Search in sources :

Example 1 with ApplicationFormItemData

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData in project perun by CESNET.

the class ConsolidatorManagerImpl method checkForSimilarUsers.

public List<Identity> checkForSimilarUsers(PerunSession sess, int appId) throws PerunException {
    String email = "";
    String name = "";
    List<RichUser> result = new ArrayList<RichUser>();
    List<String> attrNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    Application app = registrarManager.getApplicationById(registrarSession, appId);
    if (app.getGroup() == null) {
        if (!AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOADMIN, app.getVo())) {
            if (sess.getPerunPrincipal().getUser() != null) {
                // check if application to find similar users by belongs to user
                if (!sess.getPerunPrincipal().getUser().equals(app.getUser()))
                    throw new PrivilegeException("checkForSimilarUsers");
            } else {
                if (!sess.getPerunPrincipal().getExtSourceName().equals(app.getExtSourceName()) && !sess.getPerunPrincipal().getActor().equals(app.getCreatedBy()))
                    throw new PrivilegeException("checkForSimilarUsers");
    } else {
        if (!AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOADMIN, app.getVo()) && !AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.GROUPADMIN, app.getGroup())) {
            if (sess.getPerunPrincipal().getUser() != null) {
                // check if application to find similar users by belongs to user
                if (!sess.getPerunPrincipal().getUser().equals(app.getUser()))
                    throw new PrivilegeException("checkForSimilarUsers");
            } else {
                if (!sess.getPerunPrincipal().getExtSourceName().equals(app.getExtSourceName()) && !sess.getPerunPrincipal().getActor().equals(app.getCreatedBy()))
                    throw new PrivilegeException("checkForSimilarUsers");
    // only for initial VO applications if user==null
    if (app.getType().equals(Application.AppType.INITIAL) && app.getGroup() == null && app.getUser() == null) {
        try {
            User u = perun.getUsersManager().getUserByExtSourceNameAndExtLogin(registrarSession, app.getExtSourceName(), app.getCreatedBy());
            if (u != null) {
                // do not show error message in GUI by returning an empty array.
                return convertToIdentities(result);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        // we don't care, let's try to search by name
        List<ApplicationFormItemData> data = registrarManager.getApplicationDataById(sess, appId);
        // search by email, which should be unique (check is more precise)
        for (ApplicationFormItemData item : data) {
            if ("urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:preferredMail".equals(item.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                email = item.getValue();
            if (email != null && !email.isEmpty())
        List<RichUser> users = (email != null && !email.isEmpty()) ? perun.getUsersManager().findRichUsersWithAttributesByExactMatch(registrarSession, email, attrNames) : new ArrayList<RichUser>();
        if (users != null && !users.isEmpty()) {
            // found by preferredMail
            return convertToIdentities(users);
        // search by different mail
        // clear previous value
        email = "";
        for (ApplicationFormItemData item : data) {
            if ("urn:perun:member:attribute-def:def:mail".equals(item.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                email = item.getValue();
            if (email != null && !email.isEmpty())
        users = (email != null && !email.isEmpty()) ? perun.getUsersManager().findRichUsersWithAttributesByExactMatch(registrarSession, email, attrNames) : new ArrayList<RichUser>();
        if (users != null && !users.isEmpty()) {
            // found by member mail
            return convertToIdentities(users);
        for (ApplicationFormItemData item : data) {
            if (RegistrarManagerImpl.URN_USER_DISPLAY_NAME.equals(item.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                name = item.getValue();
                // use parsed name to drop mistakes on IDP side
                try {
                    if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {
                        Map<String, String> nameMap = Utils.parseCommonName(name);
                        // drop name titles to spread search
                        String newName = "";
                        if (nameMap.get("firstName") != null && !nameMap.get("firstName").isEmpty()) {
                            newName += nameMap.get("firstName") + " ";
                        if (nameMap.get("lastName") != null && !nameMap.get("lastName").isEmpty()) {
                            newName += nameMap.get("lastName");
                        // fill parsed name instead of input
                        if (newName != null && !newName.isEmpty()) {
                            name = newName;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    log.error("[REGISTRAR] Unable to parse new user's display/common name when searching for similar users. Exception: {}", ex);
                if (name != null && !name.isEmpty())
        users = (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) ? perun.getUsersManager().findRichUsersWithAttributesByExactMatch(registrarSession, name, attrNames) : new ArrayList<RichUser>();
        if (users != null && !users.isEmpty()) {
            // found by member display name
            return convertToIdentities(users);
        // continue to search by last name
        // clear previous value
        name = "";
        for (ApplicationFormItemData item : data) {
            if (RegistrarManagerImpl.URN_USER_LAST_NAME.equals(item.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                name = item.getValue();
                if (name != null && !name.isEmpty())
        if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {
            // what was found by name
            return convertToIdentities(perun.getUsersManager().findRichUsersWithAttributesByExactMatch(registrarSession, name, attrNames));
        } else {
            // not found by name
            return convertToIdentities(result);
    } else {
        // not found, since not proper type of application to check users for
        return convertToIdentities(result);
Also used : ApplicationFormItemData(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData) ExtSourceNotExistsException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.ExtSourceNotExistsException) PrivilegeException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PrivilegeException) PerunException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PerunException) EmptyResultDataAccessException(org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException) PrivilegeException(cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PrivilegeException) Application(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application)

Example 2 with ApplicationFormItemData

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData in project perun by CESNET.

the class RegistrarBaseIntegrationTest method applyForMembershipInVO.

private static void applyForMembershipInVO(RegistrarManager registrarManager, PerunBl perun, Vo vo, PerunSession user) throws PerunException, DuplicateRegistrationAttemptException {
    Map<String, String> feder = new HashMap<String, String>();
    feder.put("Shib-Person-displayName", "pplk. doc. Ing. Václav Rumcajs, DrSc.");
    feder.put("Shib-Person-commonName", "Václav Rumcajs");
    feder.put("Shib-Person-givenName", "Václav");
    feder.put("Shib-Person-sureName", "Rumcajs");
    feder.put("Shib-Person-o", "Les Řáholec");
    feder.put("Shib-EP-Affiliation", "member");
    feder.put("Shib-InetOrgPerson-mail", "");
    feder.put("Shib-EP-PrincipalName", user.getPerunPrincipal().getActor());
    List<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue> prefilledForm = registrarManager.getFormItemsWithPrefilledValues(user, INITIAL, registrarManager.getFormForVo(vo));
    //data z federace a od uzivatele
    Application application = new Application();
    List<ApplicationFormItemData> data = new ArrayList<ApplicationFormItemData>();
    for (ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue itemW : prefilledForm) {
        ApplicationFormItem item = itemW.getFormItem();
        //"prefilled item "+itemW);
        if (item.getShortname().equals("preferredMail")) {
            data.add(new ApplicationFormItemData(item, item.getShortname(), "", "0"));
        } else if (item.getShortname().equals("username")) {
            data.add(new ApplicationFormItemData(item, item.getShortname(), "rumcik", "0"));
        } else {
            //nechej predvyplnenou hodnotu
            data.add(new ApplicationFormItemData(item, item.getShortname(), itemW.getPrefilledValue(), itemW.getAssuranceLevel()));
    registrarManager.createApplication(user, application, data);
Also used : ApplicationFormItem(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem) ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue) ApplicationFormItemData(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData) Application(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application)

Example 3 with ApplicationFormItemData

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData in project perun by CESNET.

the class MailManagerImpl method setUsersMailAsTo.

	 * Set users mail as TO param for mail message.
	 * Default value is empty (mail won't be sent).
	 * Mail is taken from first founded form item of type VALIDATED_MAIL.
	 * If none found and user exists, it's taken from
	 * user's attribute: preferredMail
	 * @param message message to set TO param
	 * @param app application
	 * @param data application data
private void setUsersMailAsTo(SimpleMailMessage message, Application app, List<ApplicationFormItemData> data) {
    try {
        // get TO param from VALIDATED_EMAIL form items (it's best fit)
        for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
            ApplicationFormItem item = d.getFormItem();
            String value = d.getValue();
            if (ApplicationFormItem.Type.VALIDATED_EMAIL.equals(item.getType())) {
                if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
                    // use first mail address
        // get TO param from other form items related to "user - preferredMail"
        for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
            ApplicationFormItem item = d.getFormItem();
            String value = d.getValue();
            if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute() != null && !item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().isEmpty()) {
                if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().equalsIgnoreCase(URN_USER_PREFERRED_MAIL)) {
                    if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
                        // use first mail address
        // get TO param from other form items related to "member - mail"
        for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
            ApplicationFormItem item = d.getFormItem();
            String value = d.getValue();
            if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute() != null && !item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().isEmpty()) {
                if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().equalsIgnoreCase(URN_MEMBER_MAIL)) {
                    if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
                        // use first mail address
        // get TO param from user if not present on application form
        if (app.getUser() != null) {
            User u = usersManager.getUserById(registrarSession, app.getUser().getId());
            Attribute a = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, u, URN_USER_PREFERRED_MAIL);
            if (a != null && a.getValue() != null) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // we don't care about exceptions - we have backup address (empty = mail not sent)
        log.error("[MAIL MANAGER] Exception thrown when getting users mail address for application: {}", app);
Also used : ApplicationFormItem(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem) ApplicationFormItemData(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) EmptyResultDataAccessException(org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException) RegistrarException(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.exceptions.RegistrarException) DuplicateKeyException(org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException) MailException(org.springframework.mail.MailException)

Example 4 with ApplicationFormItemData

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData in project perun by CESNET.

the class MailManagerImpl method substituteCommonStrings.

	 * Substitute common strings in mail text by data provided by
	 * application, application data and perun itself.
	 * Substituted strings are:
	 * {voName} - full vo name
	 * {groupName} - group short name
	 * {displayName} - user's display name returned from federation if present on form
	 * {firstName} - first name of user if present on form as separate form item
	 * {lastName} - last name of user if present on form as separate form item
	 * {appId} - application id
	 * {actor} - login in external system used when submitting application
	 * {extSource} - external system used for authentication when submitting application
	 * {appGuiUrl} - url to application GUI for user to see applications state
	 * {appGuiUrl-[authz]} - url to application GUI for user to see applications state
	 * {perunGuiUrl-[authz]} - url to perun GUI (user detail)
	 * {appDetailUrl-[authz]} - link for VO admin to approve / reject application
	 * {logins} - list of all logins from application
	 * {membershipExpiration} - membership expiration date
	 * {mail} - user preferred mail submitted on application or stored in a system
	 * {customMessage} - message passed by admin to mail (e.g. reason of application reject)
	 * {errors} - include errors which ocured when processing registrar actions
	 * (e.g. login reservation errors passed to mail for VO admin)
	 * (if possible links are for: Kerberos, Federation and Certificate authz)
	 * @param app Application to substitute strings for (get VO etc.)
	 * @param data ApplicationData needed for sustitution (displayName etc.)
	 * @param mailText String to substitute parts of
	 * @param reason Custom message passed by vo admin
	 * @param exceptions list of exceptions thrown when processing registrar actions
	 * @return modified text
private String substituteCommonStrings(Application app, List<ApplicationFormItemData> data, String mailText, String reason, List<Exception> exceptions) {
    // replace app ID
    if (mailText.contains("{appId}")) {
        mailText = mailText.replace("{appId}", app.getId() + "");
    // replace actor (app created by)
    if (mailText.contains("{actor}")) {
        mailText = mailText.replace("{actor}", app.getCreatedBy() + "");
    // replace ext source (app created by)
    if (mailText.contains("{extSource}")) {
        mailText = mailText.replace("{extSource}", app.getExtSourceName() + "");
    // replace voName
    if (mailText.contains("{voName}")) {
        mailText = mailText.replace("{voName}", app.getVo().getName());
    // replace groupName
    if (mailText.contains("{groupName}")) {
        if (app.getGroup() != null) {
            mailText = mailText.replace("{groupName}", app.getGroup().getShortName());
        } else {
            mailText = mailText.replace("{groupName}", "");
    // replace customMessage (reason)
    if (mailText.contains("{customMessage}")) {
        if (reason != null && !reason.isEmpty()) {
            mailText = mailText.replace("{customMessage}", reason);
        } else {
            mailText = mailText.replace("{customMessage}", "");
    // replace displayName
    if (mailText.contains("{displayName}")) {
        // backup
        String nameText = "";
        for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
            // core attribute
            if ("urn:perun:user:attribute-def:core:displayName".equals(d.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                if (d.getValue() != null && !d.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    nameText = d.getValue();
            // federation attribute
            if ("cn".equals(d.getFormItem().getFederationAttribute()) || "displayName".equals(d.getFormItem().getFederationAttribute())) {
                if (d.getValue() != null && !d.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    nameText = d.getValue();
        if (nameText.isEmpty()) {
            User user = null;
            if (app.getUser() != null) {
                user = app.getUser();
            } else {
                try {
                    user = usersManager.getUserByExtSourceNameAndExtLogin(registrarSession, app.getExtSourceName(), app.getCreatedBy());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                // user not found is ok
            if (user != null)
                nameText = user.getDisplayName();
        mailText = mailText.replace("{displayName}", nameText);
    // replace firstName
    if (mailText.contains("{firstName}")) {
        // backup
        String nameText = "";
        for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
            if ("urn:perun:user:attribute-def:core:firstName".equals(d.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                if (d.getValue() != null && !d.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    nameText = d.getValue();
        if (nameText.isEmpty()) {
            User user = null;
            if (app.getUser() != null) {
                user = app.getUser();
            } else {
                try {
                    user = usersManager.getUserByExtSourceNameAndExtLogin(registrarSession, app.getExtSourceName(), app.getCreatedBy());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                // user not found is ok
            if (user != null)
                nameText = user.getFirstName();
        mailText = mailText.replace("{firstName}", nameText);
    // replace lastName
    if (mailText.contains("{lastName}")) {
        // backup
        String nameText = "";
        for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
            if ("urn:perun:user:attribute-def:core:lastName".equals(d.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                if (d.getValue() != null && !d.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    nameText = d.getValue();
        if (nameText.isEmpty()) {
            User user = null;
            if (app.getUser() != null) {
                user = app.getUser();
            } else {
                try {
                    user = usersManager.getUserByExtSourceNameAndExtLogin(registrarSession, app.getExtSourceName(), app.getCreatedBy());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                // user not found is ok
            if (user != null)
                nameText = user.getLastName();
        mailText = mailText.replace("{lastName}", nameText);
    // replace exceptions
    if (mailText.contains("{errors}")) {
        String errorText = "";
        if (exceptions != null && !exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            for (Exception ex : exceptions) {
                errorText = errorText.concat("\n\n" + ex.toString());
        mailText = mailText.replace("{errors}", errorText);
    // replace logins
    if (mailText.contains("{login-")) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{login-[^\\}]+\\}");
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher(mailText);
        while (m.find()) {
            // whole "{login-something}"
            String toSubstitute =;
            // new login value to replace in text
            String newValue = "";
            Pattern namespacePattern = Pattern.compile("\\-(.*?)\\}");
            Matcher m2 = namespacePattern.matcher(toSubstitute);
            while (m2.find()) {
                // only namespace "meta", "egi-ui",...
                String namespace =;
                // if user not known -> search through form items to get login
                for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
                    ApplicationFormItem item = d.getFormItem();
                    if (item != null) {
                        if (ApplicationFormItem.Type.USERNAME.equals(item.getType())) {
                            // if username match namespace
                            if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().contains("login-namespace:" + namespace)) {
                                if (d.getValue() != null && !d.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                                    // save not null or empty value and break cycle
                                    newValue = d.getValue();
                // since we do no allow to overwrite login by application
                try {
                    if (app.getUser() != null) {
                        List<Attribute> logins = attrManager.getLogins(registrarSession, app.getUser());
                        for (Attribute a : logins) {
                            // replace only correct namespace
                            if (a.getFriendlyNameParameter().equalsIgnoreCase(namespace)) {
                                if (a.getValue() != null) {
                                    newValue = BeansUtils.attributeValueToString(a);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    log.error("[MAIL MANAGER] Error thrown when replacing login in namespace \"" + namespace + "\" for mail. {}", ex);
            // substitute {login-namespace} with actual value or empty string
            mailText = mailText.replace(toSubstitute, newValue);
    mailText = replaceAppDetailUrl(mailText, app.getId(), app.getVo(), app.getGroup());
    mailText = replaceAppGuiUrl(mailText, app.getVo(), app.getGroup());
    mailText = replacePerunGuiUrl(mailText, app.getVo(), app.getGroup());
    // membership expiration
    if (mailText.contains("{membershipExpiration}")) {
        String expiration = "";
        if (app.getUser() != null) {
            try {
                User u = usersManager.getUserById(registrarSession, app.getUser().getId());
                Member m = membersManager.getMemberByUser(registrarSession, app.getVo(), u);
                Attribute a = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, m, URN_MEMBER_EXPIRATION);
                if (a != null && a.getValue() != null) {
                    // attribute value is string
                    expiration = ((String) a.getValue());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error("[MAIL MANAGER] Error thrown when getting membership expiration param for mail. {}", ex);
        // replace by date or empty
        mailText = mailText.replace("{membershipExpiration}", expiration);
    // user mail
    if (mailText.contains("{mail}")) {
        String mail = "";
        if (app.getUser() != null) {
            try {
                User u = usersManager.getUserById(registrarSession, app.getUser().getId());
                Attribute a = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, u, URN_USER_PREFERRED_MAIL);
                if (a != null && a.getValue() != null) {
                    // attribute value is string
                    mail = ((String) a.getValue());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error("[MAIL MANAGER] Error thrown when getting preferred mail param for mail. {}", ex);
        } else {
            for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
                if ("urn:perun:member:attribute-def:def:mail".equals(d.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                    if (d.getValue() != null && !d.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                        mail = d.getValue();
            for (ApplicationFormItemData d : data) {
                if ("urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:preferredMail".equals(d.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute())) {
                    if (d.getValue() != null && !d.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                        mail = d.getValue();
        // replace by mail or empty
        mailText = mailText.replace("{mail}", mail);
    // mail footer
    if (mailText.contains("{mailFooter}")) {
        String footer = "";
        // get proper value from attribute
        try {
            Attribute attribute;
            if (app.getGroup() != null) {
                attribute = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, app.getGroup(), URN_GROUP_MAIL_FOOTER);
                if (attribute == null || attribute.getValue() == null) {
                    attribute = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, app.getVo(), URN_VO_MAIL_FOOTER);
            } else {
                attribute = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, app.getVo(), URN_VO_MAIL_FOOTER);
            if (attribute != null && attribute.getValue() != null) {
                footer = BeansUtils.attributeValueToString(attribute);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // we dont care about exceptions here
            log.error("[MAIL MANAGER] Exception thrown when getting VO's footer for email from attribute.", ex);
        // replace by footer or empty
        mailText = mailText.replace("{mailFooter}", (footer != null) ? footer : "");
    return mailText;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) ApplicationFormItem(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ApplicationFormItemData(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) EmptyResultDataAccessException(org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException) RegistrarException(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.exceptions.RegistrarException) DuplicateKeyException(org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException) MailException(org.springframework.mail.MailException)

Example 5 with ApplicationFormItemData

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData in project perun by CESNET.

the class RegistrarManagerImpl method storeApplicationAttributes.

	 * Store values from application data as user/member attributes
	 * New values are set if old are empty, or merged if not empty.
	 * Empty new values are skipped (not even merged) as well as core attributes.
	 * User and Member must already exists !!
	 * SET LATER BY storeApplicationLoginAttributes() METHOD !!
	 * !! USE unreserveNewLoginsFromSameNamespace() BEFORE DOING SO !!
	 * @param app Application to process attributes for
	 * @throws PerunException
private void storeApplicationAttributes(Application app) throws PerunException {
    // user and member must exists if it's extension !!
    User user = usersManager.getUserById(registrarSession, app.getUser().getId());
    Member member = membersManager.getMemberByUser(registrarSession, app.getVo(), user);
    // get all app items
    List<ApplicationFormItemData> items = getApplicationDataById(registrarSession, app.getId());
    // attributes to set
    List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
    for (ApplicationFormItemData item : items) {
        String destAttr = item.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute();
        String newValue = item.getValue();
        // do not store null or empty values at all
        if (newValue == null || newValue.isEmpty())
        // if correct destination attribute
        if (destAttr != null && !destAttr.isEmpty()) {
            // get attribute (for user and member only)
            Attribute a = null;
            if (destAttr.contains("urn:perun:user:")) {
                a = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, user, destAttr);
            } else if (destAttr.contains("urn:perun:member:")) {
                a = attrManager.getAttribute(registrarSession, member, destAttr);
            } else {
            if (a != null && "login-namespace".equals(a.getBaseFriendlyName())) {
            // if attribute exists
            if (a != null) {
                if (a.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("java.util.LinkedHashMap")) {
                    // FIXME do not set hash map attributes - not supported in GUI and registrar
                } else if (a.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("java.util.ArrayList") || a.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(BeansUtils.largeArrayListClassName)) {
                    // we expects that list contains strings
                    ArrayList<String> value = ((ArrayList<String>) a.getValue());
                    // if value not present in list => add
                    if (value == null) {
                        // set as new value
                        value = new ArrayList<String>();
                    } else if (!value.contains(newValue)) {
                        // add value between old values
                } else {
                    // other attributes are handled like strings
    // set attributes
    if (!attributes.isEmpty()) {
        // set them if not empty (member+user)
        attrManager.setAttributes(registrarSession, member, attributes, true);
Also used : ApplicationFormItemData(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData)


ApplicationFormItemData (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData)16 EmptyResultDataAccessException (org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException)7 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)6 DuplicateKeyException (org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException)6 ApplicationFormItem (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem)5 RegistrarException (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.exceptions.RegistrarException)4 MailException (org.springframework.mail.MailException)4 CantBeApprovedException (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.exceptions.CantBeApprovedException)3 InternalErrorException (cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.InternalErrorException)2 Application (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application)2 MailType (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationMail.MailType)2 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)2 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)2 AlreadyMemberException (cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.AlreadyMemberException)1 ExtSourceNotExistsException (cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.ExtSourceNotExistsException)1 GroupNotExistsException (cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.GroupNotExistsException)1 PerunException (cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PerunException)1 PrivilegeException (cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PrivilegeException)1 RegistrarModule (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.RegistrarModule)1 AppType (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType)1