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Example 1 with SegmentRollingPolicy

use of in project pravega by pravega.

the class StreamSegmentMapperTests method testCreateNewStreamSegment.

 * Tests the ability of the StreamSegmentMapper to create a new StreamSegment.
public void testCreateNewStreamSegment() {
    final int segmentCount = 10;
    final int transactionsPerSegment = 5;
    @Cleanup TestContext context = new TestContext();
    HashMap<String, SegmentRollingPolicy> storageSegments = new HashMap<>();
    HashMap<String, Integer> expectedRolloverSizes = new HashMap<>();
    setupStorageCreateHandler(context, storageSegments);
    setupStorageGetHandler(context, storageSegments.keySet(), segmentName -> StreamSegmentInformation.builder().name(segmentName).build());
    // Create some Segments and Transaction and verify they are properly created and registered.
    for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
        String segmentName = getName(i);
        val segmentAttributes = createAttributes(ATTRIBUTE_COUNT);
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            segmentAttributes.add(new AttributeUpdate(Attributes.ROLLOVER_SIZE, AttributeUpdateType.Replace, i + 100));
            expectedRolloverSizes.put(segmentName, i + 100);
        context.mapper.createNewStreamSegment(segmentName, segmentAttributes, TIMEOUT).join();
        assertSegmentCreated(segmentName, segmentAttributes, context);
        for (int j = 0; j < transactionsPerSegment; j++) {
            val transactionAttributes = createAttributes(ATTRIBUTE_COUNT);
            int rolloverSize = j % 2 == 0 ? j + 100 : -1;
            if (rolloverSize >= 0) {
                transactionAttributes.add(new AttributeUpdate(Attributes.ROLLOVER_SIZE, AttributeUpdateType.Replace, rolloverSize));
            String transactionName = context.mapper.createNewTransactionStreamSegment(segmentName, UUID.randomUUID(), transactionAttributes, TIMEOUT).join();
            if (rolloverSize >= 0) {
                expectedRolloverSizes.put(transactionName, rolloverSize);
            assertSegmentCreated(transactionName, transactionAttributes, context);
    for (val e : storageSegments.entrySet()) {
        if (e.getValue() == null) {
            Assert.assertFalse("Segment was expected to have a rollover policy defined.", expectedRolloverSizes.containsKey(e.getKey()));
        } else {
            long expectedValue = expectedRolloverSizes.containsKey(e.getKey()) ? expectedRolloverSizes.get(e.getKey()) : SegmentRollingPolicy.NO_ROLLING.getMaxLength();
            Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected rollover policy set.", expectedValue, e.getValue().getMaxLength());
Also used : AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) lombok.val(lombok.val) AttributeUpdate(io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.AttributeUpdate) SegmentRollingPolicy( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Cleanup(lombok.Cleanup) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with SegmentRollingPolicy

use of in project pravega by pravega.

the class RestoreBackUpDataRecoveryTest method testDurableDataLogFailRecoveryWatermarking.

 * Tests the data recovery scenario with watermarking events.
 *  What test does, step by step:
 *  1. Starts Pravega locally with just 4 segment containers.
 *  2. Writes {@link #TOTAL_NUM_EVENTS} events to a segment with watermarks.
 *  3. Waits for all segments created to be flushed to the long term storage.
 *  4. Shuts down the controller, segment store and bookeeper/zookeeper.
 *  5. Creates back up of container metadata segment and its attribute segment before deleting them from the Long Term Storage .
 *  6. Starts 4 debug segment containers using a new bookeeper/zookeeper and the Long Term Storage.
 *  7. Re-creates the container metadata segments in DurableLog and lets them to be flushed to the Long Term Storage.
 *  8. Starts segment store and controller.
 *  9. Read all events and verify that all events are below the bounds.
 * @throws Exception    In case of an exception occurred while execution.
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testDurableDataLogFailRecoveryWatermarking() throws Exception {
    int instanceId = 0;
    int bookieCount = 1;
    int containerCount = 4;
    String readerGroup = "rgTx";
    // Creating a long term storage only once here.
    this.storageFactory = new InMemoryStorageFactory(executorService());"Created a long term storage.");
    // Start a new BK & ZK, segment store and controller
    @Cleanup PravegaRunner pravegaRunner = new PravegaRunner(instanceId++, bookieCount, containerCount, this.storageFactory);
    // Create a scope and a stream
    createScopeStream(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner.controller, SCOPE, STREAM1);
    // Create a client to write events.
    @Cleanup ClientRunner clientRunner = new ClientRunner(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner);
    // Create a writer
    @Cleanup TransactionalEventStreamWriter<Long> writer = clientRunner.clientFactory.createTransactionalEventWriter("writer1", STREAM1, new JavaSerializer<>(), EventWriterConfig.builder().transactionTimeoutTime(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT.toMillis()).build());
    AtomicBoolean stopFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    // write events
    CompletableFuture<Void> writerFuture = writeTxEvents(writer, stopFlag);
    // scale the stream several times so that we get complex positions
    StreamConfiguration config = StreamConfiguration.builder().scalingPolicy(ScalingPolicy.fixed(5)).build();
    Stream streamObj = Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM1);
    scale(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner.controller, streamObj, config);
    // get watermarks
    LinkedBlockingQueue<Watermark> watermarks = getWatermarks(pravegaRunner, stopFlag, writerFuture);
    // Shut down the controller
    // Flush DurableLog to Long Term Storage
    // Shutdown SegmentStore
    // Shutdown BookKeeper & ZooKeeper
    pravegaRunner.bookKeeperRunner.close();"SegmentStore, BookKeeper & ZooKeeper shutdown");
    // Get the long term storage from the running pravega instance
    @Cleanup Storage storage = new AsyncStorageWrapper(new RollingStorage(this.storageFactory.createSyncStorage(), new SegmentRollingPolicy(DEFAULT_ROLLING_SIZE)), executorService());
    Map<Integer, String> backUpMetadataSegments = ContainerRecoveryUtils.createBackUpMetadataSegments(storage, containerCount, executorService(), TIMEOUT).join();
    // start a new BookKeeper and ZooKeeper.
    pravegaRunner.bookKeeperRunner = new BookKeeperRunner(instanceId++, bookieCount);
    createBookKeeperLogFactory();"Started a new BookKeeper and ZooKeeper.");
    // Recover segments
    runRecovery(containerCount, storage, backUpMetadataSegments);
    // Start a new segment store and controller
    pravegaRunner.restartControllerAndSegmentStore(this.storageFactory, this.dataLogFactory);"Started segment store and controller again.");
    // Create the client with new controller.
    @Cleanup ClientRunner newClientRunner = new ClientRunner(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner);
    // read events and verify
    readVerifyEventsWithWatermarks(readerGroup, newClientRunner, streamObj, watermarks);
Also used : SegmentRollingPolicy( RollingStorage( Cleanup(lombok.Cleanup) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) Storage( RollingStorage( AsyncStorageWrapper( AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) StreamConfiguration( InMemoryStorageFactory( Stream( Watermark(io.pravega.shared.watermarks.Watermark) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with SegmentRollingPolicy

use of in project pravega by pravega.

the class RestoreBackUpDataRecoveryTest method testRecovery.

 * Performs a data recovery test(with all segments flushed to the long-term storage beforehand) using the given parameters.
 * @param containerCount    The number of containers to be used in the pravega instance and the number of debug segment
 *                          containers that will be started.
 * @param withTransaction   A boolean to indicate weather to write events in the form of transactions or not.
 * @throws Exception        In case of an exception occurred while execution.
private void testRecovery(int containerCount, int bookieCount, boolean withTransaction) throws Exception {
    int instanceId = 0;
    // Creating a long term storage only once here.
    this.storageFactory = new InMemoryStorageFactory(executorService());"Created a long term storage.");
    // Start a new BK & ZK, segment store and controller
    @Cleanup PravegaRunner pravegaRunner = new PravegaRunner(instanceId++, bookieCount, containerCount, this.storageFactory);
    // Create a stream for writing data
    createScopeStream(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner.controller, SCOPE, STREAM1);"Created stream '{}'.", STREAM1);
    // Create a client to write events.
    try (val clientRunner = new ClientRunner(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner)) {
        // Write events.
        writeEventsToStream(clientRunner.clientFactory, withTransaction);
    // Shut down the controller
    // Flush DurableLog to Long Term Storage
    // Shutdown SegmentStore
    // Shutdown BookKeeper & ZooKeeper
    pravegaRunner.bookKeeperRunner.close();"SegmentStore, BookKeeper & ZooKeeper shutdown");
    // Get the long term storage from the running pravega instance
    @Cleanup Storage storage = new AsyncStorageWrapper(new RollingStorage(this.storageFactory.createSyncStorage(), new SegmentRollingPolicy(DEFAULT_ROLLING_SIZE)), executorService());
    Map<Integer, String> backUpMetadataSegments = ContainerRecoveryUtils.createBackUpMetadataSegments(storage, containerCount, executorService(), TIMEOUT).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    // start a new BookKeeper and ZooKeeper.
    pravegaRunner.bookKeeperRunner = new BookKeeperRunner(instanceId++, bookieCount);
    createBookKeeperLogFactory();"Started a new BookKeeper and ZooKeeper.");
    // Recover segments
    runRecovery(containerCount, storage, backUpMetadataSegments);
    // Start a new segment store and controller
    pravegaRunner.restartControllerAndSegmentStore(this.storageFactory, this.dataLogFactory);"Started segment store and controller again.");
    // Create the client with new controller.
    try (val clientRunner = new ClientRunner(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner)) {
        // Try reading all events again to verify that the recovery was successful.
        readEventsFromStream(clientRunner.clientFactory, clientRunner.readerGroupManager);"Read all events again to verify that segments were recovered.");
Also used : lombok.val(lombok.val) SegmentRollingPolicy( RollingStorage( Cleanup(lombok.Cleanup) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) Storage( RollingStorage( AsyncStorageWrapper( InMemoryStorageFactory(

Example 4 with SegmentRollingPolicy

use of in project pravega by pravega.

the class RestoreBackUpDataRecoveryTest method testDurableDataLogFailRecoveryReadersPaused.

 * Tests the data recovery scenario with readers stalling while reading. Readers read some events and then they are
 * stopped. Durable data log is erased and restored. It's validated that readers are able to read rest of the unread
 * events.
 *  What test does, step by step:
 *  1. Starts Pravega locally with just 4 segment containers.
 *  2. Writes {@link #TOTAL_NUM_EVENTS} events.
 *  3. Waits for all segments created to be flushed to the long term storage.
 *  4. Let a reader read N number of events.
 *  5. Shuts down the controller, segment store and bookeeper/zookeeper.
 *  6. Creates back up of container metadata segment and its attribute segment before deleting them from the Long Term Storage .
 *  7. Starts 4 debug segment containers using a new bookeeper/zookeeper and the Long Term Storage.
 *  8. Re-creates the container metadata segments in DurableLog and lets them to be flushed to the Long Term Storage.
 *  9. Updates core attributes of segments in the new container metadata segment by using details from the back up of old container metadata segment.
 *  10. Starts segment store and controller.
 *  11. Let the reader read rest of the 10-N number of events.
 * @throws Exception    In case of an exception occurred while execution.
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testDurableDataLogFailRecoveryReadersPaused() throws Exception {
    int instanceId = 0;
    int bookieCount = 1;
    int containerCount = 4;
    int eventsReadCount = RANDOM.nextInt(TOTAL_NUM_EVENTS);
    String testReader = "readerDRIntegrationTest";
    String testReaderGroup = "readerGroupDRIntegrationTest";
    // Creating a long term storage only once here.
    this.storageFactory = new InMemoryStorageFactory(executorService());"Created a long term storage.");
    // Start a new BK & ZK, segment store and controller
    @Cleanup PravegaRunner pravegaRunner = new PravegaRunner(instanceId++, bookieCount, containerCount, this.storageFactory);
    // Create a stream for writing data
    createScopeStream(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner.controller, SCOPE, STREAM1);"Created stream '{}'", STREAM1);
    // Create a client to write events.
    try (val clientRunner = new ClientRunner(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner)) {
        // Write events.
        writeEventsToStream(clientRunner.clientFactory, true);
        // Create a reader for reading from the stream.
        EventStreamReader<String> reader = createReader(clientRunner.clientFactory, clientRunner.readerGroupManager, SCOPE, STREAM1, testReaderGroup, testReader);
        // Let reader read N number of events and mark its position.
        Position p = readNEvents(reader, eventsReadCount);
        ReaderGroup readerGroup = clientRunner.readerGroupManager.getReaderGroup(testReaderGroup);
        readerGroup.readerOffline(testReader, p);
    // Shut down the controller
    // Flush DurableLog to Long Term Storage
    // Shutdown SegmentStore
    // Shutdown BookKeeper & ZooKeeper
    pravegaRunner.bookKeeperRunner.close();"SegmentStore, BookKeeper & ZooKeeper shutdown");
    // Get the long term storage from the running pravega instance
    @Cleanup Storage storage = new AsyncStorageWrapper(new RollingStorage(this.storageFactory.createSyncStorage(), new SegmentRollingPolicy(DEFAULT_ROLLING_SIZE)), executorService());
    Map<Integer, String> backUpMetadataSegments = ContainerRecoveryUtils.createBackUpMetadataSegments(storage, containerCount, executorService(), TIMEOUT).join();
    // start a new BookKeeper and ZooKeeper.
    pravegaRunner.bookKeeperRunner = new BookKeeperRunner(instanceId++, bookieCount);
    createBookKeeperLogFactory();"Started a new BookKeeper and ZooKeeper.");
    // Recover segments
    runRecovery(containerCount, storage, backUpMetadataSegments);
    // Start a new segment store and controller
    pravegaRunner.restartControllerAndSegmentStore(this.storageFactory, this.dataLogFactory);"Started segment store and controller again.");
    // Create the client with new controller.
    try (val clientRunner = new ClientRunner(pravegaRunner.controllerRunner)) {
        // Get reader group.
        ReaderGroup readerGroup = clientRunner.readerGroupManager.getReaderGroup(testReaderGroup);
        EventStreamReader<String> reader = clientRunner.clientFactory.createReader(testReader, testReaderGroup, new UTF8StringSerializer(), ReaderConfig.builder().build());
        // Read the remaining number of events.
        readNEvents(reader, TOTAL_NUM_EVENTS - eventsReadCount);
        // Reading next event should return null.
Also used : lombok.val(lombok.val) SegmentRollingPolicy( Position( ReaderGroup( RollingStorage( Cleanup(lombok.Cleanup) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) Storage( RollingStorage( AsyncStorageWrapper( InMemoryStorageFactory( UTF8StringSerializer( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with SegmentRollingPolicy

use of in project pravega by pravega.

the class SystemJournalTests method testSimpleBootstrapWithMultipleFailovers.

 * Tests a scenario when there are multiple fail overs overs.
 * The test adds a few chunks to the system segments and then fails over.
 * After fail over the zombie instances continue to write junk data to both system segment and journal file.
 * The new instance should read the journal log file and recreate the layout of system segments.
 * @throws Exception Throws exception in case of any error.
public void testSimpleBootstrapWithMultipleFailovers() throws Exception {
    val containerId = 42;
    @Cleanup ChunkStorage chunkStorage = getChunkStorage();
    val policy = new SegmentRollingPolicy(100);
    val config = getDefaultConfigBuilder(policy).selfCheckEnabled(true).build();
    testSimpleBootstrapWithMultipleFailovers(containerId, chunkStorage, config, null);
Also used : lombok.val(lombok.val) SegmentRollingPolicy( InMemoryChunkStorage( Cleanup(lombok.Cleanup) Test(org.junit.Test)


SegmentRollingPolicy ( Cleanup (lombok.Cleanup)46 lombok.val (lombok.val)45 Test (org.junit.Test)39 ByteArrayInputStream ( InMemoryTaskQueueManager ( ChunkMetadataStore ( InMemoryChunkStorage ( InMemorySnapshotInfoStore ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 CompletableFuture (java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)9 StreamSegmentNotExistsException (io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.StreamSegmentNotExistsException)7 InMemoryMetadataStore ( NoOpChunkStorage ( ScheduledExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService)7 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)7 SegmentProperties (io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.SegmentProperties)6 StorageFullException ( StorageNotPrimaryException (