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Example 1 with RouteInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ConnectivityService method updateRoutes.

     * Add and remove routes using the old properties (null if not previously connected),
     * new properties (null if becoming disconnected).  May even be double null, which
     * is a noop.
     * Uses isLinkDefault to determine if default routes should be set or conversely if
     * host routes should be set to the dns servers
     * returns a boolean indicating the routes changed
private boolean updateRoutes(LinkProperties newLp, LinkProperties curLp, boolean isLinkDefault) {
    Collection<RouteInfo> routesToAdd = null;
    CompareResult<InetAddress> dnsDiff = new CompareResult<InetAddress>();
    CompareResult<RouteInfo> routeDiff = new CompareResult<RouteInfo>();
    if (curLp != null) {
        // check for the delta between the current set and the new
        routeDiff = curLp.compareRoutes(newLp);
        dnsDiff = curLp.compareDnses(newLp);
    } else if (newLp != null) {
        routeDiff.added = newLp.getAllRoutes();
        dnsDiff.added = newLp.getDnses();
    boolean routesChanged = (routeDiff.removed.size() != 0 || routeDiff.added.size() != 0);
    for (RouteInfo r : routeDiff.removed) {
        if (isLinkDefault || !r.isDefaultRoute()) {
            if (VDBG)
                log("updateRoutes: default remove route r=" + r);
            removeRoute(curLp, r, TO_DEFAULT_TABLE);
        if (isLinkDefault == false) {
            // remove from a secondary route table
            removeRoute(curLp, r, TO_SECONDARY_TABLE);
    if (!isLinkDefault) {
        // handle DNS routes
        if (routesChanged) {
            // routes changed - remove all old dns entries and add new
            if (curLp != null) {
                for (InetAddress oldDns : curLp.getDnses()) {
                    removeRouteToAddress(curLp, oldDns);
            if (newLp != null) {
                for (InetAddress newDns : newLp.getDnses()) {
                    addRouteToAddress(newLp, newDns);
        } else {
            // no change in routes, check for change in dns themselves
            for (InetAddress oldDns : dnsDiff.removed) {
                removeRouteToAddress(curLp, oldDns);
            for (InetAddress newDns : dnsDiff.added) {
                addRouteToAddress(newLp, newDns);
    for (RouteInfo r : routeDiff.added) {
        if (isLinkDefault || !r.isDefaultRoute()) {
            addRoute(newLp, r, TO_DEFAULT_TABLE);
        } else {
            // add to a secondary route table
            addRoute(newLp, r, TO_SECONDARY_TABLE);
            // many radios add a default route even when we don't want one.
            // remove the default route unless somebody else has asked for it
            String ifaceName = newLp.getInterfaceName();
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ifaceName) == false && mAddedRoutes.contains(r) == false) {
                try {
                    mNetd.removeRoute(ifaceName, r);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // never crash - catch them all
                    if (DBG)
                        loge("Exception trying to remove a route: " + e);
    return routesChanged;
Also used : RouteInfo( CompareResult( InetAddress( RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) IOException( UnknownHostException( FileNotFoundException( XmlPullParserException(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException) ActivityNotFoundException(android.content.ActivityNotFoundException)

Example 2 with RouteInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ConnectivityService method modifyRoute.

private boolean modifyRoute(LinkProperties lp, RouteInfo r, int cycleCount, boolean doAdd, boolean toDefaultTable) {
    if ((lp == null) || (r == null)) {
        if (DBG)
            log("modifyRoute got unexpected null: " + lp + ", " + r);
        return false;
    if (cycleCount > MAX_HOSTROUTE_CYCLE_COUNT) {
        loge("Error modifying route - too much recursion");
        return false;
    String ifaceName = r.getInterface();
    if (ifaceName == null) {
        loge("Error modifying route - no interface name");
        return false;
    if (r.hasGateway()) {
        RouteInfo bestRoute = RouteInfo.selectBestRoute(lp.getAllRoutes(), r.getGateway());
        if (bestRoute != null) {
            if (bestRoute.getGateway().equals(r.getGateway())) {
                // if there is no better route, add the implied hostroute for our gateway
                bestRoute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(r.getGateway(), ifaceName);
            } else {
                // if we will connect to our gateway through another route, add a direct
                // route to it's gateway
                bestRoute = RouteInfo.makeHostRoute(r.getGateway(), bestRoute.getGateway(), ifaceName);
            modifyRoute(lp, bestRoute, cycleCount + 1, doAdd, toDefaultTable);
    if (doAdd) {
        if (VDBG)
            log("Adding " + r + " for interface " + ifaceName);
        try {
            if (toDefaultTable) {
                // only track default table - only one apps can effect
                mNetd.addRoute(ifaceName, r);
            } else {
                mNetd.addSecondaryRoute(ifaceName, r);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // never crash - catch them all
            if (DBG)
                loge("Exception trying to add a route: " + e);
            return false;
    } else {
        // we can remove it from the table
        if (toDefaultTable) {
            if (mAddedRoutes.contains(r) == false) {
                if (VDBG)
                    log("Removing " + r + " for interface " + ifaceName);
                try {
                    mNetd.removeRoute(ifaceName, r);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // never crash - catch them all
                    if (VDBG)
                        loge("Exception trying to remove a route: " + e);
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (VDBG)
                    log("not removing " + r + " as it's still in use");
        } else {
            if (VDBG)
                log("Removing " + r + " for interface " + ifaceName);
            try {
                mNetd.removeSecondaryRoute(ifaceName, r);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // never crash - catch them all
                if (VDBG)
                    loge("Exception trying to remove a route: " + e);
                return false;
    return true;
Also used : RouteInfo( RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) IOException( UnknownHostException( FileNotFoundException( XmlPullParserException(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException) ActivityNotFoundException(android.content.ActivityNotFoundException)

Example 3 with RouteInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class Nat464Xlat method interfaceAdded.

public void interfaceAdded(String iface) {
    if (iface.equals(CLAT_INTERFACE_NAME)) {
        Slog.i(TAG, "interface " + CLAT_INTERFACE_NAME + " added, mIsRunning = " + mIsRunning + " -> true");
        mIsRunning = true;
        // it's running on.
        try {
            InterfaceConfiguration config = mNMService.getInterfaceConfig(iface);
            RouteInfo ipv4Default = new RouteInfo(new LinkAddress(Inet4Address.ANY, 0), null, iface);
            Slog.i(TAG, "Adding stacked link. tracker LP: " + mTracker.getLinkProperties());
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            Slog.e(TAG, "Error getting link properties: " + e);
        // Inform ConnectivityService that things have changed.
        Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(NetworkStateTracker.EVENT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, mTracker.getNetworkInfo());
        Slog.i(TAG, "sending message to ConnectivityService: " + msg);
Also used : LinkAddress( Message(android.os.Message) RouteInfo( RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) InterfaceConfiguration(

Example 4 with RouteInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WifiConfigStore method copyIpSettingsFromConfig.

private LinkProperties copyIpSettingsFromConfig(WifiConfiguration config) {
    LinkProperties linkProperties = new LinkProperties();
    for (LinkAddress linkAddr : config.linkProperties.getLinkAddresses()) {
    for (RouteInfo route : config.linkProperties.getRoutes()) {
    for (InetAddress dns : config.linkProperties.getDnses()) {
    return linkProperties;
Also used : LinkAddress( RouteInfo( LinkProperties( InetAddress(

Example 5 with RouteInfo

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WifiConfigStore method writeIpAndProxyConfigurationsOnChange.

/* Compare current and new configuration and write to file on change */
private NetworkUpdateResult writeIpAndProxyConfigurationsOnChange(WifiConfiguration currentConfig, WifiConfiguration newConfig) {
    boolean ipChanged = false;
    boolean proxyChanged = false;
    LinkProperties linkProperties = null;
    switch(newConfig.ipAssignment) {
        case STATIC:
            Collection<LinkAddress> currentLinkAddresses = currentConfig.linkProperties.getLinkAddresses();
            Collection<LinkAddress> newLinkAddresses = newConfig.linkProperties.getLinkAddresses();
            Collection<InetAddress> currentDnses = currentConfig.linkProperties.getDnses();
            Collection<InetAddress> newDnses = newConfig.linkProperties.getDnses();
            Collection<RouteInfo> currentRoutes = currentConfig.linkProperties.getRoutes();
            Collection<RouteInfo> newRoutes = newConfig.linkProperties.getRoutes();
            boolean linkAddressesDiffer = (currentLinkAddresses.size() != newLinkAddresses.size()) || !currentLinkAddresses.containsAll(newLinkAddresses);
            boolean dnsesDiffer = (currentDnses.size() != newDnses.size()) || !currentDnses.containsAll(newDnses);
            boolean routesDiffer = (currentRoutes.size() != newRoutes.size()) || !currentRoutes.containsAll(newRoutes);
            if ((currentConfig.ipAssignment != newConfig.ipAssignment) || linkAddressesDiffer || dnsesDiffer || routesDiffer) {
                ipChanged = true;
        case DHCP:
            if (currentConfig.ipAssignment != newConfig.ipAssignment) {
                ipChanged = true;
        case UNASSIGNED:
            /* Ignore */
            loge("Ignore invalid ip assignment during write");
    switch(newConfig.proxySettings) {
        case STATIC:
            ProxyProperties newHttpProxy = newConfig.linkProperties.getHttpProxy();
            ProxyProperties currentHttpProxy = currentConfig.linkProperties.getHttpProxy();
            if (newHttpProxy != null) {
                proxyChanged = !newHttpProxy.equals(currentHttpProxy);
            } else {
                proxyChanged = (currentHttpProxy != null);
        case NONE:
            if (currentConfig.proxySettings != newConfig.proxySettings) {
                proxyChanged = true;
        case UNASSIGNED:
            /* Ignore */
            loge("Ignore invalid proxy configuration during write");
    if (!ipChanged) {
        linkProperties = copyIpSettingsFromConfig(currentConfig);
    } else {
        currentConfig.ipAssignment = newConfig.ipAssignment;
        linkProperties = copyIpSettingsFromConfig(newConfig);
        log("IP config changed SSID = " + currentConfig.SSID + " linkProperties: " + linkProperties.toString());
    if (!proxyChanged) {
    } else {
        currentConfig.proxySettings = newConfig.proxySettings;
        log("proxy changed SSID = " + currentConfig.SSID);
        if (linkProperties.getHttpProxy() != null) {
            log(" proxyProperties: " + linkProperties.getHttpProxy().toString());
    if (ipChanged || proxyChanged) {
        currentConfig.linkProperties = linkProperties;
        sendConfiguredNetworksChangedBroadcast(currentConfig, WifiManager.CHANGE_REASON_CONFIG_CHANGE);
    return new NetworkUpdateResult(ipChanged, proxyChanged);
Also used : LinkAddress( ProxyProperties( NetworkUpdateResult( RouteInfo( LinkProperties( InetAddress(


RouteInfo ( LinkProperties ( LinkAddress ( InetAddress ( SmallTest (android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)45 IpPrefix ( Inet6Address ( Inet4Address ( IOException ( StaticIpConfiguration ( EOFException ( DataInputStream ( UnknownHostException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 StringJoiner (java.util.StringJoiner)7 Parcel (android.os.Parcel)6 BufferedInputStream ( FileInputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 UserInfo (