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Example 66 with Val

use of water.rapids.Val in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class AstFunction method apply.

// Apply this function: evaluate all arguments, push a lexical scope mapping
// the IDs to the ARGs, then evaluate the body.  After execution pop the
// lexical scope and return the results.
public Val apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
    // Evaluation all arguments
    Val[] args = new Val[asts.length];
    for (int i = 1; i < asts.length; i++) args[i] = stk.track(asts[i].exec(env));
    AstFunction old = env._scope;
    // Push a new lexical scope, extended from the old
    env._scope = new AstFunction(this, args, _parent);
    Val res = stk.untrack(_body.exec(env));
    // Pop the lexical scope off (by restoring the old unextended scope)
    env._scope = old;
    return res;
Also used : Val(water.rapids.Val)

Example 67 with Val

use of water.rapids.Val in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class AstCBind method apply.

public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
    // Compute the variable args.  Find the common row count
    Val[] vals = new Val[asts.length];
    Vec vec = null;
    for (int i = 1; i < asts.length; i++) {
        vals[i] = stk.track(asts[i].exec(env));
        if (vals[i].isFrame()) {
            Vec anyvec = vals[i].getFrame().anyVec();
            // Ignore the empty frame
            if (anyvec == null)
            if (vec == null)
                vec = anyvec;
            else if (vec.length() != anyvec.length())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("cbind frames must have all the same rows, found " + vec.length() + " and " + anyvec.length() + " rows.");
    boolean clean = false;
    if (vec == null) {
        vec = Vec.makeZero(1);
        clean = true;
    // Default to length 1
    // Populate the new Frame
    Frame fr = new Frame();
    for (int i = 1; i < asts.length; i++) {
        switch(vals[i].type()) {
            case Val.FRM:
                fr.add(vals[i].getFrame().names(), fr.makeCompatible(vals[i].getFrame()));
            case Val.FUN:
                throw H2O.unimpl();
            case Val.STR:
                throw H2O.unimpl();
            case Val.NUM:
                // Auto-expand scalars to fill every row
                double d = vals[i].getNum();
                fr.add(Double.toString(d), vec.makeCon(d));
                throw H2O.unimpl();
    if (clean)
    return new ValFrame(fr);
Also used : Val(water.rapids.Val) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) Frame(water.fvec.Frame) Vec(water.fvec.Vec)

Example 68 with Val

use of water.rapids.Val in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class AstColPySlice method apply.

public Val apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
    Val v = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env));
    AstParameter colList = (AstParameter) asts[2];
    if (v instanceof ValRow) {
        ValRow vv = (ValRow) v;
        return vv.slice(colList.columns(vv.getNames()));
    Frame fr = v.getFrame();
    int[] cols = colList.columns(fr.names());
    Frame fr2 = new Frame();
    if (// Empty inclusion list?
    cols.length == 0)
        return new ValFrame(fr2);
    if (// Negative cols have number of cols added
    cols[0] < 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) cols[i] += fr.numCols();
    if (// Singletons must be in-range
    asts[2] instanceof AstNum && (cols[0] < 0 || cols[0] >= fr.numCols()))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column must be an integer from 0 to " + (fr.numCols() - 1));
    for (// For all included columns
    int col : // For all included columns
    cols) if (// Ignoring out-of-range ones
    col >= 0 && col < fr.numCols())
        fr2.add(fr.names()[col], fr.vecs()[col]);
    return new ValFrame(fr2);
Also used : Val(water.rapids.Val) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) AstNum(water.rapids.ast.params.AstNum) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) Frame(water.fvec.Frame) ValRow(water.rapids.vals.ValRow) AstParameter(water.rapids.ast.AstParameter)

Example 69 with Val

use of water.rapids.Val in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class AstTmpAssign method apply.

public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
    // Note: non-standard evaluation of the first argument! Instead of being
    // executed, it is stringified. This, for example, allows us to write an
    // expression as
    //     (tmp= newid (* frame 3))
    // instead of
    //     (tmp= "newid" (* frame 3))
    // On the other hand, this makes us unable to create dynamic identifiers
    // in Rapids, for example this is invalid:
    //     (tmp= (+ "id" 3) (* frame 3))
    // Right now there is no need for dynamically generated identifiers, since
    // we don't even have proper variables or loops or control structures yet.
    Key<Frame> id = Key.make(env.expand(asts[1].str()));
    Val srcVal = stk.track(asts[2].exec(env));
    Frame srcFrame = srcVal.getFrame();
    Value v = DKV.get(id);
    if (v != null) {
        if (v.get().equals(srcFrame))
            return (ValFrame) srcVal;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Temp ID " + id + " already exists");
    Frame dst = new Frame(id, srcFrame._names, srcFrame.vecs());
    // Track new session-wide ID
    return new ValFrame(env._ses.track_tmp(dst));
Also used : Val(water.rapids.Val) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) Frame(water.fvec.Frame) Value(water.Value)

Example 70 with Val

use of water.rapids.Val in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class AstIsNa method exec.

public Val exec(Val... args) {
    Val val = args[1];
    switch(val.type()) {
        case Val.NUM:
            return new ValNum(op(val.getNum()));
        case Val.FRM:
            Frame fr = val.getFrame();
            String[] newNames = new String[fr.numCols()];
            for (int i = 0; i < newNames.length; i++) {
                newNames[i] = "isNA(" + + ")";
            return new ValFrame(new MRTask() {

                public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) {
                    for (int col = 0; col < cs.length; col++) {
                        Chunk c = cs[col];
                        NewChunk nc = ncs[col];
                        for (int i = 0; i < c._len; i++) nc.addNum(c.isNA(i) ? 1 : 0);
            }.doAll(fr.numCols(), Vec.T_NUM, fr).outputFrame(newNames, null));
        case Val.STR:
            return new ValNum(val.getStr() == null ? 1 : 0);
            throw H2O.unimpl(" unimpl: " + val.getClass());
Also used : Val(water.rapids.Val) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) Frame(water.fvec.Frame) ValNum(water.rapids.vals.ValNum) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) NewChunk(water.fvec.NewChunk) NewChunk(water.fvec.NewChunk) ValFrame(water.rapids.vals.ValFrame) MRTask(water.MRTask)


Val (water.rapids.Val)76 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)65 Test (org.junit.Test)56 ValFrame (water.rapids.vals.ValFrame)52 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)14 ValRow (water.rapids.vals.ValRow)8 MRTask (water.MRTask)5 Session (water.rapids.Session)5 Chunk (water.fvec.Chunk)4 TestFrameBuilder (water.fvec.TestFrameBuilder)4 ValNum (water.rapids.vals.ValNum)4 NewChunk (water.fvec.NewChunk)2 AstParameter (water.rapids.ast.AstParameter)2 AstNumList (water.rapids.ast.params.AstNumList)2 CreateFrame (hex.CreateFrame)1 GLRMParameters (hex.glrm.GLRMModel.GLRMParameters)1 FileInputStream ( InputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1