteArray("test".getBytes()), versioned.getVersion());
        fail("Should have shown exception");
    } catch (InsufficientZoneResponsesException e) {
             * The other zone is down and you expect a result from both zones
Also used : Versioned(voldemort.versioning.Versioned) VoldemortException(voldemort.VoldemortException) Version(voldemort.versioning.Version) InsufficientZoneResponsesException( ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) AbstractByteArrayStoreTest( Test(org.junit.Test)


InsufficientZoneResponsesException ( Node (voldemort.cluster.Node)6 ByteArray (voldemort.utils.ByteArray)6 InsufficientOperationalNodesException ( Response ( VoldemortException (voldemort.VoldemortException)3 InvalidMetadataException ( NonblockingStore ( NonblockingStoreCallback ( ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)2 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 AbstractByteArrayStoreTest ( QuotaExceededException ( ObsoleteVersionException (voldemort.versioning.ObsoleteVersionException)2 Versioned (voldemort.versioning.Versioned)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 List (java.util.List)1