Search in sources :

Example 1 with InstanceConfig

use of annis.libgui.InstanceConfig in project ANNIS by korpling.

the class SearchView method enter.

public void enter(ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent event) {
    if (event.getOldView() == event.getNewView()) {
    InstanceConfig config = ui.getInstanceConfig();
    Page.getCurrent().setTitle(config.getInstanceDisplayName() + " (ANNIS Corpus Search)");
    getSession().addRequestHandler(new CitationRequestHandler());
    getSession().setAttribute(MediaController.class, new MediaControllerImpl());
    getSession().setAttribute(PDFController.class, new PDFControllerImpl());
    // the following shoul
    lastEvaluatedFragment = ""; VersionChecker());
    if (config.isLoginOnStart() && toolbar != null && Helper.getUser() == null) {
Also used : InstanceConfig(annis.libgui.InstanceConfig) MediaControllerImpl( PDFControllerImpl(

Example 2 with InstanceConfig

use of annis.libgui.InstanceConfig in project ANNIS by korpling.

the class EmbeddedVisUI method generateVisFromRemoteURL.

private void generateVisFromRemoteURL(final String visName, final String rawUri, Map<String, String[]> args) {
    try {
        // find the matching visualizer
        final VisualizerPlugin visPlugin = this.getVisualizer(visName);
        if (visPlugin == null) {
            displayMessage("Unknown visualizer \"" + visName + "\"", "This ANNIS instance does not know the given visualizer.");
        URI uri = new URI(rawUri);
        // fetch content of the URI
        Client client = null;
        AnnisUser user = Helper.getUser();
        if (user != null) {
            client = user.getClient();
        if (client == null) {
            client = Helper.createRESTClient();
        final WebResource saltRes = client.resource(uri);
        // copy the arguments for using them later in the callback
        final Map<String, String[]> argsCopy = new LinkedHashMap<>(args);
        Background.runWithCallback(new Callable<SaltProject>() {

            public SaltProject call() throws Exception {
                return saltRes.get(SaltProject.class);
        }, new FutureCallback<SaltProject>() {

            public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
                displayMessage("Could not query the result.", t.getMessage());

            public void onSuccess(SaltProject p) {
                // TODO: allow to display several visualizers when there is more than one document
                SCorpusGraph firstCorpusGraph = null;
                SDocument doc = null;
                if (p.getCorpusGraphs() != null && !p.getCorpusGraphs().isEmpty()) {
                    firstCorpusGraph = p.getCorpusGraphs().get(0);
                    if (firstCorpusGraph.getDocuments() != null && !firstCorpusGraph.getDocuments().isEmpty()) {
                        doc = firstCorpusGraph.getDocuments().get(0);
                if (doc == null) {
                    displayMessage("No documents found in provided URL.", "");
                if (argsCopy.containsKey(KEY_INSTANCE)) {
                    Map<String, InstanceConfig> allConfigs = loadInstanceConfig();
                    InstanceConfig newConfig = allConfigs.get(argsCopy.get(KEY_INSTANCE)[0]);
                    if (newConfig != null) {
                // now it is time to load the actual defined instance fonts
                // generate the visualizer
                VisualizerInput visInput = new VisualizerInput();
                if (getInstanceConfig() != null && getInstanceConfig().getFont() != null) {
                Properties mappings = new Properties();
                for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> e : argsCopy.entrySet()) {
                    if (!KEY_SALT.equals(e.getKey()) && e.getValue().length > 0) {
                        mappings.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()[0]);
                String[] namespace = argsCopy.get(KEY_NAMESPACE);
                if (namespace != null && namespace.length > 0) {
                } else {
                String baseText = null;
                if (argsCopy.containsKey(KEY_BASE_TEXT)) {
                    String[] value = argsCopy.get(KEY_BASE_TEXT);
                    if (value.length > 0) {
                        baseText = value[0];
                List<SNode> segNodes = CommonHelper.getSortedSegmentationNodes(baseText, doc.getDocumentGraph());
                if (argsCopy.containsKey(KEY_MATCH)) {
                    String[] rawMatch = argsCopy.get(KEY_MATCH);
                    if (rawMatch.length > 0) {
                        // enhance the graph with match information from the arguments
                        Match match = Match.parseFromString(rawMatch[0]);
                        Helper.addMatchToDocumentGraph(match, doc);
                Map<String, String> markedColorMap = new HashMap<>();
                Map<String, String> exactMarkedMap = Helper.calculateColorsForMarkedExact(doc);
                Map<String, Long> markedAndCovered = Helper.calculateMarkedAndCoveredIDs(doc, segNodes, baseText);
                Helper.calulcateColorsForMarkedAndCovered(doc, markedAndCovered, markedColorMap);
                String template = Helper.getContext() + "/Resource/" + visName + "/%s";
                // TODO: which other thing do we have to provide?
                Component c = visPlugin.createComponent(visInput, null);
                // add the styles
                Link link = new Link();
                link.setCaption("Show in ANNIS search interface");
                if (argsCopy.containsKey(KEY_SEARCH_INTERFACE)) {
                    String[] interfaceLink = argsCopy.get(KEY_SEARCH_INTERFACE);
                    if (interfaceLink.length > 0) {
                        link.setResource(new ExternalResource(interfaceLink[0]));
                VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(link, c);
                layout.setComponentAlignment(link, Alignment.TOP_LEFT);
    } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        displayMessage("Invalid URL", "The provided URL is malformed:<br />" + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (LoginDataLostException ex) {
        displayMessage("LoginData Lost", "No login data available any longer in the session:<br /> " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) {
        if (ex.getResponse().getStatus() == Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode()) {
            displayMessage("Corpus access forbidden", "You are not allowed to access this corpus. " + "Please login at the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + Helper.getContext() + "\">main application</a> first and then reload this page.");
        } else {
            displayMessage("Service error", ex.getMessage());
    } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) {
        displayMessage("Could not generate the visualization because the ANNIS service reported an error.", ex.getMessage());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        displayMessage("Could not generate the visualization.", ex.getMessage() == null ? ("An unknown error of type " + ex.getClass().getSimpleName()) + " occured." : ex.getMessage());
Also used : VisualizerPlugin(annis.libgui.visualizers.VisualizerPlugin) WebResource(com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource) URISyntaxException( Properties(java.util.Properties) URI( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) SCorpusGraph(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph) Match(annis.service.objects.Match) InstanceConfig(annis.libgui.InstanceConfig) VerticalLayout(com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Client(com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client) Component(com.vaadin.ui.Component) ClientHandlerException(com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException) SDocument(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SDocument) SaltProject(org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SaltProject) ExternalResource(com.vaadin.server.ExternalResource) AnnisUser(annis.libgui.AnnisUser) URISyntaxException( LoginDataLostException(annis.libgui.LoginDataLostException) UniformInterfaceException(com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException) ClientHandlerException(com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException) UniformInterfaceException(com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException) VisualizerInput(annis.libgui.visualizers.VisualizerInput) LoginDataLostException(annis.libgui.LoginDataLostException) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Link(com.vaadin.ui.Link)

Example 3 with InstanceConfig

use of annis.libgui.InstanceConfig in project ANNIS by korpling.

the class FrequencyChart method setFrequencyData.

public void setFrequencyData(FrequencyTable table) {
    String font = "sans-serif";
    // in pixel
    float fontSize = 7.0f;
    UI ui = UI.getCurrent();
    if (ui instanceof AnnisUI) {
        InstanceConfig cfg = ((AnnisUI) ui).getInstanceConfig();
        if (cfg != null && cfg.getFont() != null) {
            if (cfg.getFrequencyFont() != null) {
                font = cfg.getFrequencyFont().getName();
                // only use the font size if given in pixel (since flotr2 can only use this kind of information)
                String size = cfg.getFrequencyFont().getSize();
                if (size != null && size.trim().endsWith("px")) {
                    fontSize = Float.parseFloat(size.replace("px", "").trim());
                    // the label sizes will be multiplied by 1.3 in the Flotr2 library, thus
                    // divide here to get the correct size
                    fontSize = fontSize / 1.3f;
                } else {
                    log.warn("No valid font size (must in in \"px\" unit) given for frequency font configuration. " + "The value is {}", fontSize);
            } else if (cfg.getFont() != null) {
                font = cfg.getFont().getName();
                // only use the font size if given in pixel (since flotr2 can only use this kind of information)
                String size = cfg.getFont().getSize();
                if (size != null && size.trim().endsWith("px")) {
                    fontSize = Float.parseFloat(size.replace("px", "").trim());
                    // the label sizes will be multiplied by 1.3 in the Flotr2 library, thus
                    // divide here to get the correct size
                    fontSize = fontSize / 1.3f;
    lastTable = table;
    whiteboard.setFrequencyData(table, (FrequencyWhiteboard.Scale) options.getValue(), font, fontSize);
Also used : UI(com.vaadin.ui.UI) AnnisUI(annis.gui.AnnisUI) InstanceConfig(annis.libgui.InstanceConfig) AnnisUI(annis.gui.AnnisUI)


InstanceConfig (annis.libgui.InstanceConfig)3 AnnisUI (annis.gui.AnnisUI)1 AnnisUser (annis.libgui.AnnisUser)1 LoginDataLostException (annis.libgui.LoginDataLostException)1 MediaControllerImpl ( PDFControllerImpl ( VisualizerInput (annis.libgui.visualizers.VisualizerInput)1 VisualizerPlugin (annis.libgui.visualizers.VisualizerPlugin)1 Match (annis.service.objects.Match)1 Client (com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client)1 ClientHandlerException (com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException)1 UniformInterfaceException (com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException)1 WebResource (com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource)1 ExternalResource (com.vaadin.server.ExternalResource)1 Component (com.vaadin.ui.Component)1 Link (com.vaadin.ui.Link)1 UI (com.vaadin.ui.UI)1 VerticalLayout (com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout)1 URI ( URISyntaxException (