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Example 1 with Validator

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class ConfigureAvdOptionsStep method addValidators.

private void addValidators() {
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().getAvdDeviceData().ramStorage(), new Validator<Storage>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull Storage ram) {
            return (ram.getSizeAsUnit(Storage.Unit.MiB) < 128) ? new Result(Severity.ERROR, "RAM must be a numeric (integer) value of at least 128MB. Recommendation is 1GB.") : Result.OK;
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().vmHeapStorage(), new Validator<Storage>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull Storage heap) {
            return (heap.getSizeAsUnit(Storage.Unit.MiB) < 16) ? new Result(Severity.ERROR, "VM Heap must be a numeric (integer) value of at least 16MB.") : Result.OK;
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().internalStorage(), new Validator<Storage>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull Storage heap) {
            return (heap.getSizeAsUnit(Storage.Unit.MiB) < 200) ? new Result(Severity.ERROR, "Internal storage must be a numeric (integer) value of at least 200MB.") : Result.OK;
    // If we're using an external SD card, make sure it exists
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().externalSdCardLocation(), new Validator<String>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull String path) {
            return (getModel().useExternalSdCard().get() && !new File(path).isFile()) ? new Result(Severity.ERROR, "The specified SD image file must be a valid image file") : Result.OK;
    // If we are not lets make sure it has the right amount of memory
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().sdCardStorage(), new Validator<Optional<Storage>>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull Optional<Storage> value) {
            return (!getModel().useExternalSdCard().get() && getModel().sdCardStorage().get().isPresent() && getModel().sdCardStorage().getValue().getSizeAsUnit(Storage.Unit.MiB) < 10) ? new Result(Severity.ERROR, "The SD card must be larger than 10MB") : Result.OK;
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().getAvdDeviceData().customSkinFile(), new Validator<Optional<File>>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull Optional<File> value) {
            Result result = Result.OK;
            if (value.isPresent() && !FileUtil.filesEqual(value.get(), AvdWizardUtils.NO_SKIN)) {
                File layoutFile = new File(value.get(), SdkConstants.FN_SKIN_LAYOUT);
                if (!layoutFile.isFile()) {
                    result = new Result(Severity.ERROR, "The skin directory does not point to a valid skin.");
            return result;
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().avdDisplayName(), new Validator<String>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull String value) {
            value = value.trim();
            Severity severity = Severity.OK;
            String errorMessage = "";
            if (value.isEmpty()) {
                severity = Severity.ERROR;
                errorMessage = "The AVD name cannot be empty.";
            } else if (!AvdNameVerifier.isValid(value)) {
                severity = Severity.ERROR;
                errorMessage = "The AVD name can contain only the characters " + AvdNameVerifier.humanReadableAllowedCharacters();
            } else if (!getModel().isInEditMode().get() && AvdManagerConnection.getDefaultAvdManagerConnection().findAvdWithName(value)) {
                severity = Severity.ERROR;
                errorMessage = String.format("An AVD with the name \"%1$s\" already exists.", getModel().avdDisplayName());
            return new Result(severity, errorMessage);
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().device().isPresent().and(getModel().systemImage().isPresent()), new Validator<Boolean>() {

        public Result validate(@NotNull Boolean deviceAndImageArePresent) {
            if (deviceAndImageArePresent) {
                Optional<Device> device = getModel().device().get();
                Optional<SystemImageDescription> systemImage = getModel().systemImage().get();
                if (!ChooseSystemImagePanel.systemImageMatchesDevice(systemImage.get(), device.get())) {
                    return new Validator.Result(Validator.Severity.ERROR, "The selected system image is incompatible with the selected device.");
            } else {
                if (!getModel().device().get().isPresent()) {
                    return new Result(Severity.ERROR, "You must select a Device to create an AVD.");
                } else if (!getModel().systemImage().get().isPresent()) {
                    return new Result(Severity.ERROR, "You must select a System Image to create an AVD.");
            return Result.OK;
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(getModel().getAvdDeviceData().compatibleSkinSize(), Validator.Severity.WARNING, "The selected skin is not large enough to view the entire screen.");
Also used : Optional(java.util.Optional) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull) VirtualFile(com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile) File( Validator(

Example 2 with Validator

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class ConfigureTemplateParametersStep method onEntering.

protected void onEntering() {
    // The Model TemplateHandle may have changed, rebuild the panel
    final TemplateHandle templateHandle = getModel().getTemplateHandle();
    ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
        // We want to set the label's text AFTER the wizard has been packed. Otherwise, its
        // width calculation gets involved and can really stretch out some wizards if the label is
        // particularly long (see Master/Detail Activity for example).
    }, ModalityState.any());
    final IconProperty thumb = new IconProperty(myTemplateThumbLabel);
    BoolProperty thumbVisibility = new VisibleProperty(myTemplateThumbLabel);
    myBindings.bind(thumb, new Expression<Optional<Icon>>(myThumbPath) {

        public Optional<Icon> get() {
            return myThumbnailsCache.getUnchecked(new File(templateHandle.getRootPath(), myThumbPath.get()));
    myBindings.bind(thumbVisibility, new Expression<Boolean>(thumb) {

        public Boolean get() {
            return thumb.get().isPresent();
    final TextProperty parameterDescription = new TextProperty(myParameterDescriptionLabel);
    myBindings.bind(new VisibleProperty(myFooterSeparator), new Expression<Boolean>(parameterDescription) {

        public Boolean get() {
            return !parameterDescription.get().isEmpty();
    Module module = myFacet == null ? null : myFacet.getModule();
    final Collection<Parameter> parameters = templateHandle.getMetadata().getParameters();
    for (final Parameter parameter : parameters) {
        RowEntry row = createRowForParameter(module, parameter);
        final ObservableValue<?> property = row.getProperty();
        if (property != null) {
            property.addListener(sender -> {
                if (myEvaluationState != EvaluationState.EVALUATING) {
                    myUserValues.put(parameter, property.get());
            final ActionGroup resetParameterGroup = new ActionGroup() {

                public AnAction[] getChildren(@Nullable AnActionEvent e) {
                    return new AnAction[] { new ResetParameterAction(parameter) };
            row.getComponent().addMouseListener(new PopupHandler() {

                public void invokePopup(Component comp, int x, int y) {
                    ActionManager.getInstance().createActionPopupMenu(ActionPlaces.UNKNOWN, resetParameterGroup).getComponent().show(comp, x, y);
        myParameterRows.put(parameter, row);
    if (mySourceSets.size() > 1) {
        RowEntry row = new RowEntry<>("Target Source Set", new SourceSetComboProvider(mySourceSets));
        row.setEnabled(mySourceSets.size() > 1);
        //noinspection unchecked
        SelectedItemProperty<AndroidSourceSet> sourceSet = (SelectedItemProperty<AndroidSourceSet>) row.getProperty();
        // SourceSetComboProvider always sets this
        assert sourceSet != null;
        myBindings.bind(getModel().getSourceSet(), new OptionalToValuePropertyAdapter<>(sourceSet));
        sourceSet.addListener(sender -> enqueueEvaluateParameters());
    myValidatorPanel.registerValidator(myInvalidParameterMessage, message -> (message.isEmpty() ? Validator.Result.OK : new Validator.Result(Validator.Severity.ERROR, message)));
    // TODO: This code won't be needed until we migrate this enough to support
    // NewAndroidApplication/template.xml and NewAndroidLibrary/template.xml
    // Add it in then. Probably we can add an optional validator API to ComponentProvider? Then we
    // could move this code into EnumComboProvider and it won't be a hack anymore.
    // if (value instanceof ApiComboBoxItem) {
    //  ApiComboBoxItem selectedItem = (ApiComboBoxItem)value;
    //  if (minApi != null && selectedItem.minApi > minApi.getFeatureLevel()) {
    //    setErrorHtml(String.format("The \"%s\" option for %s requires a minimum API level of %d",
    //                               selectedItem.label,, selectedItem.minApi));
    //    return false;
    //  }
    //  if (buildApi != null && selectedItem.minBuildApi > buildApi) {
    //    setErrorHtml(String.format("The \"%s\" option for %s requires a minimum API level of %d",
    //                               selectedItem.label,, selectedItem.minBuildApi));
    //    return false;
    //  }
Also used : PopupHandler(com.intellij.ui.PopupHandler) NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull) IconProperty( VisibleProperty( TextProperty( SelectedItemProperty( Module(com.intellij.openapi.module.Module) File( Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable) Validator( AndroidSourceSet(


Validator ( File ( NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)2 AndroidSourceSet ( IconProperty ( SelectedItemProperty ( TextProperty ( VisibleProperty ( Module (com.intellij.openapi.module.Module)1 VirtualFile (com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile)1 PopupHandler (com.intellij.ui.PopupHandler)1 Optional (java.util.Optional)1 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)1