use of in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class NioSelectorManagerTest method testSelectorHeartBeat.
public void testSelectorHeartBeat() throws Exception {
// Open a request so that Sleepy store hangs.
pool.submitAsync(dest1, getClientRequest(), getCallBack(), 250, "get");
// wait for MAX heart beat + some more time so that the selector
// threads should be marked dead
Thread.sleep(MAX_HEART_BEAT_MS + 50);
// request, if not it calls proceesLoop which creates one more.
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// here sleeps for infinite time
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
try {
ClientRequestExecutor executor = pool.checkout(dest1);
if (numSelectors == 1) {
fail("Single selector expected an exception");
} else {
assertNotNull("multiple selector should have valid executor", executor);
} catch (UnreachableStoreException ex) {
if (numSelectors > 1) {
fail("more than one selector, no exception should be observed" + ex);
} else {
assertTrue("inner exception should be instance of IOException", ex.getCause() instanceof IOException);
use of in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class RoutedStoreTest method testBasicOperationFailureZZZMultiThreaded.
* Test to ensure that the basic operations fail in the presence of bad
* nodes in a 3 zone cluster.
* @throws Exception
public void testBasicOperationFailureZZZMultiThreaded() throws Exception {
cluster = VoldemortTestConstants.getNineNodeClusterWith3Zones();
HashMap<Integer, Integer> zoneReplicationFactor = Maps.newHashMap();
zoneReplicationFactor.put(0, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0));
zoneReplicationFactor.put(1, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0));
zoneReplicationFactor.put(2, cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(0));
// PR = RR = 7
// PW = RW = 7
// Zone Reads = # Zones - 1
// Zone Writes = # Zones - 1
// Failing nodes = 1 from each zone
// Threads = 4
RoutedStore zonedRoutedStore = getStore(cluster, 7, 7, cluster.getNumberOfZones() - 1, cluster.getNumberOfZones() - 1, 4, Sets.newHashSet(1, 5, 6), null, zoneReplicationFactor, RoutingStrategyType.ZONE_STRATEGY, 0, BANNAGE_PERIOD, new UnreachableStoreException("no go"));
testBasicOperationFailure(cluster.getNumberOfNodes() - 2, cluster.getNumberOfNodes() - 2, 0, 0, zonedRoutedStore);
use of in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class ThreadPoolRoutedStore method put.
public void put(final ByteArray key, final Versioned<byte[]> versioned, final byte[] transforms) throws VoldemortException {
long startNs = System.nanoTime();
final List<Node> nodes = availableNodes(routingStrategy.routeRequest(key.get()));
// quickly fail if there aren't enough nodes to meet the requirement
final int numNodes = nodes.size();
if (numNodes < this.storeDef.getRequiredWrites())
throw new InsufficientOperationalNodesException("Only " + numNodes + " nodes in preference list, but " + this.storeDef.getRequiredWrites() + " writes required.");
// A count of the number of successful operations
final AtomicInteger successes = new AtomicInteger(0);
// A list of thrown exceptions, indicating the number of failures
final List<Exception> failures = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Exception>();
// If requiredWrites > 0 then do a single blocking write to the first
// live node in the preference list if this node throws an
// ObsoleteVersionException allow it to propagate
Node master = null;
int currentNode = 0;
Versioned<byte[]> versionedCopy = null;
for (; currentNode < numNodes; currentNode++) {
Node current = nodes.get(currentNode);
long startNsLocal = System.nanoTime();
try {
versionedCopy = incremented(versioned, current.getId());
innerStores.get(current.getId()).put(key, versionedCopy, transforms);
recordSuccess(current, startNsLocal);
master = current;
} catch (UnreachableStoreException e) {
recordException(current, startNsLocal, e);
} catch (VoldemortApplicationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (successes.get() < 1)
throw new InsufficientOperationalNodesException("No master node succeeded!", failures);
// A semaphore indicating the number of completed operations
// Once inititialized all permits are acquired, after that
// permits are released when an operation is completed.
// semaphore.acquire(n) waits for n operations to complete
final Versioned<byte[]> finalVersionedCopy = versionedCopy;
final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(0, false);
// Add the operations to the pool
int attempts = 0;
for (; currentNode < numNodes; currentNode++) {
final Node node = nodes.get(currentNode);
this.executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
long startNsLocal = System.nanoTime();
try {
innerStores.get(node.getId()).put(key, finalVersionedCopy, transforms);
recordSuccess(node, startNsLocal);
} catch (UnreachableStoreException e) {
recordException(node, startNsLocal, e);
} catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) {
// ignore this completely here
// this means that a higher version was able
// to write on this node and should be termed as clean
// success.
} catch (VoldemortApplicationException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Error in PUT on node " + node.getId() + "(" + node.getHost() + ")", e);
} finally {
// signal that the operation is complete
// Block until we get enough completions
int blockCount = Math.min(storeDef.getPreferredWrites() - 1, attempts);
boolean noTimeout = blockOnPut(startNs, semaphore, 0, blockCount, successes, storeDef.getPreferredWrites());
if (successes.get() < storeDef.getRequiredWrites()) {
* We don't have enough required writes, but we haven't timed out
* yet, so block a little more if there are healthy nodes that can
* help us achieve our target.
if (noTimeout) {
int startingIndex = blockCount - 1;
blockCount = Math.max(storeDef.getPreferredWrites() - 1, attempts);
blockOnPut(startNs, semaphore, startingIndex, blockCount, successes, storeDef.getRequiredWrites());
if (successes.get() < storeDef.getRequiredWrites())
throw new InsufficientOperationalNodesException(successes.get() + " writes succeeded, but " + this.storeDef.getRequiredWrites() + " are required.", failures);
// Okay looks like it worked, increment the version for the caller
VectorClock versionedClock = (VectorClock) versioned.getVersion();
versionedClock.incrementVersion(master.getId(), time.getMilliseconds());
use of in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class HintedHandoff method sendOneAsyncHint.
* A callback that handles requestComplete event from NIO selector manager
* Will try any possible nodes and pass itself as callback util all nodes
* are exhausted
* @param slopKey
* @param slopVersioned
* @param nodesToTry List of nodes to try to contact. Will become shorter
* after each callback
private void sendOneAsyncHint(final ByteArray slopKey, final Versioned<byte[]> slopVersioned, final List<Node> nodesToTry) {
Node nodeToHostHint = null;
boolean foundNode = false;
while (nodesToTry.size() > 0) {
nodeToHostHint = nodesToTry.remove(0);
if (!failedNodes.contains(nodeToHostHint) && failureDetector.isAvailable(nodeToHostHint)) {
foundNode = true;
if (!foundNode) {
Slop slop = slopSerializer.toObject(slopVersioned.getValue());
logger.error("Trying to send an async hint but used up all nodes. key: " + slop.getKey() + " version: " + slopVersioned.getVersion().toString());
final Node node = nodeToHostHint;
int nodeId = node.getId();
NonblockingStore nonblockingStore = nonblockingSlopStores.get(nodeId);
final Long startNs = System.nanoTime();
NonblockingStoreCallback callback = new NonblockingStoreCallback() {
public void requestComplete(Object result, long requestTime) {
Slop slop = null;
boolean loggerDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (loggerDebugEnabled) {
slop = slopSerializer.toObject(slopVersioned.getValue());
Response<ByteArray, Object> response = new Response<ByteArray, Object>(node, slopKey, result, requestTime);
if (response.getValue() instanceof Exception && !(response.getValue() instanceof ObsoleteVersionException)) {
if (!failedNodes.contains(node))
if (response.getValue() instanceof UnreachableStoreException) {
UnreachableStoreException use = (UnreachableStoreException) response.getValue();
if (loggerDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Write of key " + slop.getKey() + " for " + slop.getNodeId() + " to node " + node + " failed due to unreachable: " + use.getMessage());
failureDetector.recordException(node, (System.nanoTime() - startNs) / Time.NS_PER_MS, use);
sendOneAsyncHint(slopKey, slopVersioned, nodesToTry);
if (loggerDebugEnabled)
logger.debug("Slop write of key " + slop.getKey() + " for node " + slop.getNodeId() + " to node " + node + " succeeded in " + (System.nanoTime() - startNs) + " ns");
failureDetector.recordSuccess(node, (System.nanoTime() - startNs) / Time.NS_PER_MS);
nonblockingStore.submitPutRequest(slopKey, slopVersioned, null, callback, timeoutMs);
use of in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class HintedHandoff method sendHintSerial.
* Send a hint of a request originally meant for the failed node to another
* node in the ring, as selected by the {@link HintedHandoffStrategy}
* implementation passed in the constructor
* @param failedNode The node the request was originally meant for
* @param version The version of the request's object
* @param slop The hint
* @return True if persisted on another node, false otherwise
public boolean sendHintSerial(Node failedNode, Version version, Slop slop) {
boolean persisted = false;
for (Node node : handoffStrategy.routeHint(failedNode)) {
int nodeId = node.getId();
if (!failedNodes.contains(node) && failureDetector.isAvailable(node)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Trying to send hint to " + nodeId + " for key " + slop.getKey());
Store<ByteArray, Slop, byte[]> slopStore = slopStores.get(nodeId);
long startNs = System.nanoTime();
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Slop attempt to write " + slop.getKey() + " (keyRef: " + System.identityHashCode(slop.getKey()) + ") for " + failedNode + " to node " + node);
// No transform needs to applied to the slop
slopStore.put(slop.makeKey(), new Versioned<Slop>(slop, version), null);
persisted = true;
failureDetector.recordSuccess(node, (System.nanoTime() - startNs) / Time.NS_PER_MS);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Finished hinted handoff for " + failedNode + " wrote slop to " + node);
} catch (UnreachableStoreException e) {
failureDetector.recordException(node, (System.nanoTime() - startNs) / Time.NS_PER_MS, e);
logger.warn("Error during hinted handoff. Will try another node", e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
logger.warn("Error during hinted handoff. Will try another node", e);
} catch (ObsoleteVersionException e) {
logger.debug(e, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unknown exception. Will try another node" + e);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Slop write of key " + slop.getKey() + " (keyRef: " + System.identityHashCode(slop.getKey()) + ") for " + failedNode + " to node " + node + (persisted ? " succeeded" : " failed") + " in " + (System.nanoTime() - startNs) + " ns");
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Skipping node " + nodeId);
if (!persisted) {
logger.error("Slop write of key " + slop.getKey() + " (keyRef: " + System.identityHashCode(slop.getKey()) + ") for " + failedNode + " was not written.");
return persisted;