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Example 1 with Values

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class ZombieJob method getTaskInfo.

private TaskInfo getTaskInfo(LoggedTask loggedTask) {
    if (loggedTask == null) {
        return new TaskInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    List<LoggedTaskAttempt> attempts = loggedTask.getAttempts();
    long inputBytes = -1;
    long inputRecords = -1;
    long outputBytes = -1;
    long outputRecords = -1;
    long heapMegabytes = -1;
    ResourceUsageMetrics metrics = new ResourceUsageMetrics();
    Values type = loggedTask.getTaskType();
    if ((type != Values.MAP) && (type != Values.REDUCE)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("getTaskInfo only supports MAP or REDUCE tasks: " + type.toString() + " for task = " + loggedTask.getTaskID());
    for (LoggedTaskAttempt attempt : attempts) {
        attempt = sanitizeLoggedTaskAttempt(attempt);
        // ignore bad attempts or unsuccessful attempts.
        if ((attempt == null) || (attempt.getResult() != Values.SUCCESS)) {
        if (type == Values.MAP) {
            inputBytes = attempt.getHdfsBytesRead();
            inputRecords = attempt.getMapInputRecords();
            outputBytes = (job.getTotalReduces() > 0) ? attempt.getMapOutputBytes() : attempt.getHdfsBytesWritten();
            outputRecords = attempt.getMapOutputRecords();
            heapMegabytes = (job.getJobMapMB() > 0) ? job.getJobMapMB() : job.getHeapMegabytes();
        } else {
            inputBytes = attempt.getReduceShuffleBytes();
            inputRecords = attempt.getReduceInputRecords();
            outputBytes = attempt.getHdfsBytesWritten();
            outputRecords = attempt.getReduceOutputRecords();
            heapMegabytes = (job.getJobReduceMB() > 0) ? job.getJobReduceMB() : job.getHeapMegabytes();
        // set the resource usage metrics
        metrics = attempt.getResourceUsageMetrics();
    TaskInfo taskInfo = new TaskInfo(inputBytes, (int) inputRecords, outputBytes, (int) outputRecords, (int) heapMegabytes, metrics);
    return taskInfo;
Also used : Values(


Values (