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Example 1 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project hive by apache.

the class TestJdbcDriver2 method getTablesTest.

   * Test the type returned for pre-created table type table and view type table
   * @param tableTypeNames expected table types
   * @param viewTypeName expected view type
   * @throws SQLException
private void getTablesTest(Set<String> tableTypeNames, String viewTypeName) throws SQLException {
    String[] ALL = null;
    String[] VIEW_ONLY = { viewTypeName };
    String[] TABLE_ONLY = tableTypeNames.toArray(new String[tableTypeNames.size()]);
    Set<String> viewOrTableArray = new HashSet<String>();
    String testTblWithDb = testDbName + "." + tableName;
    String testPartTblWithDb = testDbName + "." + partitionedTableName;
    String testDataTypeTblWithDb = testDbName + "." + dataTypeTableName;
    String testViewWithDb = testDbName + "." + viewName;
    String testExtTblWithDb = testDbName + "." + externalTableName;
    Map<Object[], String[]> tests = new IdentityHashMap<Object[], String[]>();
    tests.put(new Object[] { null, "testjdbc%", ALL }, new String[] { testTblWithDb, testPartTblWithDb, testViewWithDb, testExtTblWithDb, testDataTypeTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { "test%", "testjdbc%", ALL }, new String[] { testTblWithDb, testPartTblWithDb, testViewWithDb, testExtTblWithDb, testDataTypeTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { "test%", "testjdbc%", VIEW_ONLY }, new String[] { testViewWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { null, "testjdbcdrivertbl", ALL }, new String[] { testTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { "%jdbc%", "testjdbcdrivertbl", ALL }, new String[] { testTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { "%jdbc%", "testjdbc%", ALL }, new String[] { testTblWithDb, testPartTblWithDb, testViewWithDb, testExtTblWithDb, testDataTypeTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { "%jdbc%", "testjdbcdrivertbl", TABLE_ONLY }, new String[] { testTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { null, "test_dbcdri_ertbl", ALL }, new String[] { testTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { null, "%jdbc%", ALL }, new String[] { testTblWithDb, testPartTblWithDb, testViewWithDb, testDataTypeTblWithDb, testExtTblWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { "%", "%jdbc%", VIEW_ONLY }, new String[] { testViewWithDb });
    tests.put(new Object[] { null, "%jdbc%", TABLE_ONLY }, new String[] { testTblWithDb, testPartTblWithDb, testExtTblWithDb, testDataTypeTblWithDb });
    for (Map.Entry<Object[], String[]> entry : tests.entrySet()) {
        Object[] checkPattern = entry.getKey();
        String debugString = checkPattern[0] + ", " + checkPattern[1] + ", " + Arrays.toString((String[]) checkPattern[2]);
        Set<String> expectedTables = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(entry.getValue()));
        ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getTables(null, (String) checkPattern[0], (String) checkPattern[1], (String[]) checkPattern[2]);
        ResultSetMetaData resMeta = rs.getMetaData();
        assertEquals(10, resMeta.getColumnCount());
        assertEquals("TABLE_CAT", resMeta.getColumnName(1));
        assertEquals("TABLE_SCHEM", resMeta.getColumnName(2));
        assertEquals("TABLE_NAME", resMeta.getColumnName(3));
        assertEquals("TABLE_TYPE", resMeta.getColumnName(4));
        assertEquals("REMARKS", resMeta.getColumnName(5));
        int cnt = 0;
        while ( {
            String resultDbName = rs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM");
            String resultTableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME");
            assertTrue("Invalid table " + resultDbName + "." + resultTableName + " for test " + debugString, expectedTables.contains(resultDbName + "." + resultTableName));
            String resultTableComment = rs.getString("REMARKS");
            assertTrue("Missing comment on the table.", resultTableComment.length() > 0);
            String tableType = rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE");
            if (resultTableName.endsWith("view")) {
                assertEquals("Expected a tabletype view but got something else.", viewTypeName, tableType);
            } else {
                assertTrue("Expected one of " + tableTypeNames + " table but got something else: " + tableType, tableTypeNames.contains(tableType));
        assertEquals("Received an incorrect number of tables for test " + debugString, expectedTables.size(), cnt);
Also used : IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) String(java.lang.String) ResultSetMetaData(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) Object(java.lang.Object) Map(java.util.Map) IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 2 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project hive by apache.

the class TestJdbcDriver2 method assertPreparedStatementResultAsExpected.

private void assertPreparedStatementResultAsExpected(ResultSet res) throws SQLException {
    assertTrue("ResultSet contained no rows",;
    do {
        assertEquals("2011-03-25", res.getString("ddate"));
        assertEquals("10", res.getString("num"));
        assertEquals((byte) 10, res.getByte("num"));
        assertEquals("2011-03-25", res.getDate("ddate").toString());
        assertEquals(Double.valueOf(10).doubleValue(), res.getDouble("num"), 0.1);
        assertEquals(10, res.getInt("num"));
        assertEquals(Short.valueOf("10").shortValue(), res.getShort("num"));
        assertEquals(10L, res.getLong("num"));
        assertEquals(true, res.getBoolean("bv"));
        Object o = res.getObject("ddate");
        o = res.getObject("num");
    } while (;
Also used : Object(java.lang.Object)

Example 3 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project clojure by clojure.

the class LispReader method interpretToken.

private static Object interpretToken(String s) {
    if (s.equals("nil")) {
        return null;
    } else if (s.equals("true")) {
        return RT.T;
    } else if (s.equals("false")) {
        return RT.F;
    Object ret = null;
    ret = matchSymbol(s);
    if (ret != null)
        return ret;
    throw Util.runtimeException("Invalid token: " + s);
Also used : Object(java.lang.Object)

Example 4 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project clojure by clojure.

the class LispReader method installPlatformFeature.

private static Object installPlatformFeature(Object opts) {
    if (opts == null)
        return RT.mapUniqueKeys(LispReader.OPT_FEATURES, PLATFORM_FEATURES);
    else {
        IPersistentMap mopts = (IPersistentMap) opts;
        Object features = mopts.valAt(OPT_FEATURES);
        if (features == null)
            return mopts.assoc(LispReader.OPT_FEATURES, PLATFORM_FEATURES);
            return mopts.assoc(LispReader.OPT_FEATURES, RT.conj((IPersistentSet) features, PLATFORM_KEY));
Also used : Object(java.lang.Object)

Example 5 with Object

use of java.lang.Object in project clojure by clojure.

the class LispReader method readNumber.

private static Object readNumber(PushbackReader r, char initch) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (; ; ) {
        int ch = read1(r);
        if (ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch)) {
            unread(r, ch);
        sb.append((char) ch);
    String s = sb.toString();
    Object n = matchNumber(s);
    if (n == null)
        throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid number: " + s);
    return n;
Also used : StringBuilder(java.lang.StringBuilder) NumberFormatException(java.lang.NumberFormatException) Object(java.lang.Object) String(java.lang.String)


Object (java.lang.Object)26 String (java.lang.String)7 IOException ( NumberFormatException (java.lang.NumberFormatException)4 Override (java.lang.Override)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 List (java.util.List)3 File ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( Exception (java.lang.Exception)2 IllegalArgumentException (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)2 IllegalStateException (java.lang.IllegalStateException)2 RuntimeException (java.lang.RuntimeException)2 StringBuilder (java.lang.StringBuilder)2 UnsupportedOperationException (java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException)2 SeekableByteChannel (java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel)2 FileSystem (java.nio.file.FileSystem)2 Path (java.nio.file.Path)2