Search in sources :

Example 1 with ObjectFactory

use of javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory in project aries by apache.

the class ObjectFactoryHelper method getObjectInstanceUsingRefAddress.

private Object getObjectInstanceUsingRefAddress(Enumeration<RefAddr> addresses, Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws Exception {
    Object result = null;
    while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
        RefAddr address = addresses.nextElement();
        if (address instanceof StringRefAddr && "URL".equals(address.getType())) {
            String urlScheme = getUrlScheme((String) address.getContent());
            ServicePair<ObjectFactory> factoryService = ContextHelper.getURLObjectFactory(callerContext, urlScheme, environment);
            if (factoryService != null) {
                ObjectFactory factory = factoryService.get();
                String value = (String) address.getContent();
                try {
                    result = factory.getObjectInstance(value, name, nameCtx, environment);
                } finally {
                // loop we are in.
                if (result != null && result != obj) {
    return (result == null) ? obj : result;
Also used : RefAddr(javax.naming.RefAddr) StringRefAddr(javax.naming.StringRefAddr) DirObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.DirObjectFactory) ObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory) StringRefAddr(javax.naming.StringRefAddr)

Example 2 with ObjectFactory

use of javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory in project aries by apache.

the class DirObjectFactoryHelper method getObjectInstanceUsingObjectFactoryBuilders.

private Object getObjectInstanceUsingObjectFactoryBuilders(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment, Attributes attrs) throws Exception {
    ObjectFactory factory = null;
    ServiceReference[] refs = Utils.getReferencesPrivileged(callerContext, ObjectFactoryBuilder.class);
    if (refs != null) {
        Arrays.sort(refs, Utils.SERVICE_REFERENCE_COMPARATOR);
        for (ServiceReference ref : refs) {
            ObjectFactoryBuilder builder = (ObjectFactoryBuilder) Utils.getServicePrivileged(callerContext, ref);
            try {
                factory = builder.createObjectFactory(obj, environment);
            } catch (NamingException e) {
            // TODO: log it
            } finally {
            if (factory != null) {
    Object result = null;
    if (factory != null) {
        if (factory instanceof DirObjectFactory) {
            result = ((DirObjectFactory) factory).getObjectInstance(obj, name, nameCtx, environment, attrs);
        } else {
            result = factory.getObjectInstance(obj, name, nameCtx, environment);
    return (result == null) ? obj : result;
Also used : DirObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.DirObjectFactory) ObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory) ObjectFactoryBuilder(javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactoryBuilder) NamingException(javax.naming.NamingException) DirObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.DirObjectFactory) ServiceReference(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference)

Example 3 with ObjectFactory

use of javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class LdapCtxFactory method getObjectInstance.

// ----------------- ObjectFactory interface --------------------
public Object getObjectInstance(Object ref, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> env) throws Exception {
    if (!isLdapRef(ref)) {
        return null;
    ObjectFactory factory = new ldapURLContextFactory();
    String[] urls = getURLs((Reference) ref);
    return factory.getObjectInstance(urls, name, nameCtx, env);
Also used : com.sun.jndi.url.ldap.ldapURLContextFactory(com.sun.jndi.url.ldap.ldapURLContextFactory) ObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory)

Example 4 with ObjectFactory

use of javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory in project derby by apache.

the class DataSourceReferenceTest method assertDataSourceReferencePopulated.

 * Make sure it is possible to recreate and serialize/deserialize a
 * populated data source.
 * <p>
 * Populated means the various bean properties have non-default
 * values set.
 * @param dsDesc data source descriptor
 * @param className data source class name
 * @throws Exception on a wide variety of error conditions...
private void assertDataSourceReferencePopulated(DataSourceDescriptor dsDesc, String className) throws Exception {
    println("Testing recreated populated data source.");
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
    Object ds = clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
    // Populate the data source.
    Iterator propIter = dsDesc.getPropertyIterator();
    while (propIter.hasNext()) {
        String property = (String);
        String value = dsDesc.getPropertyValue(property);
        Method getMethod = getGet(property, ds);
        Method setMethod = getSet(getMethod, ds);
        Class paramType = getMethod.getReturnType();
        if (paramType.equals(Integer.TYPE)) {
            setMethod.invoke(ds, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(value) });
        } else if (paramType.equals(String.class)) {
            setMethod.invoke(ds, new Object[] { value });
        } else if (paramType.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) {
            setMethod.invoke(ds, new Object[] { Boolean.valueOf(value) });
        } else if (paramType.equals(Short.TYPE)) {
            setMethod.invoke(ds, new Object[] { Short.valueOf(value) });
        } else if (paramType.equals(Long.TYPE)) {
            setMethod.invoke(ds, new Object[] { Long.valueOf(value) });
        } else {
            fail("'" + property + "' not settable - update test!!");
    Referenceable refDs = (Referenceable) ds;
    Reference dsAsReference = refDs.getReference();
    String factoryClassName = dsAsReference.getFactoryClassName();
    clazz = Class.forName(factoryClassName);
    ObjectFactory factory = (ObjectFactory) clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
    Object recreatedDs = factory.getObjectInstance(dsAsReference, null, null, null);
    // Recreated should not be same instance as original.
    assertNotSame(recreatedDs, ds);
    compareDataSources(dsDesc, ds, recreatedDs, false);
    // Serialize and recreate.
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
    recreatedDs = ois.readObject();
    compareDataSources(dsDesc, ds, recreatedDs, false);
Also used : Reference(javax.naming.Reference) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ByteArrayOutputStream( ObjectOutputStream( Referenceable(javax.naming.Referenceable) ObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory) ByteArrayInputStream( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ObjectInputStream(

Example 5 with ObjectFactory

use of javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory in project derby by apache.

the class DataSourceReferenceTest method assertDataSourceReferenceEmpty.

 * Make sure it is possible to create a new data source using
 * <code>Referencable</code>, that the new instance has the correct
 * default values set for the bean properties and finally that the
 * data source can be serialized/deserialized.
 * @param dsDesc data source descriptor
 * @param className data source class name
 * @throws Exception on a wide variety of error conditions...
private void assertDataSourceReferenceEmpty(DataSourceDescriptor dsDesc, String className) throws Exception {
    println("Testing recreated empty data source.");
    // Create an empty data source.
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
    Object ds = clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
    Referenceable refDs = (Referenceable) ds;
    Reference dsAsReference = refDs.getReference();
    String factoryClassName = dsAsReference.getFactoryClassName();
    clazz = Class.forName(factoryClassName);
    ObjectFactory factory = (ObjectFactory) clazz.getConstructor().newInstance();
    Object recreatedDs = factory.getObjectInstance(dsAsReference, null, null, null);
    // Empty, recreated data source should not be the same as the one we
    // created earlier on.
    assertNotNull("Recreated datasource is <null>", recreatedDs);
    assertNotSame(recreatedDs, ds);
    compareDataSources(dsDesc, ds, recreatedDs, true);
    // Serialize and recreate data source with default values.
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
    recreatedDs = ois.readObject();
    compareDataSources(dsDesc, ds, recreatedDs, true);
Also used : Referenceable(javax.naming.Referenceable) ObjectFactory(javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory) ByteArrayInputStream( Reference(javax.naming.Reference) ByteArrayOutputStream( ObjectOutputStream( ObjectInputStream(


ObjectFactory (javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory)59 Reference (javax.naming.Reference)22 NamingException (javax.naming.NamingException)21 Test (org.junit.Test)16 DirObjectFactory (javax.naming.spi.DirObjectFactory)14 RefAddr (javax.naming.RefAddr)12 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)10 BundleContext (org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)9 Context (javax.naming.Context)7 MethodCall (org.apache.aries.unittest.mocks.MethodCall)6 ServiceAwareObjectFactory ( Name (javax.naming.Name)5 Referenceable (javax.naming.Referenceable)5 ServiceReference (org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference)5 InitialContext (javax.naming.InitialContext)4 StringRefAddr (javax.naming.StringRefAddr)4 InitialLdapContext (javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext)4 LdapContext (javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext)4 Properties (java.util.Properties)3 ObjectFactoryBuilder (javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactoryBuilder)3