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Example 1 with ResourceChangeListener

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class ResourceNotificationManagerTest method test.

public void test() {
    @Language("XML") String xml;
    // Setup sample project: a strings file, and a couple of layout file
    xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<FrameLayout xmlns:android=\"\"\n" + "    android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + "    android:layout_height=\"match_parent\">\n" + "    <!-- My comment -->\n" + "    <TextView " + "        android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + "        android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + "        android:text=\"@string/hello\" />\n" + "</FrameLayout>";
    final XmlFile layout1 = (XmlFile) myFixture.addFileToProject("res/layout/my_layout1.xml", xml);
    @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") VirtualFile resourceDir = layout1.getParent().getParent().getVirtualFile();
    xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"\"\n" + "    android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + "    android:layout_height=\"match_parent\" />\n";
    final XmlFile layout2 = (XmlFile) myFixture.addFileToProject("res/layout/my_layout2.xml", xml);
    xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<resources>\n" + "    <string name=\"hello\">Hello</string>\n" + "\n" + "    <!-- Base application theme. -->\n" + "    <style name=\"AppTheme\" parent=\"Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar\">\n" + "        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->\n" + "        <item name=\"android:colorBackground\">#ff0000</item>\n" + "    </style>" + "</resources>";
    final XmlFile values1 = (XmlFile) myFixture.addFileToProject("res/values/my_values1.xml", xml);
    xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<resources>\n" + "    \n" + "</resources>";
    myFixture.addFileToProject("res/values/colors.xml", xml);
    final Configuration configuration1 = myFacet.getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration(layout1.getVirtualFile());
    final ResourceNotificationManager manager = ResourceNotificationManager.getInstance(getProject());
    // Listener 1: Listens for changes in layout 1
    final Ref<Boolean> called1 = new Ref<>(false);
    final Ref<Set<Reason>> calledValue1 = new Ref<>();
    ResourceChangeListener listener1 = new ResourceChangeListener() {

        public void resourcesChanged(@NotNull Set<Reason> reason) {
    // Listener 2: Only listens for general changes in the module
    final Ref<Boolean> called2 = new Ref<>(false);
    final Ref<Set<Reason>> calledValue2 = new Ref<>();
    ResourceChangeListener listener2 = new ResourceChangeListener() {

        public void resourcesChanged(@NotNull Set<Reason> reason) {
    manager.addListener(listener1, myFacet, layout1, configuration1);
    manager.addListener(listener2, myFacet, null, null);
    // Make sure that when we're modifying multiple files, with complicated
    // edits (that trigger full file rescans), we handle that scenario correctly.
    clear(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2);
    // There's actually some special optimizations done via PsiResourceItem#recomputeValue
    // to only mark the resource repository changed if the value has actually been looked
    // up. This allows us to not recompute layout if you're editing some string that
    // hasn't actually been looked up and rendered in a layout. In order to make sure
    // that that optimization doesn't kick in here, we need to look up the value of
    // the resource item first:
    //noinspection ConstantConditions
    assertEquals("#ff0000", configuration1.getResourceResolver().getStyle("AppTheme", false).getItem("colorBackground", true).getValue());
    AndroidResourceUtil.createValueResource(getProject(), resourceDir, "color2", ResourceType.COLOR, "colors.xml", Collections.singletonList("values"), "#fa2395");
    ensureCalled(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2, Reason.RESOURCE_EDIT);
    clear(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2);
    @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") final XmlTag tag = values1.getDocument().getRootTag().getSubTags()[1].getSubTags()[0];
    assertEquals("item", tag.getName());
    WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(getProject(), new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
    ensureCalled(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2, Reason.RESOURCE_EDIT);
    // First check: Modify the layout by changing @string/hello to @string/hello_world
    // and verify that our listeners are called.
    ResourceVersion version1 = manager.getCurrentVersion(myFacet, layout1, configuration1);
    addText(layout1, "@string/hello^", "_world");
    ensureCalled(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2, Reason.EDIT);
    ResourceVersion version2 = manager.getCurrentVersion(myFacet, layout1, configuration1);
    assertFalse(version1.toString(), version1.equals(version2));
    // Next check: Modify a <string> value definition in a values file
    // and check that those changes are flagged too
    clear(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2);
    ResourceVersion version3 = manager.getCurrentVersion(myFacet, layout1, configuration1);
    addText(values1, "name=\"hello^\"", "_world");
    ensureCalled(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2, Reason.RESOURCE_EDIT);
    ResourceVersion version4 = manager.getCurrentVersion(myFacet, layout1, configuration1);
    assertFalse(version4.toString(), version3.equals(version4));
    // Next check: Modify content in a comment and verify that no changes are fired
    clear(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2);
    addText(layout1, "My ^comment", "new ");
    ensureNotCalled(called1, called2);
    // Check that editing text in a layout file has no effect
    clear(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2);
    addText(layout1, " ^ <TextView", "abc");
    ensureNotCalled(called1, called2);
    // Make sure that's true for replacements too
    replaceText(layout1, "^abc", "abc".length(), "def");
    ensureNotCalled(called1, called2);
    // ...and for deletions
    removeText(layout1, "^def", "def".length());
    ensureNotCalled(called1, called2);
    // Check that editing text in a *values file* -does- have an effect
    // Read the value first to ensure that we trigger it as a read (see comment above for previous
    // resource resolver lookup)
    //noinspection ConstantConditions
    assertEquals("Hello", configuration1.getResourceResolver().findResValue("@string/hello_world", false).getValue());
    addText(values1, "Hello^</string>", " World");
    ensureCalled(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2, Reason.RESOURCE_EDIT);
    // Check that recreating AppResourceRepository object doesn't affect the ResourceNotificationManager
    clear(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2);
    AndroidResourceUtil.createValueResource(getProject(), resourceDir, "color4", ResourceType.COLOR, "colors.xml", Collections.singletonList("values"), "#ff2300");
    ensureCalled(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2, Reason.RESOURCE_EDIT);
    // Finally check that once we remove the listeners there are no more notifications
    manager.removeListener(listener1, myFacet, layout1, configuration1);
    manager.removeListener(listener2, myFacet, layout2, configuration1);
    clear(called1, calledValue1, called2, calledValue2);
    addText(layout1, "@string/hello_world^", "2");
    ensureNotCalled(called1, called2);
// TODO: Check that editing a partial URL doesn't re-render
// Check module dependency triggers!
// TODO: Test that remove and replace editing also works as expected
Also used : VirtualFile(com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile) Set(java.util.Set) EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) XmlFile(com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile) Configuration( ResourceVersion( NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull) Ref(com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref) Language(org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language) ResourceChangeListener( XmlTag(com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag)


Configuration ( ResourceChangeListener ( ResourceVersion ( Ref (com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref)1 VirtualFile (com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile)1 XmlFile (com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile)1 XmlTag (com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag)1 EnumSet (java.util.EnumSet)1 Set (java.util.Set)1 Language (org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language)1 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)1