use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class KinesisAdminClient method updatePartitionCount.
* This method updates the shard count of {@param streamName} to have a final shard count of {@param newShardCount}
* If {@param blocksUntilStarted} is set to true, then this method will blocks until the resharding
* started (but not nessesary finished), otherwise, the method will returns right after issue the reshard command
public void updatePartitionCount(String streamName, int newShardCount, boolean blocksUntilStarted) {
int originalShardCount = getStreamPartitionCount(streamName);
if (originalShardCount == newShardCount) {
UpdateShardCountRequest updateShardCountRequest = new UpdateShardCountRequest();
UpdateShardCountResult updateShardCountResult = amazonKinesis.updateShardCount(updateShardCountRequest);
if (updateShardCountResult.getSdkHttpMetadata().getHttpStatusCode() != 200) {
throw new ISE("Cannot update stream's shard count for integration test");
if (blocksUntilStarted) {
// Wait until the resharding started (or finished)
ITRetryUtil.retryUntil(() -> {
int updatedShardCount = getStreamPartitionCount(streamName);
return verifyStreamStatus(streamName, StreamStatus.ACTIVE, StreamStatus.UPDATING) && updatedShardCount != originalShardCount;
}, true, // higher value to avoid exceeding kinesis TPS limit
300, 100, "Kinesis stream resharding to start (or finished)");