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Example 1 with ImmutableACL

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class AccessControlManagerImpl method createACL.

private JackrabbitAccessControlList createACL(@Nullable String oakPath, @Nonnull Tree accessControlledTree, boolean isEffectivePolicy, @CheckForNull Predicate<ACE> predicate) throws RepositoryException {
    JackrabbitAccessControlList acl = null;
    String aclName = Util.getAclName(oakPath);
    if (accessControlledTree.exists() && Util.isAccessControlled(oakPath, accessControlledTree, ntMgr)) {
        Tree aclTree = accessControlledTree.getChild(aclName);
        if (aclTree.exists()) {
            List<ACE> entries = new ArrayList<ACE>();
            for (Tree child : aclTree.getChildren()) {
                if (Util.isACE(child, ntMgr)) {
                    ACE ace = createACE(oakPath, child, restrictionProvider);
                    if (predicate == null || predicate.apply(ace)) {
            if (isEffectivePolicy) {
                acl = new ImmutableACL(oakPath, entries, restrictionProvider, getNamePathMapper());
            } else {
                acl = new NodeACL(oakPath, entries);
    return acl;
Also used : ACE( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Tree(org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree) ImmutableACL( JackrabbitAccessControlList( CheckForNull(javax.annotation.CheckForNull)


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 CheckForNull (javax.annotation.CheckForNull)1 JackrabbitAccessControlList ( Tree (org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree)1 ACE ( ImmutableACL (