Search in sources :

Example 1 with TitanPredicate

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate in project titan by thinkaurelius.

the class LuceneIndex method convertQuery.

private final SearchParams convertQuery(Condition<?> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever informations) {
    SearchParams params = new SearchParams();
    if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
        PredicateCondition<String, ?> atom = (PredicateCondition) condition;
        Object value = atom.getValue();
        String key = atom.getKey();
        TitanPredicate titanPredicate = atom.getPredicate();
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: " + titanPredicate);
            Preconditions.checkArgument(value instanceof Number);
            params.addFilter(numericFilter(key, (Cmp) titanPredicate, (Number) value));
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            Mapping map = Mapping.getMapping(informations.get(key));
            if ((map == Mapping.DEFAULT || map == Mapping.TEXT) && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS queries and not: " + titanPredicate);
            if (map == Mapping.STRING && titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + titanPredicate);
            if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS) {
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                BooleanFilter b = new BooleanFilter();
                for (String term : Text.tokenize((String) value)) {
                    b.add(new TermsFilter(new Term(key, term)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                params.addFilter(new PrefixFilter(new Term(key, (String) value)));
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX) {
                params.addFilter(new PrefixFilter(new Term(key, (String) value)));
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.REGEX) {
                RegexpQuery rq = new RegexpQuery(new Term(key, (String) value));
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
                // This is terrible -- there is probably a better way
                RegexpQuery rq = new RegexpQuery(new Term(key, ".*" + (value) + ".*"));
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
                params.addFilter(new TermsFilter(new Term(key, (String) value)));
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
                BooleanFilter q = new BooleanFilter();
                q.add(new TermsFilter(new Term(key, (String) value)), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT);
            } else
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for string value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate == Geo.WITHIN, "Relation is not supported for geo value: " + titanPredicate);
            Shape shape = ((Geoshape) value).convert2Spatial4j();
            SpatialArgs args = new SpatialArgs(SpatialOperation.IsWithin, shape);
        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: " + titanPredicate);
            params.addFilter(numericFilter(key, (Cmp) titanPredicate, ((Date) value).getTime()));
        } else if (value instanceof Instant) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on instant types: " + titanPredicate);
            params.addFilter(numericFilter(key, (Cmp) titanPredicate, ((Instant) value).toEpochMilli()));
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on boolean types: " + titanPredicate);
            int intValue;
            switch((Cmp) titanPredicate) {
                case EQUAL:
                    intValue = ((Boolean) value) ? 1 : 0;
                    params.addFilter(NumericRangeFilter.newIntRange(key, intValue, intValue, true, true));
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    intValue = ((Boolean) value) ? 0 : 1;
                    params.addFilter(NumericRangeFilter.newIntRange(key, intValue, intValue, true, true));
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
        } else if (value instanceof UUID) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on UUID types: " + titanPredicate);
            if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
                params.addFilter(new TermsFilter(new Term(key, value.toString())));
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
                BooleanFilter q = new BooleanFilter();
                q.add(new TermsFilter(new Term(key, value.toString())), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for UUID type: " + titanPredicate);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
    } else if (condition instanceof Not) {
        SearchParams childParams = convertQuery(((Not) condition).getChild(), informations);
        params.addParams(childParams, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT);
    } else if (condition instanceof And) {
        for (Condition c : condition.getChildren()) {
            SearchParams childParams = convertQuery(c, informations);
            params.addParams(childParams, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
    } else if (condition instanceof Or) {
        for (Condition c : condition.getChildren()) {
            SearchParams childParams = convertQuery(c, informations);
            params.addParams(childParams, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
    } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
    return params;
Also used : BooleanFilter(org.apache.lucene.queries.BooleanFilter) Shape(com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape) TermsFilter(org.apache.lucene.queries.TermsFilter) Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) SpatialArgs(org.apache.lucene.spatial.query.SpatialArgs) Instant(java.time.Instant) TitanPredicate(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)

Example 2 with TitanPredicate

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate in project titan by thinkaurelius.

the class SolrIndex method buildQueryFilter.

public String buildQueryFilter(Condition<TitanElement> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever informations) {
    if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
        PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement> atom = (PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement>) condition;
        Object value = atom.getValue();
        String key = atom.getKey();
        TitanPredicate titanPredicate = atom.getPredicate();
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    //use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    //use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            Mapping map = getStringMapping(informations.get(key));
            assert map == Mapping.TEXT || map == Mapping.STRING;
            if (map == Mapping.TEXT && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS queries and not: " + titanPredicate);
            if (map == Mapping.STRING && titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + titanPredicate);
            //Special case
            if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS) {
                //e.g. - if terms tomorrow and world were supplied, and fq=text:(tomorrow  world)
                //sample data set would return 2 documents: one where text = Tomorrow is the World,
                //and the second where text = Hello World. Hence, we are decomposing the query string
                //and building an AND query explicitly because we need AND semantics
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                List<String> terms = Text.tokenize((String) value);
                if (terms.isEmpty()) {
                    return "";
                } else if (terms.size() == 1) {
                    return (key + ":(" + escapeValue(terms.get(0)) + ")");
                } else {
                    And<TitanElement> andTerms = new And<TitanElement>();
                    for (String term : terms) {
                        andTerms.add(new PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement>(key, titanPredicate, term));
                    return buildQueryFilter(andTerms, informations);
            if (titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
                return (key + ":" + escapeValue(value) + "*");
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.REGEX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
                return (key + ":/" + value + "/");
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for string value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
            Geoshape geo = (Geoshape) value;
            if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.CIRCLE) {
                Geoshape.Point center = geo.getPoint();
                return ("{!geofilt sfield=" + key + " pt=" + center.getLatitude() + "," + center.getLongitude() + " d=" + geo.getRadius() + //distance in kilometers
                "} distErrPct=0");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.BOX) {
                Geoshape.Point southwest = geo.getPoint(0);
                Geoshape.Point northeast = geo.getPoint(1);
                return (key + ":[" + southwest.getLatitude() + "," + southwest.getLongitude() + " TO " + northeast.getLatitude() + "," + northeast.getLongitude() + "]");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.POLYGON) {
                List<Geoshape.Point> coordinates = getPolygonPoints(geo);
                StringBuilder poly = new StringBuilder(key + ":\"IsWithin(POLYGON((");
                for (Geoshape.Point coordinate : coordinates) {
                    poly.append(coordinate.getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinate.getLatitude()).append(", ");
                //close the polygon with the first coordinate
                poly.append(coordinates.get(0).getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinates.get(0).getLatitude());
                poly.append(")))\" distErrPct=0");
                return (poly.toString());
        } else if (value instanceof Date || value instanceof Instant) {
            String s = value.toString();
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value instanceof Date ? toIsoDate((Date) value) : value.toString());
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    //use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    //use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
        } else if (value instanceof UUID) {
            if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for uuid value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
    } else if (condition instanceof Not) {
        String sub = buildQueryFilter(((Not) condition).getChild(), informations);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sub))
            return "-(" + sub + ")";
            return "";
    } else if (condition instanceof And) {
        int numChildren = ((And) condition).size();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            // b. expression is a single statement in the AND.
            if (!sub.startsWith("-") && numChildren > 1)
            sb.append(sub).append(" ");
        return sb.toString();
    } else if (condition instanceof Or) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int element = 0;
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            if (element == 0)
                sb.append(" OR ");
        if (element > 0)
        return sb.toString();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
    return null;
Also used : Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) TitanElement(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanElement) Instant(java.time.Instant) TitanPredicate(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)

Example 3 with TitanPredicate

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate in project titan by thinkaurelius.

the class IndexProviderTest method storeTest.

private void storeTest(String... stores) throws Exception {
    Multimap<String, Object> doc1 = getDocument("Hello world", 1001, 5.2, Geoshape.point(48.0, 0.0), Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"), Sets.newHashSet("1", "2"), Instant.ofEpochSecond(1));
    Multimap<String, Object> doc2 = getDocument("Tomorrow is the world", 1010, 8.5, Geoshape.point(49.0, 1.0), Arrays.asList("4", "5", "6"), Sets.newHashSet("4", "5"), Instant.ofEpochSecond(2));
    Multimap<String, Object> doc3 = getDocument("Hello Bob, are you there?", -500, 10.1, Geoshape.point(47.0, 10.0), Arrays.asList("7", "8", "9"), Sets.newHashSet("7", "8"), Instant.ofEpochSecond(3));
    for (String store : stores) {
        add(store, "doc1", doc1, true);
        add(store, "doc2", doc2, true);
        add(store, "doc3", doc3, false);
    ImmutableList<IndexQuery.OrderEntry> orderTimeAsc = ImmutableList.of(new IndexQuery.OrderEntry(TIME, Order.ASC, Integer.class));
    ImmutableList<IndexQuery.OrderEntry> orderWeightAsc = ImmutableList.of(new IndexQuery.OrderEntry(WEIGHT, Order.ASC, Double.class));
    ImmutableList<IndexQuery.OrderEntry> orderTimeDesc = ImmutableList.of(new IndexQuery.OrderEntry(TIME, Order.DESC, Integer.class));
    ImmutableList<IndexQuery.OrderEntry> orderWeightDesc = ImmutableList.of(new IndexQuery.OrderEntry(WEIGHT, Order.DESC, Double.class));
    ImmutableList<IndexQuery.OrderEntry> jointOrder = ImmutableList.of(new IndexQuery.OrderEntry(WEIGHT, Order.DESC, Double.class), new IndexQuery.OrderEntry(TIME, Order.DESC, Integer.class));
    for (String store : stores) {
        List<String> result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world")));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc2"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.copyOf(result), ImmutableSet.copyOf(tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "wOrLD")))));
        assertEquals(1, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "bob"))).size());
        assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "worl"))).size());
        assertEquals(1, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "Tomorrow world"))).size());
        assertEquals(1, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "WorLD HELLO"))).size());
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), orderTimeDesc));
        assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("doc2", "doc1"), result);
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), orderWeightDesc));
        assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("doc2", "doc1"), result);
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), orderTimeAsc));
        assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("doc1", "doc2"), result);
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), orderWeightAsc));
        assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("doc1", "doc2"), result);
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), jointOrder));
        assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("doc2", "doc1"), result);
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX, "w")));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc2"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX, "wOr")));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc2"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX, "bobi"))).size());
        if (index.supports(new StandardKeyInformation(String.class, Cardinality.SINGLE), Text.CONTAINS_REGEX)) {
            result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS_REGEX, "he[l]+(.*)")));
            assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
            result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS_REGEX, "[h]+e[l]+(.*)")));
            assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
            result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS_REGEX, "he[l]+")));
            result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS_REGEX, "e[l]+(.*)")));
        for (TitanPredicate tp : new Text[] { Text.PREFIX, Text.REGEX }) {
            try {
                assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, tp, "tzubull"))).size());
                if (indexFeatures.supportsStringMapping(Mapping.TEXT))
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        assertEquals(1, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Cmp.EQUAL, "Tomorrow is the world"))).size());
        assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Cmp.EQUAL, "world"))).size());
        assertEquals(3, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Cmp.NOT_EQUAL, "bob"))).size());
        assertEquals(1, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Text.PREFIX, "Tomorrow"))).size());
        assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Text.PREFIX, "wor"))).size());
        for (TitanPredicate tp : new Text[] { Text.CONTAINS, Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX, Text.CONTAINS_REGEX }) {
            try {
                assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, tp, "tzubull"))).size());
                if (indexFeatures.supportsStringMapping(Mapping.STRING))
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (index.supports(new StandardKeyInformation(String.class, Cardinality.SINGLE), Text.REGEX)) {
            assertEquals(1, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Text.REGEX, "Tomo[r]+ow is.*world"))).size());
            assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Text.REGEX, "Tomorrow"))).size());
        if (index.supports(new StandardKeyInformation(String.class, Cardinality.SINGLE, new Parameter("mapping", Mapping.STRING)), Text.REGEX)) {
            assertEquals(1, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Text.REGEX, "Tomo[r]+ow is.*world"))).size());
            assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(NAME, Text.REGEX, "Tomorrow"))).size());
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "hello"))));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc1", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.EQUAL, -500)));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc3", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(Or.of(PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.EQUAL, 1001), PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.EQUAL, -500)))));
        assertEquals(2, result.size());
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, Not.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"))));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc3", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.EQUAL, -500), Not.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world")))));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc3", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(Or.of(PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.EQUAL, 1001), PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.EQUAL, -500)), PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"))));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc1", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "Bob")));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc3", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "Bob"))));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc3", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "bob")));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc3", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), PredicateCondition.of(WEIGHT, Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 6.0))));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc2", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(LOCATION, Geo.WITHIN,, 0.5, 200.00))));
        assertEquals(2, result.size());
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc2"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "tomorrow"), PredicateCondition.of(LOCATION, Geo.WITHIN,, 0.5, 200.00)))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc2"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of("location", Geo.WITHIN,, -0.5, 50.5, 10.5))));
        assertEquals(3, result.size());
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc2", "doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, -1000), PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.LESS_THAN, 1010), PredicateCondition.of(LOCATION, Geo.WITHIN,, 0.5, 1000.00)))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(WEIGHT, Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 10.0))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of("blah", Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 10.0))));
        assertEquals(0, result.size());
        if (supportsLuceneStyleQueries()) {
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:\"Hello Bob\"", NO_PARAS))));
            assertEquals(0, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:\"Hello Bob\"", NO_PARAS).setOffset(1))));
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:(world AND tomorrow)", NO_PARAS))));
            //                printResult(tx.query(new RawQuery(store,"text:(you there Hello Bob)",NO_PARAS)));
            assertEquals(2, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:(you there Hello Bob)", NO_PARAS))));
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:(you there Hello Bob)", NO_PARAS).setLimit(1))));
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:(you there Hello Bob)", NO_PARAS).setLimit(1).setOffset(1))));
            assertEquals(0, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:(you there Hello Bob)", NO_PARAS).setLimit(1).setOffset(2))));
            assertEquals(2, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:\"world\"", NO_PARAS))));
            assertEquals(2, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "time:[1000 TO 1020]", NO_PARAS))));
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "text:world AND time:1001", NO_PARAS))));
            assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(tx.query(new RawQuery(store, "name:\"Hello world\"", NO_PARAS))));
        if (index.supports(new StandardKeyInformation(String.class, Cardinality.LIST, new Parameter("mapping", Mapping.STRING)), Cmp.EQUAL)) {
            assertEquals("doc1", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "1"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc1", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "2"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc2", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "4"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc2", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "5"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc3", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "7"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc3", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "8"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc1", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "1"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc1", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "2"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc2", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "4"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc2", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "5"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc3", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "7"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc3", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "8"))).get(0));
        assertEquals("doc1", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(1)))).get(0));
        assertEquals("doc2", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(2)))).get(0));
        assertEquals("doc3", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(3)))).get(0));
        assertEquals("doc3", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.GREATER_THAN, Instant.ofEpochSecond(2)))).get(0));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc2", "doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(2))))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.LESS_THAN, Instant.ofEpochSecond(2))))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc2"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.LESS_THAN_EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(2))))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.NOT_EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(2))))));
        //Update some data
        add(store, "doc4", getDocument("I'ts all a big Bob", -100, 11.2, Geoshape.point(48.0, 8.0), Arrays.asList("10", "11", "12"), Sets.newHashSet("10", "11"), Instant.ofEpochSecond(4)), true);
        remove(store, "doc2", doc2, true);
        remove(store, "doc3", ImmutableMultimap.of(WEIGHT, (Object) 10.1), false);
        add(store, "doc3", ImmutableMultimap.of(TIME, (Object) 2000, TEXT, "Bob owns the world"), false);
        remove(store, "doc1", ImmutableMultimap.of(TIME, (Object) 1001), false);
        add(store, "doc1", ImmutableMultimap.of(TIME, (Object) 1005, WEIGHT, 11.1), false);
    for (String store : stores) {
        List<String> result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world")));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc3"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "world"), PredicateCondition.of(WEIGHT, Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 6.0))));
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        assertEquals("doc1", result.get(0));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(LOCATION, Geo.WITHIN,, 0.5, 200.00))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TEXT, Text.CONTAINS, "tomorrow"), PredicateCondition.of(LOCATION, Geo.WITHIN,, 0.5, 200.00)))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, -1000), PredicateCondition.of(TIME, Cmp.LESS_THAN, 1010), PredicateCondition.of(LOCATION, Geo.WITHIN,, 0.5, 1000.00)))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc4"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of(WEIGHT, Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 10.0))));
        assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of("doc1", "doc4"), ImmutableSet.copyOf(result));
        result = tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, And.of(PredicateCondition.of("blah", Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 10.0))));
        assertEquals(0, result.size());
        if (index.supports(new StandardKeyInformation(String.class, Cardinality.LIST, new Parameter("mapping", Mapping.STRING)), Cmp.EQUAL)) {
            assertEquals("doc4", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "10"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc4", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "11"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc4", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "10"))).get(0));
            assertEquals("doc4", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_SET, Cmp.EQUAL, "11"))).get(0));
            assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "4"))).size());
            assertEquals(0, tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(PHONE_LIST, Cmp.EQUAL, "5"))).size());
        assertTrue(tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(2)))).isEmpty());
        assertEquals("doc4", tx.query(new IndexQuery(store, PredicateCondition.of(DATE, Cmp.EQUAL, Instant.ofEpochSecond(4)))).get(0));
Also used : Parameter(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Parameter) TitanPredicate(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)

Example 4 with TitanPredicate

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate in project titan by thinkaurelius.

the class ElasticSearchIndex method getFilter.

public FilterBuilder getFilter(Condition<?> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever informations) {
    if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
        PredicateCondition<String, ?> atom = (PredicateCondition) condition;
        Object value = atom.getValue();
        String key = atom.getKey();
        TitanPredicate titanPredicate = atom.getPredicate();
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            Preconditions.checkArgument(value instanceof Number);
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.inFilter(key, value);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.inFilter(key, value));
                case LESS_THAN:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).lt(value);
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).lte(value);
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).gt(value);
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).gte(value);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            Mapping map = getStringMapping(informations.get(key));
            String fieldName = key;
            if (map == Mapping.TEXT && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS queries and not: " + titanPredicate);
            if (map == Mapping.STRING && titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + titanPredicate);
            if (map == Mapping.TEXTSTRING && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                fieldName = getDualMappingName(key);
            if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS) {
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                AndFilterBuilder b = FilterBuilders.andFilter();
                for (String term : Text.tokenize((String) value)) {
                    b.add(FilterBuilders.termFilter(fieldName, term));
                return b;
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                return FilterBuilders.prefixFilter(fieldName, (String) value);
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                return FilterBuilders.regexpFilter(fieldName, (String) value);
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX) {
                return FilterBuilders.prefixFilter(fieldName, (String) value);
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.REGEX) {
                return FilterBuilders.regexpFilter(fieldName, (String) value);
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
                return FilterBuilders.termFilter(fieldName, (String) value);
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
                return FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.termFilter(fieldName, (String) value));
            } else
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Predicate is not supported for string value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate == Geo.WITHIN, "Relation is not supported for geo value: " + titanPredicate);
            Geoshape shape = (Geoshape) value;
            if (shape.getType() == Geoshape.Type.CIRCLE) {
                Geoshape.Point center = shape.getPoint();
                return FilterBuilders.geoDistanceFilter(key).lat(center.getLatitude()).lon(center.getLongitude()).distance(shape.getRadius(), DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS);
            } else if (shape.getType() == Geoshape.Type.BOX) {
                Geoshape.Point southwest = shape.getPoint(0);
                Geoshape.Point northeast = shape.getPoint(1);
                return FilterBuilders.geoBoundingBoxFilter(key).bottomRight(southwest.getLatitude(), northeast.getLongitude()).topLeft(northeast.getLatitude(), southwest.getLongitude());
            } else
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported or invalid search shape type: " + shape.getType());
        } else if (value instanceof Date || value instanceof Instant) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.inFilter(key, value);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.inFilter(key, value));
                case LESS_THAN:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).lt(value);
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).lte(value);
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).gt(value);
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(key).gte(value);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.inFilter(key, value);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.inFilter(key, value));
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
        } else if (value instanceof UUID) {
            if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
                return FilterBuilders.termFilter(key, value);
            } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
                return FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.termFilter(key, value));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only equal or not equal is supported for UUIDs: " + titanPredicate);
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
    } else if (condition instanceof Not) {
        return FilterBuilders.notFilter(getFilter(((Not) condition).getChild(), informations));
    } else if (condition instanceof And) {
        AndFilterBuilder b = FilterBuilders.andFilter();
        for (Condition c : condition.getChildren()) {
            b.add(getFilter(c, informations));
        return b;
    } else if (condition instanceof Or) {
        OrFilterBuilder b = FilterBuilders.orFilter();
        for (Condition c : condition.getChildren()) {
            b.add(getFilter(c, informations));
        return b;
    } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
Also used : Instant(java.time.Instant) Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) TitanPredicate(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)

Example 5 with TitanPredicate

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate in project incubator-atlas by apache.

the class Solr5Index method buildQueryFilter.

public String buildQueryFilter(Condition<TitanElement> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever informations) {
    if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
        PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement> atom = (PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement>) condition;
        Object value = atom.getValue();
        String key = atom.getKey();
        TitanPredicate titanPredicate = atom.getPredicate();
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    //use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    //use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            Mapping map = getStringMapping(informations.get(key));
            assert map == TEXT || map == STRING;
            if (map == TEXT && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS queries and not: " + titanPredicate);
            if (map == STRING && titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + titanPredicate);
            //Special case
            if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS) {
                //e.g. - if terms tomorrow and world were supplied, and fq=text:(tomorrow  world)
                //sample data set would return 2 documents: one where text = Tomorrow is the World,
                //and the second where text = Hello World. Hence, we are decomposing the query string
                //and building an AND query explicitly because we need AND semantics
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                List<String> terms = Text.tokenize((String) value);
                if (terms.isEmpty()) {
                    return "";
                } else if (terms.size() == 1) {
                    return (key + ":(" + escapeValue(terms.get(0)) + ")");
                } else {
                    And<TitanElement> andTerms = new And<>();
                    for (String term : terms) {
                        andTerms.add(new PredicateCondition<>(key, titanPredicate, term));
                    return buildQueryFilter(andTerms, informations);
            if (titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
                return (key + ":" + escapeValue(value) + "*");
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.REGEX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
                return (key + ":/" + value + "/");
            } else if (titanPredicate == EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for string value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
            Geoshape geo = (Geoshape) value;
            if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.CIRCLE) {
                Geoshape.Point center = geo.getPoint();
                return ("{!geofilt sfield=" + key + " pt=" + center.getLatitude() + "," + center.getLongitude() + " d=" + geo.getRadius() + //distance in kilometers
                "} distErrPct=0");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.BOX) {
                Geoshape.Point southwest = geo.getPoint(0);
                Geoshape.Point northeast = geo.getPoint(1);
                return (key + ":[" + southwest.getLatitude() + "," + southwest.getLongitude() + " TO " + northeast.getLatitude() + "," + northeast.getLongitude() + "]");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.POLYGON) {
                List<Geoshape.Point> coordinates = getPolygonPoints(geo);
                StringBuilder poly = new StringBuilder(key + ":\"IsWithin(POLYGON((");
                for (Geoshape.Point coordinate : coordinates) {
                    poly.append(coordinate.getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinate.getLatitude()).append(", ");
                //close the polygon with the first coordinate
                poly.append(coordinates.get(0).getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinates.get(0).getLatitude());
                poly.append(")))\" distErrPct=0");
                return (poly.toString());
        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
            String queryValue = escapeValue(toIsoDate((Date) value));
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    //use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    //use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
        } else if (value instanceof UUID) {
            if (titanPredicate == EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for uuid value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
    } else if (condition instanceof Not) {
        String sub = buildQueryFilter(((Not) condition).getChild(), informations);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sub))
            return "-(" + sub + ")";
            return "";
    } else if (condition instanceof And) {
        int numChildren = ((And) condition).size();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            // b. expression is a single statement in the AND.
            if (!sub.startsWith("-") && numChildren > 1)
            sb.append(sub).append(" ");
        return sb.toString();
    } else if (condition instanceof Or) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int element = 0;
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            if (element == 0)
                sb.append(" OR ");
        if (element > 0)
        return sb.toString();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
    return null;
Also used : Or(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Or) Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) TitanElement(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanElement) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UUID(java.util.UUID) Condition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Condition) PredicateCondition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition) PredicateCondition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition) Cmp(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp) Geoshape(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape) Date(java.util.Date) Not(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Not) And(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.And) TitanPredicate(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)


TitanPredicate (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)7 Mapping (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping)4 Instant (java.time.Instant)3 TitanElement (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanElement)2 Shape (com.spatial4j.core.shape.Shape)1 Cmp (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp)1 Geoshape (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape)1 Parameter (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Parameter)1 And (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.And)1 Condition (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Condition)1 Not (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Not)1 Or (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Or)1 PredicateCondition (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition)1 Compare (com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Compare)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 List (java.util.List)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 BooleanFilter (org.apache.lucene.queries.BooleanFilter)1 TermsFilter (org.apache.lucene.queries.TermsFilter)1