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Example 1 with Predicate

use of in project by linkedin.

the class TestFilteredSchemaDataTranslation method testFilteredAvroSchemaDataTranslation.

   * Removed derived field from Avro schema.
public void testFilteredAvroSchemaDataTranslation() throws IOException {
    Object[][] inputs = { { "{ " + "  \"type\" : \"record\", " + "  \"name\" : \"Foo\", " + "  \"fields\" : [ " + "    { \"name\" : \"a\", \"type\" : \"int\" }, " + "    { \"name\" : \"b\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true }, " + "    { \"name\" : \"c\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true, \"derived\" : true } " + "  ] " + "}", Predicates.hasChildWithNameValue("derived", true), "{ " + "  \"type\" : \"record\", " + "  \"name\" : \"Foo\", " + "  \"fields\" : [ " + "    { \"name\" : \"a\", \"type\" : \"int\" }, " + "    { \"name\" : \"b\", \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"int\" ], \"default\" : null } " + "  ] " + "}", // "c" is dropped from output because it is not in the output schema
    "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2, \"c\" : 3 }", "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : { \"int\" : 2 } }", // "b" is translated to null and "c" is dropped from output because it is not in the output schema
    "{ \"a\" : 1, \"c\" : 3 }", "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : null }" } };
    for (Object[] row : inputs) {
        int i = 0;
        String schemaText = (String) row[i++];
        Predicate predicate = (Predicate) row[i++];
        String avroSchemaText = (String) row[i++];
        RecordDataSchema schema = (RecordDataSchema) TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
        NamedDataSchema filteredSchema = Filters.removeByPredicate(schema, predicate, new SchemaParser());
        Schema filteredAvroSchema = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchema(filteredSchema);
        Schema expectedAvroSchema = Schema.parse(avroSchemaText);
        assertEquals(filteredAvroSchema, expectedAvroSchema);
        while (i < row.length) {
            String translationSourceJson = (String) row[i++];
            String translationResultJson = (String) row[i++];
            DataMap dataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(translationSourceJson);
            GenericRecord genericRecord = DataTranslator.dataMapToGenericRecord(dataMap, schema, filteredAvroSchema);
            String avroJson = AvroUtil.jsonFromGenericRecord(genericRecord);
            DataMap avroJsonAsDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(avroJson);
            assertEquals(avroJsonAsDataMap, TestUtil.dataMapFromString(translationResultJson));
Also used : NamedDataSchema( RecordDataSchema( Schema(org.apache.avro.Schema) DataSchema( RecordDataSchema( NamedDataSchema( SchemaParser( GenericRecord(org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord) Predicate( DataMap( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 2 with Predicate

use of in project by linkedin.

the class TestFilteredSchemaDataTranslation method testFilteredDataSchemaDataTranslation.

   * Removed field from Pegasus schema.
public void testFilteredDataSchemaDataTranslation() throws IOException {
    Object[][] inputs = { { "{ " + "  \"type\" : \"record\", " + "  \"name\" : \"Foo\", " + "  \"fields\" : [ " + "    { \"name\" : \"a\", \"type\" : \"int\" }, " + "    { \"name\" : \"b\", \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"int\" ], \"default\" : null }, " + "    { \"name\" : \"removeMe\", \"type\" : \"int\" } " + "  ] " + "}", Predicates.hasChildWithNameValue("name", "removeMe"), "{ " + "  \"type\" : \"record\", " + "  \"name\" : \"Foo\", " + "  \"fields\" : [ " + "    { \"name\" : \"a\", \"type\" : \"int\" }, " + "    { \"name\" : \"b\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true } " + "  ] " + "}", // "removeMe" is dropped from output because it is not in output schema
    "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : { \"int\" : 2 }, \"removeMe\" : 3 }", "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2 }", // "b" has null value is dropped from output, "removeMe" is dropped from output because it is not in output schema
    "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : null, \"removeMe\" : 3 }", "{ \"a\" : 1 }" } };
    for (Object[] row : inputs) {
        int i = 0;
        String avroSchemaText = (String) row[i++];
        Predicate predicate = (Predicate) row[i++];
        String schemaText = (String) row[i++];
        Schema avroSchema = Schema.parse(avroSchemaText);
        RecordDataSchema schema = (RecordDataSchema) SchemaTranslator.avroToDataSchema(avroSchema);
        RecordDataSchema filteredSchema = (RecordDataSchema) Filters.removeByPredicate(schema, predicate, new SchemaParser());
        DataSchema expectedSchema = TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
        assertEquals(filteredSchema, expectedSchema);
        while (i < row.length) {
            String translationSourceJson = (String) row[i++];
            String translationExpectedJson = (String) row[i++];
            GenericRecord genericRecord = AvroUtil.genericRecordFromJson(translationSourceJson, avroSchema);
            DataMap dataMap = DataTranslator.genericRecordToDataMap(genericRecord, filteredSchema, avroSchema);
            assertEquals(dataMap, TestUtil.dataMapFromString(translationExpectedJson));
Also used : DataSchema( RecordDataSchema( NamedDataSchema( Schema(org.apache.avro.Schema) DataSchema( RecordDataSchema( NamedDataSchema( RecordDataSchema( SchemaParser( GenericRecord(org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord) Predicate( DataMap( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 3 with Predicate

use of in project by linkedin.

the class TestSchemaFilter method testInputs.

private static void testInputs(Object[][] inputs, boolean isAvroUnionMode) throws IOException {
    for (Object[] row : inputs) {
        String schemaText = (String) row[0];
        Predicate predicate = (Predicate) row[1];
        String expected = (String) row[2];
        NamedDataSchema schema = dataSchemaFromString(schemaText, isAvroUnionMode);
        DataSchema filteredSchema = null;
        SchemaParser parser = new SchemaParser();
        filteredSchema = Filters.removeByPredicate(schema, predicate, parser);
        if (filteredSchema != null) {
            // Schema string match
            String expectedSchemaText = expected;
            DataSchema expectedSchema = dataSchemaFromString(expectedSchemaText, isAvroUnionMode);
            assertEquals(filteredSchema.toString(), expectedSchema.toString());
            assertEquals(filteredSchema, expectedSchema);
        } else {
            String parserMessage = parser.errorMessage();
            assertTrue(parserMessage.contains(expected), "\nContains :" + expected + "\nActual   :" + parserMessage);
Also used : NamedDataSchema( DataSchema( NamedDataSchema( SchemaParser( Predicate(

Example 4 with Predicate

use of in project by linkedin.

the class RestUtils method trimRecordTemplate.

   * This method recursively removes all values from a DataMap
   * that do not match some field in the schema via an all positive
   * projection generated from the schema unless whitelisted by the
   * override parameter.
   * Readonly datamaps should not invoke this.
   * An exception will be thrown if this is done.
   * @param dataMap represents the DataMap that will be trimmed.
   * @param schema represents the schema that the datamap should match.
   * @param override represents the MaskTree that defines how fields outside the schema should be preserved.
   * @param failOnMismatch true if an exception should be thrown if there is a data-schema mismatch.
public static void trimRecordTemplate(DataMap dataMap, RecordDataSchema schema, MaskTree override, final boolean failOnMismatch) {
    if (dataMap == null || schema == null) {
    DataMap overrideResults = RestUtils.projectFields(dataMap, ProjectionMode.AUTOMATIC, override);
    Builder.create(dataMap, schema, IterationOrder.PRE_ORDER).filterBy(new Predicate() {

        public boolean evaluate(DataElement element) {
            if (failOnMismatch && element.getSchema() == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Schema validation did not succeed: " + element.getValue().toString());
            return element.getSchema() == null;
    CheckedUtil.putAllWithoutChecking(dataMap, overrideResults);
Also used : DataElement( DataMap( Predicate(

Example 5 with Predicate

use of in project by linkedin.

the class TestPredicateExpressionParser method testNot.

public void testNot() {
    final Predicate parsed = PredicateExpressionParser.parse("!");
    Assert.assertEquals(parsed.getClass(), NotPredicate.class);
    Assert.assertEquals(((NotPredicate) parsed).getChildPredicate().getClass(), AlwaysTruePredicate.class);
Also used : NotPredicate( AndPredicate( NotPredicate( AlwaysTruePredicate( AlwaysFalsePredicate( OrPredicate( Predicate( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


Predicate ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)28 AlwaysFalsePredicate ( AlwaysTruePredicate ( AndPredicate ( NotPredicate ( OrPredicate ( DataSchema ( NamedDataSchema ( SchemaParser ( DataMap ( RecordDataSchema ( Schema (org.apache.avro.Schema)2 GenericRecord (org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord)2 DataElement ( ValidationOptions ( File ( FileInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( IOException (