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Example 1 with ServiceNotFoundException

use of in project geode by apache.

the class MX4JModelMBean method invoke.

public Object invoke(String method, Object[] arguments, String[] params) throws MBeanException, ReflectionException {
    if (method == null)
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_METHOD_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString()));
    if (arguments == null)
        arguments = new Object[0];
    if (params == null)
        params = new String[0];
    Logger logger = getLogger();
    // Find operation descriptor
    ModelMBeanInfo info = getModelMBeanInfo();
    if (info == null)
        throw new MBeanException(new ServiceNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_MODELMBEANINFO_IS_NULL.toLocalizedString()));
    if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
        logger.debug("ModelMBeanInfo is: " + info);
    // This is a clone, we use it read only
    ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfo = info.getOperation(method);
    if (operInfo == null)
        throw new MBeanException(new ServiceNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_CANNOT_FIND_MODELMBEANOPERATIONINFO_FOR_OPERATION_0.toLocalizedString(method)));
    if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
        logger.debug("Operation info is: " + operInfo);
    // This descriptor is a clone
    Descriptor operationDescriptor = operInfo.getDescriptor();
    if (operationDescriptor == null)
        throw new MBeanException(new ServiceNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_OPERATION_DESCRIPTOR_FOR_OPERATION_0_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString(method)));
    String role = (String) operationDescriptor.getFieldValue("role");
    if (role == null || !role.equals("operation"))
        throw new MBeanException(new ServiceNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_OPERATION_DESCRIPTOR_FIELD_ROLE_MUST_BE_OPERATION_NOT_0.toLocalizedString(role)));
    if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
        logger.debug("Operation descriptor is: " + operationDescriptor);
    // This returns a clone of the mbean descriptor, we use it read only
    Descriptor mbeanDescriptor = info.getMBeanDescriptor();
    if (mbeanDescriptor == null)
        throw new MBeanException(new ServiceNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_MBEAN_DESCRIPTOR_CANNOT_BE_NULL.toLocalizedString()));
    if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
        logger.debug("MBean descriptor is: " + mbeanDescriptor);
    Object returnValue = null;
    String lastUpdateField = "lastReturnedTimeStamp";
    // Check if the method should be invoked given the cache settings
    int staleness = getStaleness(operationDescriptor, mbeanDescriptor, lastUpdateField);
    if (staleness == ALWAYS_STALE || staleness == STALE) {
        if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
            logger.trace("Value is stale");
        // Find parameters classes
        Class[] parameters = null;
        try {
            parameters = Utils.loadClasses(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), params);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
            logger.error(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_CANNOT_FIND_OPERATIONS_PARAMETER_CLASSES, x);
            throw new ReflectionException(x);
        if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
            logger.trace("Invoking operation...");
        // Find target object
        Object target = resolveTargetObject(operationDescriptor);
        returnValue = invokeMethod(target, method, parameters, arguments);
        if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
            logger.debug("Returned value is: " + returnValue);
        if (returnValue != null) {
            Class parameter = returnValue.getClass();
            Class declared = loadClassWithContextClassLoader(operInfo.getReturnType());
            checkAssignability(parameter, declared);
        // Cache the new value only if caching is needed
        if (staleness != ALWAYS_STALE) {
            operationDescriptor.setField("lastReturnedValue", returnValue);
            operationDescriptor.setField(lastUpdateField, Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
            if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE)) {
                logger.trace("Returned value has been cached");
            // And now replace the descriptor with the updated clone
            info.setDescriptor(operationDescriptor, "operation");
        if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
            logger.debug("invoke for operation " + method + " returns invoked value: " + returnValue);
    } else {
        // Return cached value
        returnValue = operationDescriptor.getFieldValue("lastReturnedValue");
        if (returnValue != null) {
            Class parameter = returnValue.getClass();
            Class declared = loadClassWithContextClassLoader(operInfo.getReturnType());
            checkAssignability(parameter, declared);
        if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.DEBUG))
            logger.debug("invoke for operation " + method + " returns cached value: " + returnValue);
    // As an extension, persist this model mbean also after operation invocation, but using only
    // settings provided in the operation descriptor, without falling back to defaults set in
    // the MBean descriptor
    boolean persistNow = shouldPersistNow(operationDescriptor, null, lastUpdateField);
    int impact = operInfo.getImpact();
    if (persistNow && impact != MBeanOperationInfo.INFO) {
        if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
            logger.trace("Persisting this ModelMBean...");
        try {
            if (logger.isEnabledFor(Logger.TRACE))
                logger.trace("ModelMBean persisted successfully");
        } catch (Exception x) {
            logger.error(LocalizedStrings.MX4JModelMBean_CANNOT_STORE_MODELMBEAN_AFTER_OPERATION_INVOCATION, x);
            if (x instanceof MBeanException)
                throw (MBeanException) x;
                throw new MBeanException(x);
    return returnValue;
Also used : ModelMBeanOperationInfo( ReflectionException( Logger(mx4j.log.Logger) FileLogger(mx4j.log.FileLogger) MBeanLogger(mx4j.log.MBeanLogger) ModelMBeanInfo( AttributeNotFoundException( ServiceNotFoundException( MBeanRegistrationException( InstanceNotFoundException( ReflectionException( InvalidTargetObjectTypeException( RuntimeErrorException( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) MalformedObjectNameException( InvalidAttributeValueException( MBeanException( ListenerNotFoundException( ImplementationException(mx4j.ImplementationException) RuntimeOperationsException( ServiceNotFoundException( MBeanException( Descriptor( RuntimeOperationsException(

Example 2 with ServiceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class SnmpMibAgent method setSnmpAdaptorName.

     * Sets the reference to the SNMP protocol adaptor through which the MIB
     * will be SNMP accessible and add this new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler
     * associated to the specified <CODE>name</CODE>.
     * @param name The name of the SNMP protocol adaptor.
     * @exception InstanceNotFoundException The SNMP protocol adaptor does
     *     not exist in the MBean server.
     * @exception ServiceNotFoundException This SNMP MIB is not registered
     *     in the MBean server or the requested service is not supported.
public void setSnmpAdaptorName(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ServiceNotFoundException {
    if (server == null) {
        throw new ServiceNotFoundException(mibName + " is not registered in the MBean server");
    if (adaptor != null) {
    // Then update the reference to the new adaptor server.
    Object[] params = { this };
    String[] signature = { "com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMibAgent" };
    try {
        adaptor = (SnmpMibHandler) (server.invoke(name, "addMib", params, signature));
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
        throw new InstanceNotFoundException(name.toString());
    } catch (ReflectionException e) {
        throw new ServiceNotFoundException(name.toString());
    } catch (MBeanException e) {
    // Should never occur...
    adaptorName = name;
Also used : ReflectionException( ServiceNotFoundException( InstanceNotFoundException( MBeanException(

Example 3 with ServiceNotFoundException

use of in project tomcat by apache.

the class ManagedBean method getInvoke.

public Method getInvoke(String aname, Object[] params, String[] signature, BaseModelMBean bean, Object resource) throws MBeanException, ReflectionException {
    Method method = null;
    if (params == null)
        params = new Object[0];
    if (signature == null)
        signature = new String[0];
    if (params.length != signature.length)
        throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new IllegalArgumentException("Inconsistent arguments and signature"), "Inconsistent arguments and signature");
    // Acquire the ModelMBeanOperationInfo information for
    // the requested operation
    OperationInfo opInfo = operations.get(createOperationKey(aname, signature));
    if (opInfo == null)
        throw new MBeanException(new ServiceNotFoundException("Cannot find operation " + aname), "Cannot find operation " + aname);
    // Prepare the signature required by Java reflection APIs
    // FIXME - should we use the signature from opInfo?
    Class<?>[] types = new Class[signature.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < signature.length; i++) {
        types[i] = BaseModelMBean.getAttributeClass(signature[i]);
    // Locate the method to be invoked, either in this MBean itself
    // or in the corresponding managed resource
    // FIXME - Accessible methods in superinterfaces?
    Object object = null;
    Exception exception = null;
    try {
        object = bean;
        method = object.getClass().getMethod(aname, types);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        exception = e;
    try {
        if ((method == null) && (resource != null)) {
            object = resource;
            method = object.getClass().getMethod(aname, types);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        exception = e;
    if (method == null) {
        throw new ReflectionException(exception, "Cannot find method " + aname + " with this signature");
    return method;
Also used : MBeanOperationInfo( ReflectionException( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) AttributeNotFoundException( ServiceNotFoundException( MBeanException( InstanceNotFoundException( ReflectionException( RuntimeOperationsException( ServiceNotFoundException( MBeanException( RuntimeOperationsException(

Example 4 with ServiceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class SnmpMibAgent method setSnmpAdaptorName.

     * Sets the reference to the SNMP protocol adaptor through which the MIB
     * will be SNMP accessible and add this new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler
     * associated to the specified <CODE>name</CODE>.
     * @param name The name of the SNMP protocol adaptor.
     * @param contextName The MIB context name. If null is passed, will be registered in the default context.
     * @exception InstanceNotFoundException The SNMP protocol adaptor does
     *     not exist in the MBean server.
     * @exception ServiceNotFoundException This SNMP MIB is not registered
     *     in the MBean server or the requested service is not supported.
     * @since 1.5
public void setSnmpAdaptorName(ObjectName name, String contextName) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ServiceNotFoundException {
    if (server == null) {
        throw new ServiceNotFoundException(mibName + " is not registered in the MBean server");
    if (adaptor != null) {
        adaptor.removeMib(this, contextName);
    // Then update the reference to the new adaptor server.
    Object[] params = { this, contextName };
    String[] signature = { "com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMibAgent", "java.lang.String" };
    try {
        adaptor = (SnmpMibHandler) (server.invoke(name, "addMib", params, signature));
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
        throw new InstanceNotFoundException(name.toString());
    } catch (ReflectionException e) {
        throw new ServiceNotFoundException(name.toString());
    } catch (MBeanException e) {
    // Should never occur...
    adaptorName = name;
Also used : ReflectionException( ServiceNotFoundException( InstanceNotFoundException( MBeanException(

Example 5 with ServiceNotFoundException

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class SnmpMibAgent method setSnmpAdaptorName.

     * Sets the reference to the SNMP protocol adaptor through which the MIB
     * will be SNMP accessible and add this new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler
     * associated to the specified <CODE>name</CODE>.
     * This method is to be called to set a specific agent to a specific OID. This can be useful when dealing with MIB overlapping.
     * Some OID can be implemented in more than one MIB. In this case, the OID nearer agent will be used on SNMP operations.
     * @param name The name of the SNMP protocol adaptor.
     * @param oids The set of OIDs this agent implements.
     * @exception InstanceNotFoundException The SNMP protocol adaptor does
     *     not exist in the MBean server.
     * @exception ServiceNotFoundException This SNMP MIB is not registered
     *     in the MBean server or the requested service is not supported.
     * @since 1.5
public void setSnmpAdaptorName(ObjectName name, SnmpOid[] oids) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ServiceNotFoundException {
    if (server == null) {
        throw new ServiceNotFoundException(mibName + " is not registered in the MBean server");
    if (adaptor != null) {
    // Then update the reference to the new adaptor server.
    Object[] params = { this, oids };
    String[] signature = { "com.sun.jmx.snmp.agent.SnmpMibAgent", oids.getClass().getName() };
    try {
        adaptor = (SnmpMibHandler) (server.invoke(name, "addMib", params, signature));
    } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) {
        throw new InstanceNotFoundException(name.toString());
    } catch (ReflectionException e) {
        throw new ServiceNotFoundException(name.toString());
    } catch (MBeanException e) {
    // Should never occur...
    adaptorName = name;
Also used : ReflectionException( ServiceNotFoundException( InstanceNotFoundException( MBeanException(


ServiceNotFoundException ( MBeanException ( ReflectionException ( InstanceNotFoundException ( AttributeNotFoundException ( Descriptor ( RuntimeOperationsException ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)4 InvalidAttributeValueException ( ObjectName ( RuntimeErrorException ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)3 ListenerNotFoundException ( MBeanServer ( IOException ( AccessControlContext ( Date (java.util.Date)2 Attribute ( MBeanRegistrationException ( MLet (