use of water.rapids.vals.ValFrame in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstAsFactor method apply.
public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
Frame ary = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env)).getFrame();
Vec[] nvecs = new Vec[ary.numCols()];
// Type check - prescreen for correct types
for (Vec v : ary.vecs()) if (!(v.isCategorical() || v.isString() || v.isNumeric()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("asfactor() requires a string, categorical, or numeric column. " + "Received " + ary.anyVec().get_type_str() + ". Please convert column to a string or categorical first.");
Vec vv;
for (int c = 0; c < nvecs.length; ++c) {
vv = ary.vec(c);
try {
nvecs[c] = vv.toCategoricalVec();
} catch (Exception e) {
VecUtils.deleteVecs(nvecs, c);
throw e;
return new ValFrame(new Frame(ary._names, nvecs));
use of water.rapids.vals.ValFrame in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstCBind method apply.
public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
// Compute the variable args. Find the common row count
Val[] vals = new Val[asts.length];
Vec vec = null;
for (int i = 1; i < asts.length; i++) {
vals[i] = stk.track(asts[i].exec(env));
if (vals[i].isFrame()) {
Vec anyvec = vals[i].getFrame().anyVec();
// Ignore the empty frame
if (anyvec == null)
if (vec == null)
vec = anyvec;
else if (vec.length() != anyvec.length())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cbind frames must have all the same rows, found " + vec.length() + " and " + anyvec.length() + " rows.");
boolean clean = false;
if (vec == null) {
vec = Vec.makeZero(1);
clean = true;
// Default to length 1
// Populate the new Frame
Frame fr = new Frame();
for (int i = 1; i < asts.length; i++) {
switch(vals[i].type()) {
case Val.FRM:
fr.add(vals[i].getFrame().names(), fr.makeCompatible(vals[i].getFrame()));
case Val.FUN:
throw H2O.unimpl();
case Val.STR:
throw H2O.unimpl();
case Val.NUM:
// Auto-expand scalars to fill every row
double d = vals[i].getNum();
fr.add(Double.toString(d), vec.makeCon(d));
throw H2O.unimpl();
if (clean)
return new ValFrame(fr);
use of water.rapids.vals.ValFrame in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstColNames method apply.
public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
Frame fr = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env)).getFrame();
if (asts[2] instanceof AstNumList) {
if (!(asts[3] instanceof AstStrList))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column naming requires a string-list, but found a " + asts[3].getClass());
AstNumList cols = ((AstNumList) asts[2]);
AstStrList nams = ((AstStrList) asts[3]);
int[] d = cols.expand4();
if (d.length != nams._strs.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have the same number of column choices as names");
for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) fr._names[d[i]] = nams._strs[i];
} else if ((asts[2] instanceof AstNum)) {
int col = (int) (asts[2].exec(env).getNum());
String name = asts[3].exec(env).getStr();
fr._names[col] = name;
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column naming requires a number-list, but found a " + asts[2].getClass());
// Update names in DKV
if (fr._key != null)
return new ValFrame(fr);
use of water.rapids.vals.ValFrame in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstColPySlice method apply.
public Val apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
Val v = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env));
AstParameter colList = (AstParameter) asts[2];
if (v instanceof ValRow) {
ValRow vv = (ValRow) v;
return vv.slice(colList.columns(vv.getNames()));
Frame fr = v.getFrame();
int[] cols = colList.columns(fr.names());
Frame fr2 = new Frame();
if (// Empty inclusion list?
cols.length == 0)
return new ValFrame(fr2);
if (// Negative cols have number of cols added
cols[0] < 0)
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) cols[i] += fr.numCols();
if (// Singletons must be in-range
asts[2] instanceof AstNum && (cols[0] < 0 || cols[0] >= fr.numCols()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column must be an integer from 0 to " + (fr.numCols() - 1));
for (// For all included columns
int col : // For all included columns
cols) if (// Ignoring out-of-range ones
col >= 0 && col < fr.numCols())
fr2.add(fr.names()[col], fr.vecs()[col]);
return new ValFrame(fr2);
use of water.rapids.vals.ValFrame in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstVariance method array.
// Matrix covariance. Compute covariance between all columns from each Frame
// against each other. Return a matrix of covariances which is frx.numCols
// wide and fry.numCols tall.
private Val array(Frame frx, Frame fry, Mode mode, boolean symmetric) {
Vec[] vecxs = frx.vecs();
int ncolx = vecxs.length;
Vec[] vecys = fry.vecs();
int ncoly = vecys.length;
if (mode.equals(Mode.Everything) || mode.equals(Mode.AllObs)) {
if (mode.equals(Mode.AllObs)) {
for (Vec v : vecxs) if (v.naCnt() != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mode is 'all.obs' but NAs are present");
if (!symmetric)
for (Vec v : vecys) if (v.naCnt() != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mode is 'all.obs' but NAs are present");
CoVarTaskEverything[] cvs = new CoVarTaskEverything[ncoly];
double[] xmeans = new double[ncolx];
for (int x = 0; x < ncoly; x++) xmeans[x] = vecxs[x].mean();
if (symmetric) {
//1-col returns scalar
if (ncoly == 1)
return new ValNum(vecys[0].naCnt() == 0 ? vecys[0].sigma() * vecys[0].sigma() : Double.NaN);
int[] idx = new int[ncoly];
for (int y = 1; y < ncoly; y++) idx[y] = y;
int[] first_index = new int[] { 0 };
//compute covariances between column_i and column_i+1, column_i+2, ...
Frame reduced_fr;
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly - 1; y++) {
idx = ArrayUtils.removeIds(idx, first_index);
reduced_fr = new Frame(frx.vecs(idx));
cvs[y] = new CoVarTaskEverything(vecys[y].mean(), xmeans).dfork(new Frame(vecys[y]).add(reduced_fr));
double[][] res_array = new double[ncoly][ncoly];
//fill in the diagonals (variances) using sigma from rollupstats
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly; y++) res_array[y][y] = vecys[y].naCnt() == 0 ? vecys[y].sigma() * vecys[y].sigma() : Double.NaN;
//arrange the results into the bottom left of res_array. each successive cvs is 1 smaller in length
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly - 1; y++) System.arraycopy(ArrayUtils.div(cvs[y].getResult()._covs, (fry.numRows() - 1)), 0, res_array[y], y + 1, ncoly - y - 1);
//copy over the bottom left of res_array to its top right
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly - 1; y++) {
for (int x = y + 1; x < ncoly; x++) {
res_array[x][y] = res_array[y][x];
//set Frame
Vec[] res = new Vec[ncoly];
Key<Vec>[] keys = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVecs(ncoly);
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly; y++) {
res[y] = Vec.makeVec(res_array[y], keys[y]);
return new ValFrame(new Frame(fry._names, res));
// Launch tasks; each does all Xs vs one Y
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly; y++) cvs[y] = new CoVarTaskEverything(vecys[y].mean(), xmeans).dfork(new Frame(vecys[y]).add(frx));
// 1-col returns scalar
if (ncolx == 1 && ncoly == 1) {
return new ValNum(cvs[0].getResult()._covs[0] / (fry.numRows() - 1));
// Gather all the Xs-vs-Y covariance arrays; divide by rows
Vec[] res = new Vec[ncoly];
Key<Vec>[] keys = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVecs(ncoly);
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly; y++) res[y] = Vec.makeVec(ArrayUtils.div(cvs[y].getResult()._covs, (fry.numRows() - 1)), keys[y]);
return new ValFrame(new Frame(fry._names, res));
} else {
if (symmetric) {
if (ncoly == 1)
return new ValNum(vecys[0].sigma() * vecys[0].sigma());
CoVarTaskCompleteObsMeanSym taskCompleteObsMeanSym = new CoVarTaskCompleteObsMeanSym().doAll(fry);
long NACount = taskCompleteObsMeanSym._NACount;
double[] ymeans = ArrayUtils.div(taskCompleteObsMeanSym._ysum, fry.numRows() - NACount);
// 1 task with all Ys
CoVarTaskCompleteObsSym cvs = new CoVarTaskCompleteObsSym(ymeans).doAll(new Frame(fry));
double[][] res_array = new double[ncoly][ncoly];
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly; y++) {
System.arraycopy(ArrayUtils.div(cvs._covs[y], (fry.numRows() - 1 - NACount)), y, res_array[y], y, ncoly - y);
//copy over the bottom left of res_array to its top right
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly - 1; y++) {
for (int x = y + 1; x < ncoly; x++) {
res_array[x][y] = res_array[y][x];
//set Frame
Vec[] res = new Vec[ncoly];
Key<Vec>[] keys = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVecs(ncoly);
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly; y++) {
res[y] = Vec.makeVec(res_array[y], keys[y]);
return new ValFrame(new Frame(fry._names, res));
CoVarTaskCompleteObsMean taskCompleteObsMean = new CoVarTaskCompleteObsMean(ncoly, ncolx).doAll(new Frame(fry).add(frx));
long NACount = taskCompleteObsMean._NACount;
double[] ymeans = ArrayUtils.div(taskCompleteObsMean._ysum, fry.numRows() - NACount);
double[] xmeans = ArrayUtils.div(taskCompleteObsMean._xsum, fry.numRows() - NACount);
// 1 task with all Xs and Ys
CoVarTaskCompleteObs cvs = new CoVarTaskCompleteObs(ymeans, xmeans).doAll(new Frame(fry).add(frx));
// 1-col returns scalar
if (ncolx == 1 && ncoly == 1) {
return new ValNum(cvs._covs[0][0] / (fry.numRows() - 1 - NACount));
// Gather all the Xs-vs-Y covariance arrays; divide by rows
Vec[] res = new Vec[ncoly];
Key<Vec>[] keys = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVecs(ncoly);
for (int y = 0; y < ncoly; y++) res[y] = Vec.makeVec(ArrayUtils.div(cvs._covs[y], (fry.numRows() - 1 - NACount)), keys[y]);
return new ValFrame(new Frame(fry._names, res));