use of org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable in project cloudstack by apache.
the class ConsoleProxyResource method launchConsoleProxy.
private void launchConsoleProxy(final byte[] ksBits, final String ksPassword, final String encryptorPassword) {
final Object resource = this;
if (_consoleProxyMain == null) {
_consoleProxyMain = new Thread(new ManagedContextRunnable() {
protected void runInContext() {
try {
Class<?> consoleProxyClazz = Class.forName("");
try {"Invoke setEncryptorPassword(), ecnryptorPassword: " + encryptorPassword);
Method methodSetup = consoleProxyClazz.getMethod("setEncryptorPassword", String.class);
methodSetup.invoke(null, encryptorPassword);"Invoke startWithContext()");
Method method = consoleProxyClazz.getMethod("startWithContext", Properties.class, Object.class, byte[].class, String.class);
method.invoke(null, _properties, resource, ksBits, ksPassword);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to SecurityException", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to NoSuchMethodException", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalArgumentException", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalAccessException", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to InvocationTargetException " + e.getTargetException().toString(), e);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to ClassNotFoundException");
}, "Console-Proxy-Main");
} else {" is already running");
try {
Class<?> consoleProxyClazz = Class.forName("");
Method methodSetup = consoleProxyClazz.getMethod("setEncryptorPassword", String.class);
methodSetup.invoke(null, encryptorPassword);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to SecurityException", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to NoSuchMethodException", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalArgumentException", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalAccessException", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to InvocationTargetException " + e.getTargetException().toString(), e);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to ClassNotFoundException", e);
use of org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable in project cloudstack by apache.
the class AsyncJobManagerImpl method getHeartbeatTask.
private Runnable getHeartbeatTask() {
return new ManagedContextRunnable() {
protected void runInContext() {
GlobalLock scanLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock("AsyncJobManagerHeartbeat");
try {
try {
} finally {
} finally {
protected void reallyRun() {
try {
List<SyncQueueItemVO> l = _queueMgr.dequeueFromAny(getMsid(), MAX_ONETIME_SCHEDULE_SIZE);
if (l != null && l.size() > 0) {
for (SyncQueueItemVO item : l) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Execute sync-queue item: " + item.toString());
executeQueueItem(item, false);
List<Long> standaloneWakeupJobs = wakeupScan();
for (Long jobId : standaloneWakeupJobs) {
// TODO, we assume that all jobs in this category is API job only
AsyncJobVO job = _jobDao.findById(jobId);
if (job != null && (job.getPendingSignals() & AsyncJob.Constants.SIGNAL_MASK_WAKEUP) != 0)
scheduleExecution(job, false);
} catch (Throwable e) {
s_logger.error("Unexpected exception when trying to execute queue item, ", e);
use of org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable in project cloudstack by apache.
the class AsyncJobManagerImpl method getExecutorRunnable.
private Runnable getExecutorRunnable(final AsyncJob job) {
return new ManagedContextRunnable() {
public void run() {
// register place-holder context to avoid installing system account call context
if (CallContext.current() == null)
String related = job.getRelated();
String logContext = job.getShortUuid();
if (related != null && !related.isEmpty()) {
NDC.push("job-" + related + "/" + "job-" + job.getId());
AsyncJob relatedJob = _jobDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(Long.parseLong(related));
if (relatedJob != null) {
logContext = relatedJob.getShortUuid();
} else {
NDC.push("job-" + job.getId());
MDC.put("logcontextid", logContext);
try {;
} finally {
protected void runInContext() {
long runNumber = getJobRunNumber();
try {
try {
JmxUtil.registerMBean("AsyncJobManager", "Active Job " + job.getId(), new AsyncJobMBeanImpl(job));
} catch (Exception e) {
// is expected to fail under situations
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("Unable to register active job " + job.getId() + " to JMX monitoring due to exception " + ExceptionUtil.toString(e));
_jobMonitor.registerActiveTask(runNumber, job.getId());
AsyncJobExecutionContext.setCurrentExecutionContext(new AsyncJobExecutionContext(job));
String related = job.getRelated();
String logContext = job.getShortUuid();
if (related != null && !related.isEmpty()) {
AsyncJob relatedJob = _jobDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(Long.parseLong(related));
if (relatedJob != null) {
logContext = relatedJob.getShortUuid();
MDC.put("logcontextid", logContext);
// execute the job
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Executing " + StringUtils.cleanString(job.toString()));
if ((getAndResetPendingSignals(job) & AsyncJob.Constants.SIGNAL_MASK_WAKEUP) != 0) {
AsyncJobDispatcher jobDispatcher = findWakeupDispatcher(job);
if (jobDispatcher != null) {
} else {
// TODO, job wakeup is not in use yet
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("Unable to find a wakeup dispatcher from the joined job: " + job);
} else {
AsyncJobDispatcher jobDispatcher = getDispatcher(job.getDispatcher());
if (jobDispatcher != null) {
} else {
s_logger.error("Unable to find job dispatcher, job will be cancelled");
completeAsyncJob(job.getId(), JobInfo.Status.FAILED, ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR.getHttpCode(), null);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Done executing " + job.getCmd() + " for job-" + job.getId());
} catch (Throwable e) {
s_logger.error("Unexpected exception", e);
completeAsyncJob(job.getId(), JobInfo.Status.FAILED, ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR.getHttpCode(), null);
} finally {
// guard final clause as well
try {
if (job.getSyncSource() != null) {
// here check queue item one more time to double make sure that queue item is removed in case of any uncaught exception
try {
JmxUtil.unregisterMBean("AsyncJobManager", "Active Job " + job.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
// is expected to fail under situations
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("Unable to unregister job " + job.getId() + " to JMX monitoring due to exception " + ExceptionUtil.toString(e));
// clean execution environment
} catch (Throwable e) {
s_logger.error("Double exception", e);
use of org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable in project cloudstack by apache.
the class ConsoleProxyResource method launchConsoleProxy.
private void launchConsoleProxy(final byte[] ksBits, final String ksPassword, final String encryptorPassword, final Boolean isSourceIpCheckEnabled) {
final Object resource = this;"Building class loader for");
if (_consoleProxyMain == null) {"Running with encryptor password=" + encryptorPassword);
_consoleProxyMain = new Thread(new ManagedContextRunnable() {
protected void runInContext() {
try {
Class<?> consoleProxyClazz = Class.forName("");
try {"Invoke startWithContext()");
Method method = consoleProxyClazz.getMethod("startWithContext", Properties.class, Object.class, byte[].class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.class);
method.invoke(null, _properties, resource, ksBits, ksPassword, encryptorPassword, isSourceIpCheckEnabled);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to SecurityException", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to NoSuchMethodException", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalArgumentException", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalAccessException", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to InvocationTargetException " + e.getTargetException().toString(), e);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to ClassNotFoundException");
}, "Console-Proxy-Main");
} else {" is already running");
try {
Class<?> consoleProxyClazz = Class.forName("");
Method methodSetup = consoleProxyClazz.getMethod("setEncryptorPassword", String.class);
methodSetup.invoke(null, encryptorPassword);
methodSetup = consoleProxyClazz.getMethod("setIsSourceIpCheckEnabled", Boolean.class);
methodSetup.invoke(null, isSourceIpCheckEnabled);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to SecurityException", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to NoSuchMethodException", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalArgumentException", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to IllegalAccessException", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to InvocationTargetException " + e.getTargetException().toString(), e);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
s_logger.error("Unable to launch console proxy due to ClassNotFoundException", e);
use of org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable in project cloudstack by apache.
the class ClusteredAgentManagerImpl method getTransferScanTask.
private Runnable getTransferScanTask() {
return new ManagedContextRunnable() {
protected void runInContext() {
try {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
s_logger.trace("Clustered agent transfer scan check, management server id:" + _nodeId);
synchronized (_agentToTransferIds) {
if (_agentToTransferIds.size() > 0) {
s_logger.debug("Found " + _agentToTransferIds.size() + " agents to transfer");
// for (Long hostId : _agentToTransferIds) {
for (final Iterator<Long> iterator = _agentToTransferIds.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
final Long hostId =;
final AgentAttache attache = findAttache(hostId);
// if the thread:
// 1) timed out waiting for the host to reconnect
// 2) recipient management server is not active any more
// 3) if the management server doesn't own the host any more
// remove the host from re-balance list and delete from op_host_transfer DB
// no need to do anything with the real attache as we haven't modified it yet
final Date cutTime = DateUtil.currentGMTTime();
final HostTransferMapVO transferMap = _hostTransferDao.findActiveHostTransferMapByHostId(hostId, new Date(cutTime.getTime() - rebalanceTimeOut));
if (transferMap == null) {
s_logger.debug("Timed out waiting for the host id=" + hostId + " to be ready to transfer, skipping rebalance for the host");
if (transferMap.getInitialOwner() != _nodeId || attache == null || attache.forForward()) {
s_logger.debug("Management server " + _nodeId + " doesn't own host id=" + hostId + " any more, skipping rebalance for the host");
final ManagementServerHostVO ms = _mshostDao.findByMsid(transferMap.getFutureOwner());
if (ms != null && ms.getState() != ManagementServerHost.State.Up) {
s_logger.debug("Can't transfer host " + hostId + " as it's future owner is not in UP state: " + ms + ", skipping rebalance for the host");
if (attache.getQueueSize() == 0 && attache.getNonRecurringListenersSize() == 0) {
try {
_executor.execute(new RebalanceTask(hostId, transferMap.getInitialOwner(), transferMap.getFutureOwner()));
} catch (final RejectedExecutionException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to submit rebalance task for host id=" + hostId + "; postponing the execution");
} else {
s_logger.debug("Agent " + hostId + " can't be transfered yet as its request queue size is " + attache.getQueueSize() + " and listener queue size is " + attache.getNonRecurringListenersSize());
} else {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
s_logger.trace("Found no agents to be transfered by the management server " + _nodeId);
} catch (final Throwable e) {
s_logger.error("Problem with the clustered agent transfer scan check!", e);