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Example 21 with Props

use of voldemort.utils.Props in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class BdbCachePartitioningTest method testStaticPrivateCaches.

     * Tests that, given no data completely fits in memory (realistic prod
     * conditions), stores will stay within their limits, no matter how much
     * disproportionate traffic you throw at it
public void testStaticPrivateCaches() {
    // total cache size
    int totalCache = 20 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    // A reserves 10MB
    int shareA = 10 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    // B reserves 5MB
    int shareB = 5 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    // the rest, 5 MB
    int shareC = totalCache - shareA - shareB;
    int numRecords = 40;
    BdbStorageEngine storeA = null, storeB = null, storeC = null;
    try {
        // lets use all the default values.
        Props props = new Props();
        props.put("", 1);
        props.put("voldemort.home", "test/common/voldemort/config");
        VoldemortConfig voldemortConfig = new VoldemortConfig(props);
        bdbStorage = new BdbStorageConfiguration(voldemortConfig);
        StoreDefinition defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA", shareA / (ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
        storeA = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defA, TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy());
        StoreDefinition defB = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeB", shareB / (ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
        storeB = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defB, TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy());
        StoreDefinition defC = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeC");
        storeC = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defC, TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy());
        // before any traffic, the cache will not have grown
        assertTrue("Store A grew without traffic", Math.abs(shareA - getCacheSize(defA)) > ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB);
        assertTrue("Store B grew without traffic", Math.abs(shareB - getCacheSize(defB)) > ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB);
        // sharedCacheSize reading 0 confirms that the store has a private
        // cache
        assertEquals("Store A has non zero shared cache", 0, getStats(bdbStorage.getEnvironment(defA)).getSharedCacheTotalBytes());
        assertEquals("Store B has non zero shared cache", 0, getStats(bdbStorage.getEnvironment(defB)).getSharedCacheTotalBytes());
        // load data into the stores; each store is guaranteed to be ~ 40MB.
        // Data won't fit in memory
        byte[] value = new byte[ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB];
        for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
            storeA.put(TestUtils.toByteArray("testKey" + i), new Versioned<byte[]>(value), null);
            storeB.put(TestUtils.toByteArray("testKey" + i), new Versioned<byte[]>(value), null);
            storeC.put(TestUtils.toByteArray("testKey" + i), new Versioned<byte[]>(value), null);
        // we will bring all of that data into the cache, by doing a
        // keywalk.
        // This should expand the cache as much as possible
        long cacheSizeA = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        long cacheSizeB = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        long cacheSizeC = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 10; cycle++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
                long cycleCacheSizeA = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeA, defA, "testKey" + i);
                long cycleCacheSizeB = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeB, defB, "testKey" + i);
                long cycleCacheSizeC = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeC, defC, "testKey" + i);
                // record the maximum cache size, each store every grew to
                cacheSizeA = (cycleCacheSizeA > cacheSizeA) ? cycleCacheSizeA : cacheSizeA;
                cacheSizeB = (cycleCacheSizeB > cacheSizeB) ? cycleCacheSizeB : cacheSizeB;
                cacheSizeC = (cycleCacheSizeC > cacheSizeC) ? cycleCacheSizeC : cacheSizeC;
        // check that they are certainly less than expected limits.Small
        // overflows are okay. But should not be more than a 1MB
        assertTrue("Store A not within limits", cacheSizeA <= (shareA + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
        assertTrue("Store B not within limits", cacheSizeB <= (shareB + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
        assertTrue("Store C not within limits", cacheSizeC <= (shareC + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
        // try doing reads on store C alone, for which we have no
        // reservations.
        // This simulates a spike on one store
        long cacheSizeCNow = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 10; cycle++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
                long cycleCacheSizeCNow = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeC, defC, "testkey" + i);
                // record the maximum cache size, each store grew to
                cacheSizeCNow = (cycleCacheSizeCNow > cacheSizeCNow) ? cycleCacheSizeCNow : cacheSizeCNow;
        assertTrue("Store C not within limits after spike", cacheSizeCNow <= (shareC + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
    } finally {
        if (storeA != null)
        if (storeB != null)
        if (storeC != null)
Also used : StoreDefinition( Props(voldemort.utils.Props) VoldemortConfig(voldemort.server.VoldemortConfig) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 22 with Props

use of voldemort.utils.Props in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class BdbCachePartitioningTest method testDynamicReservations.

public void testDynamicReservations() {
    // total cache size
    int totalCache = 20 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    // A reserves 10MB
    int shareA = 10 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    int shareB = totalCache - shareA;
    int numRecords = 40;
    // lets use all the default values.
    Props props = new Props();
    props.put("", 1);
    props.put("voldemort.home", "test/common/voldemort/config");
    VoldemortConfig voldemortConfig = new VoldemortConfig(props);
    voldemortConfig.setBdbMinimumSharedCache(5 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB);
    bdbStorage = new BdbStorageConfiguration(voldemortConfig);
    StoreDefinition defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA", shareA / (1024 * 1024));
    BdbStorageEngine storeA = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defA, TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy());
    StoreDefinition defB = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeB");
    BdbStorageEngine storeB = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defB, TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy());
    // load data into the stores; each store is guaranteed to be ~ 40MB.
    // Data won't fit in memory
    byte[] value = new byte[ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB];
    for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
        storeA.put(TestUtils.toByteArray("testKey" + i), new Versioned<byte[]>(value), null);
        storeB.put(TestUtils.toByteArray("testKey" + i), new Versioned<byte[]>(value), null);
    // 1. start with 10MB reserved cache for A and the rest 10MB for B
    long cacheSizeA = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    long cacheSizeB = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 10; cycle++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
            long cycleCacheSizeA = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeA, defA, "testKey" + i);
            long cycleCacheSizeB = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeB, defB, "testKey" + i);
            // record the maximum cache size, each store every grew to
            cacheSizeA = (cycleCacheSizeA > cacheSizeA) ? cycleCacheSizeA : cacheSizeA;
            cacheSizeB = (cycleCacheSizeB > cacheSizeB) ? cycleCacheSizeB : cacheSizeB;
    assertTrue("Store A not within limits ", cacheSizeA <= (shareA + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
    assertTrue("Store B not within limits", cacheSizeB <= (shareB + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
    // 2. dynamically grow the cache to 15MB and watch B shrink.
    shareA = 15 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    shareB = totalCache - shareA;
    defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA", shareA / (1024 * 1024));
    cacheSizeA = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    cacheSizeB = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 10; cycle++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
            long cycleCacheSizeA = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeA, defA, "testKey" + i);
            long cycleCacheSizeB = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeB, defB, "testKey" + i);
            // record the maximum cache size, each store every grew to
            cacheSizeA = (cycleCacheSizeA > cacheSizeA) ? cycleCacheSizeA : cacheSizeA;
            cacheSizeB = (cycleCacheSizeB > cacheSizeB) ? cycleCacheSizeB : cacheSizeB;
    assertTrue("Store A not within limits ", cacheSizeA <= (shareA + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
    assertTrue("Store B not within limits ", cacheSizeB <= (shareB + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
    // 3. dynamically shrink it back to 10MB and watch B expand again.
    shareA = 10 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    shareB = totalCache - shareA;
    defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA", shareA / (1024 * 1024));
    cacheSizeA = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    cacheSizeB = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    for (int cycle = 0; cycle < 10; cycle++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
            long cycleCacheSizeA = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeA, defA, "testKey" + i);
            long cycleCacheSizeB = getAndCheckCacheSize(storeB, defB, "testKey" + i);
            // record the maximum cache size, each store every grew to
            cacheSizeA = (cycleCacheSizeA > cacheSizeA) ? cycleCacheSizeA : cacheSizeA;
            cacheSizeB = (cycleCacheSizeB > cacheSizeB) ? cycleCacheSizeB : cacheSizeB;
    // check that they are not exceedingly high than their limits. Small
    // overflows are expected. But should not be more than a 1MB
    assertTrue("Store A not within limits ", cacheSizeA <= (shareA + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
    assertTrue("Store B not within limits ", cacheSizeB <= (shareB + ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB));
Also used : StoreDefinition( Props(voldemort.utils.Props) VoldemortConfig(voldemort.server.VoldemortConfig) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 23 with Props

use of voldemort.utils.Props in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class BdbCachePartitioningTest method testMinimumSharedCache.

     * Tests that any reservation that will not violate minimum shared cache
     * will fail, during server startup and dynamic updation
public void testMinimumSharedCache() {
    // total cache size
    int totalCache = 20 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    // A reserves 10MB
    int shareA = 10 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB;
    // lets use all the default values.
    Props props = new Props();
    props.put("", 1);
    props.put("voldemort.home", "test/common/voldemort/config");
    VoldemortConfig voldemortConfig = new VoldemortConfig(props);
    voldemortConfig.setBdbMinimumSharedCache(15 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB);
    BdbStorageEngine storeA = null;
    bdbStorage = new BdbStorageConfiguration(voldemortConfig);
    assertEquals("Reserved cache size not zero", 0, bdbStorage.getReservedCacheSize());
    try {
        StoreDefinition defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA", shareA / ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB);
        storeA = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defA, TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy());
        fail("Should have thrown exception since minSharedCache will be violated");
    } catch (StorageInitializationException sie) {
    // should come here.
    // failing operations should not alter reserved cache size
    assertEquals("failure somehow altered the reservedCacheSize", 0, bdbStorage.getReservedCacheSize());
    voldemortConfig.setBdbMinimumSharedCache(10 * ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB);
    bdbStorage = new BdbStorageConfiguration(voldemortConfig);
    try {
        StoreDefinition defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA", shareA / ByteUtils.BYTES_PER_MB);
        storeA = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defA, TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy());
    } catch (StorageInitializationException sie) {
        // should not come here.
        fail("minSharedCache should n't have been violated");
    assertEquals("store A's share does not match up with reserved cache size", shareA, bdbStorage.getReservedCacheSize());
    long reserveCacheSize = bdbStorage.getReservedCacheSize();
    // now, try increasing the reservation dynamically and it should fail
    try {
        StoreDefinition defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA", 15);
        fail("Should have thrown exception since minSharedCache will be violated");
    } catch (StorageInitializationException sie) {
    // should come here.
    assertEquals("failure somehow altered the reservedCacheSize", reserveCacheSize, bdbStorage.getReservedCacheSize());
    if (storeA != null)
Also used : StorageInitializationException( StoreDefinition( Props(voldemort.utils.Props) VoldemortConfig(voldemort.server.VoldemortConfig) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 24 with Props

use of voldemort.utils.Props in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class BdbPartitionListIteratorTest method setUp.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    bdbMasterDir = TestUtils.createTempDir();
    // lets use all the default values.
    Props props = new Props();
    props.put("", 1);
    props.put("voldemort.home", "test/common/voldemort/config");
    VoldemortConfig voldemortConfig = new VoldemortConfig(props);
    voldemortConfig.setBdbCacheSize(10 * 1024 * 1024);
    bdbStorage = new BdbStorageConfiguration(voldemortConfig);
    StoreDefinition defA = TestUtils.makeStoreDefinition("storeA");
    store = (BdbStorageEngine) bdbStorage.getStore(defA, (strategy = TestUtils.makeSingleNodeRoutingStrategy()));
    // load some data for non odd partitions, and note down how much data we
    // have for each partition.
    partitionEntries = new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>();
    int numEntries = 0;
    while (numEntries++ < 10000) {
        String key = "entry_" + numEntries;
        int p = strategy.getMasterPartition(key.getBytes());
        // omit odd partitions
        if (p % 2 == 1)
        if (!partitionEntries.containsKey(p))
            partitionEntries.put(p, new HashSet<String>());
        store.put(new ByteArray(key.getBytes()), new Versioned<byte[]>(key.getBytes()), null);
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) StoreDefinition( ByteArray(voldemort.utils.ByteArray) Props(voldemort.utils.Props) VoldemortConfig(voldemort.server.VoldemortConfig) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 25 with Props

use of voldemort.utils.Props in project voldemort by voldemort.

the class JsonStoreBuilderMapper method configure.

public void configure(JobConf conf) {
    Props props = HadoopUtils.getPropsFromJob(conf);
    _keySelection = props.getString("key.selection", null);
    _valSelection = props.getString("value.selection", null);
    _inputKeySerializer = getSchemaFromJob(conf, "mapper.input.key.schema");
    _inputValueSerializer = getSchemaFromJob(conf, "mapper.input.value.schema");
    Class _keyTransClass = props.getClass("key.transformation.class", null);
    Class _valueTransClass = props.getClass("value.transformation.class", null);
    if (_keyTransClass != null)
        _keyTrans = (StoreBuilderTransformation) ReflectUtils.callConstructor(_keyTransClass);
    if (_valueTransClass != null)
        _valTrans = (StoreBuilderTransformation) ReflectUtils.callConstructor(_valueTransClass);
Also used : StoreBuilderTransformation( Props(voldemort.utils.Props)


Props (voldemort.utils.Props)33 VoldemortConfig (voldemort.server.VoldemortConfig)14 File ( StoreDefinition ( Test (org.junit.Test)9 ByteArray (voldemort.utils.ByteArray)9 IOException ( Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)6 Cluster (voldemort.cluster.Cluster)6 JobConf (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf)4 VoldemortException (voldemort.VoldemortException)4 BdbStorageConfiguration ( ObsoleteVersionException (voldemort.versioning.ObsoleteVersionException)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)3 OptionParser (joptsimple.OptionParser)3 OptionSet (joptsimple.OptionSet)3 Before (org.junit.Before)3 DefaultSerializerFactory (voldemort.serialization.DefaultSerializerFactory)3