use of won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class WonMessageSignerVerifier method addUnreferencedSigReferences.
* If the provided signing stage has signature graphs that are not referenced from any envelope graphs, they
* should be moved to the innermost not-signed envelope graph. The signature graph is to be deleted.
* @param msgDataset
* @param sigStage
private static void addUnreferencedSigReferences(final Dataset msgDataset, final SigningStage sigStage) {
String innemostUnsignedEnvUri = null;
List<String> envUris = sigStage.getUnsignedEnvUrisOrderedByContainment();
if (envUris.isEmpty()) {
} else {
innemostUnsignedEnvUri = envUris.get(0);
WonSignatureData sigRef = sigStage.getOutermostSignature();
if (sigRef != null) {
addSignature(sigRef, innemostUnsignedEnvUri, msgDataset, true);
use of won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class WonSigner method sign.
* Signs the graphs of the dataset with the provided private key and referencing
* the provided certificate/public key uri in signature, this uri will be used
* to extract key by the verification party.
* @param privateKey the private key
* @param cert the certificate reference (where the public key can be found for verification)
* @param graphsToSign the names of the graphs that have to be signed. If not provided -
* all the graphs that don't have signatures will be signed.
* @throws Exception
// TODO chng exceptions to won exceptions?
public List<WonSignatureData> sign(PrivateKey privateKey, String cert, PublicKey publicKey, String... graphsToSign) throws Exception {
List<WonSignatureData> sigRefs = new ArrayList<>(graphsToSign.length);
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(ENV_HASH_ALGORITHM, SIGNING_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER);
String fingerprint = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(md.digest(publicKey.getEncoded()));
for (String signedGraphUri : graphsToSign) {
// TODO should be generated in a more proper way and not here - check of the name already exists etc.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
RDFDataMgr.write(sw, dataset.getNamedModel(signedGraphUri), Lang.TRIG);
logger.debug("signing graph {} with content: {}", graphsToSign, sw.toString());
String signatureUri = signedGraphUri + "-sig";
// create GraphCollection with one NamedGraph that corresponds to this Model
GraphCollection inputGraph = ModelConverter.modelToGraphCollection(signedGraphUri, dataset);
// sign the NamedGraph inside that GraphCollection
SignatureData sigValue = signNamedGraph(inputGraph, privateKey, cert);
String hash = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sigValue.getHash().toByteArray()));
WonSignatureData sigRef = new WonSignatureData(signedGraphUri, signatureUri, sigValue.getSignature(), hash, fingerprint, cert);
return sigRefs;
use of won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class WonMessageSignerVerifier method signWholeMessage.
* Signs all graphs with one signature.
* @param msgDataset
* @param sigStage
* @param signer
* @param privateKey
* @param privateKeyUri
* @param publicKey
* @throws Exception
private static void signWholeMessage(final Dataset msgDataset, final SigningStage sigStage, final WonSigner signer, final PrivateKey privateKey, final String privateKeyUri, final PublicKey publicKey, URI messageURI) throws Exception {
WonSignatureData wonSignatureData = null;
// String outerEnvUri = null;
String signatureUri = WonRelativeUriHelper.stripFragment(messageURI).toString() + WonMessage.SIGNATURE_URI_SUFFIX;
wonSignatureData = signer.signWholeDataset(privateKey, privateKeyUri, publicKey, signatureUri);
// this is the signature of the outermost envelopoe. put it in a new graph.
msgDataset.addNamedModel(wonSignatureData.getSignatureUri(), ModelFactory.createDefaultModel());
addSignature(wonSignatureData, wonSignatureData.getSignatureUri(), msgDataset, false);
use of won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class WonMessageSignerVerifier method signContents.
* If the provided signing stage has unsigned content graphs, sign them. This
* adds the signature triples to the graph, add signature graphs to the dataset,
* and add signature references of those signatures into the envelope graph that
* has has content property referencing signed by that signature content graph
* @param msgDataset
* @param sigStage
* @param signer
* @param privateKey
* @param privateKeyUri
private static void signContents(final Dataset msgDataset, final SigningStage sigStage, final WonSigner signer, final PrivateKey privateKey, final String privateKeyUri, final PublicKey publicKey) throws Exception {
List<WonSignatureData> sigRefs = signer.sign(privateKey, privateKeyUri, publicKey, sigStage.getUnsignedContentUris());
for (WonSignatureData sigRef : sigRefs) {
String envUri = sigStage.getEnvelopeUri();
addSignature(sigRef, envUri, msgDataset, true);
use of won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.
the class WonSigner method signWholeDataset.
public WonSignatureData signWholeDataset(PrivateKey privateKey, String cert, PublicKey publicKey, String signatureUri) throws Exception {
String fingerprint = WonHasher.hashToString(publicKey.getEncoded());
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
RDFDataMgr.write(sw, dataset, Lang.TRIG);
logger.debug("signing dataset with content: {}", sw.toString());
List<String> graphURIs =, Spliterator.ORDERED), false).collect(Collectors.toList());
// create GraphCollection with one NamedGraph that corresponds to this Model
GraphCollection inputGraphCollection = ModelConverter.fromDataset(dataset);
// sign the NamedGraph inside that GraphCollection
SignatureData sigValue = sign(hasher.hashNamedGraphForSigning(inputGraphCollection), privateKey, cert);
String hash = WonHasher.hashToString(sigValue.getHash());
WonSignatureData sigRef = new WonSignatureData(graphURIs, signatureUri, sigValue.getSignature(), hash, fingerprint, cert);
return sigRef;