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Example 76 with ByteArray

use of voldemort.utils.ByteArray in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class RestRequestValidator method parseKeys.

     * Method to read a key (or keys) present in the HTTP request URI. The URI
     * must be of the format /<store_name>/<key>[,<key>,...]
     * @param requestURI The URI of the HTTP request
protected void parseKeys(String requestURI) {
    this.parsedKeys = null;
    String[] parts = requestURI.split("/");
    if (parts.length > 2) {
        String base64KeyList = parts[2];
        this.parsedKeys = new ArrayList<ByteArray>();
        if (!base64KeyList.contains(",")) {
            String rawKey = base64KeyList.trim();
            this.parsedKeys.add(new ByteArray(RestUtils.decodeVoldemortKey(rawKey)));
        } else {
            String[] base64KeyArray = base64KeyList.split(",");
            for (String base64Key : base64KeyArray) {
                String rawKey = base64Key.trim();
                this.parsedKeys.add(new ByteArray(RestUtils.decodeVoldemortKey(rawKey)));
Also used : ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray)

Example 77 with ByteArray

use of voldemort.utils.ByteArray in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class CoordinatorProxyService method initializeFatClient.

     * Initialize the fat client for the given store.
     * 1. Updates the coordinatorMetadata 2.Gets the new store configs from the
     * config file 3.Creates a new @SocketStoreClientFactory 4. Subsequently
     * caches the @StoreClient obtained from the factory.
     * This is synchronized because if Coordinator Admin is already doing some
     * change we want the AsyncMetadataVersionManager to wait.
     * @param storeName
private synchronized void initializeFatClient(String storeName, Properties storeClientProps) {
    // updates the coordinator metadata with recent stores and cluster xml
    updateCoordinatorMetadataWithLatestState();"Creating a Fat client for store: " + storeName);
    SocketStoreClientFactory fatClientFactory = getFatClientFactory(this.coordinatorConfig.getBootstrapURLs(), storeClientProps);
    if (this.fatClientMap == null) {
        this.fatClientMap = new HashMap<String, DynamicTimeoutStoreClient<ByteArray, byte[]>>();
    DynamicTimeoutStoreClient<ByteArray, byte[]> fatClient = new DynamicTimeoutStoreClient<ByteArray, byte[]>(storeName, fatClientFactory, 1, this.coordinatorMetadata.getStoreDefs(), this.coordinatorMetadata.getClusterXmlStr());
    this.fatClientMap.put(storeName, fatClient);
Also used : SocketStoreClientFactory(voldemort.client.SocketStoreClientFactory) ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray)

Example 78 with ByteArray

use of voldemort.utils.ByteArray in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class ReadOnlyStoreManagementServlet method getReadOnlyStores.

private List<ReadOnlyStorageEngine> getReadOnlyStores(VoldemortServer server) {
    StorageService storage = (StorageService) Utils.notNull(server).getService(ServiceType.STORAGE);
    List<ReadOnlyStorageEngine> l = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (StorageEngine<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> engine : storage.getStoreRepository().getStorageEnginesByClass(ReadOnlyStorageEngine.class)) {
        l.add((ReadOnlyStorageEngine) engine);
    return l;
Also used : ReadOnlyStorageEngine( ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray) StorageService(

Example 79 with ByteArray

use of voldemort.utils.ByteArray in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class GetAllResponseSender method sendResponse.

     * Sends nested multipart response. Outer multipart wraps all the keys
     * requested. Each key has a separate multipart for the versioned values.
public void sendResponse(StoreStats performanceStats, boolean isFromLocalZone, long startTimeInMs) throws Exception {
         * Pay attention to the code below. Note that in this method we wrap a multiPart object with a mimeMessage.
         * However when writing to the outputStream we only send the multiPart object and not the entire
         * mimeMessage. This is intentional.
         * In the earlier version of this code we used to create a multiPart object and just send that multiPart
         * across the wire.
         * However, we later discovered that upon setting the content of a MimeBodyPart, JavaMail internally creates
         * a DataHandler object wrapping the object you passed in. The part's Content-Type header is not updated
         * immediately. In order to get the headers updated, one needs to to call MimeMessage.saveChanges() on the
         * enclosing message, which cascades down the MIME structure into a call to MimeBodyPart.updateHeaders()
         * on the body part. It's this updateHeaders call that transfers the content type from the
         * DataHandler to the part's MIME Content-Type header.
         * To make sure that the Content-Type headers are being updated (without changing too much code), we decided
         * to wrap the multiPart in a mimeMessage, call mimeMessage.saveChanges() and then just send the multiPart.
         * This is to make sure multiPart's headers are updated accurately.
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties()));
    // multiPartKeys is the outer multipart
    MimeMultipart multiPartKeys = new MimeMultipart();
    ByteArrayOutputStream keysOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    for (Entry<ByteArray, List<Versioned<byte[]>>> entry : versionedResponses.entrySet()) {
        ByteArray key = entry.getKey();
        String base64Key = RestUtils.encodeVoldemortKey(key.get());
        String contentLocationKey = "/" + this.storeName + "/" + base64Key;
        // Create the individual body part - for each key requested
        MimeBodyPart keyBody = new MimeBodyPart();
        try {
            // Add the right headers
            keyBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
            keyBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary");
            keyBody.addHeader(CONTENT_LOCATION, contentLocationKey);
        } catch (MessagingException me) {
            logger.error("Exception while constructing key body headers", me);
            throw me;
        // multiPartValues is the inner multipart
        MimeMultipart multiPartValues = new MimeMultipart();
        for (Versioned<byte[]> versionedValue : entry.getValue()) {
            byte[] responseValue = versionedValue.getValue();
            VectorClock vectorClock = (VectorClock) versionedValue.getVersion();
            String eTag = RestUtils.getSerializedVectorClock(vectorClock);
            numVectorClockEntries += vectorClock.getVersionMap().size();
            // Create the individual body part - for each versioned value of
            // a key
            MimeBodyPart valueBody = new MimeBodyPart();
            try {
                // Add the right headers
                valueBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
                valueBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary");
                valueBody.addHeader(RestMessageHeaders.X_VOLD_VECTOR_CLOCK, eTag);
                valueBody.setContent(responseValue, "application/octet-stream");
                valueBody.addHeader(RestMessageHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(responseValue.length));
            } catch (MessagingException me) {
                logger.error("Exception while constructing value body part", me);
                throw me;
        try {
            // Add the inner multipart as the content of the outer body part
        } catch (MessagingException me) {
            logger.error("Exception while constructing key body part", me);
            throw me;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Exception while writing mutipart to output stream", e);
        throw e;
    ChannelBuffer responseContent = ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer();
    // Create the Response object
    HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
    // Set the right headers
    response.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, "multipart/binary");
    response.setHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary");
    // Copy the data into the payload
    response.setHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, response.getContent().readableBytes());
    // Write the response to the Netty Channel
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        String keyStr = getKeysHexString(this.versionedResponses.keySet());
        debugLog("GET_ALL", this.storeName, keyStr, startTimeInMs, System.currentTimeMillis(), numVectorClockEntries);
    if (performanceStats != null && isFromLocalZone) {
        recordStats(performanceStats, startTimeInMs, Tracked.GET_ALL);
Also used : MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException) VectorClock(voldemort.versioning.VectorClock) DefaultHttpResponse(org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse) HttpResponse(org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse) ByteArrayOutputStream( Properties(java.util.Properties) MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException) ChannelBuffer(org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer) MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) MimeMultipart(javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart) DefaultHttpResponse(org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse) ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray) List(java.util.List) MimeBodyPart(javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart)

Example 80 with ByteArray

use of voldemort.utils.ByteArray in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class DynamicTimeoutStoreClient method putWithCustomTimeout.

     * Performs a put operation with the specified composite request object
     * @param requestWrapper A composite request object containing the key and
     *        value
     * @return Version of the value for the successful put
public Version putWithCustomTimeout(CompositeVoldemortRequest<K, V> requestWrapper) {
    List<Versioned<V>> versionedValues;
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    String keyHexString = "";
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        ByteArray key = (ByteArray) requestWrapper.getKey();
        keyHexString = RestUtils.getKeyHexString(key);
        logger.debug("PUT requested for key: " + keyHexString + " , for store: " + this.storeName + " at time(in ms): " + startTime + " . Nested GET and PUT VERSION requests to follow ---");
    // We use the full timeout for doing the Get. In this, we're being
    // optimistic that the subsequent put might be faster such that all the
    // steps might finish within the allotted time
    versionedValues = getWithCustomTimeout(requestWrapper);
    Versioned<V> versioned = getItemOrThrow(requestWrapper.getKey(), null, versionedValues);
    long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (versioned == null)
        versioned = Versioned.value(requestWrapper.getRawValue(), new VectorClock());
    // This should not happen unless there's a bug in the
    // getWithCustomTimeout
    long timeLeft = requestWrapper.getRoutingTimeoutInMs() - (endTime - startTime);
    if (timeLeft <= 0) {
        throw new StoreTimeoutException("PUT request timed out");
    CompositeVersionedPutVoldemortRequest<K, V> putVersionedRequestObject = new CompositeVersionedPutVoldemortRequest<K, V>(requestWrapper.getKey(), versioned, timeLeft);
    Version result = putVersionedWithCustomTimeout(putVersionedRequestObject);
    long endTimeInMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("PUT response received for key: " + keyHexString + " , for store: " + this.storeName + " at time(in ms): " + endTimeInMs);
    return result;
Also used : Versioned(voldemort.versioning.Versioned) VectorClock(voldemort.versioning.VectorClock) CompositeVersionedPutVoldemortRequest( Version(voldemort.versioning.Version) StoreTimeoutException( ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray)


ByteArray (voldemort.utils.ByteArray)309 Versioned (voldemort.versioning.Versioned)130 Test (org.junit.Test)125 VoldemortException (voldemort.VoldemortException)67 VectorClock (voldemort.versioning.VectorClock)65 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)61 Node (voldemort.cluster.Node)61 List (java.util.List)58 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)53 StoreDefinition ( Cluster (voldemort.cluster.Cluster)33 AbstractByteArrayStoreTest ( Store ( ObsoleteVersionException (voldemort.versioning.ObsoleteVersionException)31 IOException ( Slop ( Map (java.util.Map)28 Pair (voldemort.utils.Pair)28 UnreachableStoreException ( StatTrackingStore (