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Example 1 with InstanceId

use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project heron by twitter.

the class PackingPlanBuilder method buildContainerPlans.

   * Estimate the per instance and topology resources for the packing plan based on the ramMap,
   * instance defaults and paddingPercentage.
   * @return container plans
private static Set<PackingPlan.ContainerPlan> buildContainerPlans(Map<Integer, Container> containerInstances, Map<String, ByteAmount> ramMap, Resource instanceDefaults, int paddingPercentage) {
    Set<PackingPlan.ContainerPlan> containerPlans = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (Integer containerId : containerInstances.keySet()) {
        Container container = containerInstances.get(containerId);
        if (container.getInstances().size() == 0) {
        ByteAmount containerRam = ByteAmount.ZERO;
        ByteAmount containerDiskInBytes = ByteAmount.ZERO;
        double containerCpu = 0;
        // Calculate the resource required for single instance
        Set<PackingPlan.InstancePlan> instancePlans = new HashSet<>();
        for (PackingPlan.InstancePlan instancePlan : container.getInstances()) {
            InstanceId instanceId = new InstanceId(instancePlan.getComponentName(), instancePlan.getTaskId(), instancePlan.getComponentIndex());
            ByteAmount instanceRam;
            if (ramMap.containsKey(instanceId.getComponentName())) {
                instanceRam = ramMap.get(instanceId.getComponentName());
            } else {
                instanceRam = instanceDefaults.getRam();
            containerRam =;
            // Currently not yet support disk or cpu config for different components,
            // so just use the default value.
            ByteAmount instanceDisk = instanceDefaults.getDisk();
            containerDiskInBytes =;
            double instanceCpu = instanceDefaults.getCpu();
            containerCpu += instanceCpu;
            // Insert it into the map
            instancePlans.add(new PackingPlan.InstancePlan(instanceId, new Resource(instanceCpu, instanceRam, instanceDisk)));
        containerCpu += (paddingPercentage * containerCpu) / 100;
        containerRam = containerRam.increaseBy(paddingPercentage);
        containerDiskInBytes = containerDiskInBytes.increaseBy(paddingPercentage);
        Resource resource = new Resource(Math.round(containerCpu), containerRam, containerDiskInBytes);
        PackingPlan.ContainerPlan containerPlan = new PackingPlan.ContainerPlan(containerId, instancePlans, resource);
    return containerPlans;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) ByteAmount(com.twitter.heron.common.basics.ByteAmount) InstanceId(com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId) PackingPlan(com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.PackingPlan) Resource(com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.Resource) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 2 with InstanceId

use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project heron by twitter.

the class RoundRobinPacking method getInstancesRamMapInContainer.

   * Calculate the ram required by any instance in the container
   * @param allocation the allocation of instances in different container
   * @return A map: (containerId -&gt; (instanceId -&gt; instanceRequiredRam))
private Map<Integer, Map<InstanceId, ByteAmount>> getInstancesRamMapInContainer(Map<Integer, List<InstanceId>> allocation) {
    Map<String, ByteAmount> ramMap = TopologyUtils.getComponentRamMapConfig(topology);
    Map<Integer, Map<InstanceId, ByteAmount>> instancesRamMapInContainer = new HashMap<>();
    for (int containerId : allocation.keySet()) {
        List<InstanceId> instanceIds = allocation.get(containerId);
        Map<InstanceId, ByteAmount> ramInsideContainer = new HashMap<>();
        instancesRamMapInContainer.put(containerId, ramInsideContainer);
        List<InstanceId> instancesToBeAccounted = new ArrayList<>();
        // Calculate the actual value
        ByteAmount usedRam = ByteAmount.ZERO;
        for (InstanceId instanceId : instanceIds) {
            String componentName = instanceId.getComponentName();
            if (ramMap.containsKey(componentName)) {
                ByteAmount ram = ramMap.get(componentName);
                ramInsideContainer.put(instanceId, ram);
                usedRam =;
            } else {
        // Now we have calculated ram for instances specified in ComponentRamMap
        // Then to calculate ram for the rest instances
        ByteAmount containerRamHint = getContainerRamHint(allocation);
        int instancesToAllocate = instancesToBeAccounted.size();
        if (instancesToAllocate != 0) {
            ByteAmount individualInstanceRam = instanceRamDefault;
            // If container ram is specified
            if (!containerRamHint.equals(NOT_SPECIFIED_NUMBER_VALUE)) {
                // remove ram for heron internal process
                ByteAmount remainingRam = containerRamHint.minus(DEFAULT_RAM_PADDING_PER_CONTAINER).minus(usedRam);
                // Split remaining ram evenly
                individualInstanceRam = remainingRam.divide(instancesToAllocate);
            // Put the results in instancesRam
            for (InstanceId instanceId : instancesToBeAccounted) {
                ramInsideContainer.put(instanceId, individualInstanceRam);
    return instancesRamMapInContainer;
Also used : ByteAmount(com.twitter.heron.common.basics.ByteAmount) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InstanceId(com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with InstanceId

use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project heron by twitter.

the class RoundRobinPacking method getRoundRobinAllocation.

   * Get the instances' allocation basing on round robin algorithm
   * @return containerId -&gt; list of InstanceId belonging to this container
private Map<Integer, List<InstanceId>> getRoundRobinAllocation() {
    Map<Integer, List<InstanceId>> allocation = new HashMap<>();
    int numContainer = TopologyUtils.getNumContainers(topology);
    int totalInstance = TopologyUtils.getTotalInstance(topology);
    if (numContainer > totalInstance) {
        throw new RuntimeException("More containers allocated than instance.");
    for (int i = 1; i <= numContainer; ++i) {
        allocation.put(i, new ArrayList<InstanceId>());
    int index = 1;
    int globalTaskIndex = 1;
    Map<String, Integer> parallelismMap = TopologyUtils.getComponentParallelism(topology);
    for (String component : parallelismMap.keySet()) {
        int numInstance = parallelismMap.get(component);
        for (int i = 0; i < numInstance; ++i) {
            allocation.get(index).add(new InstanceId(component, globalTaskIndex, i));
            index = (index == numContainer) ? 1 : index + 1;
    return allocation;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InstanceId(com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 4 with InstanceId

use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project heron by twitter.

the class CommonPackingTests method testScaleDownHomogenousFirst.

public void testScaleDownHomogenousFirst() throws Exception {
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) Pair<Integer, InstanceId>[] initialComponentInstances = new Pair[] { new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 1, 0)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 2, 1)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(B, 3, 0)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 4, 1)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 5, 2)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 6, 3)), new Pair<>(3, new InstanceId(B, 7, 4)) };
    Map<String, Integer> componentChanges = new HashMap<>();
    componentChanges.put(B, -4);
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) Pair<Integer, InstanceId>[] expectedComponentInstances = new Pair[] { new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 1, 0)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(A, 2, 1)), new Pair<>(1, new InstanceId(B, 3, 0)) };
    doScaleDownTest(initialComponentInstances, componentChanges, expectedComponentInstances);
Also used : InstanceId(com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Pair(com.twitter.heron.common.basics.Pair) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with InstanceId

use of com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId in project incubator-heron by apache.

the class RoundRobinPacking method getRoundRobinAllocation.

 * Get the instances' allocation basing on round robin algorithm
 * @return containerId -&gt; list of InstanceId belonging to this container
private Map<Integer, List<InstanceId>> getRoundRobinAllocation(int numContainer, Map<String, Integer> parallelismMap) {
    Map<Integer, List<InstanceId>> allocation = new HashMap<>();
    int totalInstance = TopologyUtils.getTotalInstance(parallelismMap);
    if (numContainer > totalInstance) {
        throw new RuntimeException("More containers allocated than instance.");
    for (int i = 1; i <= numContainer; ++i) {
        allocation.put(i, new ArrayList<InstanceId>());
    int index = 1;
    int globalTaskIndex = 1;
    for (String component : parallelismMap.keySet()) {
        int numInstance = parallelismMap.get(component);
        for (int i = 0; i < numInstance; ++i) {
            allocation.get(index).add(new InstanceId(component, globalTaskIndex, i));
            index = (index == numContainer) ? 1 : index + 1;
    return allocation;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InstanceId(com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)


InstanceId (com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.InstanceId)28 PackingPlan (com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.PackingPlan)18 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)16 Test (org.junit.Test)14 Pair (com.twitter.heron.common.basics.Pair)12 Resource (com.twitter.heron.spi.packing.Resource)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)8 ByteAmount (com.twitter.heron.common.basics.ByteAmount)6 List (java.util.List)6 Map (java.util.Map)4 ResourceExceededException (com.twitter.heron.packing.ResourceExceededException)2 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)2 Set (java.util.Set)2 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)2