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Example 31 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project gradle by gradle.

the class AntFileCollectionBuilder method addToAntBuilder.

public Object addToAntBuilder(Object node, String childNodeName) {
    final DynamicObject dynamicObject = new BeanDynamicObject(node);
    dynamicObject.invokeMethod(childNodeName == null ? "resources" : childNodeName, new Closure(this) {

        public Object doCall(Object ignore) {
            for (File file : files) {
                dynamicObject.invokeMethod("file", Collections.singletonMap("file", AntUtil.maskFilename(file.getAbsolutePath())));
            return null;
    return node;
Also used : DynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.DynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) DynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.DynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) File(

Example 32 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project gradle by gradle.

the class AntFileCollectionMatchingTaskBuilder method addToAntBuilder.

public Object addToAntBuilder(final Object node, final String childNodeName) {
    final DynamicObject dynamicObject = new BeanDynamicObject(node);
    final Iterable<DirectoryFileTree> existing = Lists.newLinkedList(FluentIterable.from(fileTrees).filter(new Predicate<DirectoryFileTree>() {

        public boolean apply(DirectoryFileTree input) {
            return input.getDir().exists();
    for (DirectoryFileTree fileTree : existing) {
        dynamicObject.invokeMethod(childNodeName, Collections.singletonMap("location", fileTree.getDir()));
    dynamicObject.invokeMethod("or", new Closure<Void>(this) {

        public Object doCall(Object ignore) {
            for (final DirectoryFileTree fileTree : existing) {
                dynamicObject.invokeMethod("and", new Closure<Void>(this) {

                    public Object doCall(Object ignore) {
                        dynamicObject.invokeMethod("gradleBaseDirSelector", Collections.singletonMap("baseDir", fileTree.getDir()));
                        fileTree.getPatterns().addToAntBuilder(node, null);
                        return null;
            return null;
    return node;
Also used : DynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.DynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) DynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.DynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) DirectoryFileTree(org.gradle.api.internal.file.collections.DirectoryFileTree) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) Predicate(

Example 33 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project gradle by gradle.

the class AntFileTreeBuilder method addToAntBuilder.

public Object addToAntBuilder(Object node, String childNodeName) {
    final DynamicObject dynamicObject = new BeanDynamicObject(node);
    dynamicObject.invokeMethod(childNodeName == null ? "resources" : childNodeName, new Closure(this) {

        public Object doCall(Object ignore) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, File> entry : files.entrySet()) {
                String name = entry.getKey();
                File file = entry.getValue();
                // gradleFileResource type is mapped to AntFileResource
                dynamicObject.invokeMethod("gradleFileResource", ImmutableMap.of("file", file.getAbsolutePath(), "name", name));
            return null;
    return node;
Also used : DynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.DynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) DynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.DynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) BeanDynamicObject(org.gradle.internal.metaobject.BeanDynamicObject) File(

Example 34 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project grails-core by grails.

the class GroovyPage method invokeTagLibClosure.

private void invokeTagLibClosure(String tagName, String tagNamespace, Closure<?> tagLibClosure, Map<?, ?> attrs, Closure<?> body, boolean returnsObject, Map<String, Object> defaultEncodeAs) {
    Closure<?> tag = (Closure<?>) tagLibClosure.clone();
    if (!(attrs instanceof GroovyPageAttributes)) {
        attrs = new GroovyPageAttributes(attrs);
    ((GroovyPageAttributes) attrs).setGspTagSyntaxCall(true);
    boolean encodeAsPushedToStack = false;
    try {
        Map<String, Object> codecSettings = TagOutput.createCodecSettings(tagNamespace, tagName, attrs, defaultEncodeAs);
        if (codecSettings != null) {
            outputStack.push(WithCodecHelper.createOutputStackAttributesBuilder(codecSettings, outputContext.getGrailsApplication()).build());
            encodeAsPushedToStack = true;
        Object tagresult = null;
        switch(tag.getParameterTypes().length) {
            case 1:
                tagresult = Object[] { attrs });
                outputTagResult(returnsObject, tagresult);
                if (body != null && body != TagOutput.EMPTY_BODY_CLOSURE) {
            case 2:
                tagresult = Object[] { attrs, (body != null) ? body : TagOutput.EMPTY_BODY_CLOSURE });
                outputTagResult(returnsObject, tagresult);
    } finally {
        if (encodeAsPushedToStack)
Also used : Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) GroovyObject(groovy.lang.GroovyObject)

Example 35 with Closure

use of groovy.lang.Closure in project grails-core by grails.

the class GroovyPage method invokeTag.

     * Attempts to invokes a dynamic tag
     * @param tagName          The name of the tag
     * @param tagNamespace     The taglib's namespace
     * @param lineNumber       GSP source lineNumber
     * @param attrs            The tags attributes
     * @param bodyClosureIndex The index of the body variable
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public final void invokeTag(String tagName, String tagNamespace, int lineNumber, Map attrs, int bodyClosureIndex) {
    Closure body = getBodyClosure(bodyClosureIndex);
    // TODO custom namespace stuff needs to be generalized and pluggable
    if (tagNamespace.equals(TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE) || tagNamespace.equals(LINK_NAMESPACE)) {
        final String tmpTagName = tagName;
        final Map tmpAttrs = attrs;
        Object encodeAs = tmpAttrs.remove(ENCODE_AS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
        if (tagNamespace.equals(TEMPLATE_NAMESPACE)) {
            tagName = "render";
            attrs = CollectionUtils.newMap("model", tmpAttrs, "template", tmpTagName);
        } else if (tagNamespace.equals(LINK_NAMESPACE)) {
            tagName = "link";
            attrs = CollectionUtils.newMap("mapping", tmpTagName);
            if (!tmpAttrs.isEmpty()) {
                attrs.put("params", tmpAttrs);
        if (encodeAs != null) {
            attrs.put(ENCODE_AS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, encodeAs);
        tagNamespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
    try {
        GroovyObject tagLib = getTagLib(tagNamespace, tagName);
        if (tagLib != null || (gspTagLibraryLookup != null && gspTagLibraryLookup.hasNamespace(tagNamespace))) {
            if (tagLib != null) {
                boolean returnsObject = gspTagLibraryLookup.doesTagReturnObject(tagNamespace, tagName);
                Object tagLibClosure = tagLib.getProperty(tagName);
                if (tagLibClosure instanceof Closure) {
                    Map<String, Object> encodeAsForTag = gspTagLibraryLookup.getEncodeAsForTag(tagNamespace, tagName);
                    invokeTagLibClosure(tagName, tagNamespace, (Closure) tagLibClosure, attrs, body, returnsObject, encodeAsForTag);
                } else {
                    throw new GrailsTagException("Tag [" + tagName + "] does not exist in tag library [" + tagLib.getClass().getName() + "]", getGroovyPageFileName(), lineNumber);
            } else {
                throw new GrailsTagException("Tag [" + tagName + "] does not exist. No tag library found for namespace: " + tagNamespace, getGroovyPageFileName(), lineNumber);
        } else {
            for (Object o : attrs.entrySet()) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
                staticOut.append(' ');
                String value = String.valueOf(entry.getValue());
                // handle attribute value quotes & possible escaping " -> &quot;
                boolean containsQuotes = (value.indexOf('"') > -1);
                boolean containsSingleQuote = (value.indexOf('\'') > -1);
                if (containsQuotes && !containsSingleQuote) {
                } else if (containsQuotes & containsSingleQuote) {
                    staticOut.append('\"').append(value.replaceAll("\"", "&quot;")).append('\"');
                } else {
            if (body == null) {
            } else {
                Object bodyOutput =;
                if (bodyOutput != null)
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Full exception for problem at " + getGroovyPageFileName() + ":" + lineNumber, e);
        // hence we don't wrap the exception and simple rethrow it
        if (tagName.matches("capture(Body|Head|Meta|Title|Component)")) {
            RuntimeException rte = ExceptionUtils.getFirstRuntimeException(e);
            if (rte == null) {
                throwRootCause(tagName, tagNamespace, lineNumber, e);
            } else {
                throw rte;
        } else {
            throwRootCause(tagName, tagNamespace, lineNumber, e);
Also used : Closure(groovy.lang.Closure) GroovyObject(groovy.lang.GroovyObject) GroovyObject(groovy.lang.GroovyObject)


Closure (groovy.lang.Closure)211 Map (java.util.Map)40 GroovyObject (groovy.lang.GroovyObject)27 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)27 Binding (groovy.lang.Binding)21 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)21 List (java.util.List)19 GString (groovy.lang.GString)17 GroovyShell (groovy.lang.GroovyShell)13 MethodClosure (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure)13 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)12 Test (org.junit.Test)12 File ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)10 FileType ( FileVisitResult ( MetaClass (groovy.lang.MetaClass)8 Collection (java.util.Collection)8 Script (groovy.lang.Script)7 IOException (