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Example 1 with MultipartConfig

use of jakarta.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig in project tomcat by apache.

the class StandardWrapper method loadServlet.

 * Load and initialize an instance of this servlet, if there is not already
 * an initialized instance.  This can be used, for example, to load servlets
 * that are marked in the deployment descriptor to be loaded at server
 * startup time.
 * @return the loaded Servlet instance
 * @throws ServletException for a Servlet load error
public synchronized Servlet loadServlet() throws ServletException {
    // Nothing to do if we already have an instance or an instance pool
    if (instance != null) {
        return instance;
    PrintStream out = System.out;
    if (swallowOutput) {
    Servlet servlet;
    try {
        long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Complain if no servlet class has been specified
        if (servletClass == null) {
            throw new ServletException(sm.getString("standardWrapper.notClass", getName()));
        InstanceManager instanceManager = ((StandardContext) getParent()).getInstanceManager();
        try {
            servlet = (Servlet) instanceManager.newInstance(servletClass);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            // Restore the context ClassLoader
            throw new ServletException(sm.getString("standardWrapper.notServlet", servletClass), e);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            e = ExceptionUtils.unwrapInvocationTargetException(e);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(sm.getString("standardWrapper.instantiate", servletClass), e);
            // Restore the context ClassLoader
            throw new ServletException(sm.getString("standardWrapper.instantiate", servletClass), e);
        if (multipartConfigElement == null) {
            MultipartConfig annotation = servlet.getClass().getAnnotation(MultipartConfig.class);
            if (annotation != null) {
                multipartConfigElement = new MultipartConfigElement(annotation);
        // to load ContainerServlets
        if (servlet instanceof ContainerServlet) {
            ((ContainerServlet) servlet).setWrapper(this);
        classLoadTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1);
        fireContainerEvent("load", this);
        loadTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - t1;
    } finally {
        if (swallowOutput) {
            String log = SystemLogHandler.stopCapture();
            if (log != null && log.length() > 0) {
                if (getServletContext() != null) {
                } else {
    return servlet;
Also used : ServletException(jakarta.servlet.ServletException) PrintStream( MultipartConfigElement(jakarta.servlet.MultipartConfigElement) MultipartConfig(jakarta.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig) InstanceManager(org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager) Servlet(jakarta.servlet.Servlet) ContainerServlet(org.apache.catalina.ContainerServlet) ContainerServlet(org.apache.catalina.ContainerServlet)


MultipartConfigElement (jakarta.servlet.MultipartConfigElement)1 Servlet (jakarta.servlet.Servlet)1 ServletException (jakarta.servlet.ServletException)1 MultipartConfig (jakarta.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig)1 PrintStream ( ContainerServlet (org.apache.catalina.ContainerServlet)1 InstanceManager (org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager)1