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Example 56 with UnknownHostException

use of in project openhab1-addons by openhab.

the class LightwaveRfBinding method activate.

     * Called by the SCR to activate the component with its configuration read
     * from CAS
     * @param bundleContext
     *            BundleContext of the Bundle that defines this component
     * @param configuration
     *            Configuration properties for this component obtained from the
     *            ConfigAdmin service
public void activate(final BundleContext bundleContext, final Map<String, Object> configuration) {
    String ipString = (String) configuration.get("ip");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ipString)) {
        LIGHTWAVE_IP = ipString;
    String recieverPortsString = (String) configuration.get("receiveport");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(recieverPortsString)) {
        LIGHTWAVE_PORTS_TO_RECEIVE_ON = Integer.parseInt(recieverPortsString);
    String portTwoString = (String) configuration.get("sendport");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(portTwoString)) {
        LIGHTWAVE_PORT_TO_SEND_TO = Integer.parseInt(portTwoString);
    String sendRegistrationMessageString = (String) configuration.get("registeronstartup");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sendRegistrationMessageString)) {
        SEND_REGISTER_ON_STARTUP = Boolean.parseBoolean(sendRegistrationMessageString);
    String sendDelayString = (String) configuration.get("senddelay");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sendDelayString)) {
        TIME_BETWEEN_SENT_MESSAGES_MS = Integer.parseInt(sendDelayString);
    String okTimeoutString = (String) configuration.get("okTimeout");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(okTimeoutString)) {
        TIMEOUT_FOR_OK_MESSAGES_MS = Integer.parseInt(okTimeoutString);
    }"LightwaveBinding: IP[{}]", LIGHTWAVE_IP);"LightwaveBinding: ReceivePort[{}]", LIGHTWAVE_PORTS_TO_RECEIVE_ON);"LightwaveBinding: Send Port[{}]", LIGHTWAVE_PORT_TO_SEND_TO);"LightwaveBinding: Register On Startup[{}]", SEND_REGISTER_ON_STARTUP);"LightwaveBinding: Send Delay [{}]", TIME_BETWEEN_SENT_MESSAGES_MS);"LightwaveBinding: Timeout for Ok Messages [{}]", TIMEOUT_FOR_OK_MESSAGES_MS);
    messageConvertor = new LightwaverfConvertor();
    try {
        // Now the sender is started and we have sent the registration
        // message
        // start the Heat Poller
        heatPoller = new LightwaveRfHeatPoller(wifiLink, messageConvertor);
        // bindingChanged method
        for (LightwaveRfBindingProvider provider : providers) {
            Collection<String> itemNames = provider.getItemNames();
            registerHeatingPollers(provider, itemNames);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        logger.error("Error creating LightwaveRFSender", e);
    } catch (SocketException e) {
        logger.error("Error creating LightwaveRFSender/Receiver", e);
Also used : SocketException( UnknownHostException( LightwaveRfBindingProvider(org.openhab.binding.lightwaverf.LightwaveRfBindingProvider)

Example 57 with UnknownHostException

use of in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class DataCallState method setLinkProperties.

public SetupResult setLinkProperties(LinkProperties linkProperties, boolean okToUseSystemPropertyDns) {
    SetupResult result;
    // a failure we'll clear again at the bottom of this code.
    if (linkProperties == null)
        linkProperties = new LinkProperties();
    if (status == FailCause.NONE.getErrorCode()) {
        String propertyPrefix = "net." + ifname + ".";
        try {
            // set interface name
            // set link addresses
            if (addresses != null && addresses.length > 0) {
                for (String addr : addresses) {
                    LinkAddress la;
                    int addrPrefixLen;
                    String[] ap = addr.split("/");
                    if (ap.length == 2) {
                        addr = ap[0];
                        addrPrefixLen = Integer.parseInt(ap[1]);
                    } else {
                        addrPrefixLen = 0;
                    InetAddress ia;
                    try {
                        ia = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(addr);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        throw new UnknownHostException("Non-numeric ip addr=" + addr);
                    if (!ia.isAnyLocalAddress()) {
                        if (addrPrefixLen == 0) {
                            // Assume point to point
                            addrPrefixLen = (ia instanceof Inet4Address) ? 32 : 128;
                        if (DBG)
                            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "addr/pl=" + addr + "/" + addrPrefixLen);
                        la = new LinkAddress(ia, addrPrefixLen);
            } else {
                throw new UnknownHostException("no address for ifname=" + ifname);
            // set dns servers
            if (dnses != null && dnses.length > 0) {
                for (String addr : dnses) {
                    InetAddress ia;
                    try {
                        ia = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(addr);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        throw new UnknownHostException("Non-numeric dns addr=" + addr);
                    if (!ia.isAnyLocalAddress()) {
            } else if (okToUseSystemPropertyDns) {
                String[] dnsServers = new String[2];
                dnsServers[0] = SystemProperties.get(propertyPrefix + "dns1");
                dnsServers[1] = SystemProperties.get(propertyPrefix + "dns2");
                for (String dnsAddr : dnsServers) {
                    InetAddress ia;
                    try {
                        ia = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(dnsAddr);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        throw new UnknownHostException("Non-numeric dns addr=" + dnsAddr);
                    if (!ia.isAnyLocalAddress()) {
            } else {
                throw new UnknownHostException("Empty dns response and no system default dns");
            // set gateways
            if ((gateways == null) || (gateways.length == 0)) {
                String sysGateways = SystemProperties.get(propertyPrefix + "gw");
                if (sysGateways != null) {
                    gateways = sysGateways.split(" ");
                } else {
                    gateways = new String[0];
            for (String addr : gateways) {
                InetAddress ia;
                try {
                    ia = NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(addr);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    throw new UnknownHostException("Non-numeric gateway addr=" + addr);
                if (!ia.isAnyLocalAddress()) {
                    linkProperties.addRoute(new RouteInfo(ia));
            result = SetupResult.SUCCESS;
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "setLinkProperties: UnknownHostException " + e);
            result = SetupResult.ERR_UnacceptableParameter;
    } else {
        if (version < 4) {
            result = SetupResult.ERR_GetLastErrorFromRil;
        } else {
            result = SetupResult.ERR_RilError;
    // An error occurred so clear properties
    if (result != SetupResult.SUCCESS) {
        if (DBG) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "setLinkProperties: error clearing LinkProperties " + "status=" + status + " result=" + result);
    return result;
Also used : LinkAddress( Inet4Address( UnknownHostException( RouteInfo( LinkProperties( InetAddress(

Example 58 with UnknownHostException

use of in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class SIPTransactionStack method createRawMessageChannel.

     * Creates a new MessageChannel for a given Hop.
     * @param sourceIpAddress - Ip address of the source of this message.
     * @param sourcePort - source port of the message channel to be created.
     * @param nextHop Hop to create a MessageChannel to.
     * @return A MessageChannel to the specified Hop, or null if no MessageProcessors support
     *         contacting that Hop.
     * @throws UnknownHostException If the host in the Hop doesn't exist.
public MessageChannel createRawMessageChannel(String sourceIpAddress, int sourcePort, Hop nextHop) throws UnknownHostException {
    Host targetHost;
    HostPort targetHostPort;
    Iterator processorIterator;
    MessageProcessor nextProcessor;
    MessageChannel newChannel;
    // Create the host/port of the target hop
    targetHost = new Host();
    targetHostPort = new HostPort();
    // Search each processor for the correct transport
    newChannel = null;
    processorIterator = messageProcessors.iterator();
    while (processorIterator.hasNext() && newChannel == null) {
        nextProcessor = (MessageProcessor);
        // transport is found,
        if (nextHop.getTransport().equalsIgnoreCase(nextProcessor.getTransport()) && sourceIpAddress.equals(nextProcessor.getIpAddress().getHostAddress()) && sourcePort == nextProcessor.getPort()) {
            try {
                // Create a channel to the target
                // host/port
                newChannel = nextProcessor.createMessageChannel(targetHostPort);
            } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
                if (stackLogger.isLoggingEnabled())
                throw ex;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                if (stackLogger.isLoggingEnabled())
            // Ignore channel creation error -
            // try next processor
    // Return the newly-created channel
    return newChannel;
Also used : UnknownHostException( HostPort(gov.nist.core.HostPort) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Host(gov.nist.core.Host) IOException(

Example 59 with UnknownHostException

use of in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class PlainDatagramSocketImpl method connect.

public void connect(InetAddress inetAddr, int port) throws SocketException {
    // Throws on failure.
    IoBridge.connect(fd, inetAddr, port);
    try {
        connectedAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(inetAddr.getAddress());
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        // here if the address is not resolvable
        throw new SocketException("Host is unresolved: " + inetAddr.getHostName());
    connectedPort = port;
    isNativeConnected = true;
Also used : SocketException( UnknownHostException(

Example 60 with UnknownHostException

use of in project NoHttp by yanzhenjie.

the class Downloader method download.

public void download(int what, DownloadRequest downloadRequest, DownloadListener downloadListener) {
    validateParam(downloadRequest, downloadListener);
    Connection connection = null;
    RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = null;
    String savePathDir = downloadRequest.getFileDir();
    String fileName = downloadRequest.getFileName();
    try {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(savePathDir))
            savePathDir = NoHttp.getContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
        if (// auto named.
            fileName = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
        File tempFile = new File(savePathDir, fileName + ".nohttp");
        // 断点开始处。
        long rangeSize = handleRange(tempFile, downloadRequest);
        // 连接服务器。
        connection = mHttpConnection.getConnection(downloadRequest);
        Exception exception = connection.exception();
        if (exception != null)
            throw exception;
        Logger.i("----------Response Start----------");
        Headers responseHeaders = connection.responseHeaders();
        int responseCode = responseHeaders.getResponseCode();
        // getList filename from server.
        if (downloadRequest.autoNameByHead()) {
            String contentDisposition = responseHeaders.getContentDisposition();
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(contentDisposition)) {
                fileName = HeaderUtil.parseHeadValue(contentDisposition, "filename", null);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) {
                    try {
                        fileName = URLDecoder.decode(fileName, downloadRequest.getParamsEncoding());
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    // Do nothing.
                    if (fileName.startsWith("\"") && fileName.endsWith("\"")) {
                        fileName = fileName.substring(1, fileName.length() - 1);
            // From url.
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) {
                String tempUrl = downloadRequest.url();
                String[] slash = tempUrl.split("/");
                fileName = slash[slash.length - 1];
                int paramIndex = fileName.indexOf("?");
                if (paramIndex > 0) {
                    fileName = fileName.substring(0, paramIndex);
        InputStream serverStream = connection.serverStream();
        if (responseCode >= 400) {
            ServerError error = new ServerError("Download failed, the server response code is " + responseCode + ": " + downloadRequest.url());
            throw error;
        } else {
            long contentLength;
            // 文件总大小
            if (responseCode == 206) {
                // Content-Range: bytes [文件块的开始字节]-[文件的总大小 - 1]/[文件的总大小]。
                // Sample:Accept-Range:bytes 1024-2047/2048。
                String range = responseHeaders.getContentRange();
                try {
                    // 截取'/'之后的总大小。
                    contentLength = Long.parseLong(range.substring(range.indexOf('/') + 1));
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    throw new ServerError("ResponseCode is 206, but content-Range error in Server HTTP header " + "information: " + range + ".");
            } else if (responseCode == 304) {
                int httpContentLength = responseHeaders.getContentLength();
                downloadListener.onStart(what, true, httpContentLength, responseHeaders, httpContentLength);
                downloadListener.onProgress(what, 100, httpContentLength, 0);
                Logger.d("-------Download finish-------");
                downloadListener.onFinish(what, savePathDir + File.separator + fileName);
            } else {
                // such as: 200.
                // 服务器不支持Range。
                rangeSize = 0L;
                // 直接下载。
                contentLength = responseHeaders.getContentLength();
            // 验证文件已经存在。
            File lastFile = new File(savePathDir, fileName);
            if (lastFile.exists()) {
                if (downloadRequest.isDeleteOld())
                else {
                    downloadListener.onStart(what, true, lastFile.length(), responseHeaders, lastFile.length());
                    downloadListener.onProgress(what, 100, lastFile.length(), 0);
                    Logger.d("-------Download finish-------");
                    downloadListener.onFinish(what, lastFile.getAbsolutePath());
            if (IOUtils.getDirSize(savePathDir) < contentLength)
                throw new StorageSpaceNotEnoughError("The folder is not enough space to save the downloaded file:" + " " + savePathDir + ".");
            // 需要重新下载,生成临时文件。
            if (responseCode != 206 && !IOUtils.createNewFile(tempFile))
                throw new StorageReadWriteError("SD isn't available, please check SD card and permission: " + "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, and you must pay attention to Android6.0 RunTime " + "Permissions:");
            if (downloadRequest.isCanceled()) {
                Log.w("NoHttpDownloader", "Download request is canceled.");
            // 通知开始下载了。
            Logger.d("-------Download start-------");
            downloadListener.onStart(what, rangeSize > 0, rangeSize, responseHeaders, contentLength);
            randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(tempFile, "rws");
            byte[] buffer = new byte[8096];
            int len;
            // 旧的进度记录,防止重复通知。
            int oldProgress = 0;
            // 追加目前已经下载的进度。
            long count = rangeSize;
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long speedCount = 0;
            long oldSpeed = 0;
            while (((len = != -1)) {
                if (downloadRequest.isCanceled()) {
                    Log.i("NoHttpDownloader", "Download request is canceled.");
                } else {
                    randomAccessFile.write(buffer, 0, len);
                    count += len;
                    speedCount += len;
                    long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                    long speed = speedCount * 1000 / time;
                    boolean speedChanged = oldSpeed != speed && time >= 300;
                    Logger.i("speedCount: " + speedCount + "; time: " + time + "; speed: " + speed + "; changed: " + "" + speedChanged);
                    if (contentLength != 0) {
                        int progress = (int) (count * 100 / contentLength);
                        if (progress != oldProgress && speedChanged) {
                            downloadListener.onProgress(what, progress, count, speed);
                            speedCount = 0;
                            oldSpeed = speed;
                            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        } else if (speedChanged) {
                            downloadListener.onProgress(what, oldProgress, count, speed);
                            speedCount = 0;
                            oldSpeed = speed;
                            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        } else if (progress != oldProgress) {
                            downloadListener.onProgress(what, progress, count, oldSpeed);
                        oldProgress = progress;
                    } else if (speedChanged) {
                        downloadListener.onProgress(what, 0, count, speed);
                        speedCount = 0;
                        oldSpeed = speed;
                        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    } else {
                        downloadListener.onProgress(what, 0, count, oldSpeed);
            if (!downloadRequest.isCanceled()) {
                //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
                Logger.d("-------Download finish-------");
                downloadListener.onFinish(what, lastFile.getAbsolutePath());
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        downloadListener.onDownloadError(what, new URLError(e.getMessage()));
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        downloadListener.onDownloadError(what, new UnKnownHostError(e.getMessage()));
    } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
        downloadListener.onDownloadError(what, new TimeoutError(e.getMessage()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Exception newException = e;
        if (!IOUtils.canWrite(savePathDir))
            newException = new StorageReadWriteError("This folder cannot be written to the file: " + savePathDir + ".");
        else if (IOUtils.getDirSize(savePathDir) < 1024)
            newException = new StorageSpaceNotEnoughError("The folder is not enough space to save the downloaded " + "file: " + savePathDir + ".");
        downloadListener.onDownloadError(what, newException);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // NetworkError | ServerError | StorageCantWriteError | StorageSpaceNotEnoughError
        if (!NetUtil.isNetworkAvailable())
            e = new NetworkError("The network is not available.");
        downloadListener.onDownloadError(what, e);
    } finally {
        Logger.i("----------Response End----------");
Also used : MalformedURLException( Headers(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.Headers) URLError(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.error.URLError) UnknownHostException( InputStream( ServerError(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.error.ServerError) StorageReadWriteError(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.error.StorageReadWriteError) Connection(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.Connection) HttpConnection(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.HttpConnection) UnsupportedEncodingException( StorageSpaceNotEnoughError(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.error.StorageSpaceNotEnoughError) NetworkError(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.error.NetworkError) TimeoutError(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.error.TimeoutError) IOException( SocketTimeoutException( MalformedURLException( IOException( UnknownHostException( UnsupportedEncodingException( SocketTimeoutException( RandomAccessFile( UnKnownHostError(com.yanzhenjie.nohttp.error.UnKnownHostError) RandomAccessFile( File(


UnknownHostException ( InetAddress ( IOException ( InetSocketAddress ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)142 SocketException ( Test (org.junit.Test)122 Socket ( URL ( SocketTimeoutException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)71 File ( MalformedURLException ( NetworkInterface ( URI ( ConnectException ( InputStream ( Inet4Address ( Inet6Address ( List (java.util.List)51