use of org.apache.camel.processor.InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge in project camel by apache.
the class DefaultChannel method initChannel.
public void initChannel(ProcessorDefinition<?> outputDefinition, RouteContext routeContext) throws Exception {
this.routeContext = routeContext;
this.definition = outputDefinition;
this.camelContext = routeContext.getCamelContext();
Processor target = nextProcessor;
Processor next;
// init CamelContextAware as early as possible on target
if (target instanceof CamelContextAware) {
((CamelContextAware) target).setCamelContext(camelContext);
// the definition to wrap should be the fine grained,
// so if a child is set then use it, if not then its the original output used
ProcessorDefinition<?> targetOutputDef = childDefinition != null ? childDefinition : outputDefinition;
LOG.debug("Initialize channel for target: '{}'", targetOutputDef);
// ideally we need the design time route -> runtime route to be a 2-phase pass (scheduled work for Camel 3.0)
if (childDefinition != null && outputDefinition != childDefinition) {
// force the creation of an id
RouteDefinitionHelper.forceAssignIds(routeContext.getCamelContext(), definition);
// first wrap the output with the managed strategy if any
InterceptStrategy managed = routeContext.getManagedInterceptStrategy();
if (managed != null) {
next = target == nextProcessor ? null : nextProcessor;
target = managed.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(routeContext.getCamelContext(), targetOutputDef, target, next);
// then wrap the output with the backlog and tracer (backlog first, as we do not want regular tracer to tracer the backlog)
InterceptStrategy tracer = getOrCreateBacklogTracer();
if (tracer instanceof BacklogTracer) {
BacklogTracer backlogTracer = (BacklogTracer) tracer;
RouteDefinition route = ProcessorDefinitionHelper.getRoute(definition);
boolean first = false;
if (route != null && !route.getOutputs().isEmpty()) {
first = route.getOutputs().get(0) == definition;
addAdvice(new BacklogTracerAdvice(backlogTracer, targetOutputDef, route, first));
// add debugger as well so we have both tracing and debugging out of the box
InterceptStrategy debugger = getOrCreateBacklogDebugger();
if (debugger instanceof BacklogDebugger) {
BacklogDebugger backlogDebugger = (BacklogDebugger) debugger;
addAdvice(new BacklogDebuggerAdvice(backlogDebugger, target, targetOutputDef));
if (routeContext.isMessageHistory()) {
// add message history advice
MessageHistoryFactory factory = camelContext.getMessageHistoryFactory();
addAdvice(new MessageHistoryAdvice(factory, targetOutputDef));
// the regular tracer is not a task on internalProcessor as this is not really needed
// end users have to explicit enable the tracer to use it, and then its okay if we wrap
// the processors (but by default tracer is disabled, and therefore we do not wrap processors)
tracer = getOrCreateTracer();
if (tracer != null) {
TraceInterceptor trace = (TraceInterceptor) tracer.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(routeContext.getCamelContext(), targetOutputDef, target, null);
// trace interceptor need to have a reference to route context so we at runtime can enable/disable tracing on-the-fly
target = trace;
// sort interceptors according to ordered
interceptors.sort(new OrderedComparator());
// then reverse list so the first will be wrapped last, as it would then be first being invoked
// wrap the output with the configured interceptors
for (InterceptStrategy strategy : interceptors) {
next = target == nextProcessor ? null : nextProcessor;
// skip tracer as we did the specially beforehand and it could potentially be added as an interceptor strategy
if (strategy instanceof Tracer) {
// skip stream caching as it must be wrapped as outer most, which we do later
if (strategy instanceof StreamCaching) {
// use the fine grained definition (eg the child if available). Its always possible to get back to the parent
Processor wrapped = strategy.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(routeContext.getCamelContext(), targetOutputDef, target, next);
if (!(wrapped instanceof AsyncProcessor)) {
LOG.warn("Interceptor: " + strategy + " at: " + outputDefinition + " does not return an AsyncProcessor instance." + " This causes the asynchronous routing engine to not work as optimal as possible." + " See more details at the InterceptStrategy javadoc." + " Camel will use a bridge to adapt the interceptor to the asynchronous routing engine," + " but its not the most optimal solution. Please consider changing your interceptor to comply.");
// use a bridge and wrap again which allows us to adapt and leverage the asynchronous routing engine anyway
// however its not the most optimal solution, but we can still run.
InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge bridge = new InterceptorToAsyncProcessorBridge(target);
wrapped = strategy.wrapProcessorInInterceptors(routeContext.getCamelContext(), targetOutputDef, bridge, next);
// Avoid the stack overflow
if (!wrapped.equals(bridge)) {
} else {
// Just skip the wrapped processor
wrapped = bridge;
if (!(wrapped instanceof WrapProcessor)) {
// wrap the target so it becomes a service and we can manage its lifecycle
wrapped = new WrapProcessor(wrapped, target);
target = wrapped;
if (routeContext.isStreamCaching()) {
addAdvice(new StreamCachingAdvice(camelContext.getStreamCachingStrategy()));
if (routeContext.getDelayer() != null && routeContext.getDelayer() > 0) {
addAdvice(new DelayerAdvice(routeContext.getDelayer()));
// sets the delegate to our wrapped output
output = target;