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Example 1 with Inode

use of alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class PermissionChecker method getPermissionInternal.

   * Gets the permission to access an inode path given a user and its groups.
   * @param user the user
   * @param groups the groups this user belongs to
   * @param path the inode path
   * @param inodeList the list of inodes in the path
   * @return the permission
private Mode.Bits getPermissionInternal(String user, List<String> groups, String path, List<Inode<?>> inodeList) {
    int size = inodeList.size();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(size > 0, PreconditionMessage.EMPTY_FILE_INFO_LIST_FOR_PERMISSION_CHECK);
    // bypass checking permission for super user or super group of Alluxio file system.
    if (isPrivilegedUser(user, groups)) {
        return Mode.Bits.ALL;
    // traverses from root to the parent dir to all inodes included by this path are executable
    for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
        try {
            checkInode(user, groups, inodeList.get(i), Mode.Bits.EXECUTE, path);
        } catch (AccessControlException e) {
            return Mode.Bits.NONE;
    Inode inode = inodeList.get(inodeList.size() - 1);
    if (inode == null) {
        return Mode.Bits.NONE;
    Mode.Bits mode = Mode.Bits.NONE;
    short permission = inode.getMode();
    if (user.equals(inode.getOwner())) {
        mode = mode.or(Mode.extractOwnerBits(permission));
    if (groups.contains(inode.getGroup())) {
        mode = mode.or(Mode.extractGroupBits(permission));
    mode = mode.or(Mode.extractOtherBits(permission));
    return mode;
Also used : Inode(alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode) Mode( AccessControlException(alluxio.exception.AccessControlException)

Example 2 with Inode

use of alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class PermissionCheckTest method getLockedInodePath.

private LockedInodePath getLockedInodePath(ArrayList<Triple<String, String, Mode>> permissions) throws Exception {
    List<Inode<?>> inodes = new ArrayList<>();
    if (permissions.size() == 0) {
        return new MutableLockedInodePath(new AlluxioURI("/"), inodes, null);
    String uri = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < permissions.size(); i++) {
        Triple<String, String, Mode> permission = permissions.get(i);
        String owner = permission.getLeft();
        String group = permission.getMiddle();
        Mode mode = permission.getRight();
        uri += "/" + (i + 1);
        if (i == permissions.size() - 1) {
            Inode<?> inode = InodeFile.create(i + 1, i, (i + 1) + "", CommonUtils.getCurrentMs(), CreateFileOptions.defaults().setBlockSizeBytes(Constants.KB).setOwner(owner).setGroup(group).setMode(mode));
        } else {
            Inode<?> inode = InodeDirectory.create(i + 1, i, (i + 1) + "", CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults().setOwner(owner).setGroup(group).setMode(mode));
    return new MutableLockedInodePath(new AlluxioURI(uri), inodes, null);
Also used : Inode(alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode) Mode( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MutableLockedInodePath(alluxio.master.file.meta.MutableLockedInodePath) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 3 with Inode

use of alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method propagatePersistedInternal.

   * Propagates the persisted status to all parents of the given inode in the same mount partition.
   * @param inodePath the inode to start the propagation at
   * @param replayed whether the invocation is a result of replaying the journal
   * @return list of inodes which were marked as persisted
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
private List<Inode<?>> propagatePersistedInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, boolean replayed) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
    Inode<?> inode = inodePath.getInode();
    if (!inode.isPersisted()) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    List<Inode<?>> inodes = inodePath.getInodeList();
    // Traverse the inodes from target inode to the root.
    // Skip the first, to not examine the target inode itself.
    inodes = inodes.subList(1, inodes.size());
    List<Inode<?>> persistedInodes = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Inode<?> handle : inodes) {
        // the path is already locked.
        AlluxioURI path = mInodeTree.getPath(handle);
        if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(path)) {
            // Stop propagating the persisted status at mount points.
        if (handle.isPersisted()) {
            // Stop if a persisted directory is encountered.
        if (!replayed) {
    return persistedInodes;
Also used : Inode(alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 4 with Inode

use of alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method startupCheckConsistency.

   * Checks the consistency of the root in a multi-threaded and incremental fashion. This method
   * will only READ lock the directories and files actively being checked and release them after the
   * check on the file / directory is complete.
   * @return a list of paths in Alluxio which are not consistent with the under storage
   * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted during execution
   * @throws IOException if an error occurs interacting with the under storage
private List<AlluxioURI> startupCheckConsistency(final ExecutorService service) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    /** A marker {@link StartupConsistencyChecker}s add to the queue to signal completion */
    final long completionMarker = -1;
    /** A shared queue of directories which have yet to be checked */
    final BlockingQueue<Long> dirsToCheck = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
     * A {@link Callable} which checks the consistency of a directory.
    final class StartupConsistencyChecker implements Callable<List<AlluxioURI>> {

        /** The path to check, guaranteed to be a directory in Alluxio. */
        private final Long mFileId;

       * Creates a new callable which checks the consistency of a directory.
       * @param fileId the path to check
        private StartupConsistencyChecker(Long fileId) {
            mFileId = fileId;

       * Checks the consistency of the directory and all immediate children which are files. All
       * immediate children which are directories are added to the shared queue of directories to
       * check. The parent directory is READ locked during the entire call while the children are
       * READ locked only during the consistency check of the children files.
       * @return a list of inconsistent uris
       * @throws IOException if an error occurs interacting with the under storage
        public List<AlluxioURI> call() throws IOException {
            List<AlluxioURI> inconsistentUris = new ArrayList<>();
            try (LockedInodePath dir = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(mFileId, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
                Inode parentInode = dir.getInode();
                AlluxioURI parentUri = dir.getUri();
                if (!checkConsistencyInternal(parentInode, parentUri)) {
                for (Inode childInode : ((InodeDirectory) parentInode).getChildren()) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
                        // This should be safe, continue.
                        LOG.debug("Error during startup check consistency, ignoring and continuing.", e);
                    try {
                        AlluxioURI childUri = parentUri.join(childInode.getName());
                        if (childInode.isDirectory()) {
                        } else {
                            if (!checkConsistencyInternal(childInode, childUri)) {
                    } finally {
            } catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
                // This should be safe, continue.
                LOG.debug("A file scheduled for consistency check was deleted before the check.");
            } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
                // This should not happen.
                LOG.error("An invalid path was discovered during the consistency check, skipping.", e);
            return inconsistentUris;
    // Add the root to the directories to check.
    List<Future<List<AlluxioURI>>> results = new ArrayList<>();
    // Tracks how many checkers have been started.
    long started = 0;
    // Tracks how many checkers have completed.
    long completed = 0;
    do {
        Long fileId = dirsToCheck.take();
        if (fileId == completionMarker) {
            // A thread signaled completion.
        } else {
            // A new directory needs to be checked.
            StartupConsistencyChecker checker = new StartupConsistencyChecker(fileId);
    } while (started != completed);
    // Return the total set of inconsistent paths discovered.
    List<AlluxioURI> inconsistentUris = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Future<List<AlluxioURI>> result : results) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // This shouldn't happen, all futures should be complete.
    return inconsistentUris;
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedBlockingQueue(java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) Callable(java.util.concurrent.Callable) AlluxioException(alluxio.exception.AlluxioException) BlockInfoException(alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException) FileAlreadyExistsException(alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException) IOException( InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) AccessControlException(alluxio.exception.AccessControlException) InvalidFileSizeException(alluxio.exception.InvalidFileSizeException) FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) FileAlreadyCompletedException(alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyCompletedException) DirectoryNotEmptyException(alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException) UnexpectedAlluxioException(alluxio.exception.UnexpectedAlluxioException) LockedInodePath(alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePath) InodeDirectory(alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory) Inode(alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InodeLockList(alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeLockList) List(java.util.List) TtlBucketList(alluxio.master.file.meta.TtlBucketList) PrefixList(alluxio.collections.PrefixList) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 5 with Inode

use of alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method renameAndJournal.

   * Renames a file to a destination.
   * <p>
   * Writes to the journal.
   * @param srcInodePath the source path to rename
   * @param dstInodePath the destination path to rename the file to
   * @param options method options
   * @param journalContext the journalContext
   * @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
   * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the file already exists
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
private void renameAndJournal(LockedInodePath srcInodePath, LockedInodePath dstInodePath, RenameOptions options, JournalContext journalContext) throws InvalidPathException, FileDoesNotExistException, FileAlreadyExistsException, IOException {
    if (!srcInodePath.fullPathExists()) {
        throw new FileDoesNotExistException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getMessage(srcInodePath.getUri()));
    Inode<?> srcInode = srcInodePath.getInode();
    // Renaming path to itself is a no-op.
    if (srcInodePath.getUri().equals(dstInodePath.getUri())) {
    // Renaming the root is not allowed.
    if (srcInodePath.getUri().isRoot()) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.ROOT_CANNOT_BE_RENAMED.getMessage());
    if (dstInodePath.getUri().isRoot()) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_ROOT.getMessage());
    // Renaming across mount points is not allowed.
    String srcMount = mMountTable.getMountPoint(srcInodePath.getUri());
    String dstMount = mMountTable.getMountPoint(dstInodePath.getUri());
    if ((srcMount == null && dstMount != null) || (srcMount != null && dstMount == null) || (srcMount != null && dstMount != null && !srcMount.equals(dstMount))) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_ACROSS_MOUNTS.getMessage(srcInodePath.getUri(), dstInodePath.getUri()));
    // Renaming onto a mount point is not allowed.
    if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(dstInodePath.getUri())) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_ONTO_MOUNT_POINT.getMessage(dstInodePath.getUri()));
    // srcComponents isn't a prefix of dstComponents.
    if (PathUtils.hasPrefix(dstInodePath.getUri().getPath(), srcInodePath.getUri().getPath())) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_SUBDIRECTORY.getMessage(srcInodePath.getUri(), dstInodePath.getUri()));
    // Get the inodes of the src and dst parents.
    Inode<?> srcParentInode = srcInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
    if (!srcParentInode.isDirectory()) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_MUST_HAVE_VALID_PARENT.getMessage(srcInodePath.getUri()));
    Inode<?> dstParentInode = dstInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
    if (!dstParentInode.isDirectory()) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_MUST_HAVE_VALID_PARENT.getMessage(dstInodePath.getUri()));
    // Make sure destination path does not exist
    if (dstInodePath.fullPathExists()) {
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(ExceptionMessage.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS.getMessage(dstInodePath.getUri()));
    // Now we remove srcInode from its parent and insert it into dstPath's parent
    renameInternal(srcInodePath, dstInodePath, false, options);
    List<Inode<?>> persistedInodes = propagatePersistedInternal(srcInodePath, false);
    journalPersistedInodes(persistedInodes, journalContext);
    RenameEntry rename = RenameEntry.newBuilder().setId(srcInode.getId()).setDstPath(dstInodePath.getUri().getPath()).setOpTimeMs(options.getOperationTimeMs()).build();
    appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder().setRename(rename).build(), journalContext);
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) RenameEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.RenameEntry) FileAlreadyExistsException(alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException) Inode(alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)


Inode (alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode)42 AlluxioURI (alluxio.AlluxioURI)19 LockedInodePath (alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePath)15 MountTable (alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable)15 FileDoesNotExistException (alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException)14 UnderFileSystem (alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem)13 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 AccessControlException (alluxio.exception.AccessControlException)12 InvalidPathException (alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)12 InodeDirectory (alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory)11 IOException ( UfsStatus (alluxio.underfs.UfsStatus)9 InodeFile (alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeFile)8 Fingerprint (alluxio.underfs.Fingerprint)8 BlockInfoException (alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException)7 DirectoryNotEmptyException (alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException)6 FileAlreadyExistsException (alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException)6 UnexpectedAlluxioException (alluxio.exception.UnexpectedAlluxioException)6 FileAlreadyCompletedException (alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyCompletedException)5 InvalidFileSizeException (alluxio.exception.InvalidFileSizeException)5