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Example 1 with DeltaRangeMap

use of edu.cmu.lti.javelin.util.DeltaRangeMap in project lucida by claritylab.

the class StanfordParser method createMapping.

     * @param sentence
     * @return a list of RangeMap objects which define a mapping of character
     * offsets in a white-space depleted version of the input string back into
     * offsets in the input string.
protected static List<RangeMap> createMapping(String sentence) {
    List<RangeMap> mapping = new LinkedList<RangeMap>();
    Matcher whitespace_matcher = whitespace_pattern.matcher(sentence);
    DeltaRangeMap delta_rmap = null;
    // find all sequences of whitespace chars
    while (whitespace_matcher.find()) {
        int start = whitespace_matcher.start();
        int end = whitespace_matcher.end();
        int length = end - start;
        if (delta_rmap == null) {
            // create a new RangeMap object whose start begins at current
            // match start, and whose end is at the moment undefined. The
            // delta here is taken to be the length of the whitespace
            // sequence.
            delta_rmap = new DeltaRangeMap(start, 0, length);
        } else {
            // we've found the next sequence of whitespace chars, so we
            // finalize the end extent of the previous RangeMap, and make a
            // new RangeMap to describe the mapping from this point forward.
            delta_rmap.end = start -;
            delta_rmap = new DeltaRangeMap(delta_rmap.end, 0, + length);
    // process trailing DeltaRangeMap if it exists
    if (delta_rmap != null) {
        delta_rmap.end = sentence.length() -;
    return mapping;
Also used : DeltaRangeMap(edu.cmu.lti.javelin.util.DeltaRangeMap) RangeMap(edu.cmu.lti.javelin.util.RangeMap) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) DeltaRangeMap(edu.cmu.lti.javelin.util.DeltaRangeMap) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)


DeltaRangeMap (edu.cmu.lti.javelin.util.DeltaRangeMap)1 RangeMap (edu.cmu.lti.javelin.util.RangeMap)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1