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Example 46 with Inet4Address

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class WifiDisplayController method getSessionInfo.

private WifiDisplaySessionInfo getSessionInfo(WifiP2pGroup info, int session) {
    if (info == null) {
        return null;
    Inet4Address addr = getInterfaceAddress(info);
    WifiDisplaySessionInfo sessionInfo = new WifiDisplaySessionInfo(!info.getOwner().deviceAddress.equals(mThisDevice.deviceAddress), session, info.getOwner().deviceAddress + " " + info.getNetworkName(), info.getPassphrase(), (addr != null) ? addr.getHostAddress() : "");
    if (DEBUG) {
        Slog.d(TAG, sessionInfo.toString());
    return sessionInfo;
Also used : Inet4Address( WifiDisplaySessionInfo(android.hardware.display.WifiDisplaySessionInfo)

Example 47 with Inet4Address

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class WifiDisplayController method getInterfaceAddress.

private static Inet4Address getInterfaceAddress(WifiP2pGroup info) {
    NetworkInterface iface;
    try {
        iface = NetworkInterface.getByName(info.getInterface());
    } catch (SocketException ex) {
        Slog.w(TAG, "Could not obtain address of network interface " + info.getInterface(), ex);
        return null;
    Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs = iface.getInetAddresses();
    while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
        InetAddress addr = addrs.nextElement();
        if (addr instanceof Inet4Address) {
            return (Inet4Address) addr;
    Slog.w(TAG, "Could not obtain address of network interface " + info.getInterface() + " because it had no IPv4 addresses.");
    return null;
Also used : SocketException( Inet4Address( NetworkInterface( InetAddress(

Example 48 with Inet4Address

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class IpConfigStore method readIpAndProxyConfigurations.

public SparseArray<IpConfiguration> readIpAndProxyConfigurations(String filePath) {
    SparseArray<IpConfiguration> networks = new SparseArray<IpConfiguration>();
    DataInputStream in = null;
    try {
        in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath)));
        int version = in.readInt();
        if (version != 2 && version != 1) {
            loge("Bad version on IP configuration file, ignore read");
            return null;
        while (true) {
            int id = -1;
            // Default is DHCP with no proxy
            IpAssignment ipAssignment = IpAssignment.DHCP;
            ProxySettings proxySettings = ProxySettings.NONE;
            StaticIpConfiguration staticIpConfiguration = new StaticIpConfiguration();
            String proxyHost = null;
            String pacFileUrl = null;
            int proxyPort = -1;
            String exclusionList = null;
            String key;
            do {
                key = in.readUTF();
                try {
                    if (key.equals(ID_KEY)) {
                        id = in.readInt();
                    } else if (key.equals(IP_ASSIGNMENT_KEY)) {
                        ipAssignment = IpAssignment.valueOf(in.readUTF());
                    } else if (key.equals(LINK_ADDRESS_KEY)) {
                        LinkAddress linkAddr = new LinkAddress(NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(in.readUTF()), in.readInt());
                        if (linkAddr.getAddress() instanceof Inet4Address && staticIpConfiguration.ipAddress == null) {
                            staticIpConfiguration.ipAddress = linkAddr;
                        } else {
                            loge("Non-IPv4 or duplicate address: " + linkAddr);
                    } else if (key.equals(GATEWAY_KEY)) {
                        LinkAddress dest = null;
                        InetAddress gateway = null;
                        if (version == 1) {
                            // only supported default gateways - leave the dest/prefix empty
                            gateway = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(in.readUTF());
                            if (staticIpConfiguration.gateway == null) {
                                staticIpConfiguration.gateway = gateway;
                            } else {
                                loge("Duplicate gateway: " + gateway.getHostAddress());
                        } else {
                            if (in.readInt() == 1) {
                                dest = new LinkAddress(NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(in.readUTF()), in.readInt());
                            if (in.readInt() == 1) {
                                gateway = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(in.readUTF());
                            RouteInfo route = new RouteInfo(dest, gateway);
                            if (route.isIPv4Default() && staticIpConfiguration.gateway == null) {
                                staticIpConfiguration.gateway = gateway;
                            } else {
                                loge("Non-IPv4 default or duplicate route: " + route);
                    } else if (key.equals(DNS_KEY)) {
                    } else if (key.equals(PROXY_SETTINGS_KEY)) {
                        proxySettings = ProxySettings.valueOf(in.readUTF());
                    } else if (key.equals(PROXY_HOST_KEY)) {
                        proxyHost = in.readUTF();
                    } else if (key.equals(PROXY_PORT_KEY)) {
                        proxyPort = in.readInt();
                    } else if (key.equals(PROXY_PAC_FILE)) {
                        pacFileUrl = in.readUTF();
                    } else if (key.equals(EXCLUSION_LIST_KEY)) {
                        exclusionList = in.readUTF();
                    } else if (key.equals(EOS)) {
                    } else {
                        loge("Ignore unknown key " + key + "while reading");
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    loge("Ignore invalid address while reading" + e);
            } while (true);
            if (id != -1) {
                IpConfiguration config = new IpConfiguration();
                networks.put(id, config);
                switch(ipAssignment) {
                    case STATIC:
                        config.staticIpConfiguration = staticIpConfiguration;
                        config.ipAssignment = ipAssignment;
                    case DHCP:
                        config.ipAssignment = ipAssignment;
                    case UNASSIGNED:
                        loge("BUG: Found UNASSIGNED IP on file, use DHCP");
                        config.ipAssignment = IpAssignment.DHCP;
                        loge("Ignore invalid ip assignment while reading.");
                        config.ipAssignment = IpAssignment.UNASSIGNED;
                switch(proxySettings) {
                    case STATIC:
                        ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo(proxyHost, proxyPort, exclusionList);
                        config.proxySettings = proxySettings;
                        config.httpProxy = proxyInfo;
                    case PAC:
                        ProxyInfo proxyPacProperties = new ProxyInfo(pacFileUrl);
                        config.proxySettings = proxySettings;
                        config.httpProxy = proxyPacProperties;
                    case NONE:
                        config.proxySettings = proxySettings;
                    case UNASSIGNED:
                        loge("BUG: Found UNASSIGNED proxy on file, use NONE");
                        config.proxySettings = ProxySettings.NONE;
                        loge("Ignore invalid proxy settings while reading");
                        config.proxySettings = ProxySettings.UNASSIGNED;
            } else {
                if (DBG)
                    log("Missing id while parsing configuration");
    } catch (EOFException ignore) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        loge("Error parsing configuration: " + e);
    } finally {
        if (in != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
    return networks;
Also used : LinkAddress( Inet4Address( IpConfiguration( StaticIpConfiguration( IpAssignment( ProxySettings( IOException( DataInputStream( FileInputStream( IOException( EOFException( ProxyInfo( SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) BufferedInputStream( StaticIpConfiguration( EOFException( RouteInfo( InetAddress(

Example 49 with Inet4Address

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ListenAddress method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    ListeningConnector connector = (ListeningConnector) findConnector("com.sun.jdi.SocketListen");
    // check wildcard address
    check(connector, (InetAddress) null);
    // iterate over all IPv4 addresses and check that binding to
    // that address results in the correct result from startListening(Map)
    Enumeration nifs = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
    while (nifs.hasMoreElements()) {
        NetworkInterface ni = (NetworkInterface) nifs.nextElement();
        Enumeration addrs = ni.getInetAddresses();
        while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
            InetAddress addr = (InetAddress) addrs.nextElement();
            // JPDA implementation only currently supports IPv4
            if (!(addr instanceof Inet4Address)) {
            check(connector, addr);
    if (failures > 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException(failures + " test(s) failed - see output for details.");
Also used : Inet4Address( NetworkInterface( InetAddress(

Example 50 with Inet4Address

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class LinkAddressTest method testConstructors.

public void testConstructors() throws SocketException {
    LinkAddress address;
    // Valid addresses work as expected.
    address = new LinkAddress(V4_ADDRESS, 25);
    assertEquals(V4_ADDRESS, address.getAddress());
    assertEquals(25, address.getPrefixLength());
    assertEquals(0, address.getFlags());
    assertEquals(RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, address.getScope());
    address = new LinkAddress(V6_ADDRESS, 127);
    assertEquals(V6_ADDRESS, address.getAddress());
    assertEquals(127, address.getPrefixLength());
    assertEquals(0, address.getFlags());
    assertEquals(RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, address.getScope());
    // Nonsensical flags/scopes or combinations thereof are acceptable.
    address = new LinkAddress(V6 + "/64", IFA_F_DEPRECATED | IFA_F_PERMANENT, RT_SCOPE_LINK);
    assertEquals(V6_ADDRESS, address.getAddress());
    assertEquals(64, address.getPrefixLength());
    assertEquals(IFA_F_DEPRECATED | IFA_F_PERMANENT, address.getFlags());
    assertEquals(RT_SCOPE_LINK, address.getScope());
    address = new LinkAddress(V4 + "/23", 123, 456);
    assertEquals(V4_ADDRESS, address.getAddress());
    assertEquals(23, address.getPrefixLength());
    assertEquals(123, address.getFlags());
    assertEquals(456, address.getScope());
    // InterfaceAddress doesn't have a constructor. Fetch some from an interface.
    List<InterfaceAddress> addrs = NetworkInterface.getByName("lo").getInterfaceAddresses();
    // We expect to find and ::1/128, in any order.
    LinkAddress ipv4Loopback, ipv6Loopback;
    assertEquals(2, addrs.size());
    if (addrs.get(0).getAddress() instanceof Inet4Address) {
        ipv4Loopback = new LinkAddress(addrs.get(0));
        ipv6Loopback = new LinkAddress(addrs.get(1));
    } else {
        ipv4Loopback = new LinkAddress(addrs.get(1));
        ipv6Loopback = new LinkAddress(addrs.get(0));
    assertEquals(NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(""), ipv4Loopback.getAddress());
    assertEquals(8, ipv4Loopback.getPrefixLength());
    assertEquals(NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress("::1"), ipv6Loopback.getAddress());
    assertEquals(128, ipv6Loopback.getPrefixLength());
    // Null addresses are rejected.
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress(null, 24);
        fail("Null InetAddress should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress((String) null, IFA_F_PERMANENT, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE);
        fail("Null string should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress((InterfaceAddress) null);
        fail("Null string should cause NullPointerException");
    } catch (NullPointerException expected) {
    // Invalid prefix lengths are rejected.
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress(V4_ADDRESS, -1);
        fail("Negative IPv4 prefix length should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress(V6_ADDRESS, -1);
        fail("Negative IPv6 prefix length should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress(V4_ADDRESS, 33);
        fail("/33 IPv4 prefix length should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress(V4 + "/33", IFA_F_PERMANENT, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE);
        fail("/33 IPv4 prefix length should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress(V6_ADDRESS, 129, IFA_F_PERMANENT, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE);
        fail("/129 IPv6 prefix length should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress(V6 + "/129", IFA_F_PERMANENT, RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE);
        fail("/129 IPv6 prefix length should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    // Multicast addresses are rejected.
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress("");
        fail("IPv4 multicast address should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
    try {
        address = new LinkAddress("ff02::1/128");
        fail("IPv6 multicast address should cause IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
Also used : LinkAddress( Inet4Address( InterfaceAddress(


Inet4Address ( InetAddress ( Inet6Address ( NetworkInterface ( UnknownHostException ( LinkAddress ( SocketException ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)19 InterfaceAddress ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)17 RouteInfo ( LinkProperties ( InetSocketAddress ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 WifiDisplay (android.hardware.display.WifiDisplay)5 WifiDisplaySessionInfo (android.hardware.display.WifiDisplaySessionInfo)5 DhcpResults ( IpConfiguration ( IpAssignment (