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Example 66 with Msg

use of zmq.Msg in project jeromq by zeromq.

the class RouterMandatoryTest method testRouterMandatory.

public void testRouterMandatory() throws Exception {
    int sent;
    boolean rc;
    Ctx ctx = ZMQ.init(1);
    assertThat(ctx, notNullValue());
    SocketBase router = ZMQ.socket(ctx, ZMQ.ZMQ_ROUTER);
    assertThat(router, notNullValue());
    rc = ZMQ.bind(router, "tcp://*");
    assertThat(rc, is(true));
    // Sending a message to an unknown peer with the default setting
    // This will not report any error
    sent = ZMQ.send(router, "UNKNOWN", ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE);
    assertThat(sent, is(7));
    sent = ZMQ.send(router, "DATA", 0);
    assertThat(sent, is(4));
    // Send a message to an unknown peer with mandatory routing
    // This will fail
    int mandatory = 1;
    ZMQ.setSocketOption(router, ZMQ.ZMQ_ROUTER_MANDATORY, mandatory);
    // Send a message and check that it fails
    sent = ZMQ.send(router, "UNKNOWN", ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE | ZMQ.ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
    assertThat(sent, is(-1));
    assertThat(router.errno(), is(ZError.EHOSTUNREACH));
    // Create dealer called "X" and connect it to our router
    SocketBase dealer = ZMQ.socket(ctx, ZMQ.ZMQ_DEALER);
    assertThat(dealer, notNullValue());
    ZMQ.setSocketOption(dealer, ZMQ.ZMQ_IDENTITY, "X");
    String host = (String) ZMQ.getSocketOptionExt(router, ZMQ.ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT);
    assertThat(host, notNullValue());
    rc = ZMQ.connect(dealer, host);
    assertThat(rc, is(true));
    // Get message from dealer to know when connection is ready
    int ret = ZMQ.send(dealer, "Hello", 0);
    assertThat(ret, is(5));
    Msg msg = ZMQ.recv(router, 0);
    assertThat(msg, notNullValue());
    assertThat([0], is((byte) 'X'));
    // Send a message to connected dealer now
    // It should work
    sent = ZMQ.send(router, "X", ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE);
    assertThat(sent, is(1));
    sent = ZMQ.send(router, "Hello", 0);
    assertThat(sent, is(5));
    // Clean up.
Also used : Msg(zmq.Msg) SocketBase(zmq.SocketBase) Ctx(zmq.Ctx) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 67 with Msg

use of zmq.Msg in project jeromq by zeromq.

the class RouterSpecTest method fairQueueIn.

private void fairQueueIn(Ctx ctx, String address, int bindType, int connectType) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // Server socket will accept connections
    SocketBase receiver = ZMQ.socket(ctx, bindType);
    assertThat(receiver, notNullValue());
    int timeout = 250;
    boolean rc = ZMQ.setSocketOption(receiver, ZMQ.ZMQ_RCVTIMEO, timeout);
    assertThat(rc, is(true));
    rc = ZMQ.bind(receiver, address);
    assertThat(rc, is(true));
    address = (String) ZMQ.getSocketOptionExt(receiver, ZMQ.ZMQ_LAST_ENDPOINT);
    assertThat(address, notNullValue());
    int services = 5;
    List<SocketBase> senders = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int peer = 0; peer < services; ++peer) {
        SocketBase sender = ZMQ.socket(ctx, connectType);
        assertThat(sender, notNullValue());
        rc = ZMQ.setSocketOption(sender, ZMQ.ZMQ_RCVTIMEO, timeout);
        assertThat(rc, is(true));
        rc = ZMQ.setSocketOption(sender, ZMQ.ZMQ_IDENTITY, "A" + peer);
        assertThat(rc, is(true));
        rc = ZMQ.connect(sender, address);
        assertThat(rc, is(true));
    rc = sendSeq(senders.get(0), "M");
    assertThat(rc, is(true));
    recvSeq(receiver, "A0", "M");
    rc = sendSeq(senders.get(0), "M");
    assertThat(rc, is(true));
    recvSeq(receiver, "A0", "M");
    Set<String> sum = new HashSet<>();
    // send N requests
    for (int peer = 0; peer < services; ++peer) {
        sendSeq(senders.get(peer), "M");
        sum.add("A" + peer);
    // handle N requests
    for (int peer = 0; peer < services; ++peer) {
        Msg msg = ZMQ.recv(receiver, 0);
        assertThat(msg, notNullValue());
        assertThat(msg.size(), is(2));
        sum.remove(new String(, ZMQ.CHARSET));
        recvSeq(receiver, "M");
    assertThat(sum.size(), is(0));
    for (SocketBase sender : senders) {
    // Wait for disconnects.
Also used : Msg(zmq.Msg) SocketBase(zmq.SocketBase) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 68 with Msg

use of zmq.Msg in project jeromq by zeromq.

the class TestReqCorrelateRelaxed method testReqRecvBadRequestId.

 * Asserts that a response with a non-current request ID is ignored.
 * @param dealer
 * @param reqClient
 * @param origRequestId
 * @throws Exception
public void testReqRecvBadRequestId(SocketBase dealer, SocketBase reqClient, byte[] origRequestId) throws Exception {
    Msg badRequestId = new Msg("gobbledygook".getBytes());
    Msg goodRequestId = new Msg(origRequestId);
    Msg empty = new Msg();
    Msg badResponsePayload = new Msg("Bad response".getBytes());
    Msg goodResponsePayload = new Msg(PAYLOAD.getBytes());
    // Send response with bad request ID
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, badRequestId, ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE), is(12));
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, empty, ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE), is(0));
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, badResponsePayload, 0), is(badResponsePayload.size()));
    // Send response with good request ID
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, goodRequestId, ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE), is(REQUEST_ID_LENGTH));
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, empty, ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE), is(0));
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, goodResponsePayload, 0), is(goodResponsePayload.size()));
    // Receive response (payload only)
    Msg receivedResponsePayload = ZMQ.recv(reqClient, 0);
    assertThat(receivedResponsePayload, notNullValue());
    // Expecting PAYLOAD, not "Bad payload"
    byte[] buf = new byte[128];
    int payloadLen = receivedResponsePayload.getBytes(0, buf, 0, 128);
    assertThat(payloadLen, is(PAYLOAD.getBytes().length));
    byte[] receivedPayload = Arrays.copyOf(buf, payloadLen);
    assertThat(receivedPayload, is(PAYLOAD.getBytes()));
Also used : Msg(zmq.Msg)

Example 69 with Msg

use of zmq.Msg in project jeromq by zeromq.

the class TestReqCorrelateRelaxed method testReqSentFrames.

 * Tests that the correct frames are sent by the REQ socket.
 * @param dealer
 * @param reqClient
 * @throws Exception
 * @return the request ID that was received
public byte[] testReqSentFrames(SocketBase dealer, SocketBase reqClient) throws Exception {
    // Send simple payload over REQ socket
    Msg request = new Msg(PAYLOAD.getBytes());
    assertThat(ZMQ.sendMsg(reqClient, request, 0), is(PAYLOAD.getBytes().length));
    // Verify that the right frames were sent: [request ID, empty frame, payload]
    // 1. request ID
    Msg receivedReqId = ZMQ.recv(dealer, 0);
    assertThat(receivedReqId, notNullValue());
    assertThat(receivedReqId.size(), is(REQUEST_ID_LENGTH));
    assertThat(receivedReqId.flags() & ZMQ.ZMQ_MORE, not(0));
    byte[] buf = new byte[128];
    int requestIdLen = receivedReqId.getBytes(0, buf, 0, 128);
    assertThat(requestIdLen, is(REQUEST_ID_LENGTH));
    byte[] requestId = Arrays.copyOf(buf, REQUEST_ID_LENGTH);
    // 2. empty frame
    Msg receivedEmpty = ZMQ.recv(dealer, 0);
    assertThat(receivedEmpty, notNullValue());
    assertThat(receivedEmpty.size(), is(0));
    assertThat(receivedEmpty.flags() & ZMQ.ZMQ_MORE, not(0));
    // 3. Payload
    Msg receivedPayload = ZMQ.recv(dealer, 0);
    assertThat(receivedPayload, notNullValue());
    assertThat(receivedPayload.size(), is(PAYLOAD.getBytes().length));
    assertThat(receivedPayload.flags() & ZMQ.ZMQ_MORE, is(0));
    int receivedPayloadLen = receivedPayload.getBytes(0, buf, 0, 128);
    assertThat(receivedPayloadLen, is(PAYLOAD.getBytes().length));
    assertThat(Arrays.equals(, PAYLOAD.getBytes()), is(true));
    return requestId;
Also used : Msg(zmq.Msg)

Example 70 with Msg

use of zmq.Msg in project jeromq by zeromq.

the class TestReqCorrelateRelaxed method testReqRecvGoodRequestId.

 * Test that REQ sockets with CORRELATE/RELAXED receive a response with
 * correct request ID correctly.
 * @param dealer
 * @param reqClient
 * @param origRequestId the request ID that was sent by the REQ socket
 * earlier
 * @throws Exception
public void testReqRecvGoodRequestId(SocketBase dealer, SocketBase reqClient, byte[] origRequestId) throws Exception {
    Msg requestId = new Msg(origRequestId);
    Msg empty = new Msg();
    Msg responsePayload = new Msg(PAYLOAD.getBytes());
    // Send response
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, requestId, ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE), is(REQUEST_ID_LENGTH));
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, empty, ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDMORE), is(0));
    assertThat(ZMQ.send(dealer, responsePayload, 0), is(responsePayload.size()));
    // Receive response (payload only)
    Msg receivedResponsePayload = ZMQ.recv(reqClient, 0);
    assertThat(receivedResponsePayload, notNullValue());
    byte[] buf = new byte[128];
    int payloadLen = receivedResponsePayload.getBytes(0, buf, 0, 128);
    assertThat(payloadLen, is(PAYLOAD.getBytes().length));
Also used : Msg(zmq.Msg)


Msg (zmq.Msg)124 Test (org.junit.Test)45 SocketBase (zmq.SocketBase)37 Ctx (zmq.Ctx)32 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)16 ValueReference (zmq.util.ValueReference)16 Pipe (zmq.pipe.Pipe)13 Blob (zmq.util.Blob)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 OutputStream ( Socket ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)2 Metadata ( InputStream ( List (java.util.List)1 Event (zmq.ZMQ.Event)1 ZObject (zmq.ZObject)1 Step ( RawDecoder (