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Example 1 with CreateVolumeRequest

use of in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class AWSEC2 method createAndAttachVolume.

   * Creates a volume and attaches and mounts it on the instance at the specified mount point.
   * @param ec2
   * @param instanceId
   * @param mountPoint
   * @return the id of the volume
public static String createAndAttachVolume(AmazonEC2 ec2, String instanceId, String mountPoint) {
    Instance instance = findInstance(ec2, instanceId);
    String zone = instance.getPlacement().getAvailabilityZone();
    CreateVolumeRequest newVolumeRequest = new CreateVolumeRequest();
    // set its available zone, it may change.
    CreateVolumeResult volumeResult = ec2.createVolume(newVolumeRequest);
    Volume v1 = volumeResult.getVolume();
    String volumeID = v1.getVolumeId();
    //begin to attach the volume to instance
    AttachVolumeRequest avr = new AttachVolumeRequest();
    //mount it
    System.out.println("EBS volume has been attached and the volume ID is: " + volumeID);
    return (volumeID);
Also used : CreateVolumeRequest( Instance( Volume( CreateVolumeResult( AttachVolumeRequest(

Example 2 with CreateVolumeRequest

use of in project photon-model by vmware.

the class TestAWSEnumerationTask method testEnumeration.

// Runs the enumeration task on the AWS endpoint to list all the instances on the endpoint.
public void testEnumeration() throws Throwable {"Running test: " + this.currentTestName.getMethodName());
    ComputeState vmState = createAWSVMResource(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, TestAWSSetupUtils.class, zoneId, regionId, null, this.singleNicSpec, this.awsTestContext);
    if (this.isMock) {
        // Just make a call to the enumeration service and make sure that the adapter patches
        // the parent with completion.
        enumerateResources(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, this.isMock, TEST_CASE_MOCK_MODE);
    // Overriding the page size to test the pagination logic with limited instances on AWS.
    // This is a functional test
    // so the latency numbers maybe higher from this test due to low page size.
    // Provision a single VM . Check initial state.
    vmState = provisionMachine(, vmState, this.isMock, this.instancesToCleanUp);
    queryComputeInstances(, count2);
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count2, ComputeDescriptionService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
        this.lbToCleanUp = provisionAWSLoadBalancerWithEC2Client(, this.lbClient, null, this.subnetId, this.securityGroupId, Collections.singletonList(;
    // CREATION directly on AWS
    List<String> instanceIdsToDeleteFirstTime = provisionAWSVMWithEC2Client(this.client,, count4, T2_MICRO_INSTANCE_TYPE, this.subnetId, this.securityGroupId);
    List<String> instanceIds = provisionAWSVMWithEC2Client(this.client,, count1, instanceType, this.subnetId, this.securityGroupId);
    waitForProvisioningToComplete(instanceIdsToDeleteFirstTime,, this.client, ZERO);
    // Xenon does not know about the new instances.
    ProvisioningUtils.queryComputeInstances(, count2);
    // Create S3 bucket on amazon
    Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
    tags.put(S3_TAG_KEY_1, S3_TAG_VALUE_1);
    tags.put(S3_TAG_KEY_2, S3_TAG_VALUE_2);
    this.bucketToBeDeleted = TEST_BUCKET_NAME;
    enumerateResources(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, this.isMock, TEST_CASE_INITIAL);
    // Get a count of how many EBS disks are attached to a VM initially.
    ComputeState csForDiskLinkValidation = getComputeStateFromId(this.instancesToCleanUp.get(0));
    this.initialEbsDiskLinkCount = csForDiskLinkValidation.diskLinks.size();
    // Create a volume to be attached to the VM later.
    CreateVolumeRequest createVolumeRequest = new CreateVolumeRequest().withAvailabilityZone(csForDiskLinkValidation.zoneId).withVolumeType(VolumeType.Gp2).withSize(10);
    CreateVolumeResult createVolumeResult = this.client.createVolume(createVolumeRequest);
    this.testEbsId = createVolumeResult.getVolume().getVolumeId();
    // Validate if the S3 bucket is enumerated.
    validateS3Enumeration(count1, count3);
    // Validate S3 tag state count.
        // Validate Load Balancer State
        validateLoadBalancerState(this.lbToCleanUp, vmState.documentSelfLink);
    // Remove a tag from test S3 bucket.
    tags.put(S3_TAG_KEY_1, S3_TAG_VALUE_1);
    // 5 new resources should be discovered. Mapping to 2 new compute description and 5 new
    // compute states.
    // Even though the "t2.micro" is common to the VM provisioned from Xenon
    // service and the one directly provisioned on EC2, there is no Compute description
    // linking of discovered resources to user defined compute descriptions. So a new system
    // generated compute description will be created for "t2.micro"
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count4, ComputeDescriptionService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count7, ComputeService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count7, DiskService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    // Validate at least 4 availability zones were enumerated
    ProvisioningUtils.queryComputeInstancesByType(, count4, ComputeType.ZONE.toString(), false);
    // Update Scenario : Check that the tag information is present for the VM tagged above.
    String vpCId = validateTagAndNetworkAndComputeDescriptionInformation(vmState);
    // Count should be 1 NICs per discovered VM.
    int totalNetworkInterfaceStateCount = count6 * this.singleNicSpec.numberOfNics();
    // One VPC should be discovered in the test.
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count1, NetworkService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    // Verify that the SecurityGroups of the newly created VM has been enumerated and exists
    // locally
    // Verify stop flow
    // The first instance of instanceIdsToDeleteFirstTime will be stopped.
    String instanceIdsToStop = instanceIdsToDeleteFirstTime.get(0);
    tagResourcesWithName(this.client, VM_STOPPED_NAME, instanceIdsToStop);
    // Stop one instance
    stopVMsUsingEC2Client(this.client,, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(instanceIdsToStop)));
    // Create stale resources, that later should be deleted by the enumeration
    String staleSubnetDocumentSelfLink = markFirstResourceStateAsStale(host, SubnetState.class, SubnetService.FACTORY_LINK);
    String staleNetworkDocumentSelfLink = markFirstResourceStateAsStale(host, NetworkState.class, NetworkService.FACTORY_LINK);
    // During the enumeration, if one instance is stopped, its public ip address
    // will disappear, then the corresponding link of local ComputeState's public
    // network interface and its document will be removed.
    enumerateResources(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, this.isMock, TEST_CASE_STOP_VM);
    // Validate that test VM still has same number of diskLinks.
    csForDiskLinkValidation = getComputeStateFromId(this.instancesToCleanUp.get(0));
    assertEquals(csForDiskLinkValidation.diskLinks.size(), this.initialEbsDiskLinkCount);
    // Attach volume to test VM.
    AttachVolumeRequest attachVolumeRequest = new AttachVolumeRequest().withVolumeId(createVolumeResult.getVolume().getVolumeId()).withInstanceId("/dev/sdh");
    // Validate stale resources have been deleted
    validateStaleResourceStateDeletion(staleSubnetDocumentSelfLink, staleNetworkDocumentSelfLink);
    // After two enumeration cycles, validate that we did not create duplicate documents for existing
    // S3 bucket and validate that we did not add duplicate tagLink in diskState and removed the tagLink
    // for tag deleted from AWS.
    validateS3Enumeration(count1, count2);
    // Remove region from S3 bucket DiskState.
    // Validate that deleted S3 tag's local state is deleted.
    enumerateResources(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, this.isMock, TEST_CASE_ADDITIONAL_VM);
    // Check that newly attached volume got enumerated and the instance now has 1 more diskLink than before.
    csForDiskLinkValidation = getComputeStateFromId(this.instancesToCleanUp.get(0));
    assertEquals(csForDiskLinkValidation.diskLinks.size(), this.initialEbsDiskLinkCount + 1);
    // Validate that diskState of S3 bucket with null region got deleted
    // Delete the S3 bucket created in the test
    this.bucketToBeDeleted = null;
    // Because one public NIC and its document are removed,
    // the totalNetworkInterfaceStateCount should go down by 1
    validateRemovalOfPublicNetworkInterface(instanceIdsToStop, totalNetworkInterfaceStateCount - 1);
    // Provision an additional VM with a different instance type. It should re-use the
    // existing compute description created by the enumeration task above.
    List<String> instanceIdsToDeleteSecondTime = provisionAWSVMWithEC2Client(this.client,, count1, TestAWSSetupUtils.instanceType, this.subnetId, this.securityGroupId);
    waitForProvisioningToComplete(instanceIdsToDeleteSecondTime,, this.client, ZERO);
    enumerateResources(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, this.isMock, TEST_CASE_ADDITIONAL_VM);
    // Validate that we do not add duplicate diskLinks after multiple enumerations.
    csForDiskLinkValidation = getComputeStateFromId(this.instancesToCleanUp.get(0));
    assertEquals(csForDiskLinkValidation.diskLinks.size(), this.initialEbsDiskLinkCount + 1);
    // Detach and delete test EBS volume.
    DetachVolumeRequest detachVolumeRequest = new DetachVolumeRequest().withVolumeId(this.testEbsId);
    // One additional compute state and no additional compute description should be
    // created. 1) compute host CD 2) t2.nano-system generated 3) t2.micro-system generated
    // 4) t2.micro-created from test code.
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count4, ComputeDescriptionService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    ServiceDocumentQueryResult computesResult1 = queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count8, ComputeService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    // validate the internal tag tor type=ec2_instance is set
    // query for the existing internal tag state for type=ec2_instance.
    // There should be only one internal tag.
    validateTagInEntity(computesResult1, ComputeState.class, ec2_instance.toString());
    ServiceDocumentQueryResult networkInterfaceResult = queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, totalNetworkInterfaceStateCount - 1, NetworkInterfaceService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    validateTagInEntity(networkInterfaceResult, NetworkInterfaceState.class, ec2_net_interface.toString());
    ServiceDocumentQueryResult networkStateResult = queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count1, NetworkService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    validateTagInEntity(networkStateResult, NetworkState.class, ec2_vpc.toString());
    ServiceDocumentQueryResult subnetStateResult = queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count1, SubnetService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    // TODO Remove. This is to help debug an intermittent test failure.
    host.log(Level.INFO, "The subnet result state that I am working with is " + Utils.toJsonHtml(subnetStateResult));
    validateTagInEntity(subnetStateResult, SubnetState.class, ec2_subnet.toString());
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count8, DiskService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    // Verify Deletion flow
    // Delete 5 VMs spawned above of type T2_NANO
    deleteVMsUsingEC2Client(this.client,, instanceIdsToDeleteFirstTime);
    enumerateResources(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, this.isMock, TEST_CASE_DELETE_VMS);
    // Counts should go down. 5 compute states and 5 disk states.
    ServiceDocumentQueryResult computesResult2 = queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count3, ComputeService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count3, DiskService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    // Validate that detached test EBS is removed from diskLinks of test instance.
    csForDiskLinkValidation = getComputeStateFromId(this.instancesToCleanUp.get(0));
    assertEquals(csForDiskLinkValidation.diskLinks.size(), this.initialEbsDiskLinkCount);
    // validate the internal tag tor type=ec2_instance is set
    // query for the existing internal tag state for type=ec2_instance.
    // There should be only one internal tag.
    validateTagInEntity(computesResult2, ComputeState.class, ec2_instance.toString());
    // Delete 1 VMs spawned above of type T2_Micro
    deleteVMsUsingEC2Client(this.client,, instanceIdsToDeleteSecondTime);
    enumerateResources(, this.computeHost, this.endpointState, this.isMock, TEST_CASE_DELETE_VM);
    // Compute state and disk state count should go down by 1
    ServiceDocumentQueryResult computesResult3 = queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count2, ComputeService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    queryDocumentsAndAssertExpectedCount(, count2, DiskService.FACTORY_LINK, false);
    // validate the internal tag tor type=ec2_instance is set
    // query for the existing internal tag state for type=ec2_instance.
    // There should be only one internal tag.
    validateTagInEntity(computesResult3, ComputeState.class, ec2_instance.toString());
    // Validate that the document for the deleted S3 bucket is deleted after enumeration.
    validateS3Enumeration(ZERO, ZERO);
    // Delete test EBS volume.
    DeleteVolumeRequest deleteVolumeRequest = new DeleteVolumeRequest().withVolumeId(this.testEbsId);
    this.testEbsId = null;
Also used : ComputeState(com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ComputeService.ComputeState) DeleteVolumeRequest( CreateVolumeRequest( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CreateVolumeResult( TestAWSSetupUtils.deleteVMsOnThisEndpoint(com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.TestAWSSetupUtils.deleteVMsOnThisEndpoint) ServiceDocumentQueryResult(com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentQueryResult) AttachVolumeRequest( DetachVolumeRequest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with CreateVolumeRequest

use of in project photon-model by vmware.

the class TestAWSSetupUtils method createVolume.

 * Creates a volume and return the volume id.
public static String createVolume(VerificationHost host, AmazonEC2Client client) {
    CreateVolumeRequest req = new CreateVolumeRequest().withAvailabilityZone(zoneId + avalabilityZoneIdentifier).withSize(1);
    CreateVolumeResult res = client.createVolume(req);
    String volumeId = res.getVolume().getVolumeId();
    Filter filter = new Filter().withName(VOLUME_ID_ATTRIBUTE).withValues(volumeId);
    DescribeVolumesRequest volumesRequest = new DescribeVolumesRequest().withVolumeIds(volumeId).withFilters(filter);
    host.waitFor("Timeout waiting for creating volume", () -> {
        DescribeVolumesResult volumesResult = client.describeVolumes(volumesRequest);
        String state = volumesResult.getVolumes().get(0).getState();
        if (state.equalsIgnoreCase(VOLUME_STATUS_AVAILABLE)) {
            return true;
        return false;
    tagResources(client, Arrays.asList(volumeId), TAG_KEY_FOR_TEST_RESOURCES, TAG_VALUE_FOR_TEST_RESOURCES + TAG_VOLUME);
    return volumeId;
Also used : CreateVolumeRequest( AWSUtils.getAWSNonTerminatedInstancesFilter(com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUtils.getAWSNonTerminatedInstancesFilter) Filter( CreateVolumeResult( DescribeVolumesResult( DescribeVolumesRequest(

Example 4 with CreateVolumeRequest

use of in project photon-model by vmware.

the class AWSDiskService method createDisk.

 * Create a volume on aws that represents the requested disk.
private void createDisk(AWSDiskContext context) {
    if (context.diskRequest.isMockRequest) {
        Volume vol = getMockVolume();
        updateDiskState(vol, context, AwsDiskStage.FINISHED);
    DiskState diskState = context.disk;
    // add endpointLinks
    AdapterUtils.addToEndpointLinks(diskState, context.disk.endpointLink);
    if (diskState.capacityMBytes <= 0) {
        String message = "Disk size has to be positive";
        this.logWarning(() -> "[AWSDiskService] " + message);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
    if (diskState.customProperties != null && diskState.customProperties.get(DEVICE_TYPE) != null && diskState.customProperties.get(DEVICE_TYPE).equals(AWSConstants.AWSStorageType.INSTANCE_STORE.getName())) {
        String message = "Independent Instance Store disk cannot be created.";
        this.logWarning(() -> "[AWSDiskService] " + message);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
    CreateVolumeRequest req = new CreateVolumeRequest();
    String zoneId = diskState.zoneId;
    if (zoneId == null) {
        List<AvailabilityZone> availabilityZoneList = context.client.getAvailabilityZones();
        if (availabilityZoneList.isEmpty()) {
            String message = String.format("No zones are available in the region %s:", diskState.regionId);
            this.logSevere(() -> "[AWSDiskService] " + message);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
        zoneId = availabilityZoneList.get(0).getZoneName();
    // set availability zone
    // set volume size
    int diskSize = (int) diskState.capacityMBytes / 1024;
    // set encrypted field
    Boolean encrypted = diskState.encrypted == null ? false : diskState.encrypted;
    AWSUtils.setEbsDefaultsIfNotSet(diskState, Boolean.TRUE);
    validateSizeSupportedByVolumeType(diskSize, diskState.customProperties.get(VOLUME_TYPE));
    // set volume type
    if (diskState.customProperties.containsKey(VOLUME_TYPE)) {
    // set iops
    String diskIops = diskState.customProperties.get(DISK_IOPS);
    if (diskIops != null && !diskIops.isEmpty()) {
        int iops = Integer.parseInt(diskIops);
        if (iops > diskSize * MAX_IOPS_PER_GiB) {
            String info = String.format("[AWSDiskService] Requested IOPS (%s) exceeds" + " the maximum value supported by %sGiB disk. Continues " + "provisioning the disk with %s iops", iops, diskSize, diskSize * MAX_IOPS_PER_GiB);
            this.logInfo(() -> info);
            iops = diskSize * MAX_IOPS_PER_GiB;
    AsyncHandler<CreateVolumeRequest, CreateVolumeResult> creationHandler = new AWSDiskCreationHandler(this, context);
    context.client.createVolume(req, creationHandler);
Also used : CreateVolumeRequest( Volume( CreateVolumeResult( DiskState(com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.DiskService.DiskState) AvailabilityZone(

Example 5 with CreateVolumeRequest

use of in project cloudbreak by hortonworks.

the class EncryptedSnapshotPreparator method prepareCreateVolumeRequest.

private CreateVolumeRequest prepareCreateVolumeRequest(AuthenticatedContext ac, AwsInstanceView awsInstanceView, AmazonEC2 client) {
    String availabilityZone = prepareDescribeAvailabilityZonesResult(ac, client);
    CreateVolumeRequest createVolumeRequest = new CreateVolumeRequest().withSize(VOLUME_SIZE).withAvailabilityZone(availabilityZone).withEncrypted(true);
    if (awsInstanceView.isKmsEnabled()) {
    return createVolumeRequest;
Also used : CreateVolumeRequest(


CreateVolumeRequest ( CreateVolumeResult ( AttachVolumeRequest ( Volume ( AvailabilityZone ( DeleteVolumeRequest ( DescribeVolumesRequest ( DescribeVolumesResult ( DetachVolumeRequest ( Filter ( Instance ( AWSUtils.getAWSNonTerminatedInstancesFilter (com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.AWSUtils.getAWSNonTerminatedInstancesFilter)1 TestAWSSetupUtils.deleteVMsOnThisEndpoint (com.vmware.photon.controller.model.adapters.awsadapter.TestAWSSetupUtils.deleteVMsOnThisEndpoint)1 ComputeState (com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ComputeService.ComputeState)1 DiskState (com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.DiskService.DiskState)1 ServiceDocumentQueryResult (com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocumentQueryResult)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1