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Example 1 with GregorianCalendar

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method Test6880.

public void Test6880() {
    Date d1, d2, dp1, dp2, dexp1, dexp2;
    String s1, s2;
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai");
    GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
    // offset 8:05:43
    gcal.set(1900, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 12, 00);
    d1 = gcal.getTime();
    // offset 8:00
    gcal.set(1950, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 12, 00);
    d2 = gcal.getTime();
    gcal.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 12, 00);
    dexp2 = gcal.getTime();
    // subtract 5m43s
    dexp1 = new Date(dexp2.getTime() - (5 * 60 + 43) * 1000);
    DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, new ULocale("zh"));
    s1 = fmt.format(d1);
    s2 = fmt.format(d2);
    try {
        dp1 = fmt.parse(s1);
        dp2 = fmt.parse(s2);
        if (!dp1.equals(dexp1)) {
            errln("FAIL: Failed to parse " + s1 + " parsed: " + dp1 + " expected: " + dexp1);
        if (!dp2.equals(dexp2)) {
            errln("FAIL: Failed to parse " + s2 + " parsed: " + dp2 + " expected: " + dexp2);
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
        errln("FAIL: Parse failure");
Also used : TimeZone( ULocale( DateFormat( ChineseDateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( GregorianCalendar( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Date(java.util.Date) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with GregorianCalendar

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method TestParseMultiPatternMatch.

public void TestParseMultiPatternMatch() {
    class TestMultiPatternMatchItem {

        public boolean leniency;

        public String parseString;

        public String pattern;

        // null indicates expected error
        public String expectedResult;

        // Simple constructor
        public TestMultiPatternMatchItem(boolean len, String parString, String patt, String expResult) {
            leniency = len;
            pattern = patt;
            parseString = parString;
            expectedResult = expResult;
    final TestMultiPatternMatchItem[] items = { // leniency    parse String                  pattern                 expected result
    new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013-Sep 13", "yyyy-MMM dd", "2013-Sep 13"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013-September 14", "yyyy-MMM dd", "2013-Sep 14"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013-September 15", "yyyy-MMM dd", null), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013-September 16", "yyyy-MMMM dd", "2013-September 16"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013-Sep 17", "yyyy-LLL dd", "2013-Sep 17"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013-September 18", "yyyy-LLL dd", "2013-Sep 18"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013-September 19", "yyyy-LLL dd", null), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013-September 20", "yyyy-LLLL dd", "2013-September 20"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Sat Sep 21", "yyyy EEE MMM dd", "2013 Sat Sep 21"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Sunday Sep 22", "yyyy EEE MMM dd", "2013 Sun Sep 22"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Monday Sep 23", "yyyy EEE MMM dd", null), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Tuesday Sep 24", "yyyy EEEE MMM dd", "2013 Tuesday Sep 24"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Wed Sep 25", "yyyy eee MMM dd", "2013 Wed Sep 25"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Thu Sep 26", "yyyy eee MMM dd", "2013 Thu Sep 26"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Friday Sep 27", "yyyy eee MMM dd", null), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Saturday Sep 28", "yyyy eeee MMM dd", "2013 Saturday Sep 28"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Sun Sep 29", "yyyy ccc MMM dd", "2013 Sun Sep 29"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Monday Sep 30", "yyyy ccc MMM dd", "2013 Mon Sep 30"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Sunday Oct 13", "yyyy ccc MMM dd", null), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Monday Oct 14", "yyyy cccc MMM dd", "2013 Monday Oct 14"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Oct 15 Q4", "yyyy MMM dd QQQ", "2013 Oct 15 Q4"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Oct 16 4th quarter", "yyyy MMM dd QQQ", "2013 Oct 16 Q4"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Oct 17 4th quarter", "yyyy MMM dd QQQ", null), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Oct 18 Q4", "yyyy MMM dd QQQ", "2013 Oct 18 Q4"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Oct 19 Q4", "yyyy MMM dd qqqq", "2013 Oct 19 4th quarter"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(true, "2013 Oct 20 4th quarter", "yyyy MMM dd qqqq", "2013 Oct 20 4th quarter"), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Oct 21 Q4", "yyyy MMM dd qqqq", null), new TestMultiPatternMatchItem(false, "2013 Oct 22 4th quarter", "yyyy MMM dd qqqq", "2013 Oct 22 4th quarter") };
    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
    Date d = new Date();
    GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), Locale.US);
    SimpleDateFormat sdfmt = new SimpleDateFormat();
    ParsePosition p = new ParsePosition(0);
    for (TestMultiPatternMatchItem item : items) {
        sdfmt.setBooleanAttribute(BooleanAttribute.PARSE_MULTIPLE_PATTERNS_FOR_MATCH, item.leniency);
        d = sdfmt.parse(item.parseString, p);
        if (item.expectedResult == null) {
            if (p.getErrorIndex() != -1)
                errln("error: unexpected parse success..." + item.parseString + " w/ lenient=" + item.leniency + " should have failed");
        if (p.getErrorIndex() != -1) {
            errln("error: parse error for string " + item.parseString + " -- idx[" + p.getIndex() + "] errIdx[" + p.getErrorIndex() + "]");
        result = sdfmt.format(cal, result, new FieldPosition(0));
        if (!result.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(item.expectedResult)) {
            errln("error: unexpected format result. expected - " + item.expectedResult + "  but result was - " + result);
        } else {
            logln("formatted results match! - " + result.toString());
Also used : GregorianCalendar( FieldPosition(java.text.FieldPosition) SimpleDateFormat( Date(java.util.Date) ParsePosition(java.text.ParsePosition) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with GregorianCalendar

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class IslamicTest method TestIslamicUmAlQura.

public void TestIslamicUmAlQura() {
    class GregoUmmAlQuraMap {

        public int gYear;

        // 1-based
        public int gMon;

        public int gDay;

        public int uYear;

        // 1-based
        public int uMon;

        public int uDay;

        // Simple constructor
        public GregoUmmAlQuraMap(int gY, int gM, int gD, int uY, int uM, int uD) {
            gYear = gY;
            gMon = gM;
            gDay = gD;
            uYear = uY;
            uMon = uM;
            uDay = uD;
    // data from
    // Official Umm-al-Qura calendar of SA:
    // home,
    // converter,
    final GregoUmmAlQuraMap[] guMappings = { // (using 1-based months here)
    new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1882, 11, 12, 1300, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1892, 7, 25, 1310, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1896, 6, 12, 1314, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1898, 5, 22, 1316, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1900, 4, 30, 1318, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1901, 4, 20, 1319, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1902, 4, 10, 1320, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1903, 3, 30, 1321, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1904, 3, 19, 1322, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1905, 3, 8, 1323, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1906, 2, 25, 1324, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1907, 2, 14, 1325, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1908, 2, 4, 1326, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1909, 1, 23, 1327, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1910, 1, 13, 1328, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1911, 1, 2, 1329, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1911, 12, 22, 1330, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1912, 12, 10, 1331, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1913, 11, 30, 1332, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1914, 11, 19, 1333, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1915, 11, 9, 1334, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1916, 10, 28, 1335, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1917, 10, 18, 1336, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1918, 10, 7, 1337, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1919, 9, 26, 1338, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1920, 9, 14, 1339, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1921, 9, 4, 1340, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1922, 8, 24, 1341, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1923, 8, 14, 1342, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1924, 8, 2, 1343, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1925, 7, 22, 1344, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1926, 7, 11, 1345, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1927, 6, 30, 1346, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1928, 6, 19, 1347, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1929, 6, 9, 1348, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1930, 5, 29, 1349, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1931, 5, 19, 1350, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1932, 5, 7, 1351, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1933, 4, 26, 1352, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1934, 4, 15, 1353, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1935, 4, 5, 1354, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1936, 3, 24, 1355, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1937, 3, 14, 1356, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1938, 3, 4, 1357, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1939, 2, 21, 1358, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1940, 2, 10, 1359, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1941, 1, 29, 1360, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1942, 1, 18, 1361, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1943, 1, 8, 1362, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1943, 12, 28, 1363, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1944, 12, 17, 1364, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1945, 12, 6, 1365, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1946, 11, 25, 1366, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1947, 11, 14, 1367, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1948, 11, 3, 1368, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1949, 10, 23, 1369, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1950, 10, 13, 1370, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1951, 10, 3, 1371, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1952, 9, 21, 1372, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1953, 9, 10, 1373, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1954, 8, 30, 1374, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1955, 8, 19, 1375, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1956, 8, 8, 1376, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1957, 7, 29, 1377, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1958, 7, 18, 1378, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1959, 7, 8, 1379, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1960, 6, 26, 1380, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1961, 6, 15, 1381, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1962, 6, 4, 1382, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1963, 5, 24, 1383, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1964, 5, 13, 1384, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1965, 5, 3, 1385, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1966, 4, 22, 1386, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1967, 4, 11, 1387, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1968, 3, 30, 1388, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1969, 3, 19, 1389, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1970, 3, 9, 1390, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1971, 2, 27, 1391, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1972, 2, 16, 1392, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1973, 2, 5, 1393, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1974, 1, 25, 1394, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1975, 1, 14, 1395, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1976, 1, 3, 1396, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1976, 12, 22, 1397, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1977, 12, 12, 1398, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1978, 12, 1, 1399, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1979, 11, 21, 1400, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1980, 11, 9, 1401, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1981, 10, 29, 1402, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1982, 10, 18, 1403, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1983, 10, 8, 1404, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1984, 9, 26, 1405, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1985, 9, 16, 1406, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1986, 9, 6, 1407, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1987, 8, 26, 1408, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1988, 8, 14, 1409, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1989, 8, 3, 1410, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1990, 7, 23, 1411, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1991, 7, 13, 1412, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1992, 7, 2, 1413, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1993, 6, 21, 1414, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1994, 6, 11, 1415, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1995, 5, 31, 1416, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1996, 5, 19, 1417, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1997, 5, 8, 1418, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1998, 4, 28, 1419, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 4, 17, 1420, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 5, 16, 1420, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 6, 15, 1420, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 7, 14, 1420, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 8, 12, 1420, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 9, 11, 1420, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 10, 10, 1420, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 11, 9, 1420, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(1999, 12, 9, 1420, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 1, 8, 1420, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 2, 7, 1420, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 3, 7, 1420, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 4, 6, 1421, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 5, 5, 1421, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 6, 3, 1421, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 7, 3, 1421, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 8, 1, 1421, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 8, 30, 1421, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 9, 28, 1421, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 10, 28, 1421, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 11, 27, 1421, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2000, 12, 27, 1421, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 1, 26, 1421, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 2, 24, 1421, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 3, 26, 1422, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 4, 25, 1422, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 5, 24, 1422, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 6, 22, 1422, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 7, 22, 1422, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 8, 20, 1422, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 9, 18, 1422, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 10, 17, 1422, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 11, 16, 1422, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2001, 12, 16, 1422, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 1, 15, 1422, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 2, 13, 1422, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 3, 15, 1423, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 4, 14, 1423, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 5, 13, 1423, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 6, 12, 1423, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 7, 11, 1423, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 8, 10, 1423, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 9, 8, 1423, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 10, 7, 1423, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 11, 6, 1423, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2002, 12, 5, 1423, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 1, 4, 1423, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 2, 2, 1423, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 3, 4, 1424, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 4, 3, 1424, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 5, 2, 1424, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 6, 1, 1424, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 7, 1, 1424, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 7, 30, 1424, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 8, 29, 1424, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 9, 27, 1424, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 10, 26, 1424, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 11, 25, 1424, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2003, 12, 24, 1424, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 1, 23, 1424, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 2, 21, 1425, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 3, 22, 1425, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 4, 20, 1425, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 5, 20, 1425, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 6, 19, 1425, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 7, 18, 1425, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 8, 17, 1425, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 9, 15, 1425, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 10, 15, 1425, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 11, 14, 1425, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2004, 12, 13, 1425, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 1, 12, 1425, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 2, 10, 1426, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 3, 11, 1426, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 4, 10, 1426, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 5, 9, 1426, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 6, 8, 1426, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 7, 7, 1426, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 8, 6, 1426, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 9, 5, 1426, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 10, 4, 1426, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 11, 3, 1426, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2005, 12, 3, 1426, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 1, 1, 1426, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 1, 31, 1427, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 3, 1, 1427, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 3, 30, 1427, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 4, 29, 1427, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 5, 28, 1427, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 6, 27, 1427, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 7, 26, 1427, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 8, 25, 1427, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 9, 24, 1427, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 10, 23, 1427, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 11, 22, 1427, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2006, 12, 22, 1427, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 1, 20, 1428, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 2, 19, 1428, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 3, 20, 1428, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 4, 18, 1428, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 5, 18, 1428, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 6, 16, 1428, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 7, 15, 1428, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 8, 14, 1428, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 9, 13, 1428, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 10, 13, 1428, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 11, 11, 1428, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2007, 12, 11, 1428, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 1, 10, 1429, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 2, 8, 1429, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 3, 9, 1429, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 4, 7, 1429, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 5, 6, 1429, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 6, 5, 1429, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 7, 4, 1429, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 8, 2, 1429, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 9, 1, 1429, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 10, 1, 1429, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 10, 30, 1429, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 11, 29, 1429, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2008, 12, 29, 1430, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 1, 27, 1430, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 2, 26, 1430, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 3, 28, 1430, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 4, 26, 1430, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 5, 25, 1430, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 6, 24, 1430, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 7, 23, 1430, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 8, 22, 1430, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 9, 20, 1430, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 10, 20, 1430, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 11, 18, 1430, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2009, 12, 18, 1431, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 1, 16, 1431, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 2, 15, 1431, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 3, 17, 1431, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 4, 15, 1431, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 5, 15, 1431, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 6, 13, 1431, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 7, 13, 1431, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 8, 11, 1431, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 9, 10, 1431, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 10, 9, 1431, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 11, 7, 1431, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2010, 12, 7, 1432, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 1, 5, 1432, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 2, 4, 1432, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 3, 6, 1432, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 4, 5, 1432, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 5, 4, 1432, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 6, 3, 1432, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 7, 2, 1432, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 8, 1, 1432, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 8, 30, 1432, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 9, 29, 1432, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 10, 28, 1432, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 11, 26, 1433, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2011, 12, 26, 1433, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 1, 24, 1433, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 2, 23, 1433, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 3, 24, 1433, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 4, 22, 1433, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 5, 22, 1433, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 6, 21, 1433, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 7, 20, 1433, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 8, 19, 1433, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 9, 17, 1433, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 10, 17, 1433, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 11, 15, 1434, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2012, 12, 14, 1434, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 1, 13, 1434, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 2, 11, 1434, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 3, 13, 1434, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 4, 11, 1434, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 5, 11, 1434, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 6, 10, 1434, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 7, 9, 1434, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 8, 8, 1434, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 9, 7, 1434, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 10, 6, 1434, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 11, 4, 1435, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2013, 12, 4, 1435, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 1, 2, 1435, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 2, 1, 1435, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 3, 2, 1435, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 4, 1, 1435, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 4, 30, 1435, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 5, 30, 1435, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 6, 28, 1435, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 7, 28, 1435, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 8, 27, 1435, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 9, 25, 1435, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 10, 25, 1436, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 11, 23, 1436, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2014, 12, 23, 1436, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 1, 21, 1436, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 2, 20, 1436, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 3, 21, 1436, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 4, 20, 1436, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 5, 19, 1436, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 6, 18, 1436, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 7, 17, 1436, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 8, 16, 1436, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 9, 14, 1436, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 10, 14, 1437, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 11, 13, 1437, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2015, 12, 12, 1437, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 1, 11, 1437, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 2, 10, 1437, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 3, 10, 1437, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 4, 8, 1437, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 5, 8, 1437, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 6, 6, 1437, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 7, 6, 1437, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 8, 4, 1437, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 9, 2, 1437, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 10, 2, 1438, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 11, 1, 1438, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 11, 30, 1438, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2016, 12, 30, 1438, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 1, 29, 1438, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 2, 28, 1438, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 3, 29, 1438, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 4, 27, 1438, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 5, 27, 1438, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 6, 25, 1438, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 7, 24, 1438, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 8, 23, 1438, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 9, 21, 1439, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 10, 21, 1439, 2, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 11, 19, 1439, 3, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2017, 12, 19, 1439, 4, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 1, 18, 1439, 5, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 2, 17, 1439, 6, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 3, 18, 1439, 7, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 4, 17, 1439, 8, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 5, 16, 1439, 9, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 6, 15, 1439, 10, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 7, 14, 1439, 11, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 8, 12, 1439, 12, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2018, 9, 11, 1440, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2019, 8, 31, 1441, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2020, 8, 20, 1442, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2021, 8, 9, 1443, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2022, 7, 30, 1444, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2023, 7, 19, 1445, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2024, 7, 7, 1446, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2025, 6, 26, 1447, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2026, 6, 16, 1448, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2027, 6, 6, 1449, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2028, 5, 25, 1450, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2029, 5, 14, 1451, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2030, 5, 4, 1452, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2031, 4, 23, 1453, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2032, 4, 11, 1454, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2033, 4, 1, 1455, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2034, 3, 22, 1456, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2035, 3, 11, 1457, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2036, 2, 29, 1458, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2037, 2, 17, 1459, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2038, 2, 6, 1460, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2039, 1, 26, 1461, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2040, 1, 15, 1462, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2041, 1, 4, 1463, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2041, 12, 25, 1464, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2042, 12, 14, 1465, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2043, 12, 3, 1466, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2044, 11, 21, 1467, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2045, 11, 11, 1468, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2046, 10, 31, 1469, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2047, 10, 21, 1470, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2048, 10, 9, 1471, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2049, 9, 29, 1472, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2050, 9, 18, 1473, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2051, 9, 7, 1474, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2052, 8, 26, 1475, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2053, 8, 15, 1476, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2054, 8, 5, 1477, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2055, 7, 26, 1478, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2056, 7, 14, 1479, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2057, 7, 3, 1480, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2058, 6, 22, 1481, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2059, 6, 11, 1482, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2061, 5, 21, 1484, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2063, 4, 30, 1486, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2065, 4, 7, 1488, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2067, 3, 17, 1490, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2069, 2, 23, 1492, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2071, 2, 2, 1494, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2073, 1, 10, 1496, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2074, 12, 20, 1498, 1, 1), new GregoUmmAlQuraMap(2076, 11, 28, 1500, 1, 1) };
    int firstYear = 1318;
    // *  use either 1 or 2 leading slashes to toggle
    // just enough to be pretty sure
    int lastYear = 1368;
        int lastYear = 1480;    // the whole shootin' match
    ULocale umalquraLoc = new ULocale("ar_SA@calendar=islamic-umalqura");
    ULocale gregoLoc = new ULocale("ar_SA@calendar=gregorian");
    TimeZone tzSA = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Riyadh");
    IslamicCalendar tstCal = new IslamicCalendar(tzSA, umalquraLoc);
    GregorianCalendar gregCal = new GregorianCalendar(tzSA, gregoLoc);
    int day = 0, month = 0, year = 0, initDay = 27, initMonth = IslamicCalendar.RAJAB, initYear = 1434;
    try {
        for (int startYear = firstYear; startYear <= lastYear; startYear++) {
            setAndTestWholeYear(tstCal, startYear);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        errln("unexpected exception thrown - message=" + t.getLocalizedMessage());
    try {
        initMonth = IslamicCalendar.RABI_2;
        initDay = 5;
        int loopCnt = 25;
        setAndTestCalendar(tstCal, initMonth, initDay, initYear);
        for (int x = 1; x <= loopCnt; x++) {
            day = tstCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
            month = tstCal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            year = tstCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            tstCal.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, true);
        if (day != (initDay + loopCnt - 1) || month != IslamicCalendar.RABI_2 || year != 1434)
            errln("invalid values for RABI_2 date after roll of " + loopCnt);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        errln("unexpected exception received!!!");
    try {
        initMonth = 2;
        initDay = 30;
        setAndTestCalendar(tstCal, initMonth, initDay, initYear);
        errln("expected exception NOT thrown");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
    // expected this
    try {
        initMonth = 3;
        initDay = 30;
        setAndTestCalendar(tstCal, initMonth, initDay, initYear);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        errln("unexpected exception received!!!");
    try {
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        Date date = formatter.parse("1975-05-06");
        IslamicCalendar is_cal = new IslamicCalendar();
        SimpleDateFormat formatterIslamic = (SimpleDateFormat) is_cal.getDateTimeFormat(0, 0, umalquraLoc);
        String str = formatterIslamic.format(is_cal.getTime());
        // 1395 - Rabi - 24
        int is_day = is_cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int is_month = is_cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
        int is_year = is_cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        if (is_day != 24 || is_month != IslamicCalendar.RABI_2 || is_year != 1395)
            errln("unexpected conversion date: " + is_day + " " + is_month + " " + is_year);
        String expectedFormatResult = "\u0661\u0663\u0669\u0665-\u0631\u0628\u064A\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0622\u062E\u0631-\u0662\u0664";
        if (!str.equals(expectedFormatResult))
            errln("unexpected formatted result: " + str);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // check against data
    for (GregoUmmAlQuraMap guMap : guMappings) {
        gregCal.set(guMap.gYear, guMap.gMon - 1, guMap.gDay, 12, 0);
        long mapDate = gregCal.getTimeInMillis();
        int uYear = tstCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        int uMon = tstCal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
        int uDay = tstCal.get(Calendar.DATE);
        if (uYear != guMap.uYear || uMon != guMap.uMon || uDay != guMap.uDay) {
            errln("For gregorian " + guMap.gYear + "-" + guMap.gMon + "-" + guMap.gDay + ", expect umalqura " + guMap.uYear + "-" + guMap.uMon + "-" + guMap.uDay + ", get " + uYear + "-" + uMon + "-" + uDay);
Also used : ULocale( GregorianCalendar( Date(java.util.Date) IOException( TimeZone( SimpleDateFormat( IslamicCalendar( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with GregorianCalendar

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatRegressionTest method Test4106807.

 * @bug 4106807
public void Test4106807() {
    Date dt;
    DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
    SimpleDateFormat[] sdfs = { new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss'Z'"), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss''"), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss'a''a'"), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss %") };
    String[] strings = { "19980211140000", "19980211140000", "19980211140000", "19980211140000a", "19980211140000 " };
    GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
    TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    TimeZone gmt = (TimeZone) timeZone.clone();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        SimpleDateFormat format = sdfs[i];
        String dateString = strings[i];
        try {
            dt = format.parse(dateString);
            // {sfb} some of these parses will fail purposely
            StringBuffer fmtd = new StringBuffer("");
            FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(0);
            fmtd = df.format(dt, fmtd, pos);
            // logln(df.format(dt));
            logln("" + gc.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET));
            StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("");
            s = format.format(dt, s, pos);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            logln("No way Jose");
Also used : SimpleTimeZone( TimeZone( DateFormat( SimpleDateFormat( GregorianCalendar( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) FieldPosition(java.text.FieldPosition) SimpleDateFormat( Date(java.util.Date) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with GregorianCalendar

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DateFormatTest method TestTwoDigitWOY.

public void TestTwoDigitWOY() {
    // See ICU Ticket #8514
    String dateText = new String("98MON01");
    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("YYEEEww");
    simpleDateFormat.set2DigitYearStart(new GregorianCalendar(1999, 0, 1).getTime());
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
    simpleDateFormat.parse(dateText, cal, pp);
    if (pp.getErrorIndex() >= 0) {
        errln("FAIL: Error in parsing two digit WOY");
    String result = simpleDateFormat.format(cal.getTime());
    if (!result.equals("2098")) {
        errln("FAIL: Unexpected result in two digit WOY parse.  Expected 2098, got " + result);
Also used : BuddhistCalendar( HebrewCalendar( IslamicCalendar( ChineseCalendar( GregorianCalendar( Calendar( JapaneseCalendar( GregorianCalendar( SimpleDateFormat( ParsePosition(java.text.ParsePosition) Test(org.junit.Test)


GregorianCalendar ( Test (org.junit.Test)102 Date (java.util.Date)63 Calendar ( SimpleDateFormat ( SimpleTimeZone ( TimeZone ( DateFormat ( JapaneseCalendar ( ULocale ( ChineseCalendar ( IslamicCalendar ( BuddhistCalendar ( ChineseDateFormat ( IOException ( ParsePosition (java.text.ParsePosition)8 CalendarAstronomer ( HebrewCalendar ( FieldPosition (java.text.FieldPosition)7 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)6