Search in sources :

Example 1 with Piece

use of core.mino.Piece in project solution-finder by knewjade.

the class CheckmateUsingHoldReuse method search.

public List<Result> search(Field initFieldOrigin, Piece[] pieces, Candidate<T> candidate, int maxClearLine, int maxDepth) {
    Field initField = initFieldOrigin.freeze(maxClearLine);
    int deleteLine = initField.clearLine();
    int height = maxClearLine - deleteLine;
    TreeSet<Order> orders = new TreeSet<>();
    // 最初の探索開始depthとordersを調整
    int startDepth;
    if (!equalsField(lastField, initField) || lastPieces == null) {
        // mementoの初期化
        // 初めから
        memento = new ArrayList<>();
        orders.add(new NormalOrder(initField, pieces[0], height, maxDepth));
        startDepth = 1;
        memento.add(new TreeSet<>(orders));
    } else {
        int reuseIndex = -1;
        int minLength = lastPieces.length < pieces.length ? lastPieces.length : pieces.length;
        int max = maxDepth + 1 < minLength ? maxDepth + 1 : minLength;
        for (int index = 0; index < max; index++) {
            if (lastPieces[index] == pieces[index])
                reuseIndex = index;
        if (reuseIndex < 0) {
            memento = new ArrayList<>();
            orders.add(new NormalOrder(initField, pieces[0], height, maxDepth));
            startDepth = 1;
            memento.add(new TreeSet<>(orders));
        } else if (reuseIndex == maxDepth) {
            return dataPool.getResults();
        } else {
            startDepth = reuseIndex + 1;
            memento = memento.subList(0, reuseIndex + 1);
    for (int depth = startDepth; depth <= maxDepth; depth++) {
        boolean isLast = depth == maxDepth;
        if (depth < pieces.length) {
            Piece drawn = pieces[depth];
            for (int count = 0, size = orders.size(); count < size; count++) {
                Order order = orders.pollFirst();
                searcherCore.stepWithNext(candidate, drawn, order, isLast);
        } else {
            for (int count = 0, size = orders.size(); count < size; count++) {
                Order order = orders.pollFirst();
                searcherCore.stepWhenNoNext(candidate, order, isLast);
        orders = dataPool.getNexts();
        memento.add(new TreeSet<>(orders));
    lastPieces = pieces;
    lastField = initField;
    return dataPool.getResults();
Also used : Order(common.datastore.order.Order) NormalOrder(common.datastore.order.NormalOrder) SmallField(core.field.SmallField) Field(core.field.Field) NormalOrder(common.datastore.order.NormalOrder) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Piece(core.mino.Piece)

Example 2 with Piece

use of core.mino.Piece in project solution-finder by knewjade.

the class AllSeparableMinoFactory method create.

public Set<SeparableMino> create() {
    HashSet<SeparableMino> pieces = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<Mino> createdCheckSet = new HashSet<>();
    for (Piece piece : Piece.values()) {
        for (Rotate originRotate : Rotate.values()) {
            Rotate rotate = minoShifter.createTransformedRotate(piece, originRotate);
            Mino mino = minoFactory.create(piece, rotate);
            // 追加済みかチェック
            if (createdCheckSet.contains(mino))
            // ミノの高さを計算
            int minoHeight = mino.getMaxY() - mino.getMinY() + 1;
            // フィールドの高さ以上にミノを使う場合はおけない
            if (fieldHeight < minoHeight)
            // 行候補をリストにする
            ArrayList<Integer> lineIndexes = getLineIndexes(fieldHeight);
            // リストアップ
            ArrayList<SeparableMino> piecesEachMino = generatePiecesEachMino(mino, lineIndexes, minoHeight);
            // 追加
    return pieces;
Also used : Rotate(core.srs.Rotate) Piece(core.mino.Piece) Mino(core.mino.Mino) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 3 with Piece

use of core.mino.Piece in project solution-finder by knewjade.

the class ActionParser method parseToOperation.

static Operation parseToOperation(int value) {
    int x = value % 10;
    value /= 10;
    int y = value % 24;
    value /= 24;
    Rotate rotate = Rotate.getRotate(value % 4);
    value /= 4;
    Piece piece = Piece.getBlock(value);
    return new SimpleOperation(piece, rotate, x, y);
Also used : Rotate(core.srs.Rotate) Piece(core.mino.Piece) SimpleOperation(common.datastore.SimpleOperation)

Example 4 with Piece

use of core.mino.Piece in project solution-finder by knewjade.

the class ResultHelper method createOperationStream.

public static Stream<Operation> createOperationStream(Result result) {
    Order order = result.getOrder();
    OperationHistory history = order.getHistory();
    Stream<Operation> operationStream = history.getOperationStream();
    Piece lastPiece = result.getLastPiece();
    Action lastAction = result.getLastAction();
    SimpleOperation lastOperation = new SimpleOperation(lastPiece, lastAction.getRotate(), lastAction.getX(), lastAction.getY());
    return Stream.concat(operationStream, Stream.of(lastOperation));
Also used : Order(common.datastore.order.Order) Action(common.datastore.action.Action) Piece(core.mino.Piece) SimpleOperation(common.datastore.SimpleOperation) SimpleOperation(common.datastore.SimpleOperation) Operation(common.datastore.Operation)

Example 5 with Piece

use of core.mino.Piece in project solution-finder by knewjade.

the class BuildUp method existsValidByOrder.

// block順番で組み立てられる手順が存在するかチェックする
// operationsで使用するミノとblocksが一致していること
public static boolean existsValidByOrder(Field field, Stream<MinoOperationWithKey> operations, List<Piece> pieces, int height, Reachable reachable) {
    EnumMap<Piece, LinkedList<MinoOperationWithKey>> eachBlocks = operations.sequential().collect(() -> new EnumMap<Piece, LinkedList<MinoOperationWithKey>>(Piece.class), (blockLinkedListEnumMap, operationWithKey) -> {
        Piece piece = operationWithKey.getPiece();
        LinkedList<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeys = blockLinkedListEnumMap.computeIfAbsent(piece, b -> new LinkedList<>());
    }, EnumMap::putAll);
    return existsValidByOrder(field.freeze(height), eachBlocks, pieces, height, reachable, 0);
Also used : MinoOperationWithKey(common.datastore.MinoOperationWithKey) Piece(core.mino.Piece) EnumMap(java.util.EnumMap) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)


Piece (core.mino.Piece)187 Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)97 Field (core.field.Field)81 Randoms (lib.Randoms)61 LongTest (module.LongTest)60 Action (common.datastore.action.Action)56 LockedCandidate (core.action.candidate.LockedCandidate)44 LongPieces (common.datastore.blocks.LongPieces)41 List (java.util.List)36 MinoFactory (core.mino.MinoFactory)35 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)35 Collectors ( LockedReachable (core.action.reachable.LockedReachable)32 Rotate (core.srs.Rotate)28 ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)26 MinoShifter (core.mino.MinoShifter)25 Stream ( Mino (core.mino.Mino)21 Assertions.assertThat (org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat)19 FieldFactory (core.field.FieldFactory)18