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Example 1 with CommandProcessingException

use of in project geode by apache.

the class GfshExecutionStrategy method execute.

//////////////// ExecutionStrategy interface Methods Start ///////////////////
///////////////////////// Implemented Methods ////////////////////////////////
   * Executes the method indicated by the {@link ParseResult} which would always be
   * {@link GfshParseResult} for GemFire defined commands. If the command Method is decorated with
   * {@link CliMetaData#shellOnly()} set to <code>false</code>, {@link OperationInvoker} is used to
   * send the command for processing on a remote GemFire node.
   * @param parseResult that should be executed (never presented as null)
   * @return an object which will be rendered by the {@link Shell} implementation (may return null)
   * @throws RuntimeException which is handled by the {@link Shell} implementation
public Object execute(ParseResult parseResult) {
    Result result = null;
    Method method = parseResult.getMethod();
    try {
        // Check if it's a multi-step command
        MultiStepCommand cmd = method.getAnnotation(MultiStepCommand.class);
        if (cmd != null) {
            return execCLISteps(logWrapper, shell, parseResult);
        // check if it's a shell only command
        if (isShellOnly(method)) {
            Assert.notNull(parseResult, "Parse result required");
            synchronized (mutex) {
                Assert.isTrue(isReadyForCommands(), "ProcessManagerHostedExecutionStrategy not yet ready for commands");
                return ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(parseResult.getMethod(), parseResult.getInstance(), parseResult.getArguments());
        // check if it's a GfshParseResult
        if (!GfshParseResult.class.isInstance(parseResult)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration error!");
        result = executeOnRemote((GfshParseResult) parseResult);
    } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
        result = ResultBuilder.createGemFireUnAuthorizedErrorResult("Unauthorized. Reason: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (JMXInvocationException | IllegalStateException e) {
        Gfsh.getCurrentInstance().logWarning(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (CommandProcessingException e) {
        Gfsh.getCurrentInstance().logWarning(e.getMessage(), null);
        Object errorData = e.getErrorData();
        if (errorData != null && errorData instanceof Throwable) {
            logWrapper.warning(e.getMessage(), (Throwable) errorData);
        } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Gfsh.getCurrentInstance().logWarning("Unexpected exception occurred. " + e.getMessage(), e);
        // Log other exceptions in gfsh log
        logWrapper.warning("Unexpected error occurred while executing command : " + ((GfshParseResult) parseResult).getUserInput(), e);
    return result;
Also used : MultiStepCommand( GfshParseResult( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) NotAuthorizedException( CommandProcessingException( NotAuthorizedException( CommandProcessingException( ParseResult( GfshParseResult( Result( FileResult(

Example 2 with CommandProcessingException

use of in project geode by apache.

the class ScriptExecutionDetails method executeScript.

public Result executeScript(File scriptFile, boolean quiet, boolean continueOnError) {
    Result result = null;
    String initialIsQuiet = getEnvProperty(ENV_APP_QUIET_EXECUTION);
    try {
        this.isScriptRunning = true;
        if (scriptFile == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given script file is null.");
        } else if (!scriptFile.exists()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given script file does not exist.");
        } else if (scriptFile.exists() && scriptFile.isDirectory()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(scriptFile.getPath() + " is a directory.");
        ScriptExecutionDetails scriptInfo = new ScriptExecutionDetails(scriptFile.getPath());
        if (scriptFile.exists()) {
            setEnvProperty(ENV_APP_QUIET_EXECUTION, String.valueOf(quiet));
            this.supressScriptCmdOutput = quiet;
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(scriptFile));
            String lineRead = "";
            StringBuilder linesBuffer = new StringBuilder();
            // used to check whether the string in a buffer contains a
            String linesBufferString = "";
            // ";".
            int commandSrNum = 0;
            CommentSkipHelper commentSkipper = new CommentSkipHelper();
            LINEREAD_LOOP: while (exitShellRequest == null && (lineRead = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                if (linesBuffer == null) {
                    linesBuffer = new StringBuilder();
                String lineWithoutComments = commentSkipper.skipComments(lineRead);
                if (lineWithoutComments == null || lineWithoutComments.isEmpty()) {
                if (linesBuffer.length() != 0) {
                    // add " " between lines
                    linesBuffer.append(" ");
                linesBufferString = linesBuffer.toString();
                // NOTE: Similar code is in promptLoop()
                if (!linesBufferString.endsWith(GfshParser.CONTINUATION_CHARACTER)) {
                    // see 45893
                    // String command = null;
                    List<String> commandList = MultiCommandHelper.getMultipleCommands(linesBufferString);
                    for (String cmdLet : commandList) {
                        if (!cmdLet.isEmpty()) {
                            String redactedCmdLet = ArgumentRedactor.redact(cmdLet);
                            Gfsh.println(commandSrNum + ". Executing - " + redactedCmdLet);
                            boolean executeSuccess = executeScriptLine(cmdLet);
                            if (!executeSuccess) {
                            scriptInfo.addCommandAndStatus(cmdLet, getLastExecutionStatus() == -1 || getLastExecutionStatus() == -2 ? "FAILED" : "PASSED");
                            if ((getLastExecutionStatus() == -1 || getLastExecutionStatus() == -2) && !continueOnError) {
                                break LINEREAD_LOOP;
                    // reset buffer
                    linesBuffer = null;
                    linesBufferString = null;
                } else {
                    linesBuffer.deleteCharAt(linesBuffer.length() - 1);
        } else {
            throw new CommandProcessingException(scriptFile.getPath() + " doesn't exist.", CommandProcessingException.ARGUMENT_INVALID, scriptFile);
        result = scriptInfo.getResult();
        scriptInfo.logScriptExecutionInfo(gfshFileLogger, result);
        if (quiet) {
            // Create empty result when in quiet mode
            result = ResultBuilder.createInfoResult("");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CommandProcessingException("Error while reading file " + scriptFile, CommandProcessingException.RESOURCE_ACCESS_ERROR, e);
    } finally {
        // reset to original Quiet Execution value
        setEnvProperty(ENV_APP_QUIET_EXECUTION, initialIsQuiet);
        this.isScriptRunning = false;
    return result;
Also used : BufferedReader( CommentSkipHelper( FileReader( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CommandProcessingException( IOException( Result( CommandResult(

Example 3 with CommandProcessingException

use of in project geode by apache.

the class CommandProcessor method executeCommand.

public Result executeCommand(CommandStatement cmdStmt) {
    Object result = null;
    Result commandResult = null;
    CommentSkipHelper commentSkipper = new CommentSkipHelper();
    String commentLessLine = commentSkipper.skipComments(cmdStmt.getCommandString());
    if (commentLessLine != null && !commentLessLine.isEmpty()) {
        final RemoteExecutionStrategy executionStrategy = getExecutionStrategy();
        try {
            ParseResult parseResult = ((CommandStatementImpl) cmdStmt).getParseResult();
            if (parseResult == null) {
                parseResult = parseCommand(commentLessLine);
                if (parseResult == null) {
                    // TODO-Abhishek: Handle this in GfshParser Implementation
                    return ResultBuilder.createParsingErrorResult(cmdStmt.getCommandString());
                ((CommandStatementImpl) cmdStmt).setParseResult(parseResult);
            // do general authorization check here
            Method method = parseResult.getMethod();
            ResourceOperation resourceOperation = method.getAnnotation(ResourceOperation.class);
            result = executionStrategy.execute(parseResult);
            if (result instanceof Result) {
                commandResult = (Result) result;
            } else {
                if (logWrapper.fineEnabled()) {
                    logWrapper.fine("Unknown result type, using toString : " + String.valueOf(result));
                commandResult = ResultBuilder.createInfoResult(String.valueOf(result));
        } catch (CommandProcessingException e) {
            // expected from Parser
            if (logWrapper.infoEnabled()) {
      "Could not parse \"" + cmdStmt.getCommandString() + "\".", e);
            return ResultBuilder.createParsingErrorResult(e.getMessage());
        } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
            if (logWrapper.infoEnabled()) {
      "Could not execute \"" + cmdStmt.getCommandString() + "\".", e);
            // for NotAuthorizedException, will catch this later in the code
            throw e;
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            if (logWrapper.infoEnabled()) {
      "Could not execute \"" + cmdStmt.getCommandString() + "\".", e);
            return ResultBuilder.createGemFireErrorResult("Error while processing command <" + cmdStmt.getCommandString() + "> Reason : " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (logWrapper.warningEnabled()) {
                logWrapper.warning("Could not execute \"" + cmdStmt.getCommandString() + "\".", e);
            return ResultBuilder.createGemFireErrorResult("Unexpected error while processing command <" + cmdStmt.getCommandString() + "> Reason : " + e.getMessage());
        if (logWrapper.fineEnabled()) {
            logWrapper.fine("Executed " + commentLessLine);
    return commandResult;
Also used : ParseResult( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) CommandProcessingException( NotAuthorizedException( IOException( NotAuthorizedException( CommandProcessingException( ParseResult( Result( CommentSkipHelper( ResourceOperation(


CommandProcessingException ( Result ( IOException ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)2 CommentSkipHelper ( NotAuthorizedException ( ParseResult ( BufferedReader ( FileReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 GfshParseResult ( MultiStepCommand ( CommandResult ( FileResult ( ResourceOperation (