use of voldemort.versioning.VectorClock in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class RestRequestValidator method hasVectorClock.
* Retrieve and validate vector clock value from the REST request.
* "X_VOLD_VECTOR_CLOCK" is the vector clock header.
* @return true if present, false if missing
protected boolean hasVectorClock(boolean isVectorClockOptional) {
boolean result = false;
String vectorClockHeader = this.request.getHeader(RestMessageHeaders.X_VOLD_VECTOR_CLOCK);
if (vectorClockHeader != null) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
VectorClockWrapper vcWrapper = mapper.readValue(vectorClockHeader, VectorClockWrapper.class);
this.parsedVectorClock = new VectorClock(vcWrapper.getVersions(), vcWrapper.getTimestamp());
result = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception while parsing and constructing vector clock", e);
RestErrorHandler.writeErrorResponse(this.messageEvent, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid Vector Clock");
} else if (!isVectorClockOptional) {
logger.error("Error when validating request. Missing Vector Clock");
RestErrorHandler.writeErrorResponse(this.messageEvent, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Missing Vector Clock");
} else {
result = true;
return result;
use of voldemort.versioning.VectorClock in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class RestUtils method deserializeVectorClock.
public static VectorClock deserializeVectorClock(String serializedVC) {
VectorClock vc = null;
if (serializedVC == null) {
return null;
try {
VectorClockWrapper vcWrapper = mapper.readValue(serializedVC, VectorClockWrapper.class);
vc = new VectorClock(vcWrapper.getVersions(), vcWrapper.getTimestamp());
} catch (Exception e) {
return vc;
use of voldemort.versioning.VectorClock in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class GetAllResponseSender method sendResponse.
* Sends nested multipart response. Outer multipart wraps all the keys
* requested. Each key has a separate multipart for the versioned values.
public void sendResponse(StoreStats performanceStats, boolean isFromLocalZone, long startTimeInMs) throws Exception {
* Pay attention to the code below. Note that in this method we wrap a multiPart object with a mimeMessage.
* However when writing to the outputStream we only send the multiPart object and not the entire
* mimeMessage. This is intentional.
* In the earlier version of this code we used to create a multiPart object and just send that multiPart
* across the wire.
* However, we later discovered that upon setting the content of a MimeBodyPart, JavaMail internally creates
* a DataHandler object wrapping the object you passed in. The part's Content-Type header is not updated
* immediately. In order to get the headers updated, one needs to to call MimeMessage.saveChanges() on the
* enclosing message, which cascades down the MIME structure into a call to MimeBodyPart.updateHeaders()
* on the body part. It's this updateHeaders call that transfers the content type from the
* DataHandler to the part's MIME Content-Type header.
* To make sure that the Content-Type headers are being updated (without changing too much code), we decided
* to wrap the multiPart in a mimeMessage, call mimeMessage.saveChanges() and then just send the multiPart.
* This is to make sure multiPart's headers are updated accurately.
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties()));
// multiPartKeys is the outer multipart
MimeMultipart multiPartKeys = new MimeMultipart();
ByteArrayOutputStream keysOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (Entry<ByteArray, List<Versioned<byte[]>>> entry : versionedResponses.entrySet()) {
ByteArray key = entry.getKey();
String base64Key = RestUtils.encodeVoldemortKey(key.get());
String contentLocationKey = "/" + this.storeName + "/" + base64Key;
// Create the individual body part - for each key requested
MimeBodyPart keyBody = new MimeBodyPart();
try {
// Add the right headers
keyBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
keyBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary");
keyBody.addHeader(CONTENT_LOCATION, contentLocationKey);
} catch (MessagingException me) {
logger.error("Exception while constructing key body headers", me);
throw me;
// multiPartValues is the inner multipart
MimeMultipart multiPartValues = new MimeMultipart();
for (Versioned<byte[]> versionedValue : entry.getValue()) {
byte[] responseValue = versionedValue.getValue();
VectorClock vectorClock = (VectorClock) versionedValue.getVersion();
String eTag = RestUtils.getSerializedVectorClock(vectorClock);
numVectorClockEntries += vectorClock.getVersionMap().size();
// Create the individual body part - for each versioned value of
// a key
MimeBodyPart valueBody = new MimeBodyPart();
try {
// Add the right headers
valueBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
valueBody.addHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary");
valueBody.addHeader(RestMessageHeaders.X_VOLD_VECTOR_CLOCK, eTag);
valueBody.setContent(responseValue, "application/octet-stream");
valueBody.addHeader(RestMessageHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(responseValue.length));
} catch (MessagingException me) {
logger.error("Exception while constructing value body part", me);
throw me;
try {
// Add the inner multipart as the content of the outer body part
} catch (MessagingException me) {
logger.error("Exception while constructing key body part", me);
throw me;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception while writing mutipart to output stream", e);
throw e;
ChannelBuffer responseContent = ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer();
// Create the Response object
HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK);
// Set the right headers
response.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, "multipart/binary");
response.setHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary");
// Copy the data into the payload
response.setHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, response.getContent().readableBytes());
// Write the response to the Netty Channel
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
String keyStr = getKeysHexString(this.versionedResponses.keySet());
debugLog("GET_ALL", this.storeName, keyStr, startTimeInMs, System.currentTimeMillis(), numVectorClockEntries);
if (performanceStats != null && isFromLocalZone) {
recordStats(performanceStats, startTimeInMs, Tracked.GET_ALL);
use of voldemort.versioning.VectorClock in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class DynamicTimeoutStoreClient method putWithCustomTimeout.
* Performs a put operation with the specified composite request object
* @param requestWrapper A composite request object containing the key and
* value
* @return Version of the value for the successful put
public Version putWithCustomTimeout(CompositeVoldemortRequest<K, V> requestWrapper) {
List<Versioned<V>> versionedValues;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
String keyHexString = "";
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
ByteArray key = (ByteArray) requestWrapper.getKey();
keyHexString = RestUtils.getKeyHexString(key);
logger.debug("PUT requested for key: " + keyHexString + " , for store: " + this.storeName + " at time(in ms): " + startTime + " . Nested GET and PUT VERSION requests to follow ---");
// We use the full timeout for doing the Get. In this, we're being
// optimistic that the subsequent put might be faster such that all the
// steps might finish within the allotted time
versionedValues = getWithCustomTimeout(requestWrapper);
Versioned<V> versioned = getItemOrThrow(requestWrapper.getKey(), null, versionedValues);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (versioned == null)
versioned = Versioned.value(requestWrapper.getRawValue(), new VectorClock());
// This should not happen unless there's a bug in the
// getWithCustomTimeout
long timeLeft = requestWrapper.getRoutingTimeoutInMs() - (endTime - startTime);
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
throw new StoreTimeoutException("PUT request timed out");
CompositeVersionedPutVoldemortRequest<K, V> putVersionedRequestObject = new CompositeVersionedPutVoldemortRequest<K, V>(requestWrapper.getKey(), versioned, timeLeft);
Version result = putVersionedWithCustomTimeout(putVersionedRequestObject);
long endTimeInMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("PUT response received for key: " + keyHexString + " , for store: " + this.storeName + " at time(in ms): " + endTimeInMs);
return result;
use of voldemort.versioning.VectorClock in project voldemort by voldemort.
the class VersionedSerializer method toObject.
public Versioned<T> toObject(byte[] bytes) {
VectorClock vectorClock = getVectorClock(bytes);
int size = 1;
if (vectorClock != null)
size = vectorClock.sizeInBytes();
T t = innerSerializer.toObject(ByteUtils.copy(bytes, size, bytes.length));
return new Versioned<T>(t, vectorClock);