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Example 26 with V1Span

use of zipkin2.v1.V1Span in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class ThriftCodec method read.

public static boolean read(ReadBuffer buffer, Collection<Span> out) {
    if (buffer.available() == 0)
        return false;
    try {
        V1Span v1Span = new V1ThriftSpanReader().read(buffer);
        V1SpanConverter.create().convert(v1Span, out);
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw exceptionReading("Span", e);
Also used : EOFException( BufferUnderflowException(java.nio.BufferUnderflowException) V1Span(zipkin2.v1.V1Span)

Example 27 with V1Span

use of zipkin2.v1.V1Span in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class V1JsonSpanWriter method write.

public void write(Span value, WriteBuffer b) {
    V1Span v1Span = converter.convert(value);
    v1SpanWriter.write(v1Span, b);
Also used : V1Span(zipkin2.v1.V1Span)

Example 28 with V1Span

use of zipkin2.v1.V1Span in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class V1SpanConverter method processBinaryAnnotations.

void processBinaryAnnotations(V1Span source) {
    zipkin2.Endpoint ca = null, sa = null, ma = null;
    for (int i = 0, length = source.binaryAnnotations.size(); i < length; i++) {
        V1BinaryAnnotation b = source.binaryAnnotations.get(i);
        // endpoint. Hence, we leniently parse.
        if ("ca".equals(b.key)) {
            ca = b.endpoint;
        } else if ("sa".equals(b.key)) {
            sa = b.endpoint;
        } else if ("ma".equals(b.key)) {
            ma = b.endpoint;
        Span.Builder currentSpan = forEndpoint(source, b.endpoint);
        // don't add marker "lc" tags
        if ("lc".equals(b.key) && b.stringValue.isEmpty())
        currentSpan.putTag(b.key, b.stringValue);
    boolean noCoreAnnotations = cs == null && cr == null && ss == null && sr == null;
    // special-case when we are missing core annotations, but we have both address annotations
    if (noCoreAnnotations && (ca != null || sa != null)) {
        if (ca != null && sa != null) {
            forEndpoint(source, ca).remoteEndpoint(sa);
        } else if (sa != null) {
            // "sa" is a default for a remote address, don't make it a client span
            forEndpoint(source, null).remoteEndpoint(sa);
        } else {
            // ca != null: treat it like a server
            forEndpoint(source, null).kind(Kind.SERVER).remoteEndpoint(ca);
    V1Annotation server = sr != null ? sr : ss;
    if (ca != null && server != null && !ca.equals(server.endpoint)) {
        // the same service name as "sa". Removing the service name prevents creating loopback links.
        if (hasSameServiceName(ca, server.endpoint)) {
            ca = ca.toBuilder().serviceName(null).build();
        forEndpoint(source, server.endpoint).remoteEndpoint(ca);
    if (sa != null) {
        // client span
        if (cs != null) {
            forEndpoint(source, cs.endpoint).remoteEndpoint(sa);
        } else if (cr != null) {
            forEndpoint(source, cr.endpoint).remoteEndpoint(sa);
    if (ma != null) {
        // a messaging span. This will ensure both sides have the address of the broker.
        if (ms != null)
            forEndpoint(source, ms.endpoint).remoteEndpoint(ma);
        if (mr != null)
            forEndpoint(source, mr.endpoint).remoteEndpoint(ma);
Also used : Endpoint(zipkin2.Endpoint) Span(zipkin2.Span) Endpoint(zipkin2.Endpoint)

Example 29 with V1Span

use of zipkin2.v1.V1Span in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class V1SpanConverter method processAnnotations.

void processAnnotations(V1Span source) {
    for (int i = 0, length = source.annotations.size(); i < length; i++) {
        V1Annotation a = source.annotations.get(i);
        Span.Builder currentSpan = forEndpoint(source, a.endpoint);
        // core annotations require an endpoint. Don't give special treatment when that's missing
        if (a.value.length() == 2 && a.endpoint != null) {
            if (a.value.equals("cs")) {
                cs = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals("sr")) {
                sr = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals("ss")) {
                ss = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals("cr")) {
                cr = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals("ms")) {
                ms = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals("mr")) {
                mr = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals("ws")) {
                ws = a;
            } else if (a.value.equals("wr")) {
                wr = a;
            } else {
                currentSpan.addAnnotation(a.timestamp, a.value);
        } else {
            currentSpan.addAnnotation(a.timestamp, a.value);
    // When bridging between event and span model, you can end up missing a start annotation
    if (cs == null && endTimestampReflectsSpanDuration(cr, source)) {
        cs = V1Annotation.create(source.timestamp, "cs", cr.endpoint);
    if (sr == null && endTimestampReflectsSpanDuration(ss, source)) {
        sr = V1Annotation.create(source.timestamp, "sr", ss.endpoint);
    if (cs != null && sr != null) {
        // in a shared span, the client side owns span duration by annotations or explicit timestamp
        maybeTimestampDuration(source, cs, cr);
        // special-case loopback: We need to make sure on loopback there are two span2s
        Span.Builder client = forEndpoint(source, cs.endpoint);
        Span.Builder server;
        if (hasSameServiceName(cs.endpoint, sr.endpoint)) {
            // fork a new span for the server side
            server = newSpanBuilder(source, sr.endpoint).kind(Kind.SERVER);
        } else {
            server = forEndpoint(source, sr.endpoint);
        // the server side is smaller than that, we have to read annotations to find out
        if (ss != null)
            server.duration(ss.timestamp - sr.timestamp);
        // one-way has no duration
        if (cr == null && source.duration == 0)
    } else if (cs != null && cr != null) {
        maybeTimestampDuration(source, cs, cr);
    } else if (sr != null && ss != null) {
        maybeTimestampDuration(source, sr, ss);
    } else {
        // otherwise, the span is incomplete. revert special-casing
    // implied shared. When we only see the server-side, carry this signal over.
    if (cs == null && sr != null && // case could be due to the client-side of that RPC.
    (source.timestamp == 0 || (ss != null && source.duration == 0))) {
        forEndpoint(source, sr.endpoint).shared(true);
    // ms and mr are not supposed to be in the same span, but in case they are..
    if (ms != null && mr != null) {
        // special-case loopback: We need to make sure on loopback there are two span2s
        Span.Builder producer = forEndpoint(source, ms.endpoint);
        Span.Builder consumer;
        if (hasSameServiceName(ms.endpoint, mr.endpoint)) {
            // fork a new span for the consumer side
            consumer = newSpanBuilder(source, mr.endpoint).kind(Kind.CONSUMER);
        } else {
            consumer = forEndpoint(source, mr.endpoint);
        if (wr != null) {
            consumer.timestamp(wr.timestamp).duration(mr.timestamp - wr.timestamp);
        } else {
        producer.timestamp(ms.timestamp).duration(ws != null ? ws.timestamp - ms.timestamp : null);
    } else if (ms != null) {
        maybeTimestampDuration(source, ms, ws);
    } else if (mr != null) {
        if (wr != null) {
            maybeTimestampDuration(source, wr, mr);
        } else {
            maybeTimestampDuration(source, mr, null);
    } else {
        if (ws != null)
            forEndpoint(source, ws.endpoint).addAnnotation(ws.timestamp, ws.value);
        if (wr != null)
            forEndpoint(source, wr.endpoint).addAnnotation(wr.timestamp, wr.value);
Also used : Span(zipkin2.Span) Endpoint(zipkin2.Endpoint)

Example 30 with V1Span

use of zipkin2.v1.V1Span in project zipkin by openzipkin.

the class V2SpanConverter method convert.

public V1Span convert(Span value) {
    // Don't report timestamp and duration on shared spans (should be server, but not necessarily)
    if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(value.shared())) {
    boolean beginAnnotation = md.startTs != 0L && md.begin != null;
    boolean endAnnotation = md.endTs != 0L && md.end != null;
    Endpoint ep = value.localEndpoint();
    int annotationCount = value.annotations().size();
    if (beginAnnotation) {
        result.addAnnotation(md.startTs, md.begin, ep);
    for (int i = 0, length = value.annotations().size(); i < length; i++) {
        Annotation a = value.annotations().get(i);
        if (beginAnnotation && a.value().equals(md.begin))
        if (endAnnotation && a.value().equals(md.end))
        result.addAnnotation(a.timestamp(), a.value(), ep);
    if (endAnnotation) {
        result.addAnnotation(md.endTs, md.end, ep);
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> b : value.tags().entrySet()) {
        result.addBinaryAnnotation(b.getKey(), b.getValue(), ep);
    boolean writeLocalComponent = annotationCount == 0 && ep != null && value.tags().isEmpty();
    boolean hasRemoteEndpoint = md.addr != null && value.remoteEndpoint() != null;
    // write an empty "lc" annotation to avoid missing the localEndpoint in an in-process span
    if (writeLocalComponent)
        result.addBinaryAnnotation("lc", "", ep);
    if (hasRemoteEndpoint)
        result.addBinaryAnnotation(md.addr, value.remoteEndpoint());
Also used : Endpoint(zipkin2.Endpoint) Map(java.util.Map) Endpoint(zipkin2.Endpoint) Annotation(zipkin2.Annotation)


Span (zipkin2.Span)44 Test (org.junit.Test)41 Endpoint (zipkin2.Endpoint)8 V1Span (zipkin2.v1.V1Span)7 V1BinaryAnnotation (zipkin2.v1.V1BinaryAnnotation)4 EOFException ( BufferUnderflowException (java.nio.BufferUnderflowException)3 V1Annotation (zipkin2.v1.V1Annotation)3 V1SpanConverter (zipkin2.v1.V1SpanConverter)2 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Annotation (zipkin2.Annotation)1 JsonReader (zipkin2.internal.JsonCodec.JsonReader)1